
Introspection Quotes

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"It's clear that you've spent a lot of time alone... I don't think about it, I just know I have to do it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're complex, but the beauty of it all is the complexity is within us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you listen, people talk; if they talk honestly, they're thinking; if they think, their stupid thoughts can die instead of them."
"If you knew right now that this is the last month, what would matter to you?"
"Sometimes, that dark thought or the heaviness of or weight of the world sometimes kind of taints the light, you know what I mean, and I think that sometimes we forget about the light, but the light is the thing that keeps us going."
"We all have reservoirs of life to draw upon, of which we do not dream."
"The observations that you make about yourself are not signs that you're broken; they're clues as to how you work."
"Creative insights that reflect on your life, introspection about memories, dreams, and hopes for the future, so there is still a very real role for the mind."
"In order to know and accept ourselves fully, we need to understand why we think and feel the way we do."
"All I know is hide, and all hide knows is me. Am I hide? Is hide me? What is the meaning of hide?"
"To get to the root, you've got to help that kid within you."
"Solitude is more than just being alone; it is a state of being, an experience where one can be alone with their thoughts, disconnected from the chaos of the outside world, a sanctuary of self-reflection and introspection."
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."
"I moved back home to my family's house, no friends, no girlfriend, no nothing, and I literally just started meditating and reading books."
"It's interesting what introspection can do. I need to meditate more too. I think that's another thing I need to pick up more. I'm really bad at that, as meditation."
"Be still, vision and create, nurture and manifest."
"The delightful laughter at the end of your sentence probably tells you the answer that you know."
"All the answers to life that you seek out there somewhere are really all inside you."
"Self-reflection, introspection, and a lot of humility will go a long way for every human, journalist or not."
"I love everything about me, but I know I have things I need to work on."
"I think it's a very important thing to be aware of yourself."
"Instead of judging them, what you do is you turn it back on yourself."
"The greatest self-deception is that you are real, important, and must survive."
"The thing that you started this off, the only thing that matters is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"The deeper you go within yourself the clearer things will be...your soul has all the answers you're looking for."
"To live a wise and good life, we need to 'know thyself'. And we've traditionally thought that this means looking inside yourself, gazing at your own navel. But I believe to know thyself, we need to balance introspection, with what I call, outrospection."
"True happiness is not out there; true happiness lies within."
"Life comes from the inside out, not the outside in."
"If anything, it's bettering me as a person and it's helping me understand more about why I am the way I am."
"How you gonna win when you ain't right within?"
"The journey I've been on, and the way I have found to do that, is to strip away layers, is to peel away layers of the onion."
"Self-awareness is not just about knowing our strengths and weaknesses but also understanding our stories."
"Your true self is not what you see in the mirror...your true self is immaterial and must be sought out."
"The deepest answers to life are not found in books or from other people; they're found inside yourself in moments of solitude and deep self-reflection."
"Self-awareness is the ability to look at yourself and how you're behaving right in that moment in a completely impartial state."
"Understanding yourself is as important as understanding external things."
"You ever feel like you're in a box and all you can see are your four walls, no matter what you do?"
"It's never external; it's always here, internal."
"If you want to know what you want, you have to spend time with yourself."
"Your internal world causes your external world."
"Know thyself, then you know why the things around you are happening."
"Just starting there and being able to reflect and observe the different voices inside of us is a great place to start your self-awareness."
"It is time to stop seeking answers from anywhere outside of yourself."
"Everything that you're looking for is within."
"The answers are always within each and every one of us."
"We all need to look ourselves in the mirror."
"Maybe the reality is we need to stay down here until we figure out how to be a little more civil."
"We're like a youngling grounded; all we can do is look out the window, wondering why we're stuck inside."
"What if you were infinitely bigger than what you think you are?"
"Mindfulness is being present in the moment... Sometimes just being silent, you get all the answers."
"The real value of books is to sort of trigger an introspection."
"Consciousness is the intimate presence of self-awareness - aware of yourself being yourself."
"This is the time for soul reflection and soul-searching."
"Discuss yourself with yourself and say to yourself, 'Self, am I who I really am?'"
"Protecting my soul in the valley of silence."
"One of the biggest secrets of life is spend more time reflecting and turning inwards and really asking yourself deep questions about life."
"This is my story, this is what I was doing when nobody was looking."
"They're going inwards, following their own path."
"Part of the hallmark of a religion that's got its act together... is that it locates evil within rather than without."
"This is time to reflect in your mind and ask yourself the deeper questions of what do I want, what do I desire, who do I want to be, what do I want to do with my life, what do I enjoy, what makes me happy, what makes me fulfilled."
"At some point, you take a step back and re-evaluate your priorities in life, and you realize that maybe if you can treat the world a bit more positively, it would be a better place."
"I finally had a lot of time to address things that I was not ready to address with myself."
"The biggest work is the work that we do in ourselves."
"Look at your life and look at the pain you must be in. I want you to ask yourself what you're really afraid of."
"You're a deep person, you go deeper than the ocean; you are a deep, deep person."
"We need a better version. You know, the funny thing is, God, there's some quote by someone... it's something about how much would be solved if we were at peace with ourselves."
"Fear... it's a compass. Anytime you feel lost... listen to your fear."
"You're more focused on your emotional state and your spiritual state because there's not necessarily a lot of physical actions and events happening."
"You're not just thinking about things on a surface level; you're thinking very deeply."
"The most dangerous thing of all is the evil that lurks in the human heart, in the individual."
"The much more memorable fact that you'll go to sleep thinking about is how it didn't really matter that we were talking about a cube at all."
"Self-esteem work is feeling at peace with who we are on the inside, the things that make you deeply and uniquely yourself."
"I went home to my husband, I went home to my beautiful son, and I did some soul searching."
"You're not going to think your way to passion; you can't think your way to finding something that you feel in your heart."
"The longest journey we have to make is from our head to our heart."
"We are hard-wired for happiness; it is within our wiring. We think it's outside, but it's inside."
"The conversation that you have with yourself at that point is the most meaningful, profound, and life-changing."
"That's the moral basis of living; it's the foundation of actually figuring out the answers to your questions."
"The wilderness holds answers to questions we have not yet learned to ask."
"The call of the wild is often a whisper, guiding us to discover the strength within."
"Reflect upon your past for how it informs the present and then seek the love in this moment. Each additional seeking of love in the moment exponentially increases the power you have in the present."
"So, how can you go about discovering your own self-worth? You need to ask yourself: 'How am I enough?'"
"When planets move backwards, we really look inside ourselves, take a step back on our lives, and just analyze and see, 'Is this person really serving us? Is this place really the place for me?'"
"The only manner in which life can be lived with true fulfillment is to look within."
"Tarkovsky taught us to look inwards, for it may be the only place where the true you resides."
"Everything can be addressed... but you don't know what it is and how to address it until we ask the question of what's going on inside."
"The internal narrative... can become so strong that there's no room for anything else."
"I consider myself a at least partially rational human being with some degree of introspection."
"The fundamental truth when you look into an abyss is that you don't see the abyss. If you look long enough into an abyss, then the abyss looks into you."
"What you most need will be found where you least want to look, but you have to look purposefully."
"Know thyself, which is the hardest thing to do in the world."
"A perfect mind doesn't need constant affirmation; it just is itself."
"The whole purpose of life is to feel good about yourself when you're by yourself."
"I think the biggest fear is the moments before death as you lay there and realize that you're dying."
"It's okay to have a layover; it gives you time to think."
"What is my purpose? What is my true purpose? These are the questions that lead us forward."
"The solution to evil is to see it within yourself, to see that you're the devil."
"My outer experiences are a reflection of my internal condition."
"Sometimes when I'm trying to go to sleep at night, I do wonder 'what if?'"
"When you feel the truth in any way, shape, or form, it reverberates inside you."
"Wandering endlessly in a maze of my own making."
"What is your life purpose? This is a question that everybody should be asking."
"Sin is self-destruction... when we sin, we commit an act against ourselves."
"The hardest battles that we fight are the ones we fight against ourselves."
"The hardest person in the entire world to be with is yourself."
"You're focusing on yourself, spoiling yourself."
"You already know the answer to the questions you're asking yourself."
"Developing introspection, life's most important skill, is the number one technique for increasing your intelligence, wisdom, and for escaping all the mechanisms of self-deception and delusion."
"You have the capacity to feel inwards and to introspect...this skill is a meta ability. It's the ability to observe all the other functions of the mind impartially."
"To be able to notice yourself manipulating it is hugely important. Most people can't do this."
"How would it feel to be fully seen for the full potential of who you are?"
"Knowing yourself is crucial because the number one human being on this planet that we are the most gifted at taking for granted is ourselves."
"Attributes without introspection is like a wedding without music."
"I implore everybody in this conference to really think about this incredibly interesting thing, which is when you're self-aware and you can get to that place of understanding yourself."
"Look inside yourself, examine what is causing you to feel this way."
"Our sense of self-worth comes from two places: it can come from the outside or from the inside."
"Most important conversation is the one you have with yourself."
"This was a surprise because it is making me re-evaluate. I need to be careful about making these blanket statements."
"If I'm even lying to the person looking back at me in the mirror, then how the hell am I supposed to find the real me?"
"But what it leans into is, who do you think you really are? It's about self-perception."
"I really want this today to just be a super, super honest, raw, unfiltered sit-down conversation."
"All the answers are right inside me, and I touched many of them during the darkness."
"It's almost like the darkness illuminates our own ability to see ourselves."
"The only goal I was taught that I actually internalized was that when I was in the wrong, I needed to make people like me again, versus what I could do to become a person that people actually like."
"Before we reach the point when we write ourselves the list of items, 'This is my agenda for life; this is my expectation from life,' take time to first of all familiarize yourself with what is actually happening inside."
"The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly."
"Most people are in denial about how much forgiveness they have left to do in their life."
"Marriage is more about looking at you than it is about looking at anybody else."
"I refused to believe that I was misunderstanding the situation; this new reflection was able to match me perfectly."
"We're scared to dive into our lives, what made us who we are."
"It requires deliberate removing yourself from the flow of how things have always been a little bit for a period of time."
"Knowledge of the self is not like any other; it's direct but hidden in the most obvious of places."
"Look deep inside yourself for the answers you seek."
"You are the source of all things. What could you possibly experience outside of yourself?"
"I'm descending into the vapor wave patterns."
"You have to think of your thoughts and feelings and the working of your flesh inside your skull as a garden, as an ecosystem."
"Peace is an inside job. It's not something you call in; peace is actually something that you let out."
"The last 10 days of April and most of May, the focus shifts to family, the focus becomes more internal."
"All that hate you want to put out to somebody else is something inside you that you got to figure out."
"All that matters in life is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"If we're to know peace, we must look within ourselves."
"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - Leo Tolstoy"
"To really know thyself, you have to unknow thyself."
"At the end of the day, you've got to live with you."
"Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partner. Sometimes I feel like my only friend is the city I live in."
"The greatest battle that any man faces in their life is coming to terms and being right with themselves."
"If you were to reject the Bible, you'd be walking around going, 'What if I was wrong?'"
"Do you think people get caught up in the idea of you versus who you are?"
"Ensure your house is in order before you go about changing society."
"The best moments that I feel now are my most quiet moments."
"The first thing that I think is really important before you do anything is to first think about your own personal journey."
"Ask always, why do I like what I like, and how do I know what I know?"
"The universe is asking you to basically retract your energy and go inside, and that's where the best answer can be found right now."
"I don't think I've ever come across such a introspective high fantasy story before."
"Our brains don't automatically say, hey, wait a second. I've been spinning wheels here for a long, long time."
"This was an incredibly humbling experience. I went so deep that I started to feel kind of stupid about the whole exercise."
"The quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions that you ask."
"What is your thing that might come in every now and then as a limiting belief for you?"
"If you need the number to be growing to have fun, there's a deeper problem you need to step back from."
"The most dangerous thing to you in life is actually you."
"We have externalized our attention so much that we've lost touch with our inner voice."
"The process of finding yourself involves reducing external stimulation and as you start to reduce external stimulation, stuff starts to come up."
"More and more people are starting to try to figure out: What are we doing here on this planet? What's the purpose of life?"
"The best way to start to work on your purpose is to start asking yourself questions."
"No everything is found within you, and you have to validate that for yourself each and every day."
"Never forget that everything you want isn't inside of you. You have access to that infinite potential that lives within you."
"I would run outside and just lay on the ground under the southern Milky Way; beautiful, right, up there. And I would just lay there like the snow angel and just kind of let my thoughts sort of pass through my brain."
"You are more intuitive than you realize, and there are a lot more answers within you than you think."
"Your biggest blockage in this connection is yourself, group two."
"Everything that you're looking for is inside of you. Confidence is really just listening to you and what your morals are and what your values are and what you want out of your life."
"All of us have some contradictions in our lives and areas in our lives that we need to develop and grow in."
"Blame everybody, blame white people, blame society, blame God. I didn't get no answers 'cause I was asking the wrong questions."
"Are you willing to notice that you're noticing?"
"You sit down and reflect on what you've gone through."
"Is it possible that loneliness has deeper roots and a deeper purpose than you and I understand?"
"Knowledge about yourself is self-empowerment."
"Humans by default are lonely, your consciousness, your innermost thoughts, and the core of yourself is innately lonely."
"As you think about yourself, a reminder: There's a presence in each and every one of us that waits and listens."
"It's because I'm quiet that I'm able to think. It's because I'm quiet that I'm able to have depth."
"I viewed that as a really good conversation and you made me think tonight."
"The best place that we can start investigating to find out what the path forward might be is in more careful attention to the voice of conscience."
"What you most want will be found where you least want to look."
"Who am I? That is the most important question in your life."
"If I'm not that, if I'm not that, Who am I? That is the most important question you can ask yourself."
"I realized that I had the game wrong. The game was to find out what I already was."
"We've been so conditioned to give our power away, and I think now more than ever, we have to trust ourselves, come back home to our hearts, and lead from our hearts."
"The biggest work I've ever had to do has been with myself."
"The quality of our life is the quality of the questions we're asking ourselves."
"First, think. Begin with a moment of reflection. Close your eyes, and recall a very personal secret."
"Do I throw out everything we built or keep it? I'm getting tired even for a phoenix, always rising from the ashes, mending all her gashes."
"If you want to change how you feel about yourself, you have to start peeling back those layers of narrative and start getting down into the deepest, earliest ones because those are often the most impactful and influential."
"Deciding what we're choosing to define as success is a more important question than ever before."
"They're finally taking a leap of faith in terms of looking inwards and actually doing the healing work."
"Ultimately what's important is for anyone watching these movies to think about how it makes them feel."
"Introspection at the table and in real life and relationships is a really important thing to have and leads to good things."
"Rather than changing the world or before indulging yourself with the notion that you might change the world, you should have a look at your own life."
"There's like a whole world of stuff in there, like you are someone else's world, which is very strange."
"You are going through a lot of spiritual growth right now."
"You have to look at what's darkest in order to be able to contend with it."
"It is time for us to have a very honest conversation about getting over ourselves."