
Pursuit Quotes

There are 7100 quotes

"The feeling I got when I rode away was something that I had never experienced, and it is literally the buzz that I've been chasing ever since."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The pleasure in the seeking and the striving develops its own form of joy."
"The ability to tap into this dopamine reward system, which is activated anytime you're in pursuit of something, is crucial."
"Fame, a primal allure of many men, the pursuit of which has led to a myriad of both great and despicable deeds."
"It's not about the pursuit of happiness, it's about the happiness of pursuit."
"Dopamine isn't released on pleasure; it's released on the pursuit of pleasure."
"We all seek happiness, we all hope to obtain it."
"Wealth creates the conditions to pursue happiness, not happiness itself."
"Your dream life sounds pretty awesome, and there's nothing limiting you from being able to have the dream life, nothing. It's just up to you if you want to pursue it."
"We all should be choosing our best lives and trying to chase happiness, wherever we go."
"The pursuit of happiness is worth it on its own."
"I'm told passion is a welling up of emotion, something I'm going to love and pursue with all of my heart and soul."
"This is about the truth. You want the truth; I want the truth."
"The more you chase the supernatural, the more it feels like it's chasing you."
"Life lives in possibility so you have to keep pursuing the next possibility."
"The pursuit of happiness is the most important thing a person can do."
"It's the pursuit of that dream and the engagement towards that dream that is the juice itself."
"Education should be the pursuit of truth, beauty, and goodness."
"Leaning further into the truth, with the only intention to be to get further and closer to the truth, the meaning will happen."
"God is in pursuit after a relationship with you and he's not going to stop coming."
"The pursuit of real glory, just the pursuit of it, is in and of itself an intoxicant and is thoroughly joyful."
"I think that you can pursue happiness, but happiness isn't guaranteed."
"Values are where you ultimately hardwire yourself to get a neurochemical response from pursuing the things because pursuit is all you have."
"When you're pursuing your greatness, you don't know what your limits are, so you act like you don't have any."
"Let yourself want, and let yourself go for what you want."
"Truth at no matter the cost. You have to seek the truth."
"If you chase a shadow long enough, you're bound to find the caster."
"Gina wants to be with the person she loves forever. She vows to remain in the organization forever so she can keep chasing him forever."
"Success being the pursuit of the fulfillment of your ultimate potential... as long as someone's chasing that, that's a noble thing."
"You young people have to be people of incredible, incredible pursuit."
"The lowest of all pursuits in your life is going to be happiness."
"Never pause on pursuit. Never stop pursuing your spouse."
"The more you chase money, the more it's going to run from you."
"I've never seen someone regret the amount of hard work they put into their pursuit."
"We're not dream chasers; we are God chasers."
"People are going after a figment of their own imagination that's impossible to fend off."
"The quest for good and morality in art is inherently valuable, even if we're never gonna actually get the thing that we're chasing after."
"They were ready for it; they knew that this was the end, and that officer with a textbook, a textbook pit maneuver at the end of this pursuit."
"Every second that this pursuit goes on, there's an opportunity for somebody to get hurt."
"When you get self-worth right, you will become completely unstoppable in your pursuit of happiness and success."
"That Pursuit, oh my God, it is freaking such a high."
"It's like for me, the highest often the pursuit."
"Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it, because it does."
"It's exhilarating. It's the thrill of the chase."
"Don't retire from your life; stay connected in some meaningful pursuit."
"They always ended with spiraling into madness and disappearing in a mad chase after something."
"Happiness is the best way to get happiness, or the pursuit of happiness, is to let people be as free as they can possibly be."
"Seeking that joy and merriment is something that anybody can do."
"We should be pursuing that warmth no matter what we're going through."
"If you want to actually make your dreams come true, it's not about chasing money; it's about becoming obsessed with the idea of sincere pursuit."
"You have to promise yourself that you're not going to tie your ego to the outcome; you're going to tie it to the sincere pursuit."
"If a guy is not pursuing you, he does not like you."
"You have to be aggressively happy and go find it, 'cause otherwise, there's, you're in control of your own happiness."
"It's about creating those opportunities for anybody that wants to pursue them."
"If you're feeling confident in yourself and you see something you like, I think you should go after it. Look at it, why not have a great night just because the person didn't come to you?"
"The only thing that I feel sad about is that you chase something that you don't need."
"The belonging you seek is not behind you; it is ahead."
"It sure is fun to speculate and pursue it though."
"We are told that we are to be in the pursuit of godliness, but just exactly what is holiness and just exactly what is godliness?"
"You don't get nirvana by running after it. You get it through stopping."
"Let men chase you. A man's role is to be the pursuer, the one to convince you that he's the right man for you."
"I am trying to lay hold of that for which Christ has laid hold on me."
"We are a nation in pursuit. We pursue just about everything you could imagine, not only wealth and relationships, clothing, gadgets... We're after this and after that and after the other, that's who we are."
"You don't get the kingdom because of proximity; you get the kingdom because of pursuit."
"The pursuit of truth is the noblest quest upon which one can embark; it is a journey not of distance, but of depth."
"The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase: if you pursue happiness you'll never find it."
"I can't flow through life...just having something to pursue, something that you can grow in every single day."
"If you're not happy with yourself, you're not going to find it chasing after some mythical dragon beast."
"Seek, pursue God in all of His glory... you will be amazed at what God will do in and through you."
"You don't have to know how to get it. That's right."
"Let us not be content with merely dreaming dreams but let us be courageous in pursuing them, with the assurance of God's presence and guidance."
"If God places value on something, it is your duty to search it out."
"If God sees something to be of importance, we will be out of our mind if we are not chasing after it."
"The pursuit of knowledge and Discovery is a worthy Endeavor in and of itself."
"For Gideon, his pursuit is not simply about obtaining The Medallion but what it unlocks—knowledge."
"Knowing your truth, no matter what you're pursuing, is so huge."
"Legal actions against the aforementioned Bad actors are being actively pursued."
"I was still pursuing that greater goal and vision."
"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness."
"Everything except the answer, exactly that's everything except the that's what I'm trying to do."
"If you truly believe in something, just go off and get it."
"I want to be moved by emotions, to truly try to pursue you."
"What, okay, why were you chasing her through Death Valley? Because she ran towards it and I wanted to follow her."
"If you're not directly seeking after God and going towards God then you are actively going away from him."
"Don't burn daylight chasing the wrong one because the right one won't run."
"The search for truth is compulsive, often elusive, but the search is your task."
"Abraham's pursuit of divine truth was sparked by his father's dying words."
"I pursued my dream to the very end, so why would I?"
"It's the thrill of the chase, it's the thrill of actually doing it, it's not the oh boy it's the post-nut clarity that's not what makes you happy."
"As you sincerely seek to increase your faith."
"I love the adventure of trying to get what you need for your collection."
"The pursuit to the answers to these questions become closer and we feel highly compelling."
"Chasing contentment is worth chasing... it's a great thing."
"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness; you have to catch it yourself." - Benjamin Franklin
"Create goals and go after them relentlessly."
"They're not gonna have to chase this one, they're gonna chase you."
"That's real nice of him I'll go down and chase after him jump down thank you."
"Meaning lies not in ultimate cosmic victory but in the pursuit of that which matters to you."
"If he's pursuing you, he's probably not dumping you."
"If something matters enough, regardless of the odds, it's worth engaging with because even in the pursuit, you can find meaning."
"Time to move out of that attachment based on fear and go after your actual dream."
"You're allowed to have a dream, you're allowed to chase something even if it doesn't make sense to anybody else, in fact, maybe especially if it doesn't make sense to anybody else."
"When people are happy and productive and they're doing things, pursuing happiness pursuing the things that they want to pursue."
"He'll always be faster. He'll always catch you. And time's always on his side."
"Freedom is a frightening thing, but it's worth pursuing."
"How far would you go to chase after a goal or a dream?"
"As difficult as it is, when you pursue it, you'll actually be able to sleep on your own bed and feel proud of yourself."
"I would much rather have chased success and not attained it."
"You see an opportunity, you can see something bigger, and then you just start to go after it."
"Let's seek the truth and travel the long road to Justice together."
"You're one of the few people who really chases after it no matter the consequences."
"There's something to be said about how these three unique characters from vastly different backgrounds are all chasing the same thing."
"You are the prize worth pursuing, worth fighting for."
"Truth stands alone and we must not surrender our search for it."
"There's an important message to take away here: there's a right and wrong way to pursue a dream."
"The variant we're hunting is you. I think you're fun."
"This person's coming towards you because they want to accomplish a loving relationship with you."
"The key to life is not checking the boxes, it's about the pursuit."
"Regardless of why a woman is playing hard to get, there's only one way to make her stop and get her completely invested in you."
"Chasing happiness is much more fun than getting it."
"Self motivation: 'Without a burning goal inside of you, nothing is worth pursuing.'"
"We have no right to happiness, but we do have a right to pursue joy."
"You need to jump towards something that you desire in your life."
"Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will elude you."
"Make bliss your obsession, make peace your obsession."
"Follow your bliss. Follow your joy, follow your muse."
"I will take everything I have and go after him."
"The things that scare should be the things that we chase for or run after."
"What's wrong with pursuing your passions and dreams?"
"Find something you enjoy doing and pursue it to the fullest."
"They've singled you out as kind of the one and they want to come towards you to kind of make that happen."
"Someone's coming towards you, trying to take the lead, trying to secure something."
"Dreams are worth pursuing even while acknowledging the pain that can come as a result."
"Just make sure that the guy is super into you and that he respects you and is pursuing you."
"Advance confidently in the direction of your own dreams."
"There's no fucking price that you'll not pay to drink from the Fountain of Youth."
"I think I'm very, very, very right and I've spent every day for the last few years chasing this and I'm not gonna stop."
"Chase your dreams, chase what you want, chase your happiness."
"Money is an illusion; the more we run behind it, the less it comes to us."
"They’re being hunted by a distorted echo of themselves."
"Philosophy is there because you love truth enough to go and learn how to find it because it's valuable."
"The chase and ambition of getting something is way more fun."
"An archetypal figure like Christ is the perfect goal because it recedes as you approach it."
"The game was hunting for someone who was seeking what the game offered."
"You chasing after things are you really pursuing what you want all right so whether that be love or career you're just like really in this pursuing type energy."
"When you seek the Lord for the Holy Ghost, you have to crave it and want it above anything in life."
"How bad do you want the Holy Ghost? When I was young coming up, I wanted the Holy Ghost so bad."
"Some of you have the Holy Ghost but you was taught by some no-good rotten liar."
"Are you too busy seeking the Lord? What are you seeking God for?"
"It's okay to pursue somebody else, just do it with integrity."
"A killer is still on the run following the gruesome stabbings."
"You should always go after your wildest dreams to do everything with love and with purpose." - Panama
"We're committed in our pursuit of excellence."
"Absolutely can't run from this man." - Praising someone's relentless pursuit or skill.
"This person wants to move fast, they want to pursue you, they want things to keep going."
"When I was running after the VC money, when I was running after the media, when I was running after figuring out how to get a quiet by Groupon, my days were a furnace of distress and anxiety."
"Do this because you don't want to be chasing any man who's not pursuing you."
"When you live within your why, all that stuff runs after you."
"Success is about happiness, being in pursuit of happiness and gaining the success that you truly deserve and desire."
"If you have a dream if you see it you want to do it all you have to do is step toward it man."
"They're very focused on you, they will pursue you, and they're holding on to this."
"No chance that I'm leaving here without you on me."
"Faith that is relentless when pursuing the things of God."
"Run after him, pursue the very thing for which you were pursued."
"Join us in our pursuit of the ultimate King, Jesus."
"Don't begrudge yourself the fact that you chased it all the way to the end and got it before you realized you don't want it."
"The moment contains love... seek that love in every moment."
"Women want to be pursued by a worthy guy... they still want to feel desirable."
"I sped out, nearing 80 miles per hour, but it still kept up, red eyes staring at me the whole time."
"Figure out what you love a lot and pursue it... the more absurd it is, the more likely it is to be right."
"It was you all this time. I was chasing you."
"Chasing someone is when a guy is ghosting you and you're begging him to come back."
"Love is everything, love is the wish, love is the thing we're looking for."
"What is it that's going to make me want to come back and keep chasing something?"
"If you chase it, it means you don't have it."
"I think that more and more women are kind of accepting what it is that they're good at and just going for it."
"Pursuing your magic is the hardest thing you'll ever do, but it is the most worth it quest of all time."
"I tried to catch up, but he was sprinting the other direction."
"Don't be afraid to go after what's important, fight for it."
"Someone is gaining the confidence to pursue what they want, determined not to miss out."
"Chase your dreams but I'm going to chase mine."
"Somebody's going to be on the Hot Pursuit for you, whether New or Old."
"They are seeing clearly that you are worth pursuing."
"If you can find something in life that you love, pursue it with everything you possibly can."
"Know your worth. The right one will fight for your attention, affection, and love."
"I think it's a very, very low possibility that this person is going to get away."
"Purity isn't a destination... it's a lifelong pursuit."
"Commit to what truly ignites your heart, follow your genuine meaningful bliss."
"Freedom is not freedom is have much the much overused word and it may not be as real as slavery which is a very concrete thing but freedom is what one's after and as it cannot I suppose be given then it obviously must you take it."
"Success is the pursuit... you never land on betterment."
"If you're a serious affiliate, you go where the most money is." - Serious affiliates follow the money trail.
"Sometimes if you chase the future, you might end up chasing it forever."
"The hunter's net began to tighten around this murderous defiler."
"Only the pursuit is guaranteed, not the happiness."
"Just to fulfill their own dreams... to follow whatever dream it is that you have as best you can."
"If you chase a man, you have to catch the man."
"Gaston is a total creep, relentlessly pursuing Belle and manipulating others."
"If you truly want something, you want to pursue that thing, to just make the leap and build your life around it."
"Pyramid Head embodies his dark side, that's why it later chases him, leading him towards the truth."
"We gotta find the bastard then. No one gets to destroy America but me. Let's hunt down that futuristic toaster and be done with it."