
Wish Quotes

There are 1941 quotes

"My wish would be for full implementation of the national pain strategy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
"I wish I wished to God Almighty that I had this when I was coming up."
"Wish is the mightiest spell a mortal creature can cast. By simply speaking aloud, you can alter the very foundations of reality in accord with your own desires."
"It was time to go. I wish he had gotten one more summer."
"Every time I come here, I make a wish that I'll find some way to make it happen."
"If God were to grant me my health, I'd immediately wish to be the most beautiful maiden in the world, happy and healthy, on condition that he would love me above all others, all his life and mine."
"If I were to choose a superpower, it would definitely be teleportation."
"I wish that I could have the attention of everyone in the world all at one moment and just tell them what I think."
"I just wish things were different, and I wish social media didn't have to be this toxic place."
"Your wish is granted every single time because it's wishes and desires of the heart."
"May you eventually return to Cool as the other side of the pillow."
"You're on a mission, and you're wishing someone could cure your lonely condition." - Jeff
"Surely at that moment he must have wished for some sort of magic to halt the abor laughter."
"Hope all of you find love, romantic or otherwise."
"I wish famous people were a little bit more out of touch."
"It's really good. I love the songs. I wish that the album was on Spotify so that I could listen to them."
"I just wish that I could see every single one of y'all one of these days and give you a big old hug."
"Wow, I have the perfect wish! So this is my girlfriend, and she's blind, but we've been together a long time, and I just wish she could see the world. So I wish my girlfriend could see."
"I want everyone to be healthy and happy, that's it."
"I'd love if Warcraft was on the Xbox Game Pass."
"I just wish somehow they would just cancel Christmas this year."
"May the only pain you know in your life be champagne."
"I wish somebody would do a Ninja Turtles game in the style of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World."
"It looks cute and I really hope though at some point we get a regular standing piano so I don't have to make one."
"An important wish is going to come through, finally, finally, finally!"
"Guys, I wish you were here with me to experience this!"
"I just wish valve would have worked directly closer with these individuals."
"I think this may be their finest work. I wish there was more music like this."
"It would be even cooler if they actually made a new Mario baseball game."
"Man, I just wish they'd remake this game already."
"There's something so tangible about it in that revelation of 'you're the one who actually deserves a wish.'"
"Success, abundance, beauty, light, hope - everything to all of y'all."
"How good did textbooks smell oh it's that like laminated page smell just wish I could bottle that smell you know like a candle or a room spray of like textbook page."
"I wish things could be different between us."
"I wish my mom could get all the [__] money in the world."
"If I had a magic wish for everybody, it would simply be: become resilient."
"The Red Demon makes one final wish - to live a simple and normal life."
"I hope you die before me... but I pray to God you have a massive stroking and choke on your tongue."
"Wish I just had one day of peace and quiet."
"Wish upon a star, make a wish and expect the very best."
"With great power comes great responsibility. I wish Sony knew that."
"The beauty of the world and wished for it to remain peaceful forever."
"I really hope this doesn't ring though, like I don't need that for myself."
"I wish someone would chest bump me of happiness."
"He wished that he could have a second life, and with that, his soul dissipated into another world."
"I wished peace not only for one country but for the whole world."
"She had one wish: to not die in a senior home."
"The star talks about a wish fulfillment, something that you've dreamed of, healing."
"Close your eyes and make a big wish."
"I hope he has the day he deserves."
"I hope you have the day you deserve."
"It'd be nice if we could stay like this forever."
"May all the beings in the world be happy."
"As long as I can protect my little sister, there is nothing more I could wish for."
"17 actually becomes the winner of the tournament of power and uses the super Dragon Balls to wish for the return of the erased universes."
"A wish is being granted, this great fortune is here for you."
"I just wish dogs could understand us. I tell him all the time how much I love him, and he's my best friend."
"I just wish I could talk to you one last time."
"I wish you the very best in getting your rotator cuff tear to heal naturally without surgery."
"I just want everyone to be happy, honestly."
"Take her to the moon for me, okay?"
"I wish people would sit and listen to each other."
"I hope everybody that's here has found their peace and is in a better place."
"There's magic in making a wish; you'd think Disney would know this better than anyone."
"Hardcore History on Netflix would be awesome."
"Thank you all for everybody, and Godspeed, everybody."
"Cheers to another year, make a wish."
"He says that she truly was like a daughter to him and wishes her lifelong happiness."
"I kinda wish you were Princess Anna."
"A dream is a wish your heart makes."
"I hope his dreams come true, that'd be like a nice story."
"It's 11-11 Allison make a wish what' you wish for nothing that never works I've been doing that for a long time I never got anything that I wished for all in due time my dear all in due time."
"I really wish I could breathe underwater."
"Mayest thou be a blessing on all the earth."
"All I want is to spend the day with my family, that's my birthday wish."
"I wish this quiet time would last forever."
"The pubs are something I really wish we had in the United States."
"I wish you a husband that will treat you like an angel."
"May you fall hopelessly in love with somebody that you gave two kids, and may they do that to you."
"A sincere wish for you is going to be granted because you have deep personal strength and a peace that assures success."
"They have a wish surrounding a relationship with you."
"Hold your wish high in the air and repeat after me: I wish my wish, as wish makers do, and believe in myself to make it come true."
"It's gonna feel like a wish come true."
"Make my wish come true, baby, all I want for Christmas is you."
"There's a wish being fulfilled here."
"I wish every single decorative pot would come with a matching saucer."
"This is dedicated to you, I hope that this is not your last birthday."
"I wish this little family reunion was under better circumstances."
"I wish this was a Magic Kingdom or I wish they'd taken this menu and put it somewhere like cosmic ray cuz I do think the food's very good."
"I wish for Finn and Jake to be back home safe in oo huh that was way easier than I thought it would be."
"I really hope Rongo gets an opportunity very soon."
"May all beings everywhere be free from danger."
"May she stand with you at all the crossroads of your life."
"I wish every day was my birthday. Three months later: Happy birthday to you."
"In the meantime, I'm Gary the Gemini Giant wishing you smooth roads and fast Wi-Fi."
"It's a lesson in be careful what you wish for as you just might get it."
"If you can make one wish right now, this second, to make something come true for yourself, what would you wish?"
"I just wish him nothing but happiness and wellness."
"This is a wish come true... a miracle is about to happen."
"She kindly holds his hand and makes a wish for his wishes to come true."
"A Wish isn't something that could be magically granted by someone. It's something that you personally have to take hold of, take charge of, and take action towards."
"I wish I caught your actual reaction on camera."
"It's been a really great day, I hope Drew's had a lot of fun."
"My only thing on this year's list is you, my Christmas wish."
"The universe is saying make a wish, you're gonna be successful. Manifest, babe."
"If you had one wish, what would you wish for?" "A damn car."
"I wish I could go again, honestly."
"I want my parents to have all their families around them at least once in their lifetime."
"I just wish for a world where women don't have to think about their safety all the time."
"I wish it was just a little bit bigger."
"I want you to feel happy like I do."
"I hope you get a thousand dollars."
"I rather wish it cannot be helped, my Lord."
"Davis tells him that he simply wished for XVmon to be as strong as possible and that was the result of his wish."
"I can't go like this. I definitely can't let Brian see me like this. I wish I had a fairy godmother who could turn me into a princess or at the very least make me look pretty."
"I wish for ice cream that never melts."
"Wishing you moments of relaxation and expanded knowledge. Goodbye and until we meet again."
"May your stories be ever better for them and may your characters and worlds flourish on the paths you set."
"It's every Lottery Player's biggest wish."
"The Giants appealed to Jella with one final wish: they wanted her to transform them into mountains"
"Make a wish and blow out the candles."
"Puss realizes he doesn't need his wish because it was a wish that he made out of fear rather than what he truly wanted."
"His dying wish to the gods was to live a simple life as a nobody."
"Throughout the day, she tests the power of the necklace and the wish comes true every time."
"If I'm going to live, I want to live a life where I can bring happiness to others. That is my wish."
"May the road rise up to meet you and may the wind always be at your back. May the rain fall soft upon your fields and the sun shine warm upon your face until we meet again. May God hold you in the hollow of his hand."
"I wish you could make Kanye West stop spreading around hateful rhetoric about the Jewish Community as a whole that's what I want for Christmas this year Sana"
"Your wish is rushing into your life as soon as you release those fears."
"...Monica's wish was an act of pure selflessness, a wish made with the only cost being that of herself."
"I made a wish for it to be the hit song and a theme song of a show from the 80s and 90s, and it retroactively worked."
"Hopefully it'll be a good one for you."
"I really do hope her soul finds peace."
"It's kind of hard to read, but I said my wish is to have the most perfect day."
"As their dying wish, Glittering wanted to, as they said, 'make the world a little better or more interesting.'"
"Why can't we? I really wish Wizards of the Coast would be a little more consistent in things like this."
"I just wish we were in a simulation, Kerbal style building, where it's like click-click click-click and now it's gonna work, right?"
"An old wish comes true, expect miracles."
"A true wish will lead to a sure hope which needs to be backed up by a firm request."
"On the brink of her death, she prayed to God that if there was a next life, she would like to have a warm family and a spouse who would love her dearly and sincerely."
"Happy birthday and I hope you hit the jackpot."
"For her future, just want her to be happy."
"Honestly, wish that they were never put into this."
"...my wish for all of us is that we never stop playing..."
"You wish hard enough, any wish will come true."
"Finn wishes that the Lich never existed."
"I hope you will have a peaceful life."
"My wish is that all people find the environment, the homes that feel best to them, that make them feel safe, most beautiful, aligned, healthy, and vibrant."
"A pair of children tossing a coin into a well, wishing for the world at the bottom."
"You can have anything you want. I wish for sandwich."
"I want you guys to live happy all that like that is seriously my biggest wish for you that you live a life that you're so happy with."
"I wish you guys Your Love lasts forever no divorce."
"If you guys want to wish me a happy birthday, that would be much appreciated."
"Wishing each other a peaceful night."
"Your current energy is being received. You're being heard and you're being given this opportunity to turn this energy into your wish."
"You're putting your wishes out into the universe with the star. Your current energy is being received. You're being heard and you're being given this opportunity to turn this energy into your wish."
"Shenron, I want you to wish back my mother, Jeanie, so she can finally see her son."
"May my next 20 years be filled with more magic and may your next 20 years be filled with so much magic too."
"Be safe and, you know what, let's pray that this year is a safe year for all of us here on our homeland."
"Cabba goes to Goku saying that he knows they cannot win but asks if he does win could they bring back their universe and Goku says that he will."
"Faust wishes to live again, to renew, at least for another day."
"Good luck to everyone that's entered."
"There is a wish and a miracle that's happening, that's stepping into your life."
"The universe wants so that you know that your wish is on the way."
"if it could just stop snowing for like five minutes that would be perfect"
"Wishing tree, wishing tree, please share your wonderful wishes with me."
"When it comes to wishing from your heart, you can never have enough wishes."
"For you guys and gals out in the world, you all deserve the biggest amount of happiness possible."
"I just want one Sunday like that before I died. That's all I want, just one."
"Reality check: reality is the difference between what we wish and what is."
"What I really want for Christmas is a battle royale."
"If I had one wish, it would be to hug all the children of the world."
"Isn't there some way we can make it last a little longer?"
"Yamato always wished for a chance to redo his life."
"May the wind always be at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields."
"May God hold you in the palm of his hand until we meet again."
"Stars taste delicious since they make wishes."
"Best of luck again to everybody and anybody that is trying to get a pair of these. I wish you luck."
"Goku has now saved the multiverse as he went and wished for everyone to be brought back."
"I'm going to give her two wishes right now. Two things. Go."
"I want nothing but happiness for her."
"I genuinely hope all of you can find your own unique way to mental clarity."
"I wish that everyone could pursue their dream job."
"The only wish I have tonight is that we will fall in love and stay in love eternally."
"May everyone everywhere feel happy and free."
"The last wish the kid gave was to speak to me, and I feel like that's something so beautiful."
"I hope you have a wonderful day, wonderful evening, wonderful week."
"I want her to be happy, graduate, and wherever life leads her, whether it's WNBA or a great job."
"I finally know why Hawk Moth wants our magic jewel so badly. By combining our miraculous, you get to make a wish."
"I would love the ability to just stop time long enough to get around people going too slow."
"I wish that I had the quirk, once a day when I woke up, I reset the entire world at peace."
"Until next time, happy hunting and may your pockets be filled with valuable treasures."
"I feel very very content so I feel like if I could wish for one thing it would be just for happiness for everyone. I just want everyone to be happy and content as well."
"We wish them a Blake Lively Ryan Reynolds relationship, not a Ben Affleck Jennifer Garner relationship."
"Hope is not a strategy for success, and a wish has been defined as a goal with no energy behind it."
"I wonder what Helen is going to choose when she opens up her whatever gift. A whatever gift? Oh, I've read about those. A whatever gift grants whatever wish the person who opens it has. Wow, you could wish for anything you want."
"Honestly, I wish I cared a little more."
"You're still gonna get your wish, you're still gonna get your manifestation."
"Triton uses the power of the Trident to permanently transform Ariel into a human, granting his daughter her wish."
"Merry Christmas everybody! I made a wish last night that Teddy was alive. My wish came true!"