
Passion Quotes

There are 73997 quotes

"Once I got on a skateboard and realized that I could maneuver it and do things that were unique, I just wanted to do this for as long as I possibly could."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm 55 years old, and I truly ride my skateboard as a career. That's nuts, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The world is a very malleable place. If you know what you want and you go for it with maximum energy and drive and passion, the world will often reconfigure itself around you much more quickly and easily than you would think."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you match passion with ability, that's when you get the best outcomes for your career."
"I have never seen or felt the world more alive, the people around me more alive, than when they are doing the thing that makes them feel great."
"If you love what you do, you never work a day in your life."
"And that fueled my passion. And I've been really passionate about it ever since."
"Turn this into your life's work...the amount of serendipity that will occur in your life, your luck surface area, is directly proportional to the degree to which you do something you're passionate about combined with the total number of people to whom this is effectively communicated."
"The pathway to success is that unidimensional obsessiveness driven by interest."
"Be brave, even if with Jupiter in the third house some of your ideas fail, or you feel like you failed so many times, be brave and keep pursuing your passion."
"Through sharing our adventures in these videos, we've managed to turn our passion into our livelihood."
"If you have the passion, you'll do well. The money will come automatically."
"Put your full force into what you choose to do if you believe in it."
"There is definitely a direct connection between finding your passion and reaching your potential."
"Sometimes the sex can be so passionate and powerful that it makes the bond grow stronger."
"Whatever you do, find meaning and purpose, and like fall in love with what you've chosen to pursue."
"Motivation. You have to want it. It has to be something you are on fire for."
"Whatever you're about, be about that. Go hard at it for as long as you can."
"Universities are looking for change-makers. Be passionate about a cause, know why you're passionate about it, and demonstrate that you are willing to go to lengths to solve this particular problem in your community."
"I'm excited to chat mental health. This is something I chat with, not only with my patients, but with my friends all the time, 'cause it's a topic I get so passionate about."
"Pursue your passions with everything that you have to leave it all out on the field like your life depends on it."
"Doesn't matter what you choose, you just do it with passion, with love and enjoy what you're doing."
"Enjoy what you're doing. Like don't trust, don't run to get something. Like just enjoy."
"Invest into yourself, what you're passionate about, what you care about."
"I really want people to find what they're passionate about and go and fight for it. Any time you hear the word no, I would just ignore it."
"When you show your passion about something, people are attracted to energy that is passionate, that is grateful, that is fun, that is loving, that is expressive, that is creative, that is expansive."
"Continue to pursue your passion, step outside the box, lay yourself out there, but never stop learning. As you continue to learn, you will evolve and grow."
"What sets your soul on fire? Follow that, be that."
"You're just following your passions and creativity, and while you're doing that, you're not even realizing you're building this spiderweb of destiny."
"Money should come to you as a byproduct of doing your greatest passion, not from just going to a nine-to-five job and trying to pay the bills."
"Your passion is for you, your purpose is for others. Your passion makes you happy, but when you use your passion to make a difference in someone else's life, that's a service. That's a purpose."
"Passion often is linked with purpose... Once you find your passion, you find your purpose."
"Amateur comes from the word amore, which means I do it out of love. I don't do it for money; I do it out of love for God and do it out of love for you."
"Chase down your passion like it's the last bus of the night."
"The standard answer in personal development is, 'Oh, do what you're passionate about,' right? But there's a ton of research out there saying people don't know what their passions are."
"All the psychologists always say, 'Well, follow your interests. What do you, what are you interested in? What are you fascinated by? What do you admire?' and keep researching, learning, following that, observing that, practicing that, and then that grows into a little bit more of a passion or a hobby, or maybe even a career."
"You're ready to follow your heart, to follow your passion."
"Let your passion lead you to new experiences because your passion is your power."
"You want a society in which people are given lots and lots of opportunities and incentives to learn how to do something well that they love doing."
"Happiness means to me, um, doing what you love, being with people you love."
"We look at areas where people have a burning desire and the advice is horrible. And I'm like, that's for us."
"Your passions, your dreams, your goals are valuable because they matter to you."
"Your passion makes you happy, and when you use your passion in the service of others, that's a purpose because it makes them happy."
"What work would you do for free for 10 years?"
"You've got to find what you like doing because you're going to end up working so much. It's so much easier to work hard when you like what you're doing."
"A new adventure awaits, embrace it and live your dreams passionately."
"Good work combines three things: it combines what we're really good at, our excellence, with what we're really passionate about, what engages us, and what we value, with our ethics."
"When you're authentic to what you do and you just do what you're passionate about, people are gonna fuck with it regardless."
"Finding your bliss means finding the core of passion and excellence within you."
"Making money is a byproduct of doing the thing that you're really passionate about."
"You can't do it for the money... You got to do it because you love it, you believe in what you're doing, you're passionate about it."
"Passion plus growth plus contribution equals personal satisfaction."
"I love creating imagery. I don't know what it is, but I enjoy the process."
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do."
"We need to ask ourselves what would we do and love every day even if we were failing."
"Payday was once a game that felt like it had passion, and though at times stumbling, at times a bit misguided, it felt like it was a game about having fun and creating new experiences and making friends."
"You're capable of intense, prolonged focused energy. Embrace your passions. You will triumph."
"Follow your passions. At the end of the day, you know who you are."
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive, and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style." - Maya Angelou
"I'm just happy to be a part of hip-hop. That's the American dream, man, to be able to take care of yourself doing something you love."
"Supporting yourself doing something you love, there's nothing better than that, man."
"You were right; I was in love, but with something else. Racing. I have my future now."
"The devs love games, and they want to make more of them, and all we dream about is having a hit game that lots of people love so we can make more dope [__] for it."
"Real youthfulness comes from a worthy ideal, passion, and zest towards achieving a goal that brings out the best in you."
"This is something I want with all my heart and my soul."
"To anyone trying to start, my biggest piece of advice would be: only do it if it's something that you really love, that you're really passionate about."
"I'd rather make 500 bucks doing something I love than make 5,000 doing something I hate."
"Have you ever had that moment when you recognize that your passion could also be a source of income?"
"Our life purpose always involves our passions, our hobbies, and our natural talents."
"What it came down to is a lack of self-awareness, a lack of understanding of what am I good at, what am I passionate about, what am I bringing to the table."
"If you can do something that excites you, it's not just about the money; you're doing something because you love it."
"You shouldn't let success come to you; get out and do what you love to do and success will come. People will follow you for your talent."
"Follow your interests. This card simply says what lights you up."
"He is the perfect example of how gifted talent can only take you so far; what makes the difference in the NBA is not just raw skill, but having a passion for the game and a hard work ethic to go along with it."
"What's truly agonizing in sports is when a player fails to reach their potential solely due to their own lack of passion for the game."
"A person who's turned on to their passion and purpose is going to make the world a better place."
"I love my mountains, I love my nature... I want to help preserve it as best as I can."
"You can afford to have a little more passion about your communities, to see the good in them while being committed to making them even better."
"Find an intersection of what you like to do, what you're good at, and the cause that you want to make and improve on. When you find it, go for it, and it takes tons of hard work, but it won't feel like hard work because you're going to enjoy it so much."
"Passion matters a lot because business is hard, and you have to stick with it through the downs."
"The best way to make interesting content is to talk about the things you are interested in."
"What is grit? Grit is passion and perseverance for long-term goals."
"I actually really love researching things, specifically things that I'm interested in."
"You should work hard with everything that you're doing; you should be passionate; you should have goals. But the idea that you need to be productive at like max capacity every day of your life, otherwise you are lazy, you're failing...that is toxic."
"If you follow what this passion is, what this electrifying feeling is, it is going to lead you to more magic, more discovery, more hidden potential than you even see on the surface right now."
"I only do things that I love to do, and that's why it's always real and organic."
"What true filmmakers have in common can be summed up in four words: passion, focus, commitment, and resiliency."
"We all have an obligation to make money, and whenever you attach obligation to anything you love, there's always going to be an element of it feeling like a chore."
"Probably what's been slightly missold is this idea that you're going to have a big passion, something you love, it's going to be monetizable, and you're never going to hate it or burn out."
"Put money in stuff you understand and you love. Don't put money in stuff because it sounds sophisticated."
"I think probably what's been slightly missold is this idea that you're going to have a big passion, something you love, it's going to be monetizable, and you're never going to hate it or burn out."
"If I won the lottery... what would I do with my time? It would mostly be probably continuing to make educational YouTube videos because I just love teaching."
"This game is a celebration of everything I love about video games."
"Figure out what you love, figure out what the world needs, hopefully find an intersection between what the world needs and what you love because you get paid for that, and then focus on that."
"I love streaming, I love making content. I will do it... this is what I love to do."
"They have so much burning passion, and it's turning into anxiety."
"The only thing that I've loved more than anything in my life is pro wrestling."
"A game that encompasses everything I adore about this company."
"It is this love of humanity that fuels our passion to make our communities better, to take those risks, and to work to ensure that everyone gets a chance."
"Sorry, I'm just so in love with this project, and it really has brought out a new kind of creativity in me I didn't even know existed before."
"If you want to be materially successful, find something you're ridiculously passionate about."
"If it's something you want to do, and you're passionate about it, then I think that's more important than being conscious about the audience."
"It's important everyone is passionate about what they're doing; that's why we choose to work on games that we are passionate about."
"The passion that is seeping through every orifice of these players is one of the reasons why they are going to win the league."
"There are those who stay not for the money but for the passion of making games."
"I love video games, don't get me wrong. I get very, very passionate about it...but you've got to remember, it's a video game because at the end of the day, it is not your real life, dude."
"Think about the most passionate thing that you do and just do it, baby. Just do it. That's what April's all about for you guys."
"The most inspirational people that I've ever met...he works a full-time job and still streams full-time because he loves this stuff so much."
"It's best when you don't agree because then you form an opinion and you get passionate about it."
"When you step onto that pitch, it's not just about playing the game; it's about living it."
"I am following the path I love, I am fully aligned to my soul purpose."
"Let's just think about the science, damn it."
"Your love life is going to be full of passion intensity; it's never really going to go out."
"I know people say that I have not worked a day in my life because everything I’ve done, I’ve done because I wanted to do it."
"You crave intimacy, someone who's going to show you that they're passionate about you, that they love you with like crazy fireworks and acts."
"The path to passion is often way more complicated than simply figuring out in advance this is what I want to do and then going out and doing it."
"Follow your passion, in addition to be astonishingly appealing, also happens to be astonishingly bad advice."
"Pick products and services that you're excited about, that you're passionate about, and get excited about the results that your clients are going to have as a result of buying your product or service."
"We love what we do, and this is what we get to do and be of service to ourselves and the world with it."
"Cooking with Chef Ramsay made me feel like I was cooking in the old days, the way I had passion about doing things."
"He's back in love with food. I want to make myself proud, my family proud, and Chef Ramsay proud."
"One of your key talents is gonna be someone who actually lives their dream, someone who does their passion for a living."
"It's not even about being good or bad; it's about turning a passion into a profession."
"That showed me at an early age that you could make a living doing what you love."
"I stand for the Dragon Ball fan who walks through life with that little bit of passion in their heart that Dragon Ball once gave them through storytelling and overcoming the odds."
"I want this game to do better because I love this game."
"Passion is something that's going to be coming up a lot for you in the month of July."
"Do not chase money; let your passion lead, and the financial rewards will follow."
"The idea of finding and pursuing your passion is this work subject that gives you so much motivation that makes work feel like it isn't work."
"If you're passionate about something, it's easier to give it 100 percent. If you create more value, there's a greater likelihood that you'll be successful."
"The silver lining is that it's so goddamn rewarding, it's so powerful to have actual real passion in your life."
"It's literally worth spending years of your life finding your passion."
"What's your guys' like biggest passion? I grew up at a Russian Ballet Academy."
"Family is also a big passion for me, I moved for school, so I just want to work on continue building those relationships with my family."
"I'm really passionate about my family and my pets, I have a cat and a dog, it reflects who I am because I love them to death."
"What makes Toria truly exceptional is the fierce passion she brings to fighting for what she believes in most."
"If you want to find your purpose, find your passion because your passion will lead to your purpose."
"It's got to be something that you actually really enjoy."
"I'm here to talk about failure and specifically about how failure has played a really important role in my search for passion."
"I'm told passion is a welling up of emotion, something I'm going to love and pursue with all of my heart and soul."
"Failure sucks, it hurts a lot, but eventually, you find a joy and a passion from that failure."
"We're passionate about the things that challenge us, that make us feel like we've overcome a difficulty."
"If you are struggling to figure out what your passion is, this coffee talk is for you."
"Passion is a really interesting topic because most of us have the wrong definition of passion."
"Passion isn't in a person, it isn't in a place, and it isn't in a thing; it's something inside of you."
"Passion is simply energy. That's all that it is."
"You're not going to think your way to passion; you can't think your way to finding something that you feel in your heart."
"Passion is about unlocking something that's already in you."
"Passion is the energy that you feel when you're excited, when you're expanded, when you're learning new things."
"Passion is something you feel, which is such good news because it means you can bring it into your life today."
"Passion isn't something you find; it's not a person, it's not something you pursue. Passion is energy you feel."
"My life should be consumed with doing good for others because that's what my heart loves most."
"Ask yourself, what do I really want in this life? What do I really love doing?"
"If you're doing what you love, if you never earned a dime, you're spending your days doing what you love to do."
"You're never wasting time when you're doing something you love."
"It's a beautiful thing to spend your life doing things that you're passionate about."
"Finding your passion and monetizing it is so much more profitable than every other career advice that you've been given."
"Tonight marks the beginning of something much bigger than that, a new brand that is fierce, passionate, and full of sizzle."
"Rediscover yourself and rediscover your passions."
"It is up to you and you alone to start creating the moments for yourself when you are doing what you like doing most."
"Here's to all the creators that inspire us with their creativity and passion. Keep filling the world with joy."
"I love racing, and I take it so seriously. It literally felt like I'd never been away."
"The life you were meant to have is one of passion and discovery, an exciting journey of adventure and revelation."
"We want to build trust again and we love this industry. You're the reason why."
"I felt the passion and emotion that hit right there."
"This is a very romantic relationship, exciting, a lot of passion is coming for you guys."
"Being in the zone of what you actually love to do, when you're living according to your own values, that's when you're truly happy."
"In times of struggle, finding your passion and working hard towards it can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling."
"How does it feel to be able to do something you love, like dancing, and being able to travel and make money with this? It honestly feels so good."
"What do you love to do? Find the love in it and just do it."
"I freaking love this game so much... it would be a great insult if it was so just blair or mildly okay that I don't even look at it."
"Allow your talents to speak for themselves; you're gifted, and your passion is your power."
"If you do what you love for a living, then you will never have to work a day in your life."
"It's a never-ending journey, and that's what I love most about it — you can always improve."
"Being able to speak competently and passionately about things you actually care about is super sexy."
"Follow what brings you joy; that is the stepping stone to where your dream career could be."
"I love knowledge, I love books, I love information."
"Ignore all hatred and criticism. Live for what you create and die protecting it."
"You will be allowed the freedom to grow and find your passion and your own self-expression in your own joy."
"Fight for what you love so much that you would do anything to achieve it."
"Your purpose is often linked with your passion, and if God placed a passion for healing ministry in you, that's for a purpose."
"I just love football. These are the sort of games that I love football for."
"What you have to understand is that when you begin to travel the path of your passion, you begin to find your voice."
"I've always been into the music thing mainly; it was just a hobby for a long time and then in the last few years, I was just like this is way more than a hobby; this is a massive part of who I am as a person."
"When you're passionate, when you're enthusiastic, like you're doing God's work."
"Success is coming in for you when it comes to something creative that you are passionate about."
"Your passions are ignited right now, your inspiration, your passion, it is strong right now."
"It's every bit my intention to continue with the 'My Favorite Online Teachers' series because I'm very passionate about that subject. I love a lot of artists out there, and I'm excited to share my thoughts about them."
"Entrepreneurship is when you love your game more than what the game gives you."
"It must be something that you are passionate about... something that you can really see that this will have an impact, that this will really create value."
"If you hate what you are doing you won't be successful as an entrepreneur because it requires too much extra effort. And you have to really love it to make the sacrifices that are necessary to be successful."
"Sam clearly loves training, probably more than any fitness influencer that I'm aware of."
"Passion is going to return to your life in aspects of career, in aspects of romance."
"Find something that you are completely obsessed with, learn as much as you can about it, and use it to help other people."
"If you lose sleep doing what you love, you'll eventually live the dream that you only would have dreamt."
"He was just a great all-around guy that enjoyed his craft, worked hard at it."
"The effortless way of life is the best. Do the thing you love to do and do it for the joy and thrill of it."
"Let me ask you this: If this show put $200 in your pocket a month and that was it, would you still do it? Yes? Really? Oh, I'd still do it for sure."
"You have to find what your passion is, you have a passion, whatever that passion is, now I'm gonna make a career out of it."
"Cherish your visions, cherish your ideals, cherish the music that stirs in your heart."