
Dedication Quotes

There are 57413 quotes

"Once I got on a skateboard and realized that I could maneuver it and do things that were unique, I just wanted to do this for as long as I possibly could."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's clear that you've spent a lot of time alone... I don't think about it, I just know I have to do it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"And that fueled my passion. And I've been really passionate about it ever since."
"I love looking after my patients from cradle to grave."
"Nobody is going to fight for anything like a mom and a dad is going to fight for their kids."
"We've been working on this thing non-stop; it's been crazy, it's been great, it's been fun."
"If you dedicate yourself to working your process, you will make progress and then success is inevitable."
"Whatever you're about, be about that. Go hard at it for as long as you can."
"It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but we were able to take down the giga."
"Pursue your passions with everything that you have to leave it all out on the field like your life depends on it."
"It's really interesting like this woman was working part-time from home, two young kids, getting up at 5:00 a.m. to meal prep for the day as a super mom would, like insanity."
"Stay dedicated, create a routine or create a schedule for yourself."
"Refugees... it was something that was so important to her that she had basically dedicated her core adult years to learning how to take care of refugees."
"Success in any endeavor is very closely related to how much focus we can bring to that endeavor."
"For one penguin, the answer is 5,000 miles every year without fail. That's a lot of swimming."
"The three things that every wannabe entrepreneur should think about before they start their own business: be ready for rejection, make sure your product is the best, and be prepared to do all the things unsuccessful people don't want to do."
"If someone else has done it, you can probably do it too if you dedicate your life to it for the next few years."
"I've been working for the last 9 months on a surprise for all of you that have subscribed to the show, and I'm very excited to deliver that for you."
"I have a commitment to this place that you'll probably never have to any place in your life, ever."
"It doesn't matter how much money, success, or fame they have, they work insanely hard. That's a defining trait in every industry."
"I trained and I ate and I survived like I didn't have a dime."
"Freedom real freedom very often includes a large measure of committing yourself long term to some individual, to some group, to some project."
"I'm still pro marriage. I'm still pro-marriage if somebody says, 'I would like to dedicate myself to one woman and her to me for the rest of our lives.'"
"The more you practice, the better you'll get."
"The culture of D&D, the hobby, will always be close to my heart. Obviously, otherwise, why would I make an hour-long video about the history of it all?"
"I like streaming, you know. I'm not going to let this nonsense deter me."
"If you want to be a martial artist, consistency is key. Not doing it one day a week; it's about doing it every single day."
"If you want your art to improve, and you want to get better at drawing, then you've got to draw everything, every day."
"He's been working 15 hours a day his whole life."
"A mission that deserves its name, Perseverance."
"I am about my community and my people...wholeheartedly."
"If you spend one hour a day every day on one subject for five years, you could become an expert on that subject."
"It's very important to just keep on doing it and not give up."
"Your success is a testament to your hard work and dedication. Here's to all your future endeavors. Salute!"
"This is what I've devoted my life to do, so bring on every challenge, every competition, and I'll step up to the plate."
"The most inspirational people that I've ever met...he works a full-time job and still streams full-time because he loves this stuff so much."
"In order to get good, you've got to work on your craft."
"We so need to be His and to do everything we do for Him."
"Black & White was clearly a passion project."
"As we fight against the demons, the amount of energy and the focus and the dedication we have to put in... actually causes our virtue to increase."
"A lot of a mom's life is the hard work she put in for her kids, the struggle that she faced...one of the hardest jobs is to be a mother."
"Concentrate on doing the thing in front of you as if it was the last thing you were doing in your life."
"Make sure you dedicate time every single day to self-care, and really spend the time to not only know yourself but give yourself permission to really be yourself."
"She reminded him that she was his sword and said that she was willing to follow him to the very ends of the Earth."
"When you invest not just financially, you invest mentally, you invest emotionally, you invest your time, you invest spiritually... it's all going on in your brain. That's homework."
"You're never going to become the best at something unless you're obsessed with it."
"Your dedication to whatever this is, the time, the effort, the study that you've put in, is really, really paying off."
"You can choose just about anything, and if you devote yourself to it, eventually... you'll have that moment where it's actually really fun."
"It's only gonna be like three minutes for you, but building this base took so long the sun is angry at me again."
"It's literally worth spending years of your life finding your passion."
"If you don't hate losing, you probably don't care enough about what you're doing."
"Scott Cawthon isn’t a slave to Five Nights at Freddy’s, and this community proves it."
"In terms of flavor, these decks are fantastic. As a fan of the Fallout series, I really feel that a lot of effort and care went into both the flavor and aesthetic of these cards."
"I heard a woman spent four years of her life detailing the Notre Dame alone."
"Commit to the spirit of excellence; whatever you do, do it well."
"Here's my promise to you: As your President, I will go to work for you every single day."
"I got great joy from knowing how it must've felt to the Inner-City Arts people who dedicated their lives, and at times you might feel under-appreciated or forgotten, to have that vote of confidence."
"Work ethic is something that not everybody has."
"I love racing, and I take it so seriously. It literally felt like I'd never been away."
"Without hard work and dedication and determination and sacrifice from you, there's no way we're sitting here having this conversation."
"If there has been something that you've been investing a lot of your time into, you've been studying it, you've been researching it, you've been working on it... don't give up."
"The blood, sweat, and tears I put behind this [expletive], I'll never accept that [I can't play the game anymore]."
"It's all about hard work; each level, you just got to work harder."
"If you want to be good at anything, you commit yourself and dedicate yourself to it and you become the master of your craft."
"I will travel to the end of the world for one pink frosted sprinkle donut."
"You cannot be denied if you get good enough."
"After I had all the Buffs from all the seasons, I had a multiplier of 600,000 per."
"Congresswoman Omar is a good member of Congress. She fights hard for her district and for her values."
"You tried hard, you applied early, you put in the work and you got accepted into one of the most prestigious acting schools in the country."
"Take the time to do the homework, take the time to believe in yourself."
"It's been a hell of 5 years of covering this game."
"The dedicated person of average intelligence is capable of much more than the lazy or erratic genius."
"Whether I had five thousand, one hundred subscribers, I'd still be making this video I'm making right now with the same amount of effort. I don't care about the quantity, I care about the quality of my content."
"It takes a Herculean effort, hard work, and discipline to stream to no one for months or maybe years."
"In order to master her, you really got to put in some extra time to really understand the flow and the pace."
"I care a lot about my work, I care about you guys, I am really, really proud of everything I've accomplished."
"Stay true to the craft, stay true to yourself."
"Nobody in the history of time has ever been successful without hard work. Nobody."
"Just remember, if you're confused as to what I stand for, it's just hardcore training at all times. Stop thinking and just bleed."
"He was just a great all-around guy that enjoyed his craft, worked hard at it."
"This video has taken me 43 hours of research."
"I posted every Monday on YouTube for like four years."
"We've got to keep our heads down and just do our job."
"This is her baby. She's very serious about the product."
"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."
"Kirito pours his heart into his sword, using the memories of friendship."
"I'm a type of guy, anything you need me to do to reinforce that security, I'll do."
"The feeling is like none other, the significance of it is that you're taking about 12 months worth of work... and that's what I'm looking forward to being a part of that again."
"I feel for the first time in 23 years as a social worker, I'm actually changing lives."
"After 12 years in the business, you really want to be good at it, you immerse yourself in it, and it's a way of life."
"Men cross oceans for women they genuinely are into."
"A violently executed plan, a plan executed with passion and belief that causes you to sacrifice to win because nobody really wins without sacrifice."
"If you fight every day for what you believe in and you apply it to every singular facet of your life, it doesn't matter when or how you pass away because living your life the way it was intended teaches those around you to do the same thing."
"Dedication comes after the decision to commit to the journey."
"I don't party anymore, I don't drink anymore, I am a professional and I am here to win the Champions League."
"Persevere, keep pushing...this is a really strong dedication card."
"Thank you for committing to self-work, love, and life every single week."
"If you want to achieve something in any sport, you have to attend every practice."
"An incredible feeling, and I just felt like everything I had worked for my entire life was for that moment."
"High performance for me is being dedicated to everything you do."
"I've always loved playing football; I've dedicated my life to it."
"This donation is dedicated to my best friend, Dan, for always being there."
"You look in fine physical shape. You put the work in, haven't you?"
"No matter what disasters and obstacles step in your way, no excuses, commit this to yourself. This is your life we're talking about; nothing is more important."
"I am such a different person now than I was then, and I literally owe it to just being dedicated to making a change for myself."
"I believe in every single one of you that you can achieve anything that you want to achieve as long as you stay dedicated."
"If you want to just play around at the perimeter, go ahead. But if you want to be a champion, this is what you need to do."
"It's not just about the money; it's how much you prepare, and I will overprepare you."
"When you've been doing it for long enough, you just naturally get very good at doing the thing."
"That's how magic happens: you spend an unreasonable amount of time on something that other people wouldn't."
"Focus and dedication can take you a long way."
"We've been making these videos for over eight years now, and we just love training. We love making tutorials."
"If your faith is strong enough and if your dedication is wholehearted, then somehow everything you need will come to you."
"If you want to be the best, you've got to be obsessed by it. You've got to give your life, you've got to live it, you've got to breathe it."
"In order to step into that, in order to build that path, you cannot build the path without dedication, commitment, and action."
"To Jacqueline, for being the most incredible fiancee in the world. I couldn't ask for a more incredible woman to have by my side."
"You might be a master of your craft in a year if you spend every single day practicing, working on your skillset."
"Let's give this sword the attention and care it needs for the sake of demo knighting in the community."
"This has become my life work for the past six years and we sure as hell can't drop the ball right now."
"You put your heart and your soul into every role that you play."
"You get better by a lot more work than you think."
"I've invested so much time in basketball; basketball now does more for me than I do for the game of basketball."
"You never get better if you're not willing to put in the time. I still grind."
"I just love Mr. Beast like his dedication to it."
"For me, jiu-jitsu is my life. Yes, the number one focus in my life."
"This is something I've been working on since I was a little kid."
"Talent you have naturally. Skill is only developed by hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft."
"Your dedication, your focus, your discipline will really pay off."
"The most important thing in anything that I do is that I pour as much of myself into these projects as I possibly humanly can."
"I've never been more excited to bring something to you than this, and I've never felt more calm and content and have just poured every ounce of myself into this."
"Put your heart and soul into every action and bring a sense of gratitude to where you are in your life."
"Are you coming to bed? I can't, this is important. What? Someone is wrong on the internet."
"The passion of all the collective animators working on Mob Psycho, you could see how much they put into this and how much they cared."
"This is a guy that lives, breathes, eats, sleeps basketball. That's a form of leadership."
"Adam's grind and dedication to be great must not be understated."
"We have come so far, we have given so much, we have done so well, but we have to do more. We have no choice. There's no other option."
"It's about your mindset and the dedication towards what you want to do and what you want to achieve."
"You don't play in the first team unless you end up having that obsession of your craft."
"He who dwells in the law, delights in the law, meditates on the law, follows the law, that bhikkhu will never fall away from the true law."
"There is no shortcut to spiritual depth; it has to be time with Him."
"Do what's in front of you with all your heart and soul."
"Focus on what you care about and put your energy into that."
"Wherever I was, I gave it my all, win, lose, or draw."
"Your Navy, when called upon, delivers. Let us not forget, however, that delivery is made on the backs of our Sailors and their families."
"This fight is my everything, my soul, my spirit, my mind, my body."
"This movie absolutely reeks of passion and you can tell everyone involved wanted to make it the best project it could possibly be."
"They're very willing to go the distance for you, to make moves for you, to do more for you than they would do for others."
"Despite all of the challenges that they had to face and how little rest Nikita and the folks at BSG have had over the holidays and into the new year."
"Everything that you love, you're gonna have to fight for it."
"I realized that my gift wasn't going to create itself. My gift wasn't going to nurture itself. My gift wasn't going to perfect itself. That was something I had to do."
"Bodybuilding is a lifestyle. You really gotta live it to get the results."
"I really think I haven't shocked the world... I'm still in the factory building, training, learning."
"You don't achieve worthwhile goals quickly or easily. They take time, they take struggle, they take relentless pursuit day in and day out."
"This talk really is my ode to physics, my love affair with the subject that I have spent most of my life working on."
"All I can focus on is giving my best in each element of the process."
"If we reached out to get fake snow, Kim would fly the entire crew to Mount Paektu where it was still snowing."
"Kobe changed the game... He was 24/7 involved."
"Greatness doesn't take a day off; greatness is a sacrifice. It's not given, it's taken."
"I think this is going to be my favorite music video. It took a lot of hard work and dedication."
"Being completely wrapped up in a cause, especially a cause for freedom, can completely warp and change your whole perspective and identity."
"To lose this business would be for me to lose my soul."
"When you spend your time thinking intensely about a field from a very young age, that's where you can do great things."
"Most of my time building this world wasn't for this... A lot of my time was spent developing this next thing, just for you."
"It cannot be easy to attend law school and still keep in close touch with multiple friends."
"Dr. Ning Lee was no quack; she was not a pseudo-scientist. She wasn't chasing fame or even a paycheck. This woman immigrated to the United States at 40 years old and dedicated the following decades to research and development of new technologies to benefit the United States government and military."
"Practice, practice, we talking about practice, not a game, but practice."
"I have recognized the passion I have not for being a Green Beret but for earning my Green Beret every single day."
"Anything for you, anything. What do you need?"
"If you want to be a runner, the best thing to do is go run every day. If you run every day for 30 days, you're a runner."
"The toll that making manga takes on the bodies that make it really can't be overstated."
"Jesus wasn't worried about the numbers; he wasn't worried about the crowd; he wasn't worried about the multitude. He came back for one person."
"When you want to achieve something, you've got to put all of you into it and set your intention and keep pushing forward."
"This is not something that you just make on a weekend on a whim; it requires a lot of research."
"Give yourself five dedicated minutes just practicing those combos over and over again every time you play... it'll make a world of difference."
"This person is... definitely a very dedicated person."
"You have to be very on point, never miss a training session, never miss a meal, train as hard as possible... it all comes down to how bad that person actually wants it."
"I am really passionate about this game, otherwise I wouldn't be having like most of my life focus around it."
"Dedicated and focused, the next 10 years are the most important years of your life."
"We had newlyweds who left the altar to make sure they voted right after getting married."
"We're diving deep into the plans, making it very solid, we're just diving deep into it."
"Absolutely anybody who was paying attention could see the amount of work he's put in, the depth of understanding of the match-ups."
"Extreme flexibility comes from consistent practice and dedication to your routine."
"He doesn't just talk about decentralization, he really works really, really hard to make it happen and he puts it above making money."
"I am dedicating our energy to this more than any other company in the world. And if this is the future that you want to see, then I hope that you will join us."
"Our opportunity is to say I have a practice; in my practice, I do this work and I do it the best I can."
"I will follow you till the ends of the Earth, man."
"Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
"Service to a cause larger than oneself, devotion, and dedication."
"It's not a job, it's their life. It's what they were born to do."
"I love my job. I would work as long as I can."
"Your daily life is your temple and your religion. Whenever you enter into it take with you your all."
"Everything's cumulative in this game. The more work you put in over the years and you continue to, you're going to get better and better at these things."
"It's been pretty much done with a lot of blood, sweat, and tears and a lot of labor of love."
"You can really tell when someone has a heart for teaching... there's a spark, a fire, an openness, a flexibility, and an eagerness to make a difference."
"I dedicate myself and I always ask myself, 'What more can I learn? How can I get better?'"
"Genuine freedom is not based upon the negative psychology of release; its roots are in positive acts of dedication to ends and values."
"Practice... how you gonna be great if you don't practice?"
"Excellence... You have to sleep, you have to breathe, you have to eat it, every single day of your life until you achieve that greatness."
"Bernie... is someone who has certain policy priorities that he works for day and night, and he feels like if he can move the ball a little bit on them, he's willing to work with just about anyone."
"I sacrificed the entirety of 2015 to learn how to animate."