
Skateboarding Quotes

There are 2491 quotes

"Once I got on a skateboard and realized that I could maneuver it and do things that were unique, I just wanted to do this for as long as I possibly could."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When I first saw people flying around in person, it looked like magic. It looked like they were flying on magic carpets."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The feeling I got when I rode away was something that I had never experienced, and it is literally the buzz that I've been chasing ever since."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"He's the guy that's got a 1260; he can do 900s on a whim."
"The kick turn is a fundamental trick, and basically, you really need to get the kick turned down because it's one of those tricks that really is a foundation to all mini ramp skating."
"This trick is all about timing. You really need to find that perfect manual balance, the perfect turn, and balance."
"This video has taught tens of thousands of people all over the world the basics of skateboarding."
"The lessons that I've learned in skateboarding I take throughout my whole life and apply to my whole life."
"You're only a failure if you don't get back up. So get on the board, guys. We need everybody skating."
"I wanted to introduce skateboarding to kids that would have never otherwise picked it up."
"Wobbly at first, and then eventually, you get your momentum. You start learning different tricks and techniques. Really, the theme is confidence building."
"Street skateboarding is by far the best, most grounding, most fulfilling part of my life right now."
"These street skateboarding missions are the new light of my life."
"I really like how a skateboard feels when you've fully got to know it and it hits that sweet spot of being broken in."
"The world as we know it today would look completely different if it wasn't for Stacy Peralta."
"The first ever 1080 on a skateboard was done by, I think, a 12-year-old boy."
"Skateboarding has always been a love of my life... It teaches you patience; you can't learn every trick right off the bat."
"I go to the skate park, I'll do 10-15 things every time I go there."
"Look at skateboarding growing. This is beautiful."
"The only thing that's ever fucking saved me, the only thing that's ever made it okay, the only coping skill I have that is just washed, is skateboarding."
"Skateboarding's for fun and for free. Yeah, always has been, and it should always be."
"Future Primitive opened up our region to us. It just opened up our vision of what was possible, which is what a skate video should do."
"The premise of my skate career is the demo. That's how I built my skate career, city to city, your parking lot, your strip mall, your skate park."
"I visualized this. I visualized the tour. I knew I was going to be there, and I knew I was going to skate."
"Skateboarding in Europe in general has always been pretty strong."
"Skateboarding...it helped me out in a lot of ways."
"Street skating parts carry more weight than an actual contest win."
"Make sure that you have no regrets for the skateboarding that you did. At fun, that's the fun part."
"I like the fear. I like to scare myself when I skate."
"I can't believe how far skateboarding has come."
"Skateboarding isn't the greatest thing ever. It's so fun."
"New wheels are one of the greatest feeling things ever."
"It's 5:30 in the morning. Over the years, I've just sort of been like paying attention to Ryan, watching him. He's not the type of skater to go to a spot and just sit there."
"Ryan has this focus and sort of a need to work as hard as possible to like get this thing he's had the craziest path to being a sponsored skater of anyone I've known."
"Between Fully Flared and Stay Gold, it was like, 'Alright, we've done everything that's possible from a technical level in skateboarding.'"
"Every skater has that push-pull of 'I want to get paid, but is the company I'm riding for personally fulfilling?'"
"It comes down to what skateboarding means to you and what you're trying to get out of it."
"Not bending your knees enough is the most common reason why most people fail the first time they drop in."
"Skating without a goal is a mistake many beginner skaters make. Skating with a goal is the ultimate way to keep progressing."
"My expectations were very high... but it's not that, it's a study of... the era of the nostalgia of the characters and how skateboarding was in that time."
"Skateboarding is all about falling and trying again. You might fall a thousand times and then land it once, but that once is just enough."
"In all honesty, freestyle skateboarding is the most pure form of skateboarding. It's just you and a skateboard on a piece of flat ground. You don't need anything else."
"Skateboarding is a strange place. There's a lot of different skateboarding going on out there. Any kind of skateboarding you want...as long as it makes you feel good, just do it."
"My main goal is growing skateboarding in Uganda, in Africa as well."
"When they come at the skatepark, they forget all that. They don't feel like they are abandoned because we are always one. It's like we're a family here."
"Skateboarding is all about being creative. So every time they come up with their own style."
"He was regarded as the best skater ever, period."
"Eric Koston, put simply, is an extremely talented skater, an innovator of the sport, and above all, a legend."
"A skateboarding grassroots movement fueled and propelled by locals and locals alone in one of the world's most deprived regions."
"Through skateboarding, it really changed my life, and I think it changed not only my life but my entire family."
"Thank you, I love you, until we can roll again. Turn the [expletive] off, go skate, life's out there, not in front of this little screen."
"Skateboarding gave me an identity, an outlet for my musical tastes, for creativity, for my energy, and for getting to the goals that I wanted."
"Skateboarding was always my calling. I never had anything else, never wanted anything else."
"Skateboarding is like a therapy...it's a mental and physical therapy."
"Skateboarding is down to the individual's skill, not their gender, strength, weight, or height."
"We just got a skate park built in the basement, so I'm gonna be skating that tomorrow. It's amazing."
"Skateboarding is one of the most powerful things you can do for a kid."
"Skateboarding gone wrong, but actually funny."
"That's how the way I got in skateboarding professionally was through that tour."
"Skateboarding and punk rock at that time went hand-in-hand... it was an attitude thing."
"Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 was the best one, and he agreed."
"Tony's in his 50s still doing tricks that no one else has ever done."
"I skateboard for a living, what I do to get paid."
"I could have your job, but I'm just out here skating."
"You're never gonna do it the first time. I tried to drop in on a quarter pipe, I fell down and I got hurt and I laughed and I ran back up and then I did it."
"Skateboarding kept me away from trouble as a youth."
"It's one of those jobs like skateboarding where it's not really a job but it's a job, so it's like, 'Oh I've got to go, I want to go.'"
"I just did a backside kickflip today and I have not done a backside kickflip in 20 years, and I'm not even kidding. So that was pretty fun."
"The feeling I get when I'm on a skateboard is the same - it's my escape."
"It's skateboarding, it fucken rules. So, this is Brazilian skateboarding."
"I'm accepting the fact that I'm skateboarding here, it's okay."
"Getting hit in the face with the skateboard hard enough to break my eye socket at a skate park is probably enough to leave a bad taste in my mouth."
"Creativity is the focus here with devs paying ultimate homage to the skateboarding community through every feature."
"Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2: A perfect modernization of near-perfect games."
"I really want to make a split ply fingerboard drop for you guys because they just look so cool, 10 out of 10."
"Suddenly, I found myself with all these different opportunities that were far beyond the scope of endemic skate companies."
"Every time I go to the skate park I get better like I always learned something new or I can learn a better technique and I improve."
"Seeing skateboarding grow in these places that I never imagined anyone would even see a skateboard."
"I felt like I had a chance to maybe effect change however I could, and through skateboarding, my go-to was to build skate parks."
"He is a legend, he's always the first, and Leo Baker's in here as well."
"Nike wasn't accepted in core skateboarding culture at first."
"That's so important to have oh like behind the camera it's like it's my it it can make or break your skateboarding that day you know for sure."
"That nose slide big spin is probably one of the best things I've ever done in my entire life I'll tell you the truth."
"I'm sober. I started skateboarding today for the first time at 51 years old."
"Tony Hawk brought more souls into skating than anyone."
"It's a lot like what Tony Hawk's American Wasteland did for the Tony Hawk Pro Skater franchise."
"It's always cool to see the best skaters in the world do their best tricks to their absolute limit."
"Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2 launching on Nintendo Switch June 25th."
"With a little creativity you can skate anything and find substance in just about every nook and cranny."
"A skating Heaven that offers endless replayability."
"San Van Alona in both iterations were created as a city first and as a virtual skate park second."
"Skateboarding was a big part of my life for about eight or nine years."
"He's got such a great style and his tricks are so unique."
"There's nobody riding like him today, you will not see it."
"We grew up like skating long hair skinny jeans vans."
"I just did a challenge right here, so I don't know if I want to make you guys sit through me trying to get a double coffin flip."
"If you're just joining, I'm trying to hit a double miracle whip."
"The only thing I'm settling for is this 900."
"Obsessing over skating: the passion that drove a young Rob Dyrdek to success."
"From skateboarder to businessman: Rob Dyrdek's journey to becoming a household name."
"Creating a legacy: Rob Dyrdek's impact on skateboarding and beyond."
"Nobody would have ever guessed that a white skateboarder would make massive roads towards reconciling racial relations and bringing everyone together."
"Tony Hawk's Pro Skater video game would establish further in the early 2000s which was basically skateboarding being a reason for Suburban White Rock kids and urban kids into hip-hop to meet in the middle."
"You have never seen skateboarding like this before."
"That's the best vert run I've seen at x games from bucky in eight years."
"Our podium from last year already qualified and Calvin Hoefler our defending gold medalist obviously as at the top."
"Every attempt possible to count, he tried to go for that Indy 900 off that 720."
"He's going for that Ollie 720, only skateboarder to do that trick."
"Yuto is above all human entities when it comes to skateboarding."
"The relaxed nature in which he makes the impossible somehow possible, I will never get tired of."
"Just technical, creative, look at that, just gliding into the feeble grind."
"It's really hard to do, skating all the events, and you know, I've done it... It really helps when you're focused, you know?"
"This is it welcome to my latest project the mini ramp we built this here in my friend's backyard so we have kind of a safe place to skate a quarantine skate spot basically."
"He's a little newer to me man I haven't really seen much of this dude but that heel flip double grab he just pulled on that was beast."
"This is the first year that skateboarding is a part of the Olympics, and it's perfect."
"It's great to see the progression in women's skateboarding is going through the roof."
"For me it's better like just help people out bro that's it that's it we're all in this together bringing people up in this journey of skateboarding you know."
"Wow, a movie actually has skateboarding in it, that's cool."
"You need a community as far as skateboarding when you can do something like that especially when it's like boards."
"That was really sweet, I was hoping to do something cooler than a boardslide."
"The scales of Ollie are like that: Ollie in, Ollie out, Ollie shake it all about."
"But your own Peril mess with Peter Beardsley on a football pitches."
"What is skateboarding to me? It's absolutely joy, fun, self-expression, creativity, and love."
"Discovering skateboarding for me was what I call sort of over the rainbow moment where my life went from black and white sepia tone to full-blown technicolor."
"A bad day is still a good day on the skateboard."
"Wow, that has to feel good right there, first skater in, flawless run."
"Stevie's legacy in skateboarding is massive and I think it's only going to grow."
"DGK going on 20 years, I want to do it for another 20 years."
"Check this out boys, it's the mega ramp, you know this thing's massive dude."
"There's a lot more community amongst every type of skateboarder now."
"Skateboarding is it ain't stopping anytime soon. It is going. Yeah, like we said just in the last couple years. Yeah, it's on, it's going. It's crazy, it's so fun. It's such a fun community and culture to be a part of. Truly honored to be here."
"Introduced the concept of grinding on rails."
"I haven't skated in like five months, longest I've ever not skated my whole life."
"The heroes of women's skateboarding have been put on notice because there's such a young drop of talent coming up."
"She skates like she's been on a board for 20 years and she's only 11 years old."
"She's such a great skater so controlled and consistent."
"Skateboarding is kind of one of the most dangerous sports in the world."
"Skateboarding has been the easiest way to do stunts." - David Gravette
"Let's preempt that by creating a medium skatepark. It's got to be done, everybody likes to skateboard, don't they?"
"Skateboarding and art: you can take the silhouette of any particular skateboarder and just by the body language, know who it is."
"It's really awesome to see that like a huge community of like skateboarders and just people who love skate are generally starting to like come on to this game and start to enjoy it because of the community behind it."
"The first home constructed specifically for skateboarding."
"Tony Hawk is a legend both for performing and inventing complicated moves that inspire generations of extreme sports enthusiasts."
"That's exactly the message I got when I was a kid growing up watching these pro skateboarders."
"That's so [ __ ] up! I came to nose slide but I'd love to see somebody do a tre flip."
"A lot of these girls are really embracing the stuff that they can do in terms of like riding curbs or like similar things like just or just focusing on style."
"We made a dent in the skateboard game in the 90s. We made an impact."
"I'm just super happy that I lived long enough to see you be a skateboarder."
"He's every filmer's dream to work with, Jamie. He always has, no matter what, he's got tricks lined up that he needs to film."
"Jamie is the most professional skater I feel. He has the spot in mind, knows what trick he's gotta do, already trained for it."
"oh that was so much fun learning about skateboarding with you if you think skateboarding sounds fun you should try it but always remember wear your helmet and all of your safety equipment"
"He approached that skate park differently than any other rider I've ever seen."
"That's pure right there, that smile says it all. That's pure, that's joy, that's skateboarding." - That's pure
"Kieran Wooley is exactly the reason why we love skateboarding. Look at this stoke, it's so real as he wins his very first career X Games gold." - Kieran Wooley is exactly the reason why we love skateboarding.
"I just want to be able to travel the world, meet new people, skate different places, you know, just grow as a skateboarder."
"You learn how to skate, it's going to inspire somebody else."
"You can learn how to skateboard and then once you do learn, you can turn around and help another person learn."
"I want to bring new people into skateboarding."
"I love skating even more when I'm making a video."
"What else are you going to do but try your hardest trick as big as you can?"
"The happiest guy on the vert ramp... stoked on life."
"He just skates with so much power... it's crazy."
"Let's go back to skateboarding again. It's kind of like, can you get on the half pipe with like an old rickety-ass skateboard?"
"My first kickflip was in the rain in a crack."
"The thing about skateboarding is it's not about being the best, it's about having fun."
"I dream about being a 50-year-old skateboarder that can still put out a part. How cool would that be to do a street part at 50?"
"I dream about releasing a full part of tricks that you'd never seen before, put it to a song from that time, and use unused angles. That would be incredible."
"If someone were to build a skate park for me... had a curved ledge and a hubba... I could be skating flat ground and front feebling all day."
"I think it's mandatory that kids are having video parts."
"It's all about creativity when it comes to video parts." - Dennis Anderson
"Arguably the best frontside 360 ever... he's at the top."
"Shane O'Neill has won the final stop of Street League skateboarding."
"Only the best skateboarders in the whole world are gonna even be able to compete in it."
"For your first skateboard, a thousand percent, this should be your first skateboard."
"This is such a good skateboarding trick because it's creative, technical, and done on a really sick obstacle."
"When kids find skateboarding I think they find something that speaks to them in a deeper way."
"Skateboarding is just pure youth, it's just an excuse to continue playing as I turn into an adult."
"The best feeling in the world is when you know you got your last trick."
"It's so awesome to see because it's like, as an older dude, it's like, you know, when we started skateboarding, I think there was nowhere to fucking do it."
"It's the same type of creativity that drove me to skateboarding; there's a freedom to create and figure things out."
"Skateboarding, to me, was like chasing other people's dreams."
"Meeting him and skating with him changed the way I skated, my life, like everything."
"Congratulations not only for the win Nyjah gets the monster highest score trick of the night highest score trick of the year not just the night nine point five."
"Victoria needs a nine point eight but she has two tries."
"Wear a helmet so you can skate tomorrow, dude."
"Skateboarding is the ride of a lifetime and I certainly agree."
"Skateboarding to me is my gift, it's what God gave me to do for the rest of my life."
"Mark Appleyard comes into the scene and to me is the most significant Canadian skateboarder of all time."
"The future of YouTube and YouTube skateboarding doesn't have to be cringe."
"Level six in my eyes is a kick flip. It's crazy to think that many people understand what a kickflip is these days because when we first saw Rodney Mullen do it we didn't understand how he made his board flip."
"Level 15 in going with this pattern to me would be a kickflip mctwist. I can't explain how much more difficult that is than these other tricks."
"I think that there is a real lack of voice in skateboarding."
"The urban philosopher Michelle de Certeau described skateboarding as a foreign practice because it allows people to use urban elements in ways that were not originally intended."
"Skate parks are a huge reason for my success because the sense of community that was there and the people from all different walks of life that came to share this common idea and this common passion, that's what it was all about."
"I kicked into that. I just got the board but um, yeah, so slowly built it up from there. Great, awesome!"
"Nice switch backside lip slide. So that'll be it. That was an incredible line, Carlos. 🛹👏" - "That was incredible."
"I looked and there's like Koston, Arto, young young Arto, it was insane that day."
"Skating with Jeff was a big lesson: 'Being scared is like a fun part.'"
"That moment was so special, skating for my bro."
"That was maybe the best I've ever skated in a contest. I literally landed every trick in that last section."