
Patient Care Quotes

There are 1399 quotes

"My usual mantra is: I am not pro-opioid, I am not anti-opioid, I am pro-patient."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I love looking after my patients from cradle to grave."
"We need to address the root cause; that's what my patients deserve."
"In general, in medicine, we are doing ourselves and our patients a disservice by not talking about spirituality. There's absolutely an important role for spirituality in the room with our patients."
"Listening very carefully, being empathetic... it's amazing as the patient, I'm like, 'Wow, this person is so kind.'"
"We really try and put forth a holistic, patient-forward approach to everything and anything that we do in the field of health care."
"I always treat every interaction as one interaction and then think about it later, what could I do to improve that interaction or what I could do better to be a better doctor."
"Whenever I see a patient, I always treat every interaction as...one interaction and then think about it later, what could I do to improve that interaction or what I could do better to be a better doctor."
"I'm a big fan of meeting people where they're at."
"A great therapist... shouldn't keep you sick constantly."
"One of the most important things you can do as a psychiatrist is to believe patients."
"For the love of God, if you are a therapist out there, believe your patients."
"Providing a new generation of cures and new levels of patient care."
"It's the number one question a patient will ask me, like, 'Am I going to be the same? And am I going to remember, you know, my wife? Or am I going to remember, you know, these thoughts of my birthday when I was 10 years old?'"
"Most of my patients have done extraordinary things, built vast fortunes, commanded great empires, at a terrible cost."
"And this robot carries things around hospitals so nurses can spend more time with patients."
"Actual care, compassion, or comfort was never part of the consideration for the patient for centuries."
"I was very intrigued by something that I've heard you talk about, which is that if you go to a doctor today, they don't actually expect you to get better."
"The science is all in there but the science interests me but it doesn't dictate what I do, I've got to convert that into what's going to really help my patients, real-life people."
"The vast majority of doctors are dedicated professionals who strive to meet reasonable standards of care for their patients."
"Being a dentist gives me the opportunity not only to interact with people but also to cure and help them and ease their pain."
"It's more important to know the person who has the disease than the disease the disease itself."
"You need to be able to pick up on patient cues and relate explanations to the patient's concerns."
"Try to approach somebody from the front, give a greeting, make eye contact, and tell the patient what you're going to do and what you have."
"Not just COVID patients but all kinds of patients...we'll get into some really interesting things you've done."
"This is the future of medicine, and it'll be the way we treat patients for the next hundred years."
"I was so amazed when I saw these nurses all come together. It was the biggest patient care focus that I've ever seen in my career."
"It's sad that it just takes a physical exam that was missing to be able to help you, and no one did that."
"Those that choose internal medicine are stereotypically the inquisitive and thoughtful ones who love learning, want to be heavily involved with direct patient care, and enjoy the challenge of analyzing broad information to figure out the puzzle to help their patients get back to a healthy baseline."
"If you love taking your time to know a patient's story and love mental puzzles as it relates to the human body and disease, internal medicine may be the field for you."
"As a nurse, your job is to advocate for your patient whether they're awake or undergoing surgery."
"We're the patient advocate, so we want to make sure that the patient's getting the best possible care."
"3D printing in healthcare is a trendsetter in customizing patient care."
"Our job is not to play judge or jury, our job is to focus on one thing and one thing only: that's helping patients."
"Being in the patient's reality is suspending ours and meeting them in their reality is one of the most important parts of Street medicine."
"I learned basically everything from my patients."
"I don't want to blame the doctors... but I think they have to change that standard of care to find the cause of the problem and not just medicate the symptom of pain."
"Understanding the mechanism of action of drugs, their effects, and side effects is crucial to excelling in medical fields and ensuring patient well-being."
"What would medicine look like if one of the prerequisites for all doctors entering medical school was that they had a serious illness? Would there be more empathy? Would there be more belief?"
"Predictive AI can look at the experiences of millions of patients and their illnesses to help answer a simple question: what can we do to ensure you have the best journey possible?"
"Evidence-based medicine... really three components to that. One component, of course, is research... the second is expert opinion... and the third is patient acceptability."
"Our current healthcare system doesn't allow us to spend enough time to dive deep into this conversation."
"You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you'll win no matter what the outcome."
"I could no longer in good conscience start a patient on an antidepressant or any other psychiatric medication again."
"Patients who received vitamin C had fewer ventilated days, spent less time in intensive care, and their hospital stays were approximately one week shorter than those who received the placebo."
"So often, we're doing more complex repairs on these areas. So, dermatologists actually do flaps and skin grafts to try to, kind of like Humpty-Dumpty, put the patient back together again."
"Withdrawing or withholding treatment in accordance with the patient's best interests is good clinical practice."
"The physical exam has many advantages over routine echocardiograms for every patient with the most mild of cardiopulmonary symptoms, which seems to have become relatively routine in the current era of diminished physician-patient contact and skyrocketing healthcare costs."
"Don't forget that a doctor's main job is talking to their patients individually."
"I really, really appreciate your time and delighted to see you in my office if you're having trouble. I can help you meet those fertility goals."
"It's so immediate and people don't have to wait for an appointment four to six weeks down the road."
"Daniel repeatedly demonstrated a merciless and callous indifference to the suffering of her patients and their family members."
"I want to know what you feel doc when you when you read a comment like this because as as Healthcare Providers and uh you know practicing Physicians we know what happens to a patient with an A1C of 17."
"Intubations are down, which is very good news."
"ZocDoc is the only free app that lets you find and book doctors who are patient reviewed, take your insurance, are available when you need them, and treat almost every condition under the sun."
"Patients are people to be considered, not ignored when they're screaming in pain."
"It's extremely common for me to receive telephone calls from different parts of the country attempting to find physicians, psychiatrists, who are familiar with this phenomenon."
"I love evidence-based medicine because it's about improving patient outcomes, releasing suffering, and reducing illness risks."
"Most psychiatrist practices, including my own, fill up with people who aren't getting better."
"The union wants more nurses hired, fewer patients assigned each nurse, and a guarantee that nurses won't be asked to take on more than they can handle."
"If you enjoy spending time with patients, psychiatry is hard to beat."
"When you give that medication...you are missing an incredible opportunity."
"It's really important to not dismiss any symptoms."
"Mindset is everything around this, right? And so for instance, patients would come in and say, 'I need PRP or I need stem cells on my shoulder.' And I'm like, 'Actually, you have no muscle mass, so let's start there.'"
"I wouldn't discharge a patient from a hospital... unless I was absolutely confident that their medical treatment was complete."
"My approach to dentistry begins with sincerely listening to the patient."
"We really need to get out of that way of thinking for the health of our patients and the betterment of our patients."
"I'm not anti-marijuana at all but I am anti-corporations taking advantage of vulnerable patients."
"The fact that patients like Robin are going to these clinics, are going to these dispensaries and getting that sort of personalized attention and education and service, really should be a wake-up call to the healthcare system."
"Doctors had abdicated their responsibility to the patient."
"When a nurse says there's a problem, you listen."
"Healthy patients don't make them any money and dead patients don't make them any money, but patients that we're keeping alive make a lot of money."
"What hit me like a lightning bolt was that I was making the suggestion not based on what was physiologically best for my patients."
"The role of the patient was incredibly important."
"If patients are touched properly and professionally that's remarkably reassuring for the patient."
"Within 24 hours, the patient was completely symptom-free."
"How many people are dying because our Health Care system is run rampantly inefficiently by people that just want to milk you for as much money as possible?"
"Not every visit has to be in person, but some visits have to be."
"It's a process, it's not certainly in family medicine it's a process you're not going guns blazing the first time you meet someone unless it's something really obvious and dangerous."
"It's important to give patients honest and transparent information."
"Medical freedom and giving doctors freedom to treat the patient as they wish."
"Well, the patients loved Dr. Rudolph at least because patient reviews painted a picture of a kind genuine dentist who went above and beyond for his patients."
"Just remember that the person you're treating is a person first and foremost."
"Doctors need to spend more time understanding patients' symptoms and lifestyles to address root causes."
"Healthcare doesn't just occur in a doctor's office or hospital, it occurs at home between visits."
"When someone walks into a doctor's office they're kind of at the mercy of the latest medical technology."
"I was always obsessed with getting to the real root causes of my patients' problems, I really wanted to know why they couldn't conceive a child or why they had asthma or why they were having digestive problems."
"Half of his patients... came off all their drugs."
"Adjust your tone for the scenario, address the patient's concerns, and that is that."
"How we take care of patients is just how we take care of people."
"Understanding the biology and understanding the symptom is so important because a person's reaction to their symptom can keep them stuck."
"We want to try to decrease the amount of patients in the hospital."
"In this video we talked about the treatment, the prognosis, and precautions."
"You preferably you want a hundred but if I get a greater than 55 in an ARS patient that's actually pretty good."
"Engaging not only the patient, the provider, but also the community in that process."
"Trust between patients and providers is a prerequisite for equitable care."
"IV nutrition can be really a great tool to add on and help our patients heal."
"Every patient at every hospital deserves to be cared for by a compassionate experience team in a comfortable and safe environment."
"In fact, the entire front part of Cynthia's brain has atrophied, or wasted away."
"We received our patients last night and are ready to receive more."
"Listen to the patient, the clues are always gonna be there."
"A lot of physicians are burning out. They don't even want to see more patients, not because they don't want to help people, but they're burnt out."
"Liquid biopsy will become standard of care, done for more than 50% of patients."
"Book A Doctor Who not only has years of experience and an actual medical degree but also gets you okay they know what you're going through."
"Each place, each patient you see come in is like a little jigsaw piece of what life is like in this new place."
"Every interaction between a patient and a doctor should be therapeutic."
"Everyone deserves to feel felt and heard by their health care provider."
"Medicine is about dealing with people, not disease."
"This technology does take a burden off the physicians and nurses and provide them time to actually engage what we are here for, taking care of the patient."
"This patient just wants to be themselves again."
"I spend a lot of my time now getting people off pills."
"...more surgeons will learn faster, giving more patients like Jerry a better quality of life."
"Surgery is done if the patient has my laboratory and laminectomy is contraindicated."
"Our number one goal is to keep our patients and our health care workers safe."
"Labeling someone a drug seeker for whatever reason, that isn't good patient care."
"For me, it's all about clinical outcomes as a doctor, my job is to improve my patients' health or quality of life."
"If I spell out every awful side effect a medication can have to a patient before giving it to them, I am literally increasing their chance of having a nocebo reaction."
"There's no other job where I think I could use the skills that I've got and make that difference in patients' lives."
"Nothing can replace being in a room with the patient, talking about things that are roadblocks in their life."
"It's critical that you have somebody who is looking to educate you and keep you informed on your state of health on a continuous basis and work with you for your personal goals and endeavors."
"There's excellent catheter and surgical treatment for these patients, they all have very specific findings on physical exam and EKGs and echoes."
"Let me introduce Dr. Deborah Burks to speak about that patient experience and about the importance of the right people seeking the testing in the days ahead."
"It is never a wrong answer to ask a patient if they have suicidal thoughts. You never want to miss that."
"Ultimately, the key is for the patient to develop the skills to lead a self-directed and organized life."
"Health insurance is insane over there. Like, you can get an x-ray for free. Everything is free because they first want to make sure you're okay."
"They really take care of you here at Lux recovery home, they spoil you."
"To place political priorities over patient care especially over care for patients already involved in your care is to betray the purpose of the profession."
"The physical exam is fundamental in medicine, both for diagnosis and for building a connection with patients."
"If security has to address you, you probably are not well enough to leave the damn hospital."
"Belief is very, very important in healthcare."
"Doctors should treat the patient, not just the problem."
"In the medical field, patient comfort is crucial for effective communication."
"Trying to force them rarely works you need to step back do something else distance makes the difference."
"Medications really don't fix problems; there's a subset of patients for whom they have a significant benefit."
"Don't ever let patients talk you out of making it tight, tight, and you want that pin right on top of the iliac crest bilaterally."
"Patients are suffering, but profits are soaring."
"I think the average health care provider doesn't even understand that you can extend a dialysis patient's life and greatly diminish their symptoms if you do it low and slow at home."
"Turning a patient on their side is the smartest move."
"Pharma instructed medics to administer the drug to all patients."
"What you did in saving those 1,400 patients... that's going to go down in history for a long time."
"The patient will tell you the story. If you listen, you spend the three minutes, four minutes, five minutes listening to them."
"Treat patients early. Do not tell them to go home and wait till they collapse."
"Learning this stuff really matters... It tells me how sick the patient is."
"My only interest is really the patient in front of me."
"I've taken, like so many other near-death experiencers, a little piece of heaven back into what I do in my daily practice with patients."
"A plant-based diet, I mean that is the healthiest patient that they have, so they've seen the results."
"Radiation therapist: can be extremely rewarding because you're going to be helping people who are sick and in a time of need."
"Patients that need intensive care have to wait... most of them have died already."
"I want to stop you right there okay when you said she saw me it wasn't that I scheduled a visit it was that you had a health care provider who said I am going that one I'm going to talk to you anyway about."
"You need a physician who cares about you, someone who takes obesity seriously."
"Clinical went so well, got to practice skills like assessing patients and therapeutic communication."
"Completing the full course of therapy is of the utmost importance."
"Katie is a Nurse Handoff Digital Assistant, helping to ensure continuity of care when one caregiver shift ends and another begins."
"We're their last hope, generally by the time they get to us they're in extreme pain."
"Your loved one is not dying because they're not eating and drinking. They're not eating and drinking because they're dying."
"Being overly nice, smiley, happy, genuine, kind, etc., when beginning a patient history goes such a long way."
"Exploring everything surrounding the presenting complaint is the golden rule of taking a history."
"Listen to your patient. When your patient tells you that this happens, it doesn't matter what the biopsy comes back and says to you."
"I saw your paperwork but go ahead and explain to me a little bit more about what you're feeling."
"First do no harm... Seems like these days they're doing a lot of harm without asking any questions or doing any other kind of care first."
"We want to protect the lung from iatrogenic injury. We don't want to be causing any more damage to the lungs."
"Ensure that we're providing these patients with appropriate nutrition."
"Health emerges from the patient-doctor relationship."
"Value-based reimbursement rewards behavior that keeps patients healthy and outside the four walls of the hospital."
"The more you can learn about functional medicine, the more puzzle pieces you're going to be able to fit in and affect your patients' health."
"Fundamentally, when we look at health, health emerges from the patient-doctor relationship."
"It's their job to connect you to appropriate care."
"There is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon's knife or the chemist's drug."
"Depending on many factors, the pressure that's required to deliver this volume can and certainly will change from patient to patient and from breath to breath."
"If I can see a path forward to help my patients either prevent, postpone, or delay, then something good is coming."
"I want to be that doctor when you walk into my office you know I care."
"We went from seeing two patients to almost 1000 patients now with FOP."
"One of the best parts about Dominic's day from the Revive's perspective is seeing people's blood work."
"I just wanted a healthy kid and I got two of them, and I'm happy about that."
"Research shows that patients are more likely to follow a physician's medical advice if they feel heard and understood."
"Medicine is about finding a cure, but also about finding relief and comfort."
"Oh I can actually eat animal base and not kill my patients."
"I have seen patients recover from putting their symptoms of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder into remission."
"Replacing with immunoglobulins can oftentimes help these patients."
"This type of patient and also this type of surgery is incredibly fraught."
"When a patient gets their story, that's where the magic starts to happen."
"That is dedication that is impressive so I just wanted to publicly acknowledge my admiration for that care team and the brilliant job they've done caring for their residents."
"Check this out cannot be overstated enough the importance of getting a high quality doctor as well."
"These assumptions that patients are lying do a lot of harm."
"Did Gloria Ramirez really die of hospital neglect and possibly something worse going on?"
"We're now seeing rapidly falling cases, we have continuously had a health care that's been working, taking care of all the patients."
"Stephen, I'm your doctor. You're a doctor. I'm here to help you, Dr. Harrow."
"The fact that they let this guy die is just so [__] up."
"If you're a healthcare provider, you must be honest with your patient."
"The peace of mind is worth everything, she just wants to know what's going on, what's causing this."
"Every day you help her to realize what happened and you wait patiently for her to be okay with it."
"Patients care, doctors care, and we collaborate bearing in mind what patients feel."
"That's your job, you are a caregiver, you are a healthcare provider, you tend to your patients. Period."
"She believed they should be treated as a whole person rather than as individual parts."
"Patients prefer good bedside manner from their caregivers."
"Whatever happens, don't take it personally if your grandparent doesn't recognize you. Avoid arguing and trying to reason with them."
"You should not normally discuss your personal beliefs with patients unless those beliefs are directly relevant to the patient's care."
"There's always potentially crucially valuable information in getting to know a patient as the unique human being each one is."
"Get your patients into sixty and eighty range, keep them there."
"Their target was to treat ninety two percent of patients within eighteen weeks."