
Data Integration Quotes

There are 127 quotes

"I've spent the last 12 years building a digital platform, a health platform that we've integrated into clinics and capture high-quality data covering all aspects of people's physical, psychological, and social functioning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We're now introducing the Shopping Graph, our most comprehensive data set for billions of products and the merchants that sell them."
"The future of the platform needs to be flexible, industry-specific, and focused on bringing data together for AI and machine learning algorithms." - Nate Skinner, Oracle
"We can start to integrate the Firebase SDK to register some data into our real-time database."
"We have now figured out a way to add data from this platform to our Google Sheet."
"We can now add data directly to our database here using the platform."
"Foundry is like Waze where we are dynamically computing the best way to get there all the time."
"Netflix, by integrating big data and thick data, not only improved their business but transformed how we consume media."
"By integrating big data and thick data, they not only improved their business, but they transformed how we consume media."
"Master data magic: How SAP brings together customer, material, and personnel data seamlessly."
"This whole idea of save data from one game affecting the other would eventually become more common."
"The amount of partners and projects adopting Chainlink as a way to get their data into blockchains is only accelerating."
"Integration and analysis with AI are crucial."
"The hybrid ecosystem that enables to connect all the on-prem data to all the public cloud data to enable companies to get visibility into their businesses."
"We have now successfully loaded all three sheets into Power BI."
"It's as easy as that to bring in data from an outside source and put it into our state."
"The DoD is gathering data across multiple agencies, industry leaders and academia."
"We need to merge the all-cause mortality data in the National Death Index and the vaccine Administration data."
"We're gonna create a table that needs access data from another table."
"Joining tables together allows for more comprehensive data retrieval."
"Connecting cars to real-life traffic data will also benefit the development of driverless cars."
"Short circuit is going to see a lot more data integrated from the lab as time goes on."
"If you have an environment that is not tightly integrated, that is difficult for your data scientists and your data analysts to work with, it's going to be really, really challenging for you to build a gen-AI application."
"We can connect data sources to our app like Excel, SharePoint, SQL server, and many more."
"Camel Kafka Connectors: feed data into Kafka and take data out of Kafka into other external systems."
"We're moving now in the digital era to a world where data is being brought together."
"It allows them to bring different data sources together into a highly informative output and it allows analysts to publish their results to bring value to their colleagues and customers."
"We can take rows from one table, combine them with rows from another table. And it gives us information."
"What if we could fuse our data and functionality together so that it makes a little bit more sense?"
"Connecting data from different sources: using connectors to bring data from various software to Data Studio."
"You can pull in data from just about anywhere."
"Your prompt flows, what they're doing is they're assembling a series of different data sources to then send them to the LLM."
"Tableau's spatial functions allow users to perform advanced spatial analysis and combine spatial files with data in other formats like text files or spreadsheets."
"Building model and monetized and distributed our application through Snowflake Marketplace and then we saw how the customers are going to bring their apps close to the data from Snowflake and run it against their data within minutes."
"We're one step closer to embedding data into our own skin."
"Feeding data into the cards and components is the next step."
"Feeding data into components from an API is the next step."
"What New York City Hall did with its predictive data, what many private and public sector institutions are doing with predictive data in terms of mashing up different data sources, can be incredible."
"One of the most compelling reasons to create a GraphQL API in the first place is that it allows us to expose one data graph potentially with multiple data sources behind it."
"The Dynamics AI capability is looking at all of your data from Office 365, from Dynamics 365, and from LinkedIn Sales Navigator."
"By merging these two things into two different streams that go into the same Flink node and partitioning properly, we can actually tell for a given user not only who they follow but if they're verified."
"But now that we have some experience adding in a static chart, what I'd like to do is now explain how we can integrate the data stored within our database to display on a line chart within our application."
"We're going to do a spatial join with the seagrass layer."
"Young people integrate complex data more easily than adults."
"One of the things you get when you pull all the data together into one database is the ability to build applications against a single point of truth."
"The main benefits are to be able to break down data silos, combining different types of analytics and machine learning to really get a lot of insight out of the data and drive better business decisions."
"We've been focusing on connecting to your data stack, bringing together the best of data lakes and data warehouses."
"Data is critical and sometimes just looking at a chart isn't enough; you need to integrate the data into your business and applications."
"So today what I want to do is show you how I'm bringing in my weather data directly to Home Assistant using a Raspberry Pi, an SDR receiver, and MQTT."
"Cardano and Chainlink: This partnership will allow Cardano smart contract developers to be able to be more creative and build more quickly by having necessary data feeds ready and available right away."
"It allows you to connect data from different sources and bring it into Revit and then apply it to actual or turn it into actual Revit geometry."
"A smart city is one that lives at the intersection of community, data, and technology to create inclusive economic development, resource efficiencies, and improved quality of life."
"So integrating all those different data levels can be extremely valuable."
"Whenever a new lead or purchase happens inside of ActiveCampaign, it's going to get pushed across to Facebook via the Conversions API."
"Can you mix domain-specific data with general purpose data and end up with a model which can do both? It does well on general purpose tasks and it also has a deep knowledge of the domain it was trained on."
"Every brand's success measures are very different, but merging quantitative and qualitative data will take you very far."
"Connect a language model to other sources of data, so so important right because if you don't have connections to other data, it's not going to be able to give you appropriate context."
"This analytics dashboard... compiles all of your data from all of your different platforms here."
"By using algorithms to connect the data into one single image, we can see what this region of space looks like in all of the frequencies at the same time."
"Having that unified source of truth about what your customer is doing... really allows you to service your customers in a seamless way."
"Molecular data is used for precision diagnostics, big data integration, and machine learning, transforming personalization of treatment selection."
"That will give us a combined data set that we can use for machine learning."
"It's very convenient to pull this data from external sources instead of hard coding this data inside of Bubble."
"It's really useful to include all this data inside of your model."
"This is how you can really incorporate your own data into the data that's provided by the ArcGIS Maps SDK."
"If you can add your data as a layer on top and then compose maybe multiple models together into an application, suddenly you are building something new."
"Once we fully normalize that record, we're bringing all of that manufacturer lifecycle data in."
"We'll come back in a few minutes and see how we can combine data from different sources."
"There's a strong emphasis on integrations and the open exchange of data."
"One of the big advantages of PowerPivot is that you can bring data in from a number of different sources."
"We can now kind of have this sort of modified simulation of the scenario state continuously run as new data comes in."
"Data coming together from many, many different sources, structured, IoT, unstructured, geospatial, you name it."
"We used weather data, time of the day, and traffic data to make the story react in real time."
"We're now ready to move on to start building the actual design and pulling in that dynamic data."
"IRIs are an important part of RDF and essential to addressing the challenge of unifying data."
"Integration runtime is the compute infrastructure used by Azure Data Factory to provide various data integration capabilities across different network environments."
"Joins are super important; it's the way we're going to be able to take data that we've partitioned or normalized out and put it back together to answer queries."
"In tree based models, it's highly likely that you can directly take your data from a database and throw that into a model and it will work out of the box."
"WunderGraph can talk to one or more of many data sources... and it creates from that one GraphQL schema."
"Imagine now you have all of this data unified, available with you, and then you have the power of AI to unlock and really drive AI-driven insights."
"The best hypothesis for phylogenetic trees fit the most data: the morphological data, the molecular data, the fossil data."
"Building powerful personalized promotion engines is another area in retail that requires input from multiple data sources and real-time session-based queries."
"Graphs in Neo4j combine data from different silos and query across them to generate personalized recommendations for users."
"The main idea behind ontology is that we create common vocabularies which are logically well-defined, which can be used to tag data coming from different sources so that the data becomes integrated, the sources become interoperable."
"Developers can store vectors alongside business data and text making it really easy."
"Glue makes their data integration faster, easier and scalable."
"The process of data integration involves you discovering, connecting, gathering all the data that you need, then transforming it, cleaning it, normalizing it until you find right quality in your dataset."
"Creating data integration pipelines which are complex and scalable and you do not need to write any code."
"In Azure Data Factory, more than 100 connectors are present, which means you can ingest all the disparate sources into your system."
"The purpose of a convergent design is to simultaneously collect both qualitative and quantitative data and merge the data sets."
"It is recommended to add all the related fields/related objects so when you create that dataset that is about opportunity it has all the related fields from those objects."
"It's great having all of this data in our system but the power behind it is having those tables of data but then linking them together."
"We're making it easy to take that relational data and surface it up as JSON for a JavaScript developer."
"What you need to do is learn how to deal with data that has been created by someone else and learn how to merge data sets together."
"The true power of a database comes from the clever way it can collate information from across multiple tables to extract the details that you need to know."
"We're stitching together multiple data sets for the occupancy journey here at Penn."
"So you can use the ETL to push that data into directly into Tableau CRM."
"You can discover data sitting in a variety of sources... and devise an ETL job to map from those source datasets into a unified dataset."
"As a data scientist or data analyst, you will have to know how to bring multiple different data sources together."
"You can create a REST-based or API-based integration; it also provides the capability of data integration."
"Logstash knows where to get the data from and where to put it."
"If you can instead pool data and information across tasks and from previous tasks then this will allow us to actually apply deep learning and leverage the success of deep learning in these kinds of domains."
"Next time, we will connect all the data, so you will have a real product page with real data."
"The data lake acts as a single repository of data from multiple sources."
"Rather than feel as if you've got to take the data that's in Crystal Reports and shuttle it over to an Excel spreadsheet, you can actually take advantage of quite a number of charting features."
"Writing joins to put more than one table together in the same query."
"Now we want to merge them all together and move the data up to SQL Server online so we're all working with the same information."
"Chain link is by far one of the most popular solutions for providing real world data to the blockchain."
"After, we can take it one step further by combining different charts and make a full dashboard."
"Data integration is really getting all your data available in these powerful processing or infrastructure systems where you can really make use of it."
"Glue tries to generalize the idea to multiple related data sets."
"Combining batch analysis of a massive historical data set with timely updates of the recent past to drive real-time predictions."