
Healthcare Policy Quotes

There are 424 quotes

"My wish would be for full implementation of the national pain strategy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's a bipartisan issue... You can't have a free market if the market is rigged."
"For the first time, Medicare just made offers to lower prices for the top 10 most widely used and expensive drugs, which is going to lower prices for millions of Americans."
"Seniors' out-of-pocket drug costs will be capped at $2,000 starting next year."
"According to a congressional budget office report, implementing universal healthcare would save us tens or hundreds of billions of dollars per year."
"We really ought to cover all the bases because of the nature of this emergency, because we've got thousands of people dying a week that shouldn't be dying."
"We need to be honest about what treatments we can afford and also what treatments are appropriate."
"The cap on senior prescription drug costs at $2,000, I think that's great."
"Understand what you're voting for. Don't do this voting for a ballot. Go to the polls, make your voice known, understand on a healthcare level what you're doing."
"Senator Alexander: Mr. President, if you're going to contradict me, I ought to have a chance to -- the Congressional Budget Office report says that premiums will rise in the individual market as a result of the Senate bill."
"What the Congressional Budget Office says is, is that because now they've got a better deal because policies are cheaper, they may choose to buy better coverage than they have right now and that might be 10 to 13 percent more expensive than the bad insurance that they had previously."
"If we no longer have medical debt, there's no such thing as medical bankruptcies anymore."
"The commitments that we have to each other, the idea of medical ethics, has all been subordinated to a reckless top-down campaign."
"The Affordable Care Act is made a difference in people's lives. Know your power, get out there, make a difference, let them know what you're thinking. You're the boss."
"Inflation reduction act... caps the cost of prescription drugs for seniors so they don't have to choose between buying medicine and buying groceries."
"I'd immediately drop Trump's efforts to overturn Obamacare and strip millions of healthcare even during this pandemic."
"88% of Democratic voters and a majority of Americans support Medicare for All right now. We have poll numbers, but it is not politically toxic to oppose Medicare for All because we have no one in the media institutions or in the political institutions who are willing to point out why it is that our elected officials don't support this popular policy."
"Freedom eventually, information law. After a year of litigation, they sent us a letter which is posted on CHD's website and acknowledges that they are now not able to locate a single pre-licensing safety trial, placebo control, for any of the vaccines that are now mandated for children. These are zero liability vaccines."
"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan; if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
"It's the official policy of the United States government to protect patients with pre-existing conditions."
"We've approved more affordable generic drugs than any administration in history."
"My plan expands affordable insurance options, reduces the cost of prescription drugs, will end surprise medical billing, increases fairness through price transparency, streamifies bureaucracy, accelerates innovation, strongly protects Medicare, and always protects patients with pre-existing conditions."
"Participating plans will cap cost at just $35 a month per type of insulin, and some plans may offer it free."
"We brought all the parties to the table—insurers, manufacturers, and other key players—and reached an agreement to deliver insulin at stable and drastically lower out-of-pocket costs for our seniors."
"I think, in general, as long as you have a reasonably defensible safety study, we should probably be in the business of getting more drugs approved faster."
"Maybe just maybe we should join the rest of the industrialized world, guarantee healthcare to all people as a human right, raise that minimum wage to a living wage of 15 bucks an hour."
"I firmly believe all medical decisions should be between a patient and a doctor, no matter what that decision may be."
"Whatever vaccine is successful, we need to make sure we're manufacturing it here at home."
"Everybody in this country will get that vaccine absolutely free."
"You have seven out of ten Americans supporting policies like Medicare for All...yet we get so little attention paid to those issues because both corporate parties aren't willing to do anything about those issues if they will negatively impact their corporate donors."
"I want to give these people health care, an opportunity, an industry to work in."
"Single-payer... would prove to people that government can work."
"We will cap the total cost of prescription drugs at $2,000 a year, and we have made vaccines free of charge."
"Any insulin legislation that fails to lower the prices charged by insulin manufacturers would fail to hold these corporations accountable, in effect rewarding them for decades of price gouging."
"National polls consistently show that the Canadian public supports assisted dying."
"I believe we do need to move in the direction of a Medicare for All system."
"We want people to know from the beginning that the silence and stigma that attends to many people and prevents them from seeking out the kind of treatment and help that is available to them is a very big priority for us."
"Prevention is the most cost-effective way to manage health care policy."
"Not too many people would call Richard Nixon a radical liberal, but when it came to healthcare legislation he went far beyond even what the Affordable Care Act provides today."
"Health care should be a right, not a privilege in America."
"We changed that description, so as the president said, anyone who on a doctor's order wants to be tested can at a doctor's indication be tested."
"Biden administration policies on the vaccines and on the virus really aren't doing so hot."
"We un-launched a rule that requires nursing homes to inform patients and families when there's an outbreak in the nursing home and to also report that information directly to the CDC."
"This type of ruling will have a chilling effect on reproductive care."
"To say that dental care and hearing aids and eyeglasses should be a part of Medicare makes all the sense in the world."
"The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself."
"What steps, if any, is your administration taking to ensure that the communities and the states that are hardest hit will have first access to the vaccine?"
"The Democrats are pushing socialist government-run health care that bans private health insurance for 180 million Americans."
"In a country like ours you should be able to go to the doctor. Now is Obamacare good and perfect? Absolutely not, but they've passed it, it's the law, it's reality."
"The government should cover insulin for type 1 diabetics."
"An effective strategy for reducing disease, hospitalizations, and spread."
"The Affordable Care Act is our proudest boast."
"Within the first week of our administration, we will introduce and we will finally pass a Medicare-for-all single-payer."
"The bill provides for free coronavirus testing for all Americans who should be tested."
"Expanding Medicaid could bring $3.5 billion to the state."
"We made a healthcare system that recognizes that healthcare is a human right."
"I think vaccines have a much better idea of preventing disease than therapeutics do about preventing, or treating, just historically."
"I give it a 10 out of 10, to be honest, this is awesome."
"It's not complicated and it's not nuanced. Medicare for all. It's not complicated."
"We're going to get single-payer, and I don't think it's going to take too long."
"Will that proposal make sure that nobody loses their mom again because they didn't have a choice?"
"But I think it's really clear in one point that the American people understand very clearly, they understand that there should be an end to discrimination on the basis of preexisting conditions."
"Americans want to keep their insurance plan and only 13% of Americans actually want to completely abolish private insurance."
"2021 was the best year for Trucking growth jobs growth since 1994."
"This issue is becoming less partisan by the day... 88 percent of Americans support price transparency."
"Medicare seniors will pay no more than $35 for their insulin...for all forms of insulin through all phases of the Medicare Part D program."
"Let's give Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices. Health care should be a right, not a privilege in America."
"It's not just somebody I disagree with, it's existential threat."
"I am absolutely committed to universal healthcare."
"What I'm going to do is pass Obamacare with a public option, become Biden care."
"Presidents Obama and Biden together again to commemorate the 12th anniversary of their landmark health care law, the Affordable Care Act."
"Republicans have their way. That means 100 million Americans with preexisting conditions can once again be denied health care coverage by their insurance companies."
"President Biden's recent mandate adds yet another roadblock to millions of Americans just trying to get by."
"My 'Let Me Travel America Act' would prohibit the federal government from mandating shots against COVID-19 for interstate travel."
"The safety and health of the American public is our priority."
"It's a National Health Service, not an International Health Service."
"Under this transformative order, Medicare will be required to purchase drugs at the same price as other countries pay."
"Under this order, the price of insulin for affected patients will come down to just pennies a day, from numbers that you weren't even able to think about."
"You're the first president to deliver on it."
"The president made it his top priority to make sure vaccines were readily available to Americans as early as possible."
"Imagine an American politician saying this: free medical care no matter where you come from AKA whether you're a citizen or not. Absolutely not."
"Who can you trust to finally put the numbers to rest, to get a vaccine distributed, and to prepare for the next one and to make smart governmental policy decisions along the way? I think the jury's out on that." - Commentator
"I support private insurance. That's why I did not one single person with private insurance would lose their insurance under my plan."
"When we talk about Medicare for all, we're talking about two fundamental principles: number one, the need for the United States to join every other major country on earth and guarantee healthcare to all ALL all people as a right."
"Medicare for all policy is gonna help the majority of Americans in this country, especially the middle class and the poor."
"He voted against legislation that would help reduce the cost of prescription drugs and help cap the cost of insulin."
"Medicare-for-all would help everybody because right now your insurance is tied to your employment."
"We have to protect the gains we made with the Affordable Care Act, but it's also time to go further."
"The Affordable Care Act is still in existence and this administration has cut the advertisement budget for the Affordable Care Act." - Dr. Patrice Harris
"You cannot just take out a safety net for millions of Americans without a backup plan, especially in the middle of a pandemic, especially when most of your base is relying on said safety net being Obamacare." - Kellie Bostic
"For years and years Congress kept saying they wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare and as soon as he got into office you've got Republicans that aren't willing to do them he's right and that's actually a winning thing to say."
"I think they've really failed on this cutting the monoclonal antibodies went over like a lead balloon in Florida."
"Obamacare is no good. We made it better and I had a choice to make."
"Health care is a right, not a privilege, for every man, woman, and child in this country." - Bernie Sanders
"Health care is the tapeworm in the belly of American competitiveness." - Warren Buffett
"Those stories are heartbreaking and Javid's answer wholly unsatisfactory."
"We will maintain America's unrivaled military might and protect patients with pre-existing conditions."
"Thanks to the AMA we now have a legitimate doctor shortage."
"That's so important for women that you could keep your kids on your insurance up to the age of 26."
"The Republican party was against the Affordable Care period."
"Think about Medicaid and US expanding it, think about health care for everybody, think about a decent education, think about the elimination of student loans."
"Lowering prescription drug prices, that's one of those tangible things we can do."
"If you start administering medical treatment on the basis of desert, you're going to end up in this whirlwind of issues."
"First, we are finalizing the rule that will compel hospitals to publish prices publicly online for everyone to see and compare."
"Second, we're putting forward a proposed rule to require health insurance providers to disclose their pricing information to consumers."
"Every other developed civilized country in the world has universal health care. We're the only ones who don't."
"Last month I announced a deal to slash out-of-pocket costs of insulin. Such a big deal and such a big factor of importance for our senior citizens."
"Average basic Part D premiums have dropped thirteen point five percent and average Medicare Advantage premiums have dropped twenty seven percent."
"Hell yeah I support Medicare for all... that kind of discomfort is what people sense."
"Advocating for better policies and access to treatment will go a long way in terms of ensuring that people who are living with schizophrenia have access to proper treatment."
"It's unfair, it's wrong, we should have Medicare for all in this country."
"We don't do this with any other seasonal disease but they just keep adding to it."
"I believe most Americans want Medicare for all."
"Americans should rejoice that we got the FDA to get out of the practice of medicine."
"Anyone who does not support the implementation of at the very least a public option is pro-death."
"They're fighting for your healthcare, we're fighting for your social security."
"It is in the financial interest of these Medicare Advantage plans to discourage beneficiaries from accessing care."
"Moving the Medicare age down to 60 becomes off the table because no one moves left after the primaries over."
"Unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery economically is not going to happen."
"I will direct the relevant agencies to investigate whether big Pharma and big Hospital Systems have illegally marketed puberty blockers and other unapproved hormone treatments and if so the corporation is responsible will be brought to Justice."
"There's Medicare for all or there's nothing."
"We eliminated the Obamacare individual mandate."
"Listen, this is going to continue until we end gender affirming care."
"Anyone who tells you that Medicare for All is unpopular is an unmitigated liar."
"Time is running out from the 1st of April there will be no free tests."
"Removing the profit incentive is a huge point."
"What's needed... we actually need to make the case for single-payer healthcare."
"Medicare for all polls well still... despite all of that."
"Prices are held down when people compete for us."
"I support Medicare for all that would guarantee that health care for every single American in this country."
"We are bringing agencies together to make sure Americans with long COVID who had a disability, have access to the rights and resources that are due under the disability law."
"He won't debate, he'll lock you in your house, mask up your kids, prevent you from debating."
"Immediately suspend the Trump administration's effort to eliminate the Affordable Care Act's protections."
"Why the Democrats all moved on from Obamacare into Medicare fraud?"
"Banning this healthcare is a pointless exercise in hatred that serves only to create dead trans kids instead of happy ones."
"Any politician who is not right now fighting for Medicare for all is complicit in murder of the American people."
"We damn well need a federal solution for the lack of tests or the lack of sufficient amounts of monoclonal antibodies."
"Universal healthcare with private insurance makes sense."
"We've moved forward in the face of COVID-19. We've moved forward in the face of the Delta variant. We will move forward now in the face of the Omicron variant as well."
"We passed VA Choice, a big deal, and VA accountability, a big deal."
"Our kids should not be self-rationing insulin."
"We got rid of the individual mandate from Obamacare."
"There's no chance that reporters would hold Republicans feet to the fire on their health care proposals killing people with the same temerity that they go after our possibility of raising taxes."
"I don't even know why he did this this time because I mean he did the same thing in 2016, promised this big health care plan, it never came."
"Medicare for all is universal coverage, affordable, and actually gives you good insurance."
"That's a vote for Medicare for all. That is a vote for serious green investment in green jobs."
"We believe in free-market solutions for health care while protecting people with pre-existing conditions."
"Americans don't want the middle. 70 percent of Americans want Medicare for all."
"Very substantially lowered the price of insulin."
"We're putting American patients back in charge and we're putting them first."
"The first America first healthcare plan will be a core part of our national renewal."
"We want to make sure that our Medicare for All system doesn't turn into a two-tiered health care system."
"We need heterodoxy more than ever in especially in healthcare especially in public policy we need to question every single existing belief that we have because because they need to be questioned."
"The vaccine must be free and freely available to everyone."
"Why the United States of America is the only major country on Earth not to guarantee health care to all people as a human right."
"That's why it goes back to everything we've had when it comes to Medicare for all and student loan forgiveness."
"Maybe just maybe, we should have the courage to take on powerful special interests."
"Republicans want to take it away, so I think it was bold, it was smart, and I think it was quite effective."
"Your healthcare strategy at this point is just let enough people die so that we don't have to provide healthcare to everyone."
"You want to know why I think they like doing this? They hate Donald Trump. 'Warp Speed' was Trump's initiative. It worked."
"The bill would expand Medicare to cover dental, hearing aids, and eyeglasses."
"Why should we subsidize their profits and executive salaries when we can pay for it directly more efficiently and cover everybody?"
"Medicare for all means peace of mind. Guaranteed health care, no bills, no out-of-pocket expenses."
"The perverse incentive surrounding the profitability of vaccinating everybody is worrying."
"You would split the difference and just make sure everyone gets really good medical coverage."
"We must guarantee healthcare as a human right."
"The NHS, it would be the quickest suicide note in political history to end the principle of healthcare that's free at the point of services."
"Try being the center of the country which wants lower Medicare drug prices through negotiations."
"We're not going to arrest them, we're going to push for Medicare for all."
"We're going to get healthcare coverage for every single person in this country."
"Prescription drug costs are very resonant with the American people, and that is why addressing prescription drugs and lowering prescription drug costs is a key part of the inflation reduction act."
"Every other developed nation in the world has Universal Health Care."
"I believe that health care should be guaranteed in the United States of America, and that is why I support single-payer Medicare for all."
"Decades of cuts to New York's health care services, many of them championed by Cuomo, have contributed to the present crisis."
"When is a reporter gonna ask him about these Medicaid cuts at one of these press conferences that he's willing to forego $9 billion because he doesn't want to tax the wealthiest 0.1% of the people in his state?"
"A public option which is a pretty similar to the position that Mayor P. Biden and some others have taken."
"President Trump is not content with a health care system where millions of Americans receive costly burdensome treatments when better options are possible and available."
"I've come to believe that public option would be better and also to enable a better transition and the goal is to make it frankly such that most private insurance has no place in the market."
"So what do we do we weaponize our healthcare system even more to fight this threat."
"With today's order, my administration is taking one more vital step in a series of actions to deliver great healthcare for the American people."
"We want universal healthcare... That's what a lot of people just, you know, I feel like a lot of the Democratic Party's messaging has been centered around."
"Bernie [Sanders] is the only candidate with a $20 billion hospital bailout plan." - Michael Brooks
"The lack of universality, the lack of viewing this as a basic right is producing a circumstance that is endangering the health of everybody."
"We need universal healthcare which will actually stimulate the economy."
"We need to be mad as hell and deciding that we're not gonna take it anymore when it comes to the commodification of healthcare and putting people's lives at risk for profit."
"Bernie has policies that are exciting. People get excited when you talk about big ideas like healthcare for everybody."
"I think the idea is to offer a nonprofit insurance plan as an option."
"Doctors ought to be able to treat their patients without somebody looking over their shoulder."
"Healthcare is a human right, and nobody should go into medical debt."
"Long-term acting reversible contraceptives for all poor women would solve an awful lot of problems."
"We're allowing healthcare workers to operate at the top of their license."
"We're taking action today to relax some of our regulations to allow hospitals to increase their workforce."
"We're putting more money into mental health issues at record levels."
"It's so interesting because Obamacare was maybe the most contentious issue after Iraq in American politics of the last 20 years."
"We will continue to fight for American workers, lower drug prices."
"The regulation cutting is helping speed the development of a vaccine."
"Dr. Fauci's agency profited off of the Covid vaccines."
"This isn't about defending your image you genuinely seem but I don't want to swing to yesterday on my voice message you generally seemed like God that you had that upset your fans and stuff so it's nice there."
"Bernie Sanders talking about Medicare for all."