
Romantic Relationships Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"The early phase of a romantic relationship engages the same neural circuitries as addiction."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We have just been pitched for so long that the most important relationship that you will ever have in your entire life is your romantic relationship and who cares if you maintain your friendships because there will always be another friend you can make but there won't always be another guy."
"Friendships take just as much, if not more, work than your romantic relationships."
"My friendships... have been more influential to me than some of my romantic relationships."
"Vulnerability in a romantic relationship is a gift, not a given."
"Friendships definitely deserve the amount of attention we give to our romantic partners."
"We're looking for compatibility, the thought will be just very basic, tangible things, like in romance, for example, if there's someone who absolutely wants to have a family and there's someone who absolutely does not want to have a family, okay, that would be a reason for those two people to not choose one another."
"I want to share how I am learning for the first time in my life what it feels like to be liked by my romantic partner."
"Romantic relationships tend to be the relationships where we invest the most of us and often find that we leave feeling the most broken or hurt."
"The biggest space we lose ourselves is often in romantic relationships."
"Understanding attachment theory and attachment styles is really the key to understanding romantic relationships."
"You got to understand this: the attachment style that we formed with our caregivers... tends to be the same attachment style we form with our romantic partners."
"The problem with being a social recluse with a fundamental disability to connect on a romantic level is that we want so much to find that one special person with whom we'd want to grow old with, to raise children with, to spend the rest of our lives with, and yet we're incapable of going out and finding her."
"It would be a crime not to talk about Sabrina and Harvey, the crush that blossoms into a first love."
"I agree that a romantic partner can be a best friend and a lover simultaneously."
"If you deny me of that in the relationship, you're starving the thing that allows us to even have a romantic relationship."
"I'm sure most people who read this can understand what I'm saying when I say I wish I would have listened to the warnings about a certain romantic partner."
"They're not interested in games; they're interested in love."
"It's not society's standard to romanticize abusive traits."
"Give your best to the one you got and if you can't give him your best and he's going elsewhere then you can't blame him."
"You could definitely say they fell really hard for each other really fast."
"What's the point if love's not in it? I agree we are accepting here that uh the love we used to share as a union."
"True love and genuine romantic feelings in this connection."
"We're way more open to just having it as like a romantic thing and yes it can be a relationship that is respectable."
"When a man is smitten by a woman, all that stuff doesn't matter."
"Your soulmate would never doubt you in any way."
"This is going to feel like you hit the lottery because you're going to meet a very high value soul mate."
"Love is here, your love life is gonna really come together quite strong."
"The original films had a richness to them, they felt more real."
"Dreams come true... you guys are made to be together."
"I want to know more about Envy's feelings and her perspective on what it was like dating Scott."
"Romantic love and romance and power and passion and intensity connected to a new beginning..."
"I stopped believing in love altogether. There's no point to hold faith in high feelings when the girl for whom I was ready to give my life for turned out to be just an opportunistic monster."
"They always find their way back to each other."
"Should we override our romantic conditioning?"
"Love and attraction are two different things, he can still love you, but to want to be and stay with you in a romantic relationship, he needs attraction."
"We can fall in love with someone who feels good to us but is not good for us."
"Purity is one of the greatest expressions of love."
"What's the problem with two people of the same gender having a romantic and sexual relationship?"
"You attract romantic love by enjoying the moment fully."
"Online dating has completely changed my generation's approach to love and relationships."
"Ruby and Sapphire's relationship is confirmed to be romantic."
"Charlotte's optimistic belief in true love ultimately allows her to evolve and find a fulfilling relationship."
"They want to commit to you and they feel this loyal love to you."
"Your self-respect makes you more romantically attractive, stand your ground."
"Dream your most beautiful romantic relationship into being."
"Women are powerful... when you remove that from a romantic relationship, what's left? You're just roommates."
"We really fell in love with each other, unlikeliest places I know."
"The writers decided early on that Kim and Ron's relationship was there to stay."
"Maybe you have recently seen what you don't want in love and it's that's like bringing in true love into your life."
"Someone's gonna deactivate their Tinder for you."
"Well sometimes we just fall in love with the wrong person love is weird sometimes it's blind."
"They see you as their dream come true... very lucky to be with you."
"I just knew. There was never any doubt whether or not Zach was the one."
"If you say something dumb as an adult you should be ready to be criticized for it."
"If you've had some complications in love and romance, some things came up with a romantic partner, this will be straightened out, this will be resolved."
"They're starting to visualize a future with you."
"My heart has been through so much and I still want something real."
"Someone who will be a best friend as much as a lover."
"They feel like this could be the one. You already met the romantic partner you seek."
"Long-lasting love, teamwork, support, keeping the romance alive."
"Strength of two together, you're meeting your match, someone who's going to challenge you, someone who's going to love you for you."
"Someone here who's coming into your life... someone who's going to give you that long-term commitment you're looking for."
"Your true love is already part of your life, your person is realizing that you are the one."
"A match made in heaven... So it wasn't long after they first met that their relationship turned into a full-blown romantic love story."
"You already know you don't have any options anymore, you already know who you want."
"This person knows that you are a soul mate, so I do feel like this person knows it's destined, both of you do because that unified energy says this is a destined relationship you're meant to be."
"In reality romantic relationships that are healthy and secure are about co-regulation so they're about two people coming together and sharing the whole of themselves with each other."
"What he really wanted was to be with Bo Peep and help other toys get owners."
"I'm always going to try my best to be the best version of myself."
"I never thought that loving you could cause me pain."
"Questions that are gonna take you to a deeper level...help both of you in this romantic relationship get to know the heart of one another."
"I literally cannot live without Bo. Don't get me wrong, we do have our annoying moments to each other, but at the end of the day, we just still have like that love that we just can't be without each other."
"They want to start a life with you and I think that's a common thing with most twin flames."
"A romantic relationship is gonna show you the things you do not like about yourself."
"I was his love at first sight... this is pretty special."
"She adored Harry, Harry adored her." - Robert Hardman
"New love coming on in here for you, divinely guided and reciprocated."
"I'm seeing all good things here, beautiful domestic bliss, putting down roots, partnership, love offers with a true love. This is the romance of a lifetime."
"Your woman is your angel, is your left side, keeps you tongue-tied, and easily the most beautiful thing in your world."
"Thank you for making me feel like the luckiest man alive and for reminding me how much I'm really loved."
"It's almost like they're letting go and recognizing that the universe is lining things up for you both to be back in each other's lives again."
"Your person puts you up on a pedestal, you're their queen/king."
"He loved her... they were artists and they came from damaged backgrounds, but they were in love."
"Every Cherry boy needs a nice big Cherry girl in his life."
"Relax and be ready for this person to come forward. They see you as one of their soul mates."
"First loves are always just so intense. You'll always remember that person for the rest of your life."
"A solid romantic relationship with well-intended emotions."
"The romance is so much built on communication transparency talking about emotions talking about goals."
"Love attachment is something you should be interested in, that is the real deal."
"Super excited about this news because it contributes to one of your long-term plans."
"Enjoy each other's company, lose yourself in the arms of a romantic partner."
"Ace of cups, I feel like there will be a love offer here, so, yeah, I feel like you two will be together, yes for sure."
"I may not be the first woman in your life, but I want to be the last woman in your life."
"Both of you are so mirrored that if you're wondering if this person's thinking about you, the answer is yes."
"Your person definitely sees you as their perfect match."
"You can have passion and romance with a stable, responsible man too."
"You're going to have some lover or something that you love come back and mirror what was lost, only this not that it's going to be better."
"Take care of yourself, take care of your routine and how much energy you put into yourself."
"He says he loves Hinana and feels happy when he is with her."
"It's so refreshing to watch their romance... it's an ongoing relationship."
"You want true love, someone who wants to make a commitment to you."
"Connecting physically romantically to be fully supported."
"I think there's a kind of the romantic idea that when you meet the right person everything just clicks into place."
"Women sleep with men they like, women stick with men they love and trust."
"Every woman breaks their rules for the right guy."
"Staying true to yourself is crucial even if it means not always seeing eye to eye with a potential romance."
"This personal passionate love is extremely exclusive, no way out."
"We truly wish you guys a Happy Valentine's Day, lots of love, lots of sex, and healthy relationships. Amen."
"The love they've had for each other never really goes away."
"I promised that I'd always protect you, and well, sometimes you might have to protect me from myself."
"Can you have a life partner and still have a love story? Of course."
"If someone truly loves you, they should be happy for you, they should let you go. If you really love someone, let them go, they're meant to be, they'll come back."
"True love—everyone wants to find it and some think they have, but imagine a relationship that starts out like a fairy tale but slowly turns into a nightmare."
"True love...if you do decide to take on that energy...for the rest of you, this is about finding yourself and finding the love that you have for yourself."
"This could be the one, you have already met the Romantic partner you seek."
"Trusting in their heart, this is a true love connection."
"I understand the depth of this connection, and I want to be able to express that to you."
"They feel as though you're supposed to be together... you mean the world to them."
"Embrace true love and deep intimate relationships or friendships."
"You attract romantic love by enjoying this moment fully. No expectations, just seeing how it goes."
"You're attracting someone into your life who it wasn't you weren't ready for them before this journey."
"Unconditional love for yourself will attract someone who will love you unconditionally."
"When they fell in love with you was a real soul awakening."
"Your other half, that's the one, that's what you've been waiting for."
"You cleaned up your life... and you are getting your ideal partner."
"Both parties will feel a lot of passion and excitement around each other."
"Love is a powerful emotion for the people you truly love; getting over them is a difficult task."
"There's something really special about finding the love of your life and wanting to create life with that person."
"Maybe it's twin flame kind of energy, maybe it's when we inspire one another to be the best versions of ourselves and then we fall in love with those best versions of someone else."
"If you're still after all being romantic after 33 years, that's a good sign."
"When you meet that person, have a connection with, you throw the rule book out the window. Everything changes."
"Getting a woman to make love is not a matter of convincing verbally. It's a matter of treating her like she's special, that she's loved."
"What might be coming in the next month for this connection? Wow, the lovers. Falling more deeply in love, just feeling more in tune with one another, just recognizing each other as your beloved."
"Romance is a double-edged sword when it comes to the game."
"It's kind of satisfactory to feel like yeah this person was actually in love with you."
"And interested in you not just for the sensual desire of it, although that is a component, but more so in all that you can achieve together romantically."
"This person sees you as a divine counterpart, a soul mate."
"It's totally understandable that you are needing more time and energy to put into your romantic relationship in order to make it work."
"You deserve someone who cherishes you and loves you as their best romantic option and not some back-up plan."
"Love is about supporting each other's dreams."
"You have emotion for this person, of course, and I'm seeing you know they see you as the lovers."
"Have you ever been with somebody that you loved romantically... but it's like you love them and you don't want nothing bad to happen to them"
"Love addicts are attracted to the intense experience of falling in love."
"Your connection is true love, nothing like the social matrix version of love."
"Twin flames, coupling and complement each other."
"Think back if it's about romance you can pretty well say your romantic life has been since 2018 erratic and unpredictable."
"You're going through this massive rebirth and you're lucky enough that through this rebirth you're actually finding your true love or you're having someone who's stepping up and deciding to grow with you which can be very rare."
"Romantic love is divorced from sexual attraction."
"Some of you, they may have tried to have love with another person, but it's like nobody really gives them that emotional fulfillment."
"You're realizing the hardest part is over and indeed the toughest part for you romantically is over."
"But if you're twin flames, the love is still there, then the love will never die and so they may be coming back around or they're still thinking about you all the time, they still feel the connection, they still have hope for the future."
"Yes, this is your soulmate. You should know it and feel it, not one of the other."
"True love is worth waiting for, worth getting rid of the past."
"They want to be open, they want to be with you... They want the happy relationship with you."
"Before the rebellion Robert had been betrothed to and had deep feelings for Lyanna Stark sister of Lord Eddard."
"The F boy is who she wants, the F boy is who she needs and she's attracted to him because he is a mirror of who she truly is on the inside."
"Things come full circle; anyone I've had a crush on has come full circle in the end."
"Soulmates, you guys, which is deep love, unity, and connection."
"You should never wait on somebody who's indecisive because at the end of the day if they really wanted you, they'd have you."
"Love does not have a face, y'all. A lot of people fall in love with people they don't necessarily want to fall in love with or are embarrassed to fall in love with."
"You'll be in control of your love life, doing what's best for you."
"The Way We Were resurfaces as the film closes, leaving their relationship in the past while also contemplating what could have been."
"I just feel like everything between them came so naturally and so that's why I love them."
"Women love differently, men don't love like women period."
"The brain shuts down interest in other people if you fall in love properly."
"Ultimately, what I see here is somebody's making a choice about lovers."
"Putting so much weight on [physical attraction] it is an important element that needs to be there for a successful long-term romantic relationship."
"It's like a paradox, like disability and love."
"I personally made the decision that I was going to move forward in my interactions with women in a romantic context in the sense that I was no longer going to be interested in figuring out what they want."
"Don't be afraid of romantic connections in the future."
"We are more socially isolated, on the other end our expectations especially of romantic relationships are unprecedented and have skyrocketed."
"Relationships are never simple, oh no. There are tons of trials and tribulations."
"Date night is a really important thing."
"I'm talking about this [kiss], man."
"A happy love life is absolutely poisoned by an attachment to a fantasy of somebody who's not in your life."
"This is the key to literally magnetizing your energy for these romantic soul connections."
"We need to find some resolution with Piper's romantic struggles."
"I'm just not at a place right now where I want to sacrifice anything that I desire for the sake of an excuse me for the sake of adding a romantic partner into my life like it's just not something that I desire right now."
"Her time seems to run faster whenever she's around him."
"You know when you first start dating someone you only see their positives, it's amazing start infatuating with them or fantasizing what you know the future is going to be like with them in the future and then the honeymoon period wears off."
"Navigating the single era in 2024: Should we give up on romantic relationships?"
"There are better suited romantic relationships that are about to come into your life."
"You can be a great parent, a good co-parent, and be a terrible romantic partner."
"They want excitement in their romantic relationships."
"If you love someone, you convince your family that. Unless the girl is a monster, which she sounds very lovely, she's a toaster."
"One area of our lives that gets really damaged from childhood PTSD is the part of our lives where we have romantic relationships."
"It's about love and about how do we choose who we're in love with."
"Romantic relationships are possible for people living with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder and people living with the illness are fully capable of engaging in meaningful and fulfilling relationships."
"Unconditional love can be very powerful when it comes to our romantic relationships."
"Romantic relationship is like a safe spot for you to be vulnerable."
"I guess I'll disagree with that. I think the best kind of romantic relationships are where you have a good solid friendship underneath holding everything together."