
Pain Relief Quotes

There are 446 quotes

"Love works great. It was a wonderful analgesic; it significantly reduced people's pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"As a parent, you just want to take that pain and suffering away. That's how I'm defining empathy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If I'm socially engaged, I think it's not only that I'm not paying as much attention to the pain, but I think there's actually some relief from what's known as the social buffering of pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People who anticipate an injection of morphine immediately report the feeling of loss of pain. Their pain starts to diminish because they know they're going to get pain relief and it's a powerful effect."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Imagine waking up refreshed, feeling rejuvenated, and with less pain."
"OMAX CryoFreeze provides pain relief. Let me first say a few words about pain. It's useful, pain is adaptive."
"SLDD addiction is the compulsive, habitual need to be in a relationship to take away the pain."
"Six weeks later, after making that decision, I lost 28 pounds and the pain I'd been experiencing every day for two and a half years was gone."
"The power of the mind and suggestion can significantly influence our perception of pain relief."
"Vitamin D is a natural anti-inflammatory; it gets rid of pain."
"When you ground the body, if you have any pain or inflammation in your body, then the pain goes away."
"Everybody slept better, everybody felt better, everybody had less pain."
"Tony was extremely well regarded; his clients loved him and felt like he was the reason they were able to live free of pain."
"Alan Scott, you are the one. Allow me to take your pain and mend your body."
"People's lives are always at stake, and I'm really glad that when I'm in pain, a pharmaceutical company may have invented something that'll make it better."
"Relief can last up to eight hours, much longer than over-the-counter products."
"Paracetamol is an over-the-counter painkiller that can also reduce fever."
"The chiropractic treatment helped Ronnie to feel better."
"Cure his pain. This is why he wants to let the past die. The only thing that's keeping him from fully committing to the dark side is his family. If he can kill the past, then all that pain will be gone."
"Turmeric oil massage provides relief from joint pains, muscle pains, cramps, and arthritis."
"I just saw someone who was watching, sharp pains going down your back. You'll be healed right now. I rebuke that sharpness out of your life."
"Whether accidentally or purposefully make discoveries which help alleviate pain and mental anguish."
"Cold immersion is a great modality for pain relief."
"I've had three pain-free days in a row thank God."
"Feeling is believing the aches and pains are gone thanks to this hundred percent Drug Free Solution called relief Factor."
"Physical activity is extremely valuable when it comes to back and joint pain relief."
"A world with a cure or treatment for EB would mean I wouldn't have to worry about wound care supplies and I would be able to walk on my feet pain-free."
"The Plus CBD Sport Recovery Stick and Penetrating Pain Cream are the perfect complements to your training routine."
"Jesus Christ of Nazareth heals you—that day the Lord took that pain away from her."
"I just read a letter on the radio today... 'This is a miracle.' Try Relief Factor if you're in pain. You can get your life back."
"Pain could turn into a great video to help somebody else avoid what you went through."
"The pain was so intense that I begged a nurse for morphine, heroin, ketamine, an induced coma if they had to."
"Healing yourself, not just going around relieving everybody's pain."
"Stair exercises retrain your brain and alleviate pain."
"At 4 am, that was it... all of a sudden I just felt better... the pain started to go off in waves."
"If you have a new injury like a sprained ankle where there's a lot of swelling, a good way to help reduce the pain and inflammation is through the use of ice."
"Say goodbye to back pain, muscle soreness, headaches, and stress. Imagine your life without those."
"Suffering should be relieved in a kind and humane way."
"Just talking with you can alleviate a lot of my pain."
"It's fantastic really because I haven't got to feel this pain anymore."
"The week after heart surgery, the strong pain medication made my depression, chronic fatigue almost disappeared for the first time in 10 years."
"This is a welcome distraction from root canal pain."
"Nitrous oxide does provide some pain relief and a reduction in anxiety, which can be quite useful."
"D'Arco: beneficial as a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever."
"In this case, the Coast Guard was the only option for this gentleman to essentially get pain relief from his awful accident."
"This hut's warmth is able to make me forget all my pain."
"May give quick pain relief even in as little as 30 seconds."
"The cycle of pain coming to an end, a lot of pain."
"They want him to stop causing this pain and suffering."
"Do not be afraid of the epidural, do not let these people scare you about getting the epidural."
"Endorphins are those natural neurotransmitters that inhibit pain."
"Olive oil as far as an anti-inflammatory and something to help relieve pain is equivalent if not comparable to the effects of ibuprofen."
"Those in pain know when their pain is relieved."
"You can go work your way down another part of the body to give relief in a completely like you ain't the average person who owns a hair gun isn't able to do."
"Cryofreeze is the answer when your knees are crying out and your back is crying for relief."
"Myofascial release therapy is very effective in reducing fibromyalgia pain and actually gives some sustained benefit."
"If you hit trigger points where I'm going to show you, your neck pain goes away, the muscles instantaneously loosen up."
"Your inflammation, pain, and stiffness is going to also improve."
"I think what everyone wants is you want to be relieved of pain, but there's a caveat to that; it's not you just want to be out of pain, you want to be out of pain and still exist."
"A warm bath does wonders for pain."
"Feel free to subscribe to my channel to get helpful tips on how to relieve pain."
"Many patients have told me what Chinese medical Scholars are writing 4,000 years ago and what recent studies have shown us is the answer is yes, cannabis is effective for fibromyalgia pain."
"If you are suffering from shoulder pain, I want to help you."
"I remember pressing cold steel against my forehead, trying to conceptualize my pain being gone."
"It helps with chronic pain, and I also notice I sleep better at night."
"Willow bark has been used for centuries to ease pain it's like Nature's aspirin."
"My seven Solutions will stop your pain almost anywhere it starts."
"...the pain wasn't too bad they had given me pretty adequate pain relief and the right should even mention that they put in as much local as they could as they could to kind of minimize the pain."
"their love blossomed taking her away from the pain"
"CBD subjects reported a significant reduction in pain."
"CBD may have pain relieving effects."
"If you guys have a hard time on car rides and if you're in pain... honestly best purchase ever."
"...thank you for taking away my pain for 48 hours I'll take it to be honest I'm not even saying that condescending they're to me funny I'll take it and thank you."
"Getting enough magnesium has been life-changing for me and has helped me move away from painful periods to pain-free periods."
"We routinely reverse multiple sclerosis here on the farm, reverse osteoarthritis pain, even when someone is on the schedule for a knee replacement already, they can cancel the operation."
"The epidural was great for those postpartum cramps. Wonderful, amazing top perk."
"I do think we see we have the most advanced techniques for relieving pain and suffering I mean it's just it's so much it's so great for us to see also so when people come in and they're happy makes us happy."
"Already my restless leg syndrome, my teeth gritting, agonizing pain, exhaustion is lifted a bit."
"You will get over that, okay? That will get less painful, I promise you."
"Tart cherry has the same value as like taking an aspirin in terms of pain relief."
"Getting rid of pain is obviously number one."
"CRPS is very common in pregnancy... it really goes away when you are pregnant."
"Laughing releases endorphins, reducing pain."
"80% of women at most hospitals will get an epidural, so you get an epidural and suddenly you're not in pain anymore."
"That was when I was most nervous but she's been doing really good the contractions were really bad and the pain was really really bad prior to the epidural and now she doesn't feel anything so praise god for modern medicine."
"Now that you're equipped with these foam rolling exercises and tools to help you alleviate lower back pain keep up the good work by making foam rolling stretching and strength training a regular part of your wellness routine."
"Enjoy your pain-free way of life."
"Trying to find a position where I'm comfortable at night is a nightmare. Shoulder pain during the day has been so much better since physical therapy."
"I will say this is such a good gift for anyone who has like muscle pain."
"Acupuncture covered for lower back pain."
"I tell people you always rub the back of your skull and back of your head and massage it because who doesn't like that first of all and who doesn't have pain there everybody does."
"Cloves are both a good analgesic and anti-inflammatory."
"Creativity takes so much mental energy that I think it's a lot like or can be even better than pain meds because I don't know your your brain just goes someplace and doesn't really think about your body."
"Please, brides, grooms, whoever, take two Advil before bed, it will save you."
"Shoulder replacements provide excellent pain relief with more than 90% of patients experiencing at least a 90% reduction in pain."
"I found medical marijuana extremely helpful with the pain."
"I want to get you out of pain, get you feeling better, and then teach you the things that are going to keep you out of my office."
"Morphine is a central nervous system depressant used to relieve the pain associated with myocardial infarction. It also decreases apprehension and prevents cardiogenic shock."
"I remember at one point, my client was commenting on something... and she stopped, she goes, 'Oh my God, you're right, my back doesn't hurt anymore.'"
"It's crazy how once I started sleeping on my back, the other thing that went away was my shoulder pain."
"I was having so much pain going up and downstairs and the last time I went up and downstairs, actually the last couple of times, there was no pain in this knee at all. So thank you, Lord."
"You encounter patients who are in pain. You want to relieve that pain. It's often inherent to why you chose to do this in your life, right? You want to bring relief to people who are suffering."
"Just learning about your pain actually reduces your pain."
"...the act of giving reduced pain in patients so much so that they recommended using it alongside traditional painkiller medication."
"CBDs that you know helped me with pain and the and the sleep as well you know"
"This session is all about doing exercises for mobility to release tension in your hips to help with pain."
"Many women talk about just the pain itself within two weeks of severely reducing their carbohydrates, the pain is resolved or very very low."
"I didn't have any pain. And I've suffered a lot with pain in my life. And it was just wonderful."
"There's a lot of interesting research showing the potential benefits of hypnosis for pain relief during labor, and it's worth exploring further."
"The bath they call it the midwife's medicine, that's what she said to me because it really does take the edge off and help with the pain."
"Experience full body pain relief anytime and anywhere with Super Vest."
"Raised beds allow you to reach new planting heights with less pain."
"I mean, your stress level, your anxiety level, your like irritability, it's like a miracle to me, it's a miracle to not be in pain all day long every day."
"Enter Omax Health. If you're looking to get rid of nagging muscle joint pain immediately while providing long-lasting recovery, then you need to try the natural breakthrough pain relief solution, CryoFreeze CBD Roll-On, developed by Omax Health."
"And the best part is, this 100% natural CBD-powered remedy works its magic within 10 minutes of application, and relief lasts up to eight hours, which is much longer than the over-the-counter products."
"So, let's get started and fix that bone on bone hip pain right now."
"Pain is gone, suddenly, suddenly you're not hurting anymore."
"Spinal stenosis and leg pain is already feeling better."
"Does the use of marijuana affect the healing process? No, it does not. There's no nicotine in it, therefore patients often find it beneficial to use that in terms of nausea or pain relief, anxiety etc."
"Exercises can actually help relieve pain if they are pitched at the right level for you."
"All that horrible pain on the right side is gone now."
"We've got case studies of people that within a week, within two weeks, had no more pain."
"It's designed in a progressive fashion that walks you step by step in a time efficient manner to get you to the end goal which is painfree hips."
"Many victims remain not necessarily because they expect the narcissist's love or they're addicted to it, but as a form of pain relief. The only person who can take away the pain is my narcissist."
"Cloves are really great, really great for as an anodyne for topical pain, especially like dental pain. That's mostly what I use it for."
"Narcotics tend not to touch nerve pain as much but it can certainly be an option when your pain is horrible."
"...some of those mobilizations can help us feel better get out of pain desensitize something change a tissue."
"Her energy is really, really light, like some pain in her is kind of lifted."
"Endorphin gives you a euphoria that masks pain which allows you to escape from real physical pain for a few minutes."
"Sensodyne toothpaste helps stop the pain and the domino effect."
"Cannabinoids can be an effective treatment for chronic pain."
"Marijuana is so much better with pain."
"We're very fortunate on the air ambulance with having doctors who can give really strong pain relief."
"You know, I don't think that they're very good pain relieving drugs, but at least you're not going to get addicted like you would with opioids."
"Share it with a friend who has some low back pain, has some hip pain, has some tight hamstrings."
"Advil: advanced medicine for pain."
"The hammock just relieves achy muscles and back pain."
"I can't reverse the process of rheumatoid arthritis, but I can, again, kind of like MS, help with the pain and try to help keep the mobility as full as possible."
"Strength training is absolutely vital to finding arthritis pain relief and honestly that's when I see the biggest breakthrough with pain relief."
"True joy and pain relief are unlocked by moving in different ways."
"Holding him, even though I was complaining and in tears and in pain... the pain went away."
"The available evidence that we do have does support the use of TENS for pain management during labor."
"Surgery is one way of helping relieve that pain."
"I now have no pain in my body at all I can move my neck far beyond what I could move before I barely can feel the scars that were embarrassing and would sometimes put makeup on them"
"You're going to have a reduction of pain. You're going to feel better. Your demeanor is going to change. Your color is going to come back. But most of all, the pain and the anxiety, irritability, and stress and the anger that's in your body, it all dissipates and disappears."
"Just by connecting her hand to the Earth through the ground, via an electrode patch, the pain disappeared."
"Just go outdoors, put your bare feet on the earth, start there. If your pain starts to come down then do a little more and stay there until your pain goes away."
"The older you get, the more you appreciate a good pain reliever."
"Love works great, folks. Love works great. We lead to about a 44% reduction in pain with love. And it turns out the more in love you are, the more pain relief you got."
"There's one surefire way to [__] give yourself some relief and folks, that's with the products from the folks at Omax, including CryoFreeze."
"Pain is bad, Omax is good. Omaxhealth.com, the code JCE, 20% off everything site-wide."
"Smoking weed is undeniably a less risky form of pain relief than opioids."
"Rosemary is renowned for promoting intestinal Health, reducing gas and bloating, facilitating bowel movements, and relieving abdominal pains, cramps, and stomach aches."
"Use what gives you the best relief."
"New Advil Liquid Gels: Advanced medicine for pain just got faster."
"...weed for me was a huge help to get off of that stuff and I mean the amount of nerve pain that I was going through for months is... just calmed me down and made me sane without giving me... I felt like it was making me sane to calm those nerve pains."
"Exercises that may give quick big toe pain relief even in as little as 30 seconds, but hopefully, we'll get rid of it for good."
"I literally don't feel any more back pain."
"White willow, vitamin C, and quercetin—very effective for acute sprain and pain."
"Massage is a very, very effective home remedy technique for pain."
"With simple exercises and stretches, you're going to see amazing relief and also prevent future baffling from happening."
"...if your goal is to get long-lasting pain relief, possibly even get rid of it for good, make strengthening your main focus."
"My Dad's skin looks better and you don't have to scratch and it's nice to know that you won't have to go through that pain anymore."
"I appreciate the people who use films, books, music, just any forms of art as a form to either escape or to alleviate some pain."
"But the thing I didn't realize about oxy is not only does it get rid of the pain, they put you in a fantastic mood."
"Having something comforting that relieves the pain and throbbing of a wound in your abdomen can be a super helpful creature comfort."
"But there is a big difference between pain relief and actual healing."
"I feel like I should keep this in our cabinet for my random back pains."
"You'll be able to minimize pain and suffering."
"You can see where people get addicted to these drugs because it takes away pain."
"If you broke your leg or had a toothache and you did something that got you laughing, you may not have even thought about your pain."
"Everything with a massage gun should feel good. If it hurts and it hurts more than 15 seconds or so, back off. It's not ready for it."
"Curcumin appears to work as well as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Advil to reduce pain, reduce swelling and inflammation, and improve function."
"An anti-inflammatory knee sleeve... when I put this thing on, it just kind of instantly takes the pain away."
"Three days a week of basic strength training can reduce pain by 23% in eight weeks."
"CBD freeze with menthol, an award-winning product that offers instant cooling relief for muscles and joints."
"For the first time ever, I have zero pain. It's gone, every bit of it is gone."
"It really does provide great analgesia to that area."
"Stress management is such a huge part of this... we can make them happier, we can have them experience less pain, we could make medicine work better, and we can heal more."
"Pain relief can occur really really quickly after it's administered. One minute. That's fast, that's super fast."
"Maintain range of motion, it is gonna help decrease your pain."
"I've had a great time working with you, 135 pain-free."
"Aspirin pure aspirin for pure pain relief, Bayer works wonders."
"It also can certainly be pain relieving."
"The most important factor in reducing pain and limping was exercise."
"It's a wonderful way of restoring circulation and relieving pain management."
"Proven fast effective pain relief without pills."
"Castor oil steps into the spotlight as a natural remedy with properties that can help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and contribute to an overall sense of relief."
"I've noticed that I wake up with a lot less stiffness and muscle pain when I sleep on my Helix mattress."
"The best thing you can do is to stop all calf stretches, put your foot in a shoe that has a bit of a heel on it."
"Strengthening the shoulders can be really beneficial for helping us maintain a good posture and also alleviate some of the pain that you may experience throughout the day."
"Cannabis doesn't just make cannabinoids; it also makes terpenoids which may be painkillers, anti-inflammatory, have mood modulating effects, and reduce the side effects of THC."
"He can always tell when someone is in pain, and he always knows how to soothe that pain."
"Use the stretches and exercises mentioned in this video to create a stable, mobile, and pain-free shoulder girdle."
"Upright birthing positions increase satisfaction, decrease pain, and lead to more positive birth experiences."
"Your determination to free others from pain and suffering has gotten through."
"Magic happened. It was like somebody erased my pain."
"Aspirin, your aspirin for pure pain relief, there works wonders."
"I'm gonna go and tell myself I love myself and not cause any more pain."
"A vegetarian diet has been highly associated with pain reduction in fibromyalgia."