
Coping Mechanism Quotes

There are 1224 quotes

"Thank God we have endogenous opioids, or we just couldn't handle it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What if you think of anxiety as a little kid that's just going, 'Hey, over here, project over here needs some attention,' instead of a heavy weight that's weighing you down?"
"Sometimes, something is so serious...you start to laugh because if you took it any more seriously, it would be tragic."
"You have to allow yourself to feel sad...allow that to happen."
"I get nervous. Oh yeah, I wear the shades all the time 'cause I get nervous."
"Humor is an alchemist, transforming that call it into something less gravity with more levity that helps us."
"The one thing that sustained him was his music, and I think that's the most incredible thing because... music is what's getting us through a lot of things."
"Sometimes family, you have to laugh to keep from crying."
"Breathing can become your best friend in this situation."
"Trying to find laughter in these situations then is a coping mechanism to deal with it all."
"Being able to make the decision to say, 'This isn't an appropriate response, therefore I'm going to assume I'm in an emotional flashback right now,' just knowing you're in an emotional flashback can help."
"Humor is a hack to get through life better, to see the funny in things."
"I used the game as a means to shut those awful, self-deprecating thoughts at bay."
"Singing is one of the things that can help people navigate all kinds of emotional challenges."
"If being over-busy is a coping mechanism you're using to avoid something in your life, it's time for you to have that quiet time and just let the awareness of the problem show you what it is."
"An anchor thought is a predetermined and planned thought that you go to in your mind to help control what you're thinking about when your mind starts to spiral."
"Loss of identity is also a really big thing to deal with when you're dealing with a diagnosis of schizophrenia."
"I suspect Uncle Fred is a coping mechanism Conrad has created to help him come to terms with the existential nihilism of existence in a post-capitalist society."
"Everything was just too much for me; I had to turn to God."
"I always have a bottle of water, and when I get nervous, I take a sip because it distracts me, calms my nerves."
"Bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment."
"If you're gonna be mad, put on a cape so you can be super mad."
"Sometimes humor is all we have left when the world becomes a terrible place."
"It takes all your pain and your hurt and your tears, and it doesn't care, but it holds them all safe for you."
"Humor helps us cope with stressful situations. It sort of recharges our brains to face the task at hand."
"Laughter is the lubricant that makes life livable."
"Life is tough, and laughter provides respite."
"Streaming gets me through stuff; it's a distraction but also something I enjoy."
"Exercise has replaced like drinking as a coping mechanism, which is all-around healthier."
"Grief is one of the ways you keep them alive."
"The very idea of spending the rest of my life in a cage... that's actually the reason I wear this rock around my neck."
"The sense of humor is what keeps me grounded."
"The most common for me is a dissociative state, so I will kind of hit eject on the brain."
"I mean, if I don't laugh, I will cry, so the hat really is an expression of frustration and everything else that I think we're suffering from as Manchester United fans at the moment."
"Life fucking sucks. It's shitty. Everyone's got their own shit that they're worried about, and these guys look at how shitty life is and make light of it."
"It calms my mind. You sort of killing the demons in a video game calms the demons in my mind."
"It's hard to imagine anything that gets you through difficult times better than humor."
"The only thing that's ever fucking saved me, the only thing that's ever made it okay, the only coping skill I have that is just washed, is skateboarding."
"Things were so stressful that they had to get a pet lion just to take the edge off."
"Your pain is like an alarm clock, no one is happy to see it but it's better than the alternative."
"I think your sense of humor is something that can carry the day."
"Diminish is a game built by Will's sibling while they were dying as a method of coping with their situation."
"Jokes should deal with the worst and scariest things, that's why we have humor."
"If you're able to laugh at something difficult in life, you're able to turn it around."
"I made the funny voices and did the impressions not just to make people laugh, but to soothe myself. And I had anxieties as a kid from the world, and I would try to be funny to make myself laugh."
"People just can't go for long without laughing at something."
"I do not regret trying opiates because that kept me together when nothing else could."
"There's not a lot to laugh at in the world right now, but damn it, we have got to at least try to laugh at something."
"Luckily you can always count on the shenanigans of Persians, bees, and/or racists to help make overall grim topics a bit more digestible."
"It's these little acts of kindness that help us get through this."
"The only thing that keeps me from despairing is listening to music."
"Comedy is pain, pain is comedy. There's no better way to make people laugh than to talk about the most painful thing you've ever been through."
"You're baiting the egg. You're kind of just meeting the anxiety with a little bit of light medication."
"Prayer as a discipline gives us greater strength to deal with bigger issues in life."
"Your sense of humor and spot on wisecracks make the days bearable."
"What’s the point? Every time I go in public. I smile."
"Blocking [expletive] is the new bubble wrap to me."
"Remind yourself, it's only a dream, and everything will be okay."
"When I was a kid growing up, the guitar was the main thing that saved me from boredom."
"Maintain your sense of humor, it makes even tragic things a little more bearable."
"Just have fun when you read that's what we need right now during a pandemic what we need is as much fun as we can possibly [ __ ] get."
"In dark times, Andy sustains himself by playing music inside his mind."
"If you thought your week was bad, just pretend."
"My satanism got me through that very difficult time."
"My heartache and the fear of these old finger holy [ __ ]."
"Nessie knows from experience that life is not fair, but she is inspired by Lou and Leo every day. Way up in the stars, they are inspired by her."
"Despite all his troubles, Charles still sometimes makes fun of himself."
"Polar bear for every kid in this school. The Karen deals with feeling like she has no control by asserting as much authority as she possibly can."
"If crying does not solve the problem, try joy. Because in any case, you're already in trouble."
"You got to laugh if you're offended, you got to laugh."
"Sometimes you got to laugh to keep from crying, y'all."
"We can find humor and lightness in some of the darkest subjects."
"I would rather just like fade into the background so I wouldn't have to deal with all the thoughts in my head."
"At this point, it's like anything that happens, I just have that mentality like, 'Okay, this is good, this is gonna be good for something.'"
"Pop culture is culture, and escapism is important."
"If you're having a hard time in life, sitting down and drawing can help take your mind off it."
"I held this belief that... to get over the death of my father... I needed to lose every single pound of body fat I had gained because of his death."
"Shake it off. Believe me, whenever I get any hate comments, I crank the song 'Shake It Off' by Taylor and all of a sudden everything's okay."
"Embracing clown world is the natural course."
"Best friends, we did everything together and it was like when he left I couldn't bear the idea of staying in my own room, so I stayed in his."
"Sometimes we just need to channel it out like Apollo and have something to make us feel better."
"Entertainment, joke sarcasm humor is the ultimate coping mechanism to go through challenging times."
"The craving is spiritual... I was eating my way to feel good."
"Humor can sustain and hold the grief, that was the trick, well really that's what it is."
"Crying is good. It's a valve that releases all the built up pressure."
"Coffee has helped me get through some rough times so it's all good in the hood."
"Art is therapeutic, takes your mind off troubles. It's just a way to kind of focus what you're up to and just forget the fact that the world's slowly falling apart in a fireball nightmare."
"Laughter is like that release valve that keeps the boiler from exploding."
"There's nothing funny about the real situation... but in this scenario it's a safer version of it."
"Don't take yourself so seriously. You need to laugh about things."
"Humor is the way we avoid so much suffering in the world."
"Nostalgia helps us deal with transitions like when young adults move away from home or start their first jobs."
"Every time I feel like myself slipping in some sort of emotional way, I always think back to a specific Naruto character."
"It just feels like I'm romanticizing my life, which is what I need right now."
"Kindness is what's going to be able to get you through this stuff."
"Humor and satire is such a um it's part of our human function right when things are rough and difficult."
"Superheroes are figures that help readers process events in their own lives and the world at large."
"Satire can help us deal with bad ideas head-on."
"We have to laugh, and we can't laugh at the news and each other, then where are we?"
"We laugh through it all. We find the laughter in moments that for some people might feel like soul-crushing or painful or hard."
"Feel yourself taking the pain or whatever the pain is and condensing it into a face like a little pebble and then the pebble into the ocean."
"Crying in the shower protects you from anyone else knowing you're crying."
"When you're feeling sad, you're feeling down and out, most people might pop on their favorite record and it just takes that away for a minute."
"I'm almost glad but I just dropped the nice bomb in because that gave me a bit of chuckle 'some gave me a bit of levity to what is a very very dark day."
"Being sick sucks but something that made my dance with death just the slightest more bearable was getting to watch Martin Scors"
"We're sad... but we're laughing cuz we're sad."
"I saved it with depends jokes and old people hitting themselves."
"I know how much the loss hurts. I know the black hole that leaves in the middle of your chest. While I know nothing I can say to ease the pain, I just know that each year it gets a little bit, a little bit easier."
"Gallows humor: picking the worst conceivable scenario and mocking it."
"Panic disorder was a blessing in disguise as it helped them learn to live life in a new and more effective and fulfilling way."
"I think my brain is wired to always find the silver lining in something because I think that the saving like the medicine of being a comedian is anything bad that happens to you you can sublimate into a funny story."
"When I was 14 and falling down the pipeline misogynistic jokes were like comfort food."
"Take the L like a man. I just went and ran a mile for no reason to prove no one right, really."
"Music was the thing that really kept us and kept me going."
"Madness is the emergency exit. You can just step outside and close the door."
"You have those insecurities and I remember someone saying to me once in an interview, 'Do you think you use humor to control when people laugh at you?'"
"It's always a good thing to keep a sense of humor when mercury goes retrograde."
"Laughter is an expression of love so even laughing at something totally unrelated to the thing we feel powerless about as an antidote to fear."
"Sometimes you need a little bit of coffee to get through the day."
"Let's try to keep it entertaining and laughable because really the whole thing is very laughable."
"Stimming is a lifeline to an autistic person."
"Rather than emo being a fashion that pushes them towards feeling feelings of depression into self-harming to commit suicide, it can help fans to survive mental ill health."
"Depression, really dark. We both laughed at that because we're in pain. It's just darkness on the inside."
"I felt restless and irritable... I decided to take a drive to clear my head."
"Crying helps, you know. Just some kind of emotional outlet."
"I mean, that's such a tragic thing for someone who's been victimized to then have to frame the whole world as a world of victims, a world of trauma, and a world of predation in order to cope with what happened to them."
"Humor was a way for me to cope with how I felt about my weight and how other people were going to perceive me."
"I feel like it's okay to cry it out and that's always what I told myself growing up. I feel like me just crying it out at that moment just makes me feel better at that time."
"Dear hostages and prisoners everywhere, I drink to you. If I can't kill the virus, at least I can try to get it drunk."
"His dreams let him deal with this miserable world that's not unlike our own world as wages have stagnated or at least not kept up with inflation and people now have to often work more than one soulless job just to get by."
"Expect the worst, then you can only be pleasantly surprised."
"Coffee fixes everything. Anyways, I'm gonna go upstairs, try to just relax, and then get ready for work."
"Bodybuilding helped me through this process, it gave me an outlet when I was going through my divorce."
"We've got to have some gallows humor, y'all. We've got to laugh at this kind of stuff."
"Humor is a great way to talk about some of the most difficult things in life."
"I used to lucid dream to escape bad dreams. Flying made me feel powerful."
"Just having a game to play with friends while the outside world was in panic was all we needed."
"I believe in the power of comedy... when things are even bad."
"I have a real instinct to... hide in art as a way to feel alive."
"We could always exit out, pretend it didn't happen."
"You have the rare ability to crack jokes in real serious situations."
"Material items are what's saving me through this quarantine."
"It's okay to cry, it's the transformation of energy."
"Humor always breaks the ice in times of intensity."
"I've learned through life, if it ain't funny, it wasn't meant to be."
"Sometimes you just need to cry it out and then you can move on with your day."
"Comedy is what's helped me get through every stage of my life."
"Laughing things off is somewhat used as a mechanism to deal with what we deal with."
"The biggest 'screw you' to the darkness that follows all of us."
"Humor is like medicine that helps with this horrible virus that we're going through."
"The mind can invent terrible things to avoid painful realities, and Pyramid Head is a similar type of delusion."
"I just want to give a big shout-out to the frosting because it's pretty much the glue that holds my life together right now."
"The only advice every time it doesn't matter what your problem is, I need a button with Kelly Clarkson's voice just saying 'Forget it, Kelly, you are.'"
"Understanding and addressing dangers in the form of a god: Sobek was a way of coping with the dangers of living in ancient Egypt."
"Shared trauma can be funny... if I don't laugh, I'll cry kind of thing."
"If there's ever any scary times in your life, you can always hug Boxy, Foxy, or Rocky."
"The media has been awesome. It's actually been a good distraction because it's been keeping me so busy."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but the jokes will always make me laugh."
"I always try to find the silver lining in everything."
"All she wanted to do in that moment was hold the stuffed animal close."
"Every day that followed, Erin would come home to her stuffed animal, her ‘Poncho II’ as she liked to think of it."
"We put them to work, making ham sandwiches, and that kept their daughter, that was 200 miles away, off of their mind. They had a sense of purpose there."
"Everything that happens on the front line is our morale boost because we have this very dark sort of humor."
"Humor is going to play an incredible role this year in things like we are able to begin to laugh more about because it has just gotten so incredibly ridiculous."
"When I get genuinely scared I just immediately start bawling."
"I quite like it. I can sort of pretend that none of this is happening."
"It just makes everything a little more fun and all my problems seem a little less so."
"There's one thing we can do in the face of all this uh and that is laugh there's always laughter because if it is absurd if it is meaningless if we have constructed this mad thing to so help us out of it maybe it's funny."
"She really is just sort of resolved to going through the motions."
"When life hands you lemons, you just Sarge on."
"If I can offer a little bit of a distraction, that'd be great."
"Prayer will do that for us. We can pray our way right through the pressure."
"Laughter is the greatest medicine sometimes, isn't it?"
"I'm so glad that I've been able to be an escape for some of you during this time."
"The sheer ridiculosity of this whole situation is what's keeping me motivated today."
"Keep troubles and torments at a distance where they may be easily forgotten."
"Someone who desperately needs caffeine in the morning because I'm barely coping and really, really need just that kick in the ass to function? Yes, that's me. That is me."
"Every birthday used to be exciting, now a good birthday is a reason to drink."
"That's why you're laughing, you know? I just wanted to not show pain, so I laughed."
"If you don't develop some kind of sense of humor about yourself and about the world and about these patterns, you're gonna die."
"After the event, I didn't want to sleep alone."
"A joke is one of the main ways of dealing with stress. It can help you live with the things you can't change."
"Every time I'm having like a bad day I just look at this and it just makes me a little happier."
"Laughter is a windshield wiper. It doesn't stop the rain but it makes it where the rain doesn't stop you."
"Any chance I get to talk about it, I think really helps me deal with the problem. The more I talk about it, the better I can deal with it."
"Gratitude equals happiness. I feel like if you're ever feeling anxious or fearful, just practice gratitude."
"Bravery is not the absence of fear, it's a calm demeanor in the face of terror."
"When I'm having a hard time, I think of the future."
"I was like, 'Y'all, I'm losing my [__] mind, let's just make this funny, let's make this entertaining.'"
"Now the robot knows how to help Hiro deal with grief."
"God is a refuge, a strength, and an ever-present help in a time of trouble."
"Let go of it and just say, 'Fuck it, whatever.'"
"Quick life lesson: People can't say mean things about you if you beat them to it first. That's right, I learned that as a kid while watching the hit 2002 film '8 Mile' starring Eminem."
"Writing them down like i said has really helped."
"I'm emotionally healthy, thank you very much. I'm gonna go cry now."
"That sounds really cathartic and a good way to handle it."
"Ranting helps your brain get control over chaotic emotions."
"It does make a massive difference. Yeah, it really does. But yeah, it's just one of them things that we have to deal with and the shooting and the outdoors definitely helps."
"That's my reaction it's just one of those pains we were like huh but it's not like a like it's not a pain where you're feeling like miserable."
"I think maybe crying is like some kind of release, a little bit of a sniffle, and then I pick myself up."