
Emotional Experience Quotes

There are 672 quotes

"It is both a sensory and an emotional experience and I think that gets lost on people."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The thing to note is... pain is a sensory and emotional experience; it's all wrapped up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Have you felt like you were out of breath when you're in love? That's how you know you've been in love."
"I've never cried while laughing. I want to experience that. I feel like it'll feel good."
"Being super sad can be a really pleasant experience, oddly enough, because you can find the beauty in the sadness."
"My 35 years on this planet has gone into this, and it has been quite possibly one of the most beautiful and cathartic and moving and amazing journeys that I've been on."
"It's a visual, emotional experience that is just -- you have to experience it to understand."
"So much of parenting is not about getting the clear signal of love back from your kids... so much of the experience of my feeling love for my kids happens when they're not especially happy."
"Whatever you focus on, you're going to feel."
"Willingly experiencing tragic, painful emotions in a controlled environment can be strangely cathartic."
"If you've experienced loss, it means you've experienced love. Yes, I miss him, and yes, of course, I wish he was there...but the fact that I can experience that I miss someone means that I just had something really special."
"And from Barbara Springer: '...when he embraced me, I could feel the most powerful love... It was absolute, total, real, great, engulfing love.'"
"It was the most gorgeous feeling I've ever felt in my life."
"Concerts are just a really emotional experience for both the groups and the fans watching. They cry together, laugh together."
"It was like a breath of fresh air. It was like a sigh of relief."
"Games have the potential and the ability to allow the player to experience an emotional range beyond what other forms of non-interactive media can actually achieve."
"Love is a beautiful, amazing, incredible feeling."
"You may not be able to fully interpret it or explain what you're feeling, but you certainly felt it."
"My heart sank, my eyes were filled with tears. It was such a heavy experience."
"We value human life because we say there's a sentience, there's an experience of suffering and pain but also happiness and joy."
"A longing is an ache that is out of your control and so undeniable that it becomes a part of the undercurrent of how you show up in your life."
"The first time in my life I ever cried tears of joy... my body was weak, it was damn near orgasmic."
"We met these policemen that were on suicide patrol... they started breaking down weeping."
"This was a range of emotions, let me just tell you."
"I've experienced loss, I've experienced sadness in my life, but I didn't know the desperation that comes with hunger."
"His love turned to joy, a joy I had never experienced, bubbling with bliss."
"Individuals with borderline personality disorder tend to experience senses of emptiness."
"Well, you asked me to do it, and I did it. I went on my very first Disney cruise on the Disney Magic, and it made me cry a lot."
"It's an emotional experience; it's a love story."
"Grieving involves experiencing those things, feeling that moment-to-moment emotional experience, thinking about what does this mean for my future."
"The immediate desire when playing is that we don't want [a character] to die because that's sad and we don't like being sad, but the long-term aesthetic desire is for [the character] to die because it drives the conflict of the work and results in a more emotionally fulfilling experience."
"Falling in love is one of the most powerful experiences because it calls every aspect of you to complete presence."
"The hardest thing I've ever been through honestly in my life was going through heartbreak."
"It's a very beautiful feeling, this...it's human nature."
"Christmas Eve is not just a night, it's a feeling."
"Being an empath is a blessing in a struggle at the same time."
"Love is a wonderful thing, this feeling of freedom where you no longer care about anything."
"Crater Lake National Park: It's one of those places if you just sit there and look at it for a while, you'll just... I don't know, it's just a weird feeling."
"It's gonna be a really eye-opening experience for you guys, probably, and also a good emotional, spiritual experience for me."
"This movie is a vivid dream, a haunting moment, or an intense personal connection."
"Sometimes worse things can feel better than better things."
"There's a wide differential between what people experience as joy and what people experience as meaning."
"Everybody wanting to be in a euphoria and, you know, a pleasant experience."
"Seeing Declan be put to sleep, that kind of made a big change to the way I think."
"A picture can never match what we see with our eyes and it certainly can't capture what we feel in our hearts."
"It's like a comfort show. You get the thrill of fear but you're safe."
"Many experiencers describe unusual feelings after an abduction."
"I love love. I'm a love guy. I love love. Even talking about it right now, I feel it."
"What I came back with was a feeling of love that I was loved."
"My soul felt incredible, it felt loved like unconditionally or divinely loved like it was bathed in a sea of love."
"The best way I can describe gender dysphoria is heartache, isolation, and perpetual loss of a life that you need."
"I didn't realize how much love I was going to feel. This amount of love for this baby is unlike anything you've ever experienced."
"There will be a lot of answers, there will be a lot of pain, there will be a lot of joy and maybe a few tears as well."
"Pull out the tissues because oh boy it's a rollercoaster of emotions."
"I think the Spirit is really moving into people. This is the most beautiful thing."
"Psychedelic therapy: It's like doing therapy while being hugged by everyone who loves you in a bathtub full of puppies licking your face."
"Honestly, I don't think there is [a better feeling than laughing]."
"And we will remember these battles, and they will make them all the more sweet or sour."
"These feelings do not define you and one day they’ll be a memory of where you were rather than who you were."
"I want to do more of that because I need to feel something."
"Father, I ask that his heart would beat fast and he would feel the breath of God."
"I just remember being completely still and just, you know, awestruck. I don't remember feeling sick or happy. I just emotionless maybe."
"Love is a hard thing to describe, but once you've felt it, it's an amazing feeling."
"You feel guilty sometimes when you're killing in this game like in fact a lot of time actually felt guilty."
"People who have spiritual experiences will affiliate emotional states with spirituality."
"I didn't realize how emotional Drag Race would be."
"Joy just comes into your life. You're damn near crying on the inside."
"That moment was when I really felt a shift inside of my heart."
"Moments like this make him happy because it has been so long since he has experienced it."
"Love could be kind, exciting, fun, unlike the pain they've known."
"Imagine how frustrating it would be to come across something like this where you felt there was a very real meaning not in what you were seeing but like hawking said what you are feeling."
"To know that there was kind of like an end date to that and then to suddenly be on that last day it was an incredibly kind of emotional and overwhelming experience."
"The only value is being with somebody, is being with them for the whole thing and feeling it, what that would be like."
"I was immediately overcome with a very physical sensation of being held and comforted."
"It definitely made me feel like I had come full circle and was stuck in an infinite loop of trying to complete the same impossible task over and over again."
"All that kind of hurt me but it also was really beautiful."
"Thank god for these moments, thank god for the pain."
"It's blowing your heart open... it's worth it."
"He's giving you a roller coaster of emotions throughout the album."
"That feeling of just adrenaline leaving your body."
"I felt a down flow of love and affection that I have never felt before or since... like being totally okay."
"Dragon Ball Super Super Hero was a cathartic experience."
"I relived these moments and it honestly brought me back these emotions whether they'll be good or bad, it was a beautiful, beautiful thing to be able to re-experience life."
"Always would have took him back. Never thought it would happen. I suppose a dangerous and exciting thing because excitement can be exciting."
"My focus is Jesus. Additionally, I am NOT interested in propagating pure emotionalism. Certainly, God's power does touch our emotions, but seeking an emotional experience for the sake of an emotional experience itself is not spiritually healthy."
"These moments of exploring the unknown can genuinely shake you."
"Nice to see you, this album is really a triumphant music experience."
"It was nice to see the walls come down for a moment, right? It was like... it was sweet, it was serious, it was bittersweet."
"The full experience of awe requires vastness."
"It makes me feel things I didn't know a roller coaster could make me feel."
"Don't be sad it's over just be happy it happened."
"This love smells different, it looks different, it feels different. I can breathe."
"I wept from the first notes to the end of the mass. I cried to the whole thing."
"There's a comfort and there's a transcendence in it."
"Embarrassment is such an uncomfortable emotion."
"When we hand it over personally, it impacts us a lot."
"When I'm with you, time seems to slow down and speed up at the same time."
"Feel it even more. Really harness it, you know. Honor this expansion that you feel because it's really beautiful."
"This energy feels so good, I've never had such a good feeling."
"Life in Texas was not all sunshine and rainbows for Candy."
"I love horror because it's a controlled fear."
"It's like validation in a way, a completely gratifying experience."
"That's gratifying. It's an unbelievable feeling, man."
"I think i'm in love i think i'm actually finally in love the first time i've felt this feeling in my entire life"
"If you desire something, you've already felt the joy of having it."
"I want to grab hold of my readers and make them cry and make them grieve and make them laugh as well and experience joy."
"Being in love is literally the best thing in the whole entire world."
"Video games brings out a whole host of emotions."
"It's a festival of emotional turmoil that continues to play with your feelings throughout the entire game."
"Wow, what a roller coaster ride that one was."
"Feeling has a very felt sense attached with it."
"Laugh, think, and cry... that's a full day. That's a heck of a day."
"That was drama, that was agony to ecstasy, that was amazing, and that was my football team."
"Life-changing movies... the closest thing to a spiritual experience."
"I love anything that makes me just feel out of myself."
"I saw happy you guys were, you talk about being tired but also very excited and it was a crazy day."
"It's the most emotionally raw experience I've ever had watching a movie in a theater in my life."
"If you don't have an emotional encounter with God at some point of your faith, you're doing something wrong."
"Love is an emotion and you can experience love whether or not you and this person stay together forever or you stay together for six months."
"It's an emotional rollercoaster done right so if you're interested check out death parade"
"Even though it comes with a lot of strife and a lot of emotional overload, it's still worth it."
"I've never felt this kind of attraction before."
"Draft day was insane it was almost miserable it became a dream come true."
"I didn't just want the pain, but I did say if that's what you're after, if you just want to feel something, like, I respect that."
"That whole day was kind of a heavy emotional day."
"A beautiful process of love, awe, and wonder."
"It's like lightning, like you feel like you're on fire when it's happening to you."
"You're meant to feel feelings that even you weren't thinking at the time." - Joe Divine
"In the world of Mars Neptune the Ecstasy has a goal."
"I have never in my whole life felt so much love from that many people all at once."
"They're gonna start sharing this love with everybody... it's one of the most beautiful things you ever experience."
"People may tempt you into relationships with the promise of something greater, but you find an empty emotional cup sometimes with some people."
"Driver's License is fantastic and I played out the whole thing because I really do feel like the whole song works as an experience."
"There is nothing like the feeling you experience when you drive an old classic truck."
"Now I really know what authentic fear feels like."
"Loneliness is one of the hardest things in the world. You can't see it, you can't smell it, and you can't touch it. You can only feel it when you've got it."
"One of the worst feelings that you can experience as a human being is heartbreak."
"Love equals pain for some, but it shouldn't."
"I think more intellectually substantive music and music that's maybe more visceral, you know, I don't think either is mutually exclusive."
"Just to even be able to do this thing with him and see him back, it feels right to me. It feels like a little order has been put back into the universe."
"There's nothing more frightening than feeling trapped."
"It's just like an unbeatable feeling, you know? It's like an unbeatable feeling."
"Getting to experience a type of love that not a lot of people can."
"It's important to sit with the pain and celebrate all the pleasures and just feel everything it isn't always easy but you know what nothing worthwhile ever is so good luck with it and thanks a lot for the super thanks I really appreciate it."
"He sings with a purity that sends you soaring even after thousands of listens."
"What I felt from these other beings was nothing but pure unconditional love."
"A game that will make you feel feels... a very compelling and very thoughtful experience."
"Members of cults experience extreme emotional highs and lows."
"You're going to feel this kind of super Divine intoxication of love and dreaminess especially."
"And at that moment, you know, as I heard him speak, I realized or I believe that Christ, Heavenly Father allowed me to feel the human emotion."
"I remember hugging her and she held me so tight I could barely breathe."
"In that fourth quarter, it was back and forth, oh, surreal. It was like a movie."
"Sitting in a pew in church with my whole family lined up... amazing grace."
"If anybody was around back then this was the one when you got it felt good."
"This game is very... It absolutely takes me on this bizarre emotional roller coaster." - Korey
"Here, you come and you feel, and you deliver properly. It's meditation station."
"She felt like a woman for the first time in a long time, and it felt good."
"Relationships are the heart of our expansion on this planet, which means it's going to be the area of your life where you find both the most joy and discomfort."
"The love had come into my heart for other people—it was amazing."
"There is no price on love. It's so precious and it feels so good."
"One thing I love about this ending is the contrast between Chuck's intensely painful experience and his neighbor's calm point of view."
"It's like falling in love for the very first time."
"Like an emotional mutiny at sea, illogical but thrilling."
"It's almost like a breakthrough in terms of what games can do in terms of what games can make you feel."
"Nobody told me grief felt so much like a fear."
"I'd love to know what being afraid feels like. I feel kind of lonely sometimes."
"We live for love, to feel experience love, to love someone and to be loved right."
"I've seen people say this is the best thing they've ever done, they feel brand new, everything's fine, they're in the garden, they're on their knees, and everything's great."
"Altitude strange because you have this sinking feeling."
"I just lost my mind. I'd already hugged Mickey, but something about hugging Mickey again, I just like lost it."
"Congratulations on a winning session, didn't feel like a win, did it? You made it happen in the last 30 minutes."
"Literally the best feeling in the entire world."
"And you never get used to this we've done this a million times and this this feels like the first time."
"My heart was pounding by the time I beat this guy, and that's a feeling I haven't had in a very long time."
"There's no better feeling. I felt like that kid again."
"This game... it gets chested and it's mental, physical, emotional... it's so many layers... and I just started to have fun... to really enjoy the climb."
"So at last on my third big mountain expedition I got to experience that pure joy of 99% hard work and then this this pure joy of looking around seeing this amazing scenery and thinking well it's all paid off."
"It's part of the experience, heavy hearts full of dreams."
"Nothing should be sour, no. Nothing should be bitter."
"It was basically a religious experience for me."
"Open your heart because it's definitely going to be worth it."
"It's been such a roller coaster the past few weeks but I am ultimately so happy."
"The majority of men worldwide would prefer a woman that's less promiscuous."
"I thought Suicide Squad was gonna change my life... it was a very embarrassing August for me."
"You're gonna be offered love unexpectedly, like in the most unexpected mushy-gushy way."
"Can you imagine being at home watching your favorite team go from play-in to championship and winning?"
"There are certain things that can only be seen through eyes that have cried."
"You're not used to feeling your feelings... it's such a roller coaster of a time."
"It's the sound of freedom... it lit me from within... it was like an out-of-body experience."
"The feeling of like freedom and soaring... it was so overwhelming."
"I felt a lot of pressure, I felt a lot of nerves and I'm relieved to have it done."
"The video that you're about to watch can be absolutely terrifying, crazy, a rollercoaster of emotions."
"Be prepared to fall completely in love again. You're not gonna believe it, you're just not going to believe the joy and the fun."
"The greatest feeling one can experience is that of freedom."
"I really think that's what Alfa is all about: having a fun, emotional driving experience."
"I've been marathoning it for the last couple weeks whenever I can. I finally finished it and there were tears, there was rejoicing."
"I can still remember that feeling of sheer Terror."
"I was scared of course, but something I haven't felt since I've been over there drove me to do something."
"I was much more homesick this year than last year."