
Pain Quotes

There are 5638 quotes

"The thing to note is... pain is a sensory and emotional experience; it's all wrapped up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every time that the pleasure system is kicked in high gear, an absolutely spectacular event, there is a mirror symmetric activation of the pain system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Understanding that pain and pleasure are in a dynamic balance can also help us... the more pain you experience, the more dopamine you can achieve if you get back on the avenue of pursuit."
"The process of getting from here to there is going to be incredibly painful."
"The secret to motivation is that simple: ask yourself how much pleasure have you indulged in, and how much pain and discomfort have you voluntarily chosen to experience?"
"Life is just this. It's living. The pain that you feel, you only can heal by living."
"Pain is an adhesive, bro. If you've been through it, you can connect to people."
"Joy wouldn't feel so good if it wasn't for pain."
"That which dispels pain is more real than pain because to dispel something you have to be more powerful than that thing."
"Either you choose pain or you keep letting pain choose you."
"Are we aware, are we conscious, are we making deliberate choices, or are we driven by unconscious pain?"
"Pain has taught me to understand my true values in life."
"Love is worth all of the pain that might happen. To feel love and to attain love, it's worth the possible rejections."
"Love is the only thing that'll kill you but keep you alive to feel the hurt. Everybody's had that moment where they thought they were going to die from a broken heart."
"Success in the ring, like in life, comes from picking yourself up more times than you've been knocked down."
"Don't get lost in the pain, keep going. Your story does not end here."
"Very often, the most creative people also have the most pain."
"Our greatest pain is from the lies we tell ourselves."
"The greatest things in my life have come from the deepest hurt."
"Our pain goes deeper than we ever want to know, but our love goes deeper than we can know."
"The greater the pain, the greater the awakening."
"Pain plus reflection equals progress. Pain is a teacher."
"Pain is a beautiful thing. It's a great teacher."
"There is a huge difference between pain and suffering."
"Craving for things is not just about craving for those things per se, it's also a desire to relieve the pain of not having those things."
"Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure."
"There's a real pain, there's a real hurt, but there's also real perseverance."
"Pain is the greatest teacher. It doesn't mean you self-flagellate and self-inflict. It just means you don't hold yourself back in the fear of it."
"I think you can learn just as much from joyful experiences as painful ones."
"For once in your life, don't take a shortcut. Take the pain and help this team win."
"It's the healing crisis. It always hurts; it feels like you're getting worse. But actually, this is your healing period."
"Pain is unavoidable. We're physical, sentient beings. Suffering, however, is something we can work to eradicate."
"Behind every beautiful thing, there's been some kind of pain."
"James Baldwin once wrote, 'I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hate so stubbornly is because once the hate is gone, they'll be forced to deal with their pain.'"
"What causes you the greatest pain can become your purpose."
"On the other side of temporary pain, you get introduced to your other self."
"You don't really have a choice in life because you're going to go through the pain anyway. I always think might as well get a receipt for your pain. That's what art is."
"Pain does not automatically produce spiritual growth."
"The greatest accounts of nihilism and pain...can be found in religious scripture."
"Different emotional states carry different levels of pain, and different levels of pain carry different levels of action."
"There's no pain quite the same as the one that makes you insane."
"That thing you're great at may have been born out of your biggest pain."
"God will always use pain to ultimately serve a purpose."
"The first question in addiction for me is not why the addiction but why the pain."
"Pain is what helps us survive... pain is an indication that it needs to avoid that so that way it could survive."
"The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow."
"Those of us who have found our way to spirituality have usually done so as a result of experiencing pain."
"Emotional pain can be, um, as bad if not worse than physical pain."
"Pain plus quality reflection would give me progress."
"The magic of all art is the ability to both capture our pain and deliver us from it at the same time."
"The pain that you're not willing to transform, you will always transmit."
"The bullet ant is known around the world as the most painful insect sting."
"The box jellyfish is notorious for having one of, if not the most painful venomous stings in the world."
"The Platypus... also delivers the most painful venomous sting in the world."
"Joy is never guaranteed... but you can wed yourself to pain."
"Pain is not your enemy. It is absolutely perfect feedback."
"Pain in life is inevitable, but suffering is optional."
"Your pain isn't shameful. Your pain is beautiful. It's part of who you are. And if we could just get out of our own way, questions like hers wouldn't be something that so many people are struggling with."
"Your pain is your magic; your pain is your power. Own it, harness it, and don't let anyone else tell you it's ugly."
"Rejection is one of the most painful experiences that a person can go through."
"Pain is a part of life. You should embrace it. It makes you stronger, wiser, helps you grow as a human being."
"The second we think potentially something that causes us pain is for our own good, we begin to believe that pleasure is bad for us and that pain is good for us."
"Don't ask why the addiction. Ask why the pain."
"Our connection is so beautiful but it's also painful and confusing as hell."
"Learning is a gift, even when pain is the teacher."
"The fullness of life is not just positive. The fullness of life is pain and pleasure."
"Life is a totality. Part of the experience of life is pain."
"The notion that your skin feels pain is immediately obvious to anyone who has ever burned their hands on fire or cut their hand."
"Nothing is going to solve my pain or my team's pain."
"It's not until you see what life is like without any pain at all that you can kind of start to appreciate the benefit of pain in your life."
"When snakes shed skin, it's an incredibly painful process for them that they try and resist until they literally cannot resist it any longer."
"The truth can hurt, but the truth is what sets you free."
"Choose your pain: would you rather the temporary pain of separating from a person or the lifelong pain of having wasted your life with a person that never deserved to even be in your presence?"
"Pain is funny, and death can be funny, and grief can be funny."
"Naruto elaborated that he experienced pain if he didn't have Sasuke."
"The most painful thing you can experience is not the pain of the actual experience, the most painful thing you can experience is being alone with your pain."
"Your greatest joy and your greatest pain will come from the same place: relationships."
"I cannot doubt the existence of pain. It seems real. I might say it seems more real than anything else."
"Pain teaches you about how reality works and also how to approach it better."
"I believe we must lean into the pain every day; otherwise, pain is going to lean into us."
"The discipline of doing something painful every day is one of the most important disciplines that any human being can have."
"Pain is all in the mind. Everything that we feel is because our mind tells it to do that. The body only does what the mind tells it to do."
"Wounded and damaged people wound and damage other people because they're in pain."
"I think one of the big mistakes that people make--and this relates to what you're saying, is we always equate pain as being bad. And it's not."
"That extremely painful experience was probably the best experience of my life, really, and it changed my way of thinking."
"VIRGIL: 'Yes, there is pain in life – pain and loss and sorrow. But there is also joy and the pleasures of growing and learning.'"
"Being bashed up against the ship was a painful affair."
"A lot of times, pain and suffering can turn into something really positive."
"Pain is a part of living, and it's up to us to build ourselves and each other to be strong enough to handle that pain when it comes."
"You have to feel this pain to progress, to change, to feel fulfilled."
"Accepting pain is not the same as seeking it out."
"The only thing that satisfies pain is when you're made whole."
"It might hurt a little bit, but it's gonna help a whole lot!"
"Nothing comes from nothing. The darkness from the darkness. Pain comes from darkness and we call it wisdom... It is pain."
"The people who I know who live lives that are relatively pain free are not the happiest people I know."
"Unless you come to know the exact same pain, you can't truly comprehend something else."
"If you loved me, you wouldn't want me to be in pain."
"Be grateful for the experience of pain and the experience of forgiveness."
"The pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of making the change."
"Nobody would do this for attention; nobody would go through this much pain, this much suffering."
"Every pain, every heartbreak, every tear shed in the silent corners of the night can all be traced back to that moment in the garden."
"It's painful in the moment, but overall it's very healing."
"There's a huge difference between physical pain and psychological pain, arguably the latter is far, far worse."
"There are some really powerful blessings on the other side of pain, I promise you."
"My pain is in the past and my worry is in the future, but when I'm in the now, when I'm in that moment and open, that's when inspiration comes."
"Pain is temporary, and some things are more important that you're passionate about, that outweigh getting hurt."
"Pornography is always rooted in some unhealed pain."
"We all experience pain as bad. That's something we all experience."
"Everybody feels pain... but the thing that makes pain for black people in America unique is the absence of a foundation."
"The purpose of pain is to teach the lesson. We know that the lesson has been learned when the behavior has changed."
"The day I lost my daughter, that pain became my shadow, and I'm still with it."
"The truth is, the harsh truth of life is you really learn through pain. That's where you learn."
"I suffered all the pain I gave away in my entire life from the point of view of the people I gave it to."
"Truth is the most painful blessing. Truth will hurt to the core, but at the end of the day, truth ends up being the biggest blessing."
"The word transcendence means go through; the word transcendence does not mean go around. You don't avoid the pain; to become better, to transcend the situation, you've got to actually go through the pain."
"Our thresholds have completely disappeared, yet pain acts as an important warning system for our body that we simply do not have anymore."
"Sometimes when you go through pain and it looks hopeless and you wonder where is God in it all, trust the Lord through it, and He will turn it around where you will be able to minister to people in a way that nobody else can."
"There are two kinds of pain: pain that alters and pain that hurts. You get to choose."
"Pain is necessary sometimes to make a difference."
"Don't make the first mistake which is to judge somebody else's pain; all pain is personal."
"At the end of pain is success. You're not going to die because you're feeling a little pain."
"The actual tongue piercing itself is pretty much painless. It's the healing process that sucks."
"In Andor, B2EMO is given empathy. He hurts, he feels pain."
"This is one of the most painful things anybody could ever experience in their life."
"Pain hits different when you got to sit in it."
"It is better to hurt with your dignity intact than to suffer the pain of dishonor."
"Experienced unconditional love, unconditional pain, and choosing your enemies wisely."
"The visceral pain to watch George Floyd be murdered in front of the world made us dig deep on who we are."
"The joy he felt was only possible because of the absolute searing pain and self-doubt he had to endure."
"Those whose eyes are afflicted with the flame of frenzy are racked with maddening pain and unstoppable tears."
"Your pain is often the breadcrumbs to your values, and those values become the guiding light for your purpose on the planet."
"The lie I told myself for decades was: 'I'm not in pain, I'm empowered.'"
"The pain will be forgotten, but the time will be remembered forever."
"Pain is essential to ignite transformation. It's there to show you something, to teach you something that needs to change. Pain is not there just to punish us."
"I am the vast mirror of Consciousness in which pain is being experienced. It's an appearance which is literally true, literally true."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can actually hurt me."
"Pain is the touchstone that makes you wake up to reality."
"Sometimes you gotta feel the pain before you come to your senses and realize what's really going on."
"Everybody wants to have a positive impact. I think your purpose comes from your pain."
"Pain is truly the only thing that's ever gotten me to change."
"You can carry pain for a long time, but it won't affect you forever."
"Out of transformational pain must come transformational change."
"You have to get up, it's going to be agony, but you have to get up."
"Agony is the most powerful emotion out of every emotion a human has."
"Every great change starts with pain and I found that really intriguing. It feels dark, it feels heavy when you say that, but it's accurate."
"This connection is so beautiful but it's also painful and confusing."
"Finding yourself on the other side of pain brings gratitude."
"Just because life has pain doesn't mean it's not also wonderful."
"When you inflict pain, and you have chemistry, and then he cares for you, come on."
"Speaking of, after divorcing his wife to marry his twenty-year-old secretary, Charles W Post never got over his chronic stomach pain."
"I was shocked probably by the magnitude of pain that I saw in the world, you know. I didn't understand how many people there were out there who were essentially dying for lack of an encouraging word."
"Maybe hurt will remind us that we have to relearn."
"Ronnie holds the belief that pain is inevitable."
"Also ditch hedonism, this obsession with feeling good and avoiding pain... Embrace pain."
"Pain is the only universal constant. Pain is all. It is the key to creation and destruction both. Thus does he who masters pain become a god." - Yurian Rakharth
"Even when it hurts, it also kind of feels good."
"Things have happened for a reason, things have happened to help you both learn really powerful lessons even if they have been painful."
"You want that intimate moment with the people that are closest with you, right? Not exactly and available and just [__] painful."
"Pain means your body; that's what's gonna take its place."
"Your pain is going to be a part of your cause."
"Anything toxic in your life... will cause pain when you're working with your guides."
"Stop and see what you are feeling, and that is where you will encounter pain."
"People around the world begin howling in pain as people predestined by god now began changing into mutants even if they hadn't before."
"Nothing worth [expletive] ever came to be without pain."
"Try to not idealize chaos or make nostalgic something that was really painful because it invites more of those cycles in."
"The world is better off without the broken, they bring pain and they inflict their pain onto others. Are you broken as well?"
"It may hurt to learn it or not, but it's better to know and then act accordingly."
"Remember that growth is painful, change is painful, but there is nothing as painful as staying stuck in a place that you do not belong."
"Transformation is beautiful, transformation is painful."
"I feel like we're going to be in stadiums one day."
"Don't let any pain you feel right now stop you from enjoying what could seriously be the most magical relationship you've ever had."
"Our pain is the mirror in which we can see the reflection of our humanity."
"Pain can restrict sight. Pain can keep you from seeing the whole picture. But your pain can also produce clarity."
"The heartbreak changed me, but you turned that pain into a diamond."
"There's the pain of reconstruction... there has to be a reconstruction, a reconfiguration of your internal order."
"A little moment of pain for a lifetime of pretty."
"All is not lost, and while the pain can refine us, it does not have to define us."
"It's the definition of short-term pain for long-term gain, isn't it?"
"Starvation is no joke, one of the worst pains that you can kind of feel, especially when you transition between starvation and actually craving."
"It strikes me as highly probable that you're going to pay a price in something approximating pain for the death of those malfunctioning systems."
"The most painful periods of our lives are the most beautiful and meaningful. Pain can actually be a really good sign that we're doing the right thing."
"Imagine this: kidney stones passing through your plumbing can be really painful and might even cause infections or blockages, potentially harming your kidneys."
"There's always a greater purpose than your pain."
"Pain is what makes us human and is a feeling that we can all share together as a one species."
"There's another side of pain that's called effort. It's called glory."
"Sometimes your greatest pain ain't even about you, it's about a greater purpose."
"I just I'm in so much pain because natural doesn't mean better."
"Whatever pain you can't get rid of, make that your creative offering."
"The deeper the pain, the bigger the growth, the greater the expansion to your consciousness."
"Never waste pain, pain is an incredible motivator."
"If the scars are still painful then they are still begging to be felt by you, they are still begging to be seen by you."
"If you're going to have pain, there should be a purpose to it."
"Even when my songs are happy, it comes from pain."
"Some pain is never forgotten... It brands us for our entire life."
"The pain inflicted on him will last forever."
"Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. You can't have a rainbow without a little rain."
"Accept the pain and move on; there's someone new meant to come into your life."
"The paradox of life is that from our pain comes our purpose, our evolution, and our greatness."
"Dreams are worth pursuing even while acknowledging the pain that can come as a result."
"Embrace pain as our closest friend... Pain clears the mind of evil thoughts."