
Sensory Experience Quotes

There are 4487 quotes

"It is both a sensory and an emotional experience and I think that gets lost on people."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The thing to note is... pain is a sensory and emotional experience; it's all wrapped up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Miracle berry, you can purchase online, it's relatively inexpensive. It actually causes a change in the configuration of taste receptors such that when you eat something sour, it tastes sweet."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You have to be in sensory experience in order to find it."
"The very word ecstasy in Greek is to stand outside of yourself, you no longer have that identity, that carefully crafted identity, for this moment you are the recipient of your senses."
"Good food is like music you can taste. Color you can smell. There is excellence all around you; you only have to be aware to stop and savor it."
"As a general rule of thumb, whenever I describe the environment, I like to make sure that I'm hitting all five of the senses."
"Venus in astrology... gives us our sensory interpretation and understanding of the beautiful wonderful aspects of life."
"Making and drinking tea... there's something about the ritual that is almost more important than the taste."
"The way that humans experience whiskey, because they know that it is very special, that is very rare, that is very old, they will enjoy it more."
"What do you like about Laphroaig? It reminded me of gardening with my mom."
"My dreams are so real that I can feel the facial hair on someone; I can smell their cologne."
"It's crawfish, they're juicy. They're not dry when you suck them heads."
"Every time you're eating something, like your favorite kind of chicken, your favorite kind of fruit, every time you're biting into it, it's like the first time you're about to have it."
"It's the smell of grass in the spring, sound of birds. I just know I'm home."
"What would happen to my brain if I started listening to music from 2005 and watching old home videos and smelling old smells and just sparking that feeling every day?"
"The world envelops you in its lush sounds and colors."
"From this luxurious hotel, we're hitting the alleyways in a part of the city that lures you in with its enticing streetside aromas."
"This game is just downright fantastic. It is glorious, it is majestic, and it also smells quite good."
"The notion that your skin feels pain is immediately obvious to anyone who has ever burned their hands on fire or cut their hand."
"My first birthday party, you're right, and you definitively can like close your eyes and you're in that moment."
"By combining stereoscopic 3D, 360-degree visuals, and a wild field of view, along with a super-sized dose of engineering and software magic, it hacks your visual cortex."
"Some people... will find that if they take their fingertips and rub them across the couch or the chair that they happen to be lying down or sitting on, that they will experience a change in the music."
"This was a sensory overload for me, but I'm looking forward to doing it again."
"The magic of these early summer days is almost palpable."
"You can taste the pasta and smell the lemon trees and feel the salt air on your skin."
"The most satisfaction in a video game comes from the particle effects and the sound effects."
"I love the sweet ginger pork chops with the buttery rice and roasted green beans; it blew my mind."
"It smells like fall, it smells like leaves are coming down off the tree."
"I almost hear the swelling of an orchestra, can almost hallucinate the camera panning low around us, fireworks bursting in slow motion overhead."
"I love these shoes; they have a good smell to them."
"It's like the 4th of July in my mouth. I've got fireworks going off."
"Mood improvement and euphoria, increased sense of humor, laughter, minimal anxiety, and music enhancement are some of the benefits."
"It was like liquid warmth and it came all over me."
"Deep flavor, deep crunch, it's a mind crunch."
"That smells like Christmas. It's still got every bit of fragrance."
"Open up our spiritual senses... sight in the spirit, sound in the spirit, taste in the spirit, touch in the spirit, smell in the spirit."
"The lemon is still present and you still get the floral notes of the violet, which I actually like."
"Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage."
"Oddly enough, half of people said that it didn’t even matter whether they felt the tingling at the time, just watching the videos made them feel better."
"If anything, the honey nut Cheerios just makes me think of my grandparents' house, eating Cheerios and stuff like that."
"Damn, that's good. You know what's kind of nice about that? It's when you bite into it, your tongue kind of scrapes the hole a little bit. It's a fun little texture that goes by."
"If you inhibit one of your senses, then it can heighten the others."
"This beer is like a warm hug, comforting and familiar."
"Every time I hear sounds, I see colors and numbers."
"I highly recommend them if you do like a good cuddle or if you're one of the people that needs a very soft and plush item to feel safe and secure."
"It's definitely a really fun sensory experience and I truly believe that kids would really enjoy this."
"It's appealing to some part of the brain that's old and not necessarily verbal...they're all very sensory."
"It's not sticky, it just feels like squeezing a banana without the mess."
"You can smell all the different things coming out of shops, and sometimes you can even tell where you are based on the smell."
"ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, and it's a term used to describe a sensory experience characterized by a pleasant tingling sensation in the head and scalp."
"So, ASMR signifies the subjective experience of low-grade euphoria characterized by a combination of positive feelings and distinct static-like tingling sensations on the skin."
"In lucid dreaming, you can literally smell smells as if you would smell them in day-to-day life, touch things and feel them as if you are physically touching and feeling them, and experience things to the highest degree that you possibly can, other than doing it in real life."
"Tracks look alive, sound alive, and feel alive with cutting-edge visuals."
"The entire concept was delicious. There is no other word except maybe like fresh, or zest, or like tart."
"I like my creativity to be a multi-sensory experience."
"This poetry sounds when you read it aloud -- it's honestly delicious in your mouth, it's a treat for the tongue."
"If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."
"Embracing sensuality doesn't necessarily mean you're a middle-aged swinger. It simply means you're savoring one of the coolest aspects of being alive: sensory input."
"Many people can remember the instant they heard where they were, what they were doing, the scent of the world shifting on its axis."
"Oh, do you smell that? What? Italy. It's Italy in your kitchen."
"Rose Water and Ivy is soft rose petals, rain-kissed ivy, and creamy sandalwood."
"This rain is honestly so relaxing. It's such a nice relaxing sound."
"Sunny, I can practically smell the fresh air."
"Sensory effects include visual and auditory hallucinations followed by emotional changes and altered perception of time and space."
"The bun is soft, the meat is such good quality, cheese melted on, WOW."
"Now that's the taste I was looking for. Even the bird knows that the food tastes good."
"The sounds of people, roosters, waves, and music all mixed together."
"This changes the game; it's just like the creamiest wasabi you barely taste mayo."
"Even our senses are tuning in to strange quantum vibrations."
"There's just nothing like a sun-kissed blackberry in the mid-afternoon and the summer sun, eating it fresh off the vine."
"One mouthful can really transport you into a completely different world."
"Always different taste with the hands. Very nice, love it."
"You tell me what smells better than fresh cut hay."
"Eating chewy things is like that too; you get that kind of sensation that's very satisfying. It's almost physical, you know."
"Your feet work the same way as hands; you can identify things with touch... My feet are constantly sending messages to my brain."
"That was fabulous; that was buttery, that was creamy, that was cheesy."
"Horizon Forbidden West is a feast for the senses; it's stunning on every level technically and extremely well performed."
"This stuff smells so good and even after I get out of the shower, my whole bathroom smells like this product."
"I'm obsessed with the smell and I can't get enough of it."
"Vanilla, it's honestly, it's like a seducer. If you want to attract people and stimulate them, I think vanilla is a great note to wear."
"It's a crowd pleaser when people smell it off of you; they really, really love it."
"The silence then gets pierced with that bell, and you look up. It's very dramatic."
"Shopping in person is an experience that engages all the senses. There's no digital experience that can replicate walking into a bookstore, smelling freshly baked bread, or seeing rows of brightly colored produce."
"The storm moves south and you were spared the worst of it. Don't you love the smell after it rains?"
"Human perceptions of sight, among other senses, is proportional to the logarithm of the actual intensity measured with an accurate nonhuman instrument like a light meter."
"Small changes in actual intensity in the low end of this curve can result in big changes in perception but as the stimulus gets more intense - you need greater changes in intensity to get the same perceptual change."
"It's not just about a look, it's also about the taste."
"Just smelling it, I have a feeling mom would really love this. That smell of coconut cream, that fragrance that is just so comforting and pulls you in for a hug. Cheers, mom."
"It starts out cool your lips... and then like the dragon shows up, man."
"Lockdowns are extremely, extremely harmful to the poor and vulnerable."
"The smell of cinnamon just makes me so happy this time of year. Seasonal smells all around, can I get an amen?"
"Men like flowers; they like the way they smell."
"Reported sensations of disorientation and mild hallucinations immediately following removal from environments saturated with the agent are similar to recreational use of numerous psychoactive substances and easily mistaken as such."
"The spectacle of the food is almost as important as the way it tastes."
"He smiled and responded, 'Oh yeah, I know the smell can be bad, but once it's cooked you're gonna be in Paradise.'"
"It's very accessible and really is more about the feel of it."
"It's peach it's vanilla it's orange it's Jasmine it is just amazing."
"This is like fall in a bottle, a little bit sweet, a little bit spicy, it's very similar to the new Angel Share by Killian."
"This is so beautiful, it reminded me of Baccarat Rouge 540."
"How do you define real? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain."
"This fragrance smells like Christian Gray from 50 Shades of Gray."
"It's kind of like a balsamic warm spicy amber that's really, really to die for."
"It's an orgasmic kind of smell. I find it to be a masterpiece."
"It's roses, it's dark chocolate, it's truffles that grow under the ground and of course the jasmine together."
"It just smells like vegas and miami it just smells like bad decisions sexy up to no good."
"We're hitting all the taste receptors right now."
"I've literally had people say that is the best thing I've ever smelled."
"One of the best things they've ever smelled."
"Seriously, I've never smelled anything like this fragrance."
"Sand is still warm to the feet, that means the Sun still burns above."
"I'm genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven't talked about the odor. It's truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can."
"Petra cor, the smell of the Earth in general but especially after the rain."
"Food is life, it's always like food is like yeah touch and taste."
"Opaque Restaurant: Dining in the dark, relying on other senses for a stimulating experience."
"Eating at this restaurant is truly a unique sensual experience."
"There's nothing like an oyster to allow you to really taste the scent of place like the oyster that's for sure embodies where it was grown unlike anything else on the planet."
"This fragrance is very refreshing, it is meant to smell like a fig tree so you smelling the greenness of the fig leaf."
"Love the tartness from it. That is so good. Yes if you're in Key Lime - you gotta try this."
"The combination together all in your mouth at once, it's unbelievable."
"It just tastes so comforting, and fried onions make everything good. Period."
"It's a record that sorely makes me wish I could experience one of Eno's installations in the environment that he produces from track to track is so varied they pop into life in expansive and vibrant colors."
"The sound of the birds, the wind... it's amazing."
"Pumpkin spice equals reward, that's part of why you crave it."
"We experience flavors mainly thanks to our senses of taste and smell."
"It's a glorious combination of popping visuals, beautiful sound, and perfect gunplay."
"The sound inside the store is intense like sitting next to a jet engine."
"Language has the potential to be seen rather than be heard... language is evolving."
"If you want to feel all of the autumn vibes seep into your bones, look no further than Ray Bradbury."
"This got me in the mood to eat more and drink more."
"Nobody ever sits in front of the ocean and says I like the view but please mute the sound."
"That was incredible, okay, the fish right out the oil, sizzling still, like, on fire."
"Our sense of sight allows us to recognize things around us."
"That skin, wow! The contrast of that creamy meat to the crispy skin is incredible."
"Chris Forsberg will undeniably be your winner."
"Wow, that thing just really melts in your mouth. Always good to eat, like, all the time."
"It's like using every sense at once, isn't it? To see sounds and hear shapes are the combination."
"As a cook, taste and smells are my memories."
"It was a spiritual experience, the way that it mushed and like in my, oh I'm sorry I'm making it sound so gross but it just like it's the sweet and salty it was absolutely fantastic."
"Coziness is like a multi-sensory experience."
"I personally feel are super immersive in a way that is just not possible outside of the perfect optics of a VR headset."
"It truly is just wet on the skin, how lovely is that?"
"I see your face, smell your scent, hear your voice."
"The contrast here between that ultra crispy flaky buttery crust and that soft creamy custard subtly scented with cinnamon and lemon... there's nothing like I've ever experienced eating any other pastry."
"Touch it, it just has like these really cool patterns."
"It's delicate yeah yeah it tastes like honeysuckle have you ever pulled the oh absolutely yeah yeah."
"These delightful treats are like Hidden Treasures waiting to burst with flavor as you sink your teeth into them."
"Our brains convert Universal energy into things we can see and hear and taste and touch."
"A compelling soundscape can make all the difference."
"Oh man it's gone! Oh, I'm feeling it, feel that high definition Rumble."
"I wish you could like grab through the screen and touch this fabric. It is so so soft against the skin."
"In terms of texture, it gives us this glossy unctuous mouth meal."
"I could feel it in my body because I could feel like where I was sitting on the couch and my body was just vibrating."
"Our memories are essentially mosaics made from different sensory inputs: smells, sights, snippets of conversation, that sort of thing."
"The gameplay is better than it's ever been, oh my God, these visuals are so good, the soundtrack goes on for centuries."
"Hot sauce just jolts you, really good toasts your intestines."
"Happy they do, a happy David, smell so awesome!"
"This might be my favorite candle... because it just smells so fantastic."
"Dolphins always, when you're in the water, you hear them well before you can see them."
"Communicating things in a way that is representative of the actual product, what does the product do? It cools your neck, it kind of feels like having like a chilly water bottle around your neck like this."
"I think I'm gonna try this one it smells so nice."
"Tower of God is just a darn good anime a true treat for all the senses and not a half bad story on top of that."
"This is so good, my mouth is salivating right now."
"Some aromas and flavors are gonna be unique to that whisky and that's when you get a little bit more poetic."
"So if I'm hearing you guys correctly it sounds like the physical experience of taste comes down you know largely to smell but it also comes down to other reference points you have for flavors."
"I think everyone does this, for example, when you're writing with a pen, how the pen feels in different matches, yeah."
"A book that feels like warm covers when it is cold outside."
"Literally, the smell was like rotten sewage."
"Susan Sontag argues that we should focus more on the sensory experience of a piece of art."
"In the family of smelly cheeses, there are probably only a few that will really make you go 'oh well, I have no doubt', for me, Stinking Bishop beats them all, crowned the smelliest cheese in the UK."
"Taste and compare different types of apples."
"If you lie on the grass, you can feel the heartbeat of the world."
"I walk through the front door I could smell that chicken and the freshly baked bread resting on the kitchen island and the faint traces of homemade peach pie."
"If I punch you in the face, that's always going to hurt. If I drop a weight on your foot, that's always going to hurt."
"So we smell god we taste god we touch god we see god."
"Nobody walks into a room with fresh flowers and says I don't like it there's something here very natural beauty an organic beauty to the scent of flowers."
"The pounding within me was it just from the orchestra? It was from beneath me."
"Imagine hearing the Top Gun dong every time you put your spoon in the ice cream. That's an event right there."
"There's no better smell in the world than freshly baked bread."
"The sound of that [time stopping] is the best part. It's legit."
"There's something in the sophisticated design of the lights that made it feel as though I were being swaddled in a Technicolor womb."
"If the PS5 DualSense allows us to feel the terrain under our character's feet or vehicle, that would be a real game changer. It will, it will."
"If you want to play in football boots that feel like you're not wearing any football boots on your feet, like you're truly barefoot, this is exactly what you want."
"There is something so absurdly tropical about a pineapple."
"A Nancy story adds to the legend, is a distinct electric smell when in the presence of the goat men, and honestly, this creepypasta."
"I love the sense of smell because it allows you to enjoy the day even if you close your eyes."
"Let's see if I feel energized... Kind of scared... okay, taste wise kind of minty... kind of sweet."
"Everything around me went very quiet, to the point where you could have heard a pin drop. It was so quiet."
"I wish you guys could smell through the screen."
"You want to feel something. We want to f**king stimulate our senses."
"If you're ever in Sephora and they have this give this a sniff, it's really really lovely."
"Oh wow, that smells so good! Can smell from here."
"It smells so good, so freaking good, y'all. It smells so good."
"This scent is very mysterious and it's a little difficult to describe. It's smoky, lightly floral, but very deep and rich, and I just love the ginger blossom right on top."
"It's like I melted down the Blue Sour Patch Kid and then drank him."
"As soon as you take a big hit, it's almost like your tongue enters into a black hole and a black hole of flavor."
"Oh, oh wow. Okay, so over there is the IMAX. Sounds like music. It does. It smells like buttered popcorn. Oh, this is really cool."
"Once your eyes adjust to its relentless darkness and your ears adjust to its perpetual silence, you'll see and hear things that will stick with you."
"The only way to describe it is an utter assault on the senses, in the best way possible."
"It smells like herby toast, it's lovely here."