
Animal Behavior Quotes

There are 2899 quotes

"Watching Chimp Empire, you realize they're very much like us, and dare I say we're very much like them."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Will the mouse do that simply to give one of its buddies a reward? That's pure altruism."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"My horse does the double inhale, long exhale often. He's a bit of a stressed guy. Do you suppose this physiological stress regulator transcends species?"
"All animals communicate, that's just part of the nature of being an animal."
"His analysis of hierarchical behavior in chimpanzees and bonobos is revolutionary not only biologically but also philosophically."
"The Bonobos are female dominated, and this collective dominance is facilitated by their ability to travel together and form powerful sisterhoods, unlike in chimpanzee societies."
"I prefer when they get together afterwards and groom each other."
"Calhoun called this a behavioral sink, and here's what he concluded, 'For an animal so simple as a mouse, the most complex behaviors involve the interrelated set of courtship, maternal care, territorial defense, and hierarchical intergroup and intra-group social organization.'"
"When you stimulate [certain dopamine neurons], animals don't like it... please stop it and yet they crave that social interaction that's missing."
"Is a goose actually intelligent enough to perform the level of complex thought that we see demonstrated throughout Untitled Goose Game?"
"Being up here with the chickens and hearing them clucking and chirping away, it's strangely calming."
"The roar seemed to have had the effect of calming them down."
"On nights where the Aurora is visible, it looks up towards the sky and begins to howl a beautiful song."
"Animals tend to respond more to sounds within their own vocal range as well as rhythms that are relative to their resting heart rates."
"Studying female rat sexual behavior in a cage is like trying to study swimming behavior of a dolphin in a bathtub."
"Sheep react to situations they find themselves in according to instincts that have been developed over centuries."
"Elephants will actually have funerals if a fellow elephant dies and they'll even come back years later to the funeral spot and have like a memorial service."
"Tuna can do that if they swim too fast, to the point where they could cause literal explosions on their tail."
"Feral cats will bury their food and stuff. It's a very positive sign that it is feeling at home in your house. Yay, he's feeling like he's at home."
"You don't need to wonder what dogs want; it's very straightforward, and that's really nice."
"Animals that are domesticated for a long period of time by humans become more accustomed to human companionship and a lot more receptive to things like names."
"What you see there is something like an emergent morality of play in rats... an unbelievably compelling and stunning discovery."
"If the lion is the king of the jungle, how can he be the king of the jungle if he's not the biggest, he can't be the fastest because that's a cheetah, he can't be the smartest. So how does the lion become the king of the jungle? His mentality. That's the only difference of a lion and an elephant. When a lion walks up and sees an elephant, he thinks lunch. And it's all mentality."
"Cats domesticated themselves: This is a popular theory on how wild cats were domesticated into house pets."
"Zebras are probably aware of how fabulous they are because they take time to groom one another."
"Sea otters hold hands so they don't drift apart while sleeping."
"Ostriches don't stick their heads in the sand when threatened."
"Dolphins can sleep with one eye closed and the other one open."
"This remarkable demonstration showcases the impressive power and adaptability of the alligator in overcoming obstacles in its environment."
"It is interesting that the lateral sleep position is already the most popular in humans and most animals — even in the wild — and it appears that we have adapted the lateral sleep position to most efficiently clear our brain of the metabolic waste products that built up while we are awake."
"Each animal reveals a unique approach to courtship, highlighting the astonishing diversity of Nature's reproductive strategies."
"Bonobos use sexual behavior for social bonding, conflict resolution, and establishing harmony, illustrating diverse reproductive strategies."
"The greater Sage Grouse's mating display is a blend of visual and auditory elements, emphasizing the complexity of courtship rituals."
"Black widow spiders' sexual cannibalism underscores the extreme lengths and risks involved in the natural world's mating rituals."
"Social distance means respect in the animal world. That's how a human should do it too."
"The honey badger bows down to no one and is one of the most insane and resilient animals on earth."
"We know from looking at living animals that predators actively target juveniles."
"Right now, our lab is working on a few projects...most of them are circulating around this idea of social isolation and what happens to the brain and behavior when an animal is isolated for an extended period of time."
"Fossilized farts... this behavior, which occurs when gases produced during digestion are released, is found to happen in a wide range of animals alive today."
"The whale gently nudged and moved Hauser away from the possible danger, shielding her with its head and lips."
"The distress cry is a clear advantage to kittens because that allows the caretaker to come back for them."
"Cattle tend to align their bodies in a north-south direction...Scientists say the Earth's magnetic fields may influence the behavior of these animals."
"Millions of us watch clips of different species that normally wouldn't come together, showing what looks like friendship, affection, and even love towards each other."
"So Linda believes that these polar bears and huskies are getting more of a thrill from playing together than they might do playing with their own species."
"Nature never ceases to amaze. These animal kingdom oddities may seem like urban legends, but they all actually happened and had real-life scientists scratching their heads."
"We're fascinated by animals that behave in ways we would never expect."
"The fact that the potential for pet keeping exists in animals other than ourselves is revolutionary."
"Pets feel energy and they feel the heart energy in a room very acutely."
"Cats are masterful predators capable of spotting prey from meters away in the dead of night."
"Alternatively, the turkeys might just be having a good bit of fun, because after all, a little playtime isn't solely restricted to us humans."
"Whispers and rumors have circulated about animals having an innate ability to sense impending danger and warn us of catastrophes yet to come."
"The intriguing possibility of animals serving as natural early warning systems has prompted some scientists to investigate further."
"Throughout history, humans have observed strange behavior in animals leading up to earthquakes."
"The animals of the Earth are sending us a message through their odd and unusual behavior."
"The emergence of morality in rats through play is a big discovery."
"The ability to emit sound waves and then listen back to the echoes in order to navigate and detect prey is simply incredible."
"The Keen vision of raptors enables them to fly quickly and strike with incredible precision."
"Animals, for example, are much more pure about this. The stress happens. They get themselves to safety. And then their cortisol levels go right back down."
"Nearly all animals join us in sleeping, suggesting that not only is it necessary but it even offers a survival advantage."
"Cats actually have some really neat behaviors where if you put a bed around, they'll go and sit on the bed a lot of the time, and if you sleep in a bed, they'll actually come and sit on you and purr."
"Hey, I remember you. An elephant always remembers."
"Now I have a dog that not only respects me but also trusts me."
"We don't really want to work in the punishment realm; we want to work on the reinforcement realm."
"It might seem silly to us as people why that's important, but wind can majorly influence the way a dog responds. They're just getting flooded with different smells."
"Cows are like dogs. They're so reciprocal with you."
"A well-aimed blow from a giraffe can break a lion's spine or even kill it."
"Yes, chickens can do dumb stuff by any means... but they're also very very smart."
"During the feeding season, a blue whale can consume up to 40 million krill per day, which equates to roughly 8,000 pounds (3,600 kilograms) of food."
"A good way to set up a bond for success is to take your rabbit to a local shelter and do something called bunny dating."
"We feel that the most important observation that we experienced while living with the Sawtooth pack was to see how these wolves cared for one another."
"The order within a Wolf Pack hierarchy is constantly reinforced by displays of dominance and submission."
"Hachiko's unwavering loyalty captured the hearts of the local residents and station workers."
"Bernie would say those lions are 'roarsome', which is precisely why I handle the training instead these days."
"Animals have desires, they have like preferences, they take pleasure in certain things, they socialize, they find joy in their own lives and in their own activities."
"How do animals show they're happy? Well, dogs find it easy enough; they just wag their tails. But what do deer do when they're happy? If this trail cam footage is anything to go by, they dance and hop around as if they don't have a care in the world."
"Livestock Guardian dogs...were bred to think independently, not to obey commands."
"With dogs, we always talk about fight or flight, but there's a third one, and that's freeze. Or in his state, how do I just melt into not existing? I just want to pancake to the floor and want to camouflage into this kennel so nobody sees me because I just want all of this to go away."
"A herd of elephants will never leave one of their own behind."
"I spend a lot of time educating those new owners on how to handle the dog, how to think like the dog, how to view the world from the dog's perspective."
"Malamutes take a tremendous amount of trust before they're ready."
"When threatened, basilisks employ one of the most creative escape strategies known in the animal kingdom."
"I am truly astonished by the hyena's ability to keep its cool and stand its ground in the face of so much adversity."
"This jaguar wastes little time diving into the water to slay a caiman as if it were an inflatable doll."
"It's astonishing to see such a small animal facing such a big predator without hesitation."
"In sea horses and several related clades, the males have an abdominal brood pouch to incubate the fertilized eggs, a behaviour sometimes termed male pregnancy."
"Echolocation, or biosonar, involves emitting sound waves and detecting the echoes that bounce off any nearby objects."
"Based on a study published in 2013, dolphins have names for each other."
"The footage leaves viewers with more questions than answers. From where did this protective canine emerge, and how did it sense the impending danger?"
"Orangutans love their mother so much that even when they're old enough to live on their own, they'll still go out of their way to visit their mom every once in a while."
"The mother will spend six to seven years with her child... she spends so much time and energy on her child that she only gives birth once every eight years."
"You're like a warning but also a celebration."
"The chance of getting bit by a dog, however, are very probable, and we bring them into our houses, and we put cute outfits on them."
"Crows have to be the most resilient of all birds."
"It is not treats, it is not love... These type of dogs, they need serious leadership. They need corrections for doing the incorrect thing."
"You're about to see a video with a one-year-old cattle dog. This dog could not be with dogs. After about 40 minutes, he was playing with four dogs, with no muzzle, no leash."
"The main characteristic of an alpha male wolf is quiet confidence, quiet self-assurance."
"Routine busters in general is a great thing to look at. Yeah, I'm a big fan of a routine. I'm a big fan of cats being able to predict how the days are going to go every day. But every now and again, you throw them a little play curve ball there."
"Sea otters hold hands when they sleep to keep from drifting apart. A beautiful metaphor for life."
"This Panda needed that jacket and this man came so close to it that it decided to grab and get the Garment itself."
"Major Biden was surprised by an unfamiliar person and reacted in a way that resulted in a minor injury."
"What makes the footage stand out is the fact that the alligator retreated for the python."
"Pythons are fearless animals that know how to get what they want."
"T-Rex: Not just a monstrous predator, but a complex creature with behaviors worth exploring."
"Watching the Tyrannosaurus individuals search for mates, reproduce, and raise their offspring really makes them feel like real animals."
"He's kind of like a puppy because even getting into the truck he can just bounce right into the back seat now."
"T-rex wasn't stupid... it was a pretty intelligent animal."
"My goal is to get the dogs closer together and not reacting. Fights are more likely to happen in confined spaces."
"I'm hoping biscuits is gonna bring the toy back to me. You know, it could be so tempting to rush puppies through things, but I'll tell you, if you can stay patient, a lot of times they surprise you."
"Animals don't sit around with a 5-year plan, their instinct is to stay alive and create more of their own."
"A carnivore and herbivore can actually be real friends."
"Great Pyrenees are trusted livestock guardian dogs known for their protective and independent nature."
"Boxers were developed in Germany as hunting Mastiffs and are known for their agility and strength."
"Huskies are athletic, energetic dogs used to pull sleds in polar regions."
"The most dangerous bird in the world: the cassowary."
"They have a reputation for their aggression but with plenty of care and socialization they can be trained quickly and well."
"I don't believe that sharks don't like human flesh. Maybe they're just vindictive."
"That's a great dog that can play that gently with a little kitten like that."
"That's an amazing cat. I've never seen a cat do that."
"When two animals play with each other, they both communicate aggression but they never feel endangered."
"Do you see him? He's like upside down. Oh my god, stop, easy wee boy. Oh, he's so happy to be out. Oh my god, he's so happy."
"Local police say raccoons aren't rabid. They're just drunk."
"Just look at how it pulls a few acrobatic skills before diving back into the water. That was amazing!"
"I'd be a cat though, I think, because cats, I wouldn't be a cat man."
"The goal for today is to make that cow not hate me and we do that by becoming very powerful."
"Be kind to animals and they will return the favor."
"The shark didn't twitch, waited until it was helped, and when the rope was removed, it swam away from the fishermen. Told you the big animals are very calm."
"The duck came up to him, started quacking intensely, and led the way to the storm drain. Quacking was heard from there too. The cameraman immediately understood everything and called the rescue team on the spot."
"Some animals come to ask for help from people without knowing them at all."
"It wasn't afraid, and that fearlessness was paid back tenfold."
"Something about these waddling Birds just seems to resonate with so many people. Maybe we see ourselves in them just a bit."
"First off, these guys are very thirsty animals. They can consume 10 gallons of water each trip to a watering hole."
"Bull sharks are so named because they are among the most aggressive sharks and the only large shark species that is not frightened of people."
"And speaking of their eyes, you know the thing about a Shaggy skin lifeless eyes black eyes like a doll's eye when he comes at you doesn't seem to be living."
"All energy on earth comes from the Sun and in the summertime there's more sunlight, plants make more sugar, herbivores eat more sugar, and they get fatter."
"Pretty powerful stuff to watch... it's that basic evolutionary force to mate, it's very strong in these bears."
"Play is so important for bears... They're capable of extraordinary behavior."
"The leopard an intelligent large cat, known for its strength and formidable combat skills."
"The quest for revenge begins as the leopard retaliates against the eagle's attack."
"A mother always finds a way to keep her young safe."
"From birth until about 2 years old, leopard cubs are cared for by their mother, a robust and alert female always keeping watch from the trees to swiftly deter any threats to her offspring."
"Watch a cat decide to move through a door and see how patiently he waits for his opportunity."
"The animal kingdom is pretty amazing. What a crazy world we live in."
"That's just a way to keep them safe, right? That's that one last ditch effort like, 'I'm running away from this predator, it got me, let me get rid of this tail, and then I can scurry away and run to safety and hide and grow that tail back.'"
"Poop is literally a lifesaver for many animals and humans are no exception."
"They've been bred psychotically and they wake up one day and be like, you know what, I'm on croquettes. Wow."
"Such jumps confuse predators so much that there were cases when lions stopped following starting gazelles."
"They can also change color and texture in the blink of an eye, blending into their surroundings with great camouflage ability."
"The penguin came out of the water and moved at full speed."
"Animals are not predictable the way they can turn on you in a moment."
"Could these Rock piles somehow be a crucial key to how these creatures navigate and stay hidden?"
"Who would emerge Victorious, would the Lion's Triumph or with the percin success Yul fend off the lines?"
"Every dog has its own personality. Anyone who thinks they can train a dog with one set of rules is mistaken."
"Emotions for animals really are guiding their activities to survive."
"When animals are attacked even if the predator that's attacking is much more powerful you'll find a Buffalo trying to fight off a lion to save its young."
"You know there's a lot of reasons the dogs make noise."
"It's natural for dogs to want to protect things that they value, so I can't really blame Chop for that."
"Now when he gets excited and lions chasing, he has an erection. His tail gets erect like this, they walk the tail, the tail goes straight up in the air like this. I'm not joking, like that."
"I have not met a more intelligent, compassionate, emotional animal in my entire life."
"Chimpanzees are killing machines if they want to be."
"Humans have free will, humans are very different from most animals."
"When we came home, our dog pretended to be ill, like come out limping or something, and the vet said, 'Yes, it's just he doesn't want you to go away again.'"
"A wounded bear... can be very tempted to strike out."
"He knew that no beast is more dangerous than a dying beast."
"I always yearned for a way to be closer to my pet lobsters. They would always scurry away from my freakish human hands."
"That is myth confirmed, dog's tails will go down when they are lower health."
"Worried pandas shake and hide their faces during storms."
"We didn't teach dogs fetch, it was already programmed into their software."
"The smarter an animal is, the more playful they usually are."
"Dolphins can have fun in safer work ways too."
"Pandas very much have a one-sided beef with gravity."
"They never make an aesthetic mistake never they never do anything inelegant just like a cat never makes a bad move."
"If a dog's tail is wagging to the right, it means it's more relaxed, and a left wagging tail means stress."
"Not all dogs are great swimmers, but all dogs love swimming."
"Cats in general are individualistic creatures."
"Honey badgers don't ever give in, they just take."
"Elephants may be large but they're also incredibly playful when the situation calls for it."
"Mako was capable of death throws, powerful strikes, and agile leaps and bounds."
"Chickens love grass, they pick it, whatever's on the ground and it makes the eggs a lovely Rich golden color and the flavor is tremendous."
"Caterpillar conga lines: How is it possible these caterpillars are so organized?"
"There's just a certain pleasure to be drawn from seeing these excellently rendered animals interacting with the world."
"Mama bear is not nice. She sees weakness, she eats you."
"We are perfectly created to eat fruit... I would follow that monkey around and eat that monkey's food."
"For a lone animal to make this sound, it's most likely a warning to an intruder."
"Animals eat other animals. It's nature. No, it isn't. We taught a lion to eat tofu."
"That's what happens when you put animals in the same cage sometimes they get along a little too."
"Honey badger wins just because he doesn't care. Honey badger don't care, it just doesn't care."
"She thought that breaking hamari's spirit now would make it easier to train her later on, but things have not gone that way."
"Roosters will stand up for them [hens]. Roosters are not very nice to the hens, but they will stand up for them." - Unknown
"Turns out that there are a lot of amazing cross-species friendships out there."
"This routine went on for five years until Moses suddenly stopped showing up."
"All those little mandible wiggles, he's hungry."
"Trout often ignore something that is smaller than their current food and are suspicious of something that's larger."
"Be careful raising a baby tiger, because one day it will grow up and eat you."
"So, this is to ask: Who runs the fastest, the horse in the freedom of the fields? Or the one being whipped?"
"They use sticks and things to get insects out of holes. That can be classified as a tool."
"Bigfoot is not a hurting animal. Bigfoot is a primate."
"He's alive, he's moving a little, I think y'all see that, Barry."
"Many factors make a safe pet: genetics, health, socialization, kindness, and training."
"Results of this study showed that the village of Chuanhu-kun was a source of food for the cats 5,300 years ago."
"We're living through a Renaissance of animal attacks, and I am here for it."