
Cancer Treatment Quotes

There are 391 quotes

"The Holy Grail is coming up with ways to engineer T-cells to be even better recognizers of antigens."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Intermittently fasting... helps our body cut off the blood supply to cancers."
"We've just opened the door into a world of new approaches for managing cancer, and the future will be able to build much better diet drug cocktails."
"For the first time ever, a woman with late-stage breast cancer has been completely cured by immunotherapy."
"Curing cancer is something people often talk about almost as an expression, but these people are really contributing to ways of treating it."
"Dr. Linus Pauling, a brilliant figure well-known in the vitamin C world, found clinical evidence suggesting that high-dose intravenous administration of vitamin C is useful as a supportive treatment for cancer."
"Using the body's own immune system to fight cancer has advanced towards a cure for cancer."
"Well, we've done that, and it's actually one of the mainstays of cancer treatment today, but the more exciting thing is we found that when you use the same testing methods that were used to develop these drugs to test foods, there's more than 100 foods that can actually starve cancers as well."
"I wanted to find as many ways to attack that cancer from as many angles as possible."
"Chemotherapy drugs target the fast-growing cells."
"Harry has graciously told friends that he's willing to step back in and help the royal family during his father's cancer treatment."
"Reese, she's doing well. She got her last chemotherapy treatment, and it's a mixed bag. The tumor is still there, it seems to have stopped momentarily."
"The capacity of the chemotherapeutic agent to induce autophagy is actually required for the long-term efficacy of the treatment."
"We have the power to end cancer as we know it."
"Chemotherapy, chemotherapy, chemotherapy. It is highly effective and highly curable."
"Basically, yes is the answer. If you have to have the chemotherapy that cures the cancer, in general you lose your hair."
"Gerson Therapy has been shown to reverse cancer by juicing 20 pounds of vegetables a day."
"In the next five to ten years, major cancer treatments associated with adjunctive fasting."
"Combining nanotechnology with artificial intelligence to create precision cancer medicine."
"Fasting triggers your immune system to boost up and regrow, enhancing cancer treatment effectiveness."
"The effectiveness of chemo and radiation is minimal compared to prevention."
"We've got not necessarily a happy ending—I mean, ideally there's no cancer—but testicular cancer is super treatable when caught."
"You're a champ because you've been undergoing all of your treatments for your bladder cancer."
"THC and CBD can kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact."
"It feels like the lowest rung on the ladder that health care should be for - No one should go bankrupt when they get cancer."
"Low blood sugar more effective in fighting cancer than ketosis."
"Microsoft researchers are using machine learning to help oncologists figure out the most effective individualized cancer treatment for their patients."
"If you have cancer you don't rub herbs on it and wait for it to go away."
"Let's fight cancer the old-fashioned way with food."
"There's tons of proof that it actually fights cancer too like yeah it does that's why people because it's specifically about that."
"It's not just about curing cancer it's about the quality of life for the long run."
"There's a promising new topical cream that could help with skin cancer."
"We can literally eradicate cancer with the blink of an eye... but we're so concerned about biopharmaceutical companies making massive billions of dollars."
"This thing is beating me right now, I didn't want to do this chemo, I didn't want to do Red Devil, I didn't want to lose my hair, I didn't want to give in."
"The biggest breakthroughs in cancer we've had is immunotherapy."
"Over the last two decades, cancer deaths have gone down by twenty-five percent."
"Should ketogenic metabolic therapy become the standard of care for glioblastoma?"
"The press pulse metabolic therapy is a non-toxic, cost-effective strategy for the possible management of most cancers."
"Cancer treatment keeps getting better and better and better."
"The body will turn and eat the tumor cells as part of the fuel."
"Tumor cells lose every time when it comes to that experiment."
"So even if you have a very large tumor, even 8 centimeters, even the lowest number here in terms of survival at 10 years is 80%. Thyroid cancer patients do really well."
"Survival from papillary thyroid cancer is excellent; recurrence rates vary based on tumor biology and surgery quality."
"Surgery is the best chance for cure; quality of preoperative imaging is crucial."
"The problem is many cancer patients immediately go in for toxic poisons and radiation."
"I've actually seen video of THC destroying cancer cells... it just goes after them and rips them to shreds."
"I have been healing a severe and malignant brain cancer for the past few years with natural medicine, Gerson therapy, and foods. It's working for me. It is."
"Over time, it’s possible that gene therapy could be as common as chemo and radiotherapy in treating genetic cancers."
"Nanobots are being studied so that they can help assist in medicine and Healthcare including cancer treatment."
"The short version: curing cancer would be a five-minute job if you actually had the ability to engineer a virus to do something that you wanted."
"Water fasting might be one of the most powerful cancer treatments."
"At the end of the day, it's like seeing a person with cancer using homeopathy to treat themselves rather than say chemotherapy."
"Metabolic therapy first and then you'll be shocked at how you won't need toxic radiation and chemical chemicals."
"Anytime you see a bald cancer patient, that person was treated by someone who doesn't understand the biology of the disease."
"Genetically engineered immune cells are saving the lives of cancer patients."
"Vitamin C injections... the tumors or the cancerous growth was basically gone within a couple of days."
"Possible angiogenesis inhibitor: Pouty Arco bark shows promise in reducing cancerous tumor growths."
"One treatment for cancer is actually putting people in hyperbaric chambers, which have been shown to raise the oxygen level in your blood."
"In certain cases, people have reversed hospice level cancer with a vegan diet."
"My approach to dealing with cancer has been incremental."
"The Gerson Therapy is especially helpful in cases of malignant melanoma and other aggressive cancers."
"Genetically modified T cells have been observed destroying cancer cells."
"Spontaneous healing of cancer is a phenomenon observed for thousands of years."
"Dr. Simoncini proving cancers are fungal in origin, treatable with baking soda."
"Metabolic therapy is the solution to cancer."
"There are ways that cancer could be healed... put her in this chamber for a period of six weeks with double the oxygen level and the cancer was completely taken out of her."
"Those patients were on their deathbeds and their tumors have now melted. Why? Because their own immune systems attacked the cancer in their bodies."
"I always said that I wouldn't do chemo... but when you get into a position that I'm in at this point, you just want to live and you want to battle."
"If we can consider a metabolic model, then we have the potential to starve cancer."
"I challenge you to consider the primary problem of cancer is dysfunctional glucose metabolism."
"Marijuana is being demonstrated to have anti-tumor properties."
"Sodium bicarbonate can destroy a tumor in one day."
"This new drug worked as well as an existing cancer drug but without all the toxicity."
"Treating breast cancer cells with a vitamin D derivative might prevent them from growing and encourage them to die outright."
"Studies show that vinegar can kill cancer cells and shrink tumors."
"Ketogenic diets show anti-tumor effects in over 60% of cancer types studied."
"All of them are cancer free, 100% efficacy in a cancer therapy is not heard of."
"Qigong therapy shows promise in treating cancer and preliminary studies report immediate improvement without side effects and even complete remission in patients who engaged in ongoing practice."
"When we add laetrile to a cancer culture under the microscope, we can see the cancer cells dying off like flies."
"Of those with early diagnosed cancer, at least 80% will be saved by vitamin therapy."
"Higher vitamin D levels could reduce the risk of death among prostate cancer patients."
"Humanity will wipe out the cancer from the human body."
"Capsaicin kills cancer cells without harming normal cells."
"The benefits may not stop there; scientists say the cannabis compound may fight other aggressive cancers, including prostate cancer."
"If you work out during chemotherapy, you're gonna feel better."
"How do you treat cancer when the cancer has infected major organs of the body? You have to properly map it out, you have to properly identify it before you go in to start cutting."
"Immune checkpoint inhibitors have literally revolutionized cancer medicine dramatically."
"If you can cut off the blood supply or prevent tumors from growing their blood supply, you can actually keep these cancers harmless for long periods of time."
"Immunotherapy is the next huge wave in understanding how we're going to treat cancer."
"Immunotherapy... allows your immune system to wipe out cancer."
"First person to think about immune surveillance of cancer...field of chemotherapy...immune system worked."
"The solution to the cancer problem now becomes very clear."
"It can help starve cancers by cutting off the blood supply."
"So the idea of trying to tap into the potential of our immune system to fight cancer is not a new idea."
"It's the first time you have a drug that targets a new molecule in the cancer cell that nobody has done before."
"The development of particle accelerators has led to innovations in cancer therapy, particularly through the refinement of proton beam therapy which allows for more precise targeting of tumors with minimal damage to surrounding healthy tissues."
"It's the exquisite sensitivity and specificity of the immune reaction that I think makes it such a seductively interesting approach to trying to develop new cancer treatments."
"It's the balance of the aggressive immune reaction against the inhibitory molecules that can prevent that immune reaction that is the holy grail of trying to find effective treatments."
"It was the first demonstration that lymphocyte transfer as a sole modality could cause tumor regression in patients with melanoma."
"They take the apia therapy as beesting therapy so even the venom of the bee has been found to kill breast cancer cells."
"You could devote your entire life to curing cancer, you could work yourself to the bone, tear your life to shreds and sacrifice everything just to cure the disease. However, in spite of it all, the best solution will sometimes be to just cut the tumor out."
"The biggest immunotherapy drugs are checkpoint blockers, antibodies that bind to a protein on the surface of the key immune cell, the T cell, and activate those T cells so they can kill off the tumor."
"We want to bring the percentage of patients who respond to immunotherapy from 25 up to 100, and that includes cell therapies like CAR T-cells, living drugs that can directly target and kill tumors."
"One of the major concerns for cancer patients is side effects, but with immunotherapy, they're very mild and reversible."
"We can actually just replace the whole idea of extracting pieces from the tumor cell and supply those pieces as part of a cancer vaccine."
"Putting cancer in check with immunotherapy: melanoma and beyond."
"The immune system can treat cancer: it's as simple as a T cell killing a cancer cell."
"Enhancing the immune system's ability to destroy cancer cells."
"Because the T-cells you're activating are sitting, for the most part, at the tumor. They're already there. They're ready to do some damage."
"So we're in the era of immunotherapy. And it certainly made a big splash in our scientific journals."
"The importance of next-generation sequencing technologies is clear, identifying the mutation responsible for driving the cancer and using that information to determine the course of treatment is a big advance in oncology."
"Over the past 10 years the use of immunotherapies in the treatment of cancers has exploded."
"If you respond to checkpoint blockade therapy, you are pretty much immune and you get long-lasting durable responses."
"The success of immune checkpoint inhibitors really has revitalized cancer immunotherapy."
"This combination represents a new chemotherapy-free first-line option for patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer."
"The combination of nivolumab and ipilimumab is FDA approved for intermediate or poor risk previously untreated advanced renal cell carcinoma."
"Immunotherapy, such as checkpoint inhibition, enhances the ability of the immune system to recognize cancer cells, leading to anti-tumor responses and cancer cell death."
"So we've seen that these checkpoint inhibitors are not only active in metastatic setting but are now showing signs of activity in locally advanced and earlier disease stage settings."
"Those are already in clinical trials and I think cancer immunotherapy using ips cells is very promising."
"Every Cancer that gets treated at an early stage when compared to the same cancer being treated at a late stage... has a dramatically different survival profile."
"Hormonal therapy is essential in treating hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, often more effective than chemotherapy."
"Because it's only with brachytherapy that we really get that sufficient dose to that area where the cancer started."
"...much more efficacious than what we have for the other cancers..."
"The experience of what you're going through when you're going through treatment, even the little things, matter."
"Antibodies are grown that selectively bind to specific tumor genes."
"They're specifically targeting cancer cells and labeling them for destruction."
"Companies like Foundation Medicine developed tumor sequencing."
"...if you can stop the growth, which is what melatonin does, you've done a heck of a lot."
"Targeting a cancer's unique vulnerabilities, particularly in combination, yields successes for some cancers."
"One of the most important things with cancer treatment is you really need to buy into your treatment, whatever your treatment is, whatever you're going to do, you need to believe this will work."
"Dietary interventions... actually reverse cancer growth."
"At Seaman Health and Years, our goal is to help clinicians provide the right treatment at the right time and ultimately help create a world where people don't have to fear cancer."
"What's likely happened in the next five years is further advancements in immunotherapy, targeting the tumor suppressing environment, and metabolic interventions."
"I knit for one of them I knit a pair of socks and the other one a hat because they were always very cold when they were going through their treatment."
"It's not easy to cut off the cancer fuel supply."
"Starving cancer is very, very hard."
"Chemotherapy has improved survival and does improve the quality of life for patients with advanced disease."
"More than fifty percent of patients with pancreatic cancer don't get any treatment at all, which is really heartbreaking."
"We are killing a lot of cancer cells and helping people."
"...but she is undergoing chemo treatment. Do we know anything about the kind of cancer that she has or any of that? Is there any information that you've seen on that?"
"Combining treatments seemed to delay the time at which it took for the cancer to get worse in these patients by almost twice as much."
"Sometimes when we remove the stop signal for our immune cells to kill cancer cells, we can also remove the stop signal for normal healthy cells as well."
"Immunotherapy is so exciting to us because of these durable responses or these long-lasting responses."
"I realize if I were starting out now knowing what I know now, I would start out looking at Multiple Myeloma as a marathon, and I would think when I do in my treatment today, how is that going to impact me 2 decades from now?"
"What began as one of the most deadly and untreatable cancers, garnered the attention of some of the most passionate cancer specialists in the world. Those same experts now have a greater hope for Multiple Myeloma patients, and even dare to say they're closing in on a cure."
"Immunotherapy uses our immune systems to cure cancer."
"Immunotherapy is very real and very legit."
"Understanding and normalizing the tumor microenvironment is crucial for developing effective cancer treatment strategies."
"Immunotherapy is revolutionizing the treatment of lymphoma and many other cancers."
"This is an amazing discovery and this has really changed the way we treat cancer every day in the clinic."
"Ultimately the goal is to use our own bodies to fight the cancer itself."
"Immunotherapy, which is kind of that huge class of what I just mentioned, is getting a lot of traction."
"For the first time since we started using immunotherapy, we have actually started talking about cures in metastatic prostate cancer. I've seen some dramatic responses that are durable for good."
"Radiation has no scar, no injections, no pain. It is a non-invasive way for us to treat different kinds of tumors and cancers."
"Radiation is really one of the three major treatment options for cancer and it's not an ancillary service; it's really a primary treatment for a lot of types of tumors."
"Radiation really complements surgery and chemotherapy very well."
"Radiation therapy damages cancer cells' DNA, leading to their death."
"These work presents two novel drugs for preventing resistance development by targeting and countering cancer's alternative messages."
"If you block the CD36 receptor, you block the metastases."
"So the FDA has approved PD-1 inhibitors for anyone that has high tumor mutation burden or microsatellite instability. Doesn't matter what the cancer is."
"Through precision oncology, we can study the genetic makeup of tumors and design treatments that attack the cancer and not the patient."
"Immunotherapy allows our own immune system to do the work of fighting cancer by inhibiting the PD-L1 or the CTLA-4 checkpoints, therefore releasing the brakes on the immune system."
"So, how do we decide which is the best treatment for whom and why? This graph over here kind of summarizes our current approach for the first-line treatment of those patients with Advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer."
"Radiation targets cancer cells' DNA, preventing growth by causing breaks."
"So once I did the six weeks of chemo and radiation, I had a 21 day break where I wasn't on anything, and it was right around my birthday. My birthday's in May. That was really nice."
"Our goal is to starve the tumor cells."
"It's not to try to kill ourselves, it's to kill the tumor cells."
"We can take these CAR modified T cells and put them back into the patient and they should be able to move around the body and seek out those cells that have the cognate antigen and then kill them."
"We can build designer cells with customized behaviors, including therapeutic actions like targeting and killing cancer cells."
"Adoptive immunotherapy, using genetically modified T cells, is a promising area for therapeutic engineering, especially in cancer treatment."
"...most patients do quite well with surgery in terms of their cancer treatment."
"...patients did very well because they had a very low volume low-grade cancer and really were proven did not need any type of treatment."
"The only diet proven in a randomized control trial to reverse the progression of cancer was Dr. Dean Ornish's Whole Food plant-based lifestyle program."
"Did I say cancer has been solved? All sorts of cancers? They're all solved."
"Having cancer in Canada is just the same as having it in the U.S. The healthcare you receive is top-notch, it's good if you get it."
"But what if I were to tell you there's a medicine that may double your chance of survival and cause your own body to attack the cancer? It's exercise but not as you know it."
"Anyone with cancer should seek professional medical advice before embarking on an exercise program."
"When you inhibit the proteasome, you selectively kill cancer cells."
"Chemotherapy certainly improves survival very significantly in stage 3 or Duke C colorectal cancer."
"The treatments don't kill cancer cells directly but what the treatments do is they rip the cloak off of the cancer that's trying to hide from your own immune system."
"Immunotherapy is now a reality for patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer."
"If your tumor was PD-L1 positive, your survival was much better if you received Nivolumab compared to Docetaxel."
"Cancer survival rates have increased year-on-year since 2010."
"We have seen an improvement in the cancer treatment that is available to people in this country."
"Cancer immune therapy targeting the tumor glycocalyx."
"Cancer immunotherapy as an exciting new dimension in our ability to treat cancer."
"We have made significant advances in the management of non-small cell lung cancer."
"We saw significant improvements in both progression-free survival as well as overall survival."
"As a Comprehensive Cancer Center, our goal is to provide comprehensive care for patients with cancer of all sorts, including thyroid cancer."
"Novel immune-based therapies—mostly immune checkpoint inhibitors, but a number of other novel agent designs, as well, in the recent past—have helped against many types of cancer, but they don't work for everyone."
"The earlier we can activate the immune system to help attack the tumor while the patient and their immune system are as strong as possible, that's likely to have the biggest impact."
"We have a great opportunity here to tackle a question of viruses mediated cancers and see how immunotherapy in the immune system is able to be harnessed to treat the cancer in these virus-mediated tumors."
"We've talked about HPV... and we think that immunotherapy efforts would benefit greatly HPV-related cancer."
"We've had, in a period of seven years, this dramatic change in the field where the whole idea of how we treat cancer is different."
"We're right now inside of a major revolution that's changing the way we treat this disease."
"Our hope is that immunotherapy is going to prove to be as effective for brain cancer in the not too distant future as it has been for many cancers in the body to date."
"Cutting-edge drug cocktail along with surgery to teach the errant cells to switch off."
"She kept her mindset positive and even though she was going through chemo, she was also looking forward to the future."
"Sulforaphane has the power to seek out and destroy cancer cells."
"The goals are to understand how different forms of radiation interact with tissue to treat cancer."