
Pain Perception Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Pain is this complex and subjective experience that serves a crucial role for all of us to keep us away from injury or harm."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Pain is a perceptual thing as much as it's a physical thing. It's a belief system about what you're experiencing in your body and has important relevance for healing different types of injury and the pain associated with that injury."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Placebo effects are very real. Placebo effects and belief effects, as they're called, have a profound effect on our experience of noxious stimuli like pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Pain is about eighty percent not physical; it is our anxiety, our expectation that it's going to hurt."
"Coughing does hurt like hell, but a little pain makes you feel like you're alive. And baby, I'm alive."
"Each person owns their own pain, and there is no way to ultimately objectify it."
"The brain can't actually feel pain; it has a pain center but doesn't have pain receptors itself."
"Your pain is like an alarm clock, no one is happy to see it but it's better than the alternative."
"Once you realize you're not supposed to feel pain, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore."
"Pain can restrict sight. Pain can keep you from seeing the whole picture. But your pain can also produce clarity."
"As grim as it sounds, pain is the body's way of keeping you alive."
"Pain is not an energy that stays in the body. It is not natural to the body. It doesn't have the same frequency. It is not in resonance unless you give it a reason to be in resonance."
"That's my reaction it's just one of those pains we were like huh but it's not like a like it's not a pain where you're feeling like miserable."
"Pain to you is absolute evidence that you're alive and that something can hurt you."
"A paper cut can be more painful due to its jaggedness."
"His pain, where he feels pain, how he feels it, I think is different."
"Women have twice as many pain receptors than men, which means they feel pain more intensely."
"You feel pain projected out into 3D space at the point in space in which your hand happens to be."
"You can't see pain. You don't know what anybody's pain is, and unfortunately, if you think you know what it is, you tend to underestimate. It's hard enough to assess your own pain, let alone someone else's."
"The brain itself doesn't have pain receptors."
"Negative emotions increase our experience of pain."
"Nothing is wrong with it because we can take Tylenol for our pain, but this is a different type of pain."
"There was no pain, but I have heard in those adrenaline-filled moments you do not feel the mass of injury that has been inflicted on you."
"The pains I was feeling were just kicks."
"Pain does not depend on what's actually happening in the tissues. Pain depends entirely on what the brain thinks is happening in the tissues."
"Pain is an output of the brain. It does not exist until it exists. It doesn't exist in your body, never does. It's a production of your brain. It's all about meaning."
"Why doesn't it hurt to cut hair? Hair is made to protect the skin from the heat and the cold."
"Click, click, clap, clap, yeah, yeah, yeah! Click, click, clap, clap, it doesn't hurt to cut off our nails."
"Not all pain is experienced in the presence of structural problems."
"In the book you mentioned, uh, one study where it shows that experienced meditators, they are, uh, they rate the source of pain much lower than, uh, than people who do not meditate."
"The important question is who can suffer. The fetus can't yet feel pain; the woman can."
"Going towards pain diminishes it, avoiding pain makes the pain worse."
"Caffeine increases your desire to train, it increases time to exhaustion, it decreases the perception of pain that you feel, it increases motivation."
"If the gateways are open, then pain is experienced or intensified, but if the gateways are closed along the spinal cord, then the pain can be reduced or nullified."
"We will have pain when our brains weigh the world and decide that there is more danger to the body than safety."
"Pain is very much a human experience; you know your pain more than anyone else knows your pain."
"Pain does not occur in the periphery, it's something that the brain creates based off its evaluation of safety and danger."
"Understanding pain tends to lower threat, not understanding it tends to raise threat."
"If you can't feel pain, then you can't feel the opposite."
"Pain is comprised of having two parts: a sensory one that's the objective response to the pain, and an affective one, that is, how much you suffer from that pain."
"The pain turns out to be much less bad than you thought."
"What really makes pain hurt is your desire not to feel it."
"Pain doesn't hurt unless you feel it."
"When you feel pain and you focus on the pain and say pain, you start to see it as experiences, many moments of experience."
"Pain is very subjective and can be experienced in different ways."
"Pain is a feeling your brain creates in response to signals from your nerves."
"Fast pain is felt within 0.1 seconds, whereas slow pain is felt within a second."