
Survival Quotes

There are 32295 quotes

"Overall survival is the most important metric and it's the highest bar."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We have a very specific survival advantage in having a menopause."
"This is making me better, there's purpose in this, I just have to make it to the next day, and then one more day, and one more day."
"Our consciousness, whether divine or mundane, is simply us surviving even better."
"Hope and optimism are really what keeps victims alive in these situations."
"Your goal for the day is to make it to the next day."
"Fundamentally, what has always bound human beings together is like, 'I need you, and you need me, otherwise we're not going to survive.'"
"Deeply rooted in our DNA is this idea that we have to be a part of a community in order to survive."
"With a few taps on a magic rectangle, we can access pure distilled pleasure, completely separated from its original purpose: survival and reproduction."
"The dopamine system is there to motivate you to do the things that would help you survive. And of course, reproduction is the other very strong imperative."
"If there's one rule for long-term content creation, it is that creators must adapt to survive."
"This book is a love story to every survivor, saying to them, 'Please bring all your gifts into this world because you have so many.'"
"We need more shotgun shells because it's our main way to defend ourselves when we're not on our tames. It's life or death out here, bro."
"Survival was suddenly very difficult for the average family, and money was quite literally a matter of life or death."
"The days of dancing for fun were over; people were now dancing for survival."
"As human beings, we want to thrive, and doing so requires us to survive."
"Being part of the group was crucial to survive."
"It's not the strongest or the smartest who survive, it's the most adaptable."
"In times of challenge and change, there are key questions many share: How can we prosper and grow? Do we search for meaning or grasp for survival?"
"Vicky survived two attempts on her life and she's really moving on with things now."
"I could survive this challenge all night long as long as I have cookies."
"Right now, I'm hanging on by a knife edge. Both of us are in peril."
"Powerful Survivor who has endured a winter storm."
"Life is not about survival; life is about transcending survival and seeing what lies beyond."
"The greatest key to survival is adaptability. You got to be able to adapt."
"Evolutionary adaptation is a means of self-preservation in order to improve a species' chances at survival as environments change."
"Can you imagine a greater act of barbarism than to reduce people to mass starvation, sickness and disease, and then when they finally have the possibility of flour to make themselves a piece of bread to eat, tanks, shells, and machine guns open fire upon them?"
"The experience of being me or being you is a kind of controlled hallucination designed to keep the body going, designed to keep us alive."
"All our perceptions are grounded fundamentally in this imperative to stay alive."
"These six practices saved my life, they saved me from missing out on what was possible, and they can do that for anybody."
"She asks if he is displeased that they survived the dragon, but before he can answer, another one of their classmates comes over and says they shouldn't be fighting with one another in a world where they have so few allies."
"We're creatures of community. That's how we've survived as a species."
"We are so technologically powerful that we cannot possibly survive in the primitive ethical condition that still obtains."
"People cannot live without love; people die from a lack of love."
"Our visual system is not optimized or it hasn't evolved to give us the most accurate picture possible. It's the good enough picture that will allow us to survive."
"It's not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change."
"Knowledge is power. The more awareness you have, the more capable you are of surviving and succeeding."
"All of this is extra credit for me. I expected to be dead a long time ago, but God and the universe had a different path for me."
"If you have a 'why,' you can survive almost any 'how.'"
"Man's search for meaning when he was in the concentration camps how do you survive when you're in a concentration camp and you're treated like an animal and he found meaning through feelings of love for his wife at the time and through knowing that his spirit could not be captured."
"Don't forget the strong survive, but the prepared thrive. Stay safe."
"If you've ever been very alone, very sad, very depressed, the reason why you're still here is because of this spirit guide."
"Everything about the brain is designed for our survival, it's all designed for the positive side."
"The moment you give up hope, the moment you cannot survive."
"The European Union either survives as a whole or it collapses as a whole."
"Your Patreon donations literally helped me stay alive."
"You're a lot more resilient... you're not that easy to kill."
"90% of the battle is just staying alive in business."
"You are the last survivor here, so you get all these experience points."
"My hope is that consciousness is something special, because only if so, could we in any sense, survive death."
"Feeling tells you how you're doing within this basic biological frame of values, scale of values which is that it's good to survive and bad to die."
"What you realize when you're in the war is that the people that are next to you, you rely on them, and they're relying on you to survive."
"After surviving everything you have survived, the very fact that you are still here means that somebody who is bigger than you has a plan for your life."
"Grab some snacks, sit back, and relax. This is my experience of surviving 100 days on Raft."
"Love is the only thing that'll kill you but keep you alive to feel the hurt. Everybody's had that moment where they thought they were going to die from a broken heart."
"I'm a miracle baby; I wasn't supposed to be here."
"Every day I have to live, knowing that I survived and so many others didn't."
"What happens is that in the child is we've got these two needs: the need to attach and to belong to the parents. Without that need being met, the child can't even survive."
"Most people, and almost all life, one of the core aspects of life is the desire and the will to fight to live."
"Fire also can keep you alive in the right circumstances, like a controlled bonfire. You can cook, it can keep you warm."
"I was saved by an act of divine sovereignty."
"Authenticity—being in touch with ourselves, our feelings, our bodies, and our emotions—is essential for survival."
"I wouldn't want to be stranded with anyone else other than her."
"For most of human history, having enough food was very important...if you eat something and you get very, very sick, you better remember that forever."
"He knows the 100% win play, which is just sit in the back there and just stay alive for as long as he can, wait for the rotates."
"Optimism is probably the only way to live in a 'meat suit' body and keep going."
"Receiving money is actually a sign of self-respect because you need the money to survive, you need it to thrive, you need to improve your life."
"The extraordinary sequence of events which ensued from Endurance getting caught in the ice of the Weddell Sea in January 1915 must stand as the most incredible story of survival and perseverance of the entire Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration."
"It is the Endurance Expedition and the incredible feat of survival which it constituted, which is ultimately Shackleton’s greatest legacy."
"We evolve thinking so our stupid thoughts could die instead of us."
"It's better to be judged by 12 than carried by six."
"It's a responsibility that comes with being an OG. Are you teaching them how to make money, how to get it out there and not die and go to jail?"
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change."
"Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey... is seemingly a survival adventure exploration game but with the whole focus on early man and the evolution of apes."
"Naked brutality is super duper mega hard because you start with nothing, you're completely naked."
"If you're told to do something by somebody...anything you can do to humanize yourself and comply with what the bad guys want increases your chance of survival."
"This year has most definitely been my most difficult year, as I almost lost my life in a terrible high-speed rollover. I'm just glad I made it out alive on 10 toes."
"Everyone is relieved to see that B is still alive but some question how he could have survived such a terrible situation."
"In the aftermath of the train crash, you now find yourself stranded in the depths with a new goal."
"If you're gonna give me an inventory big enough to hold seven weapons and all the ammo I want, put me in these situations where I need to fight for my life."
"The strongest person on earth can't survive up against even a chimpanzee. So what do we do? Our mind is our tool, right? It's our only advantage."
"Famous for their superior hunting skills and always outnumbering their prey, lions rarely allow their enemies to escape."
"Despite the odds, our black wolf defends his meal fiercely, reminding the coyotes that in Yellowstone, every creature must earn its meal."
"The zebra was about to give up... but at that moment, the hippos step in and rush to push the zebra closer to land."
"The cave was 200 yards deep and the entrance was blocked by water during high tide, so the couple was able to live there undiscovered for some 25 years."
"His form was determined by the amount of blood, and this small body worth of blood was currently keeping her body alive."
"Alicia managed to stand up despite going through a death fall."
"It was just the way of the world to eat or to be eaten, it was the same for animals or humans, and naturally for devil beasts as well."
"The fearless honey badger confronts leopards, lions, and poisonous snakes without hesitation."
"If not for his ever-present psychic voice reaching out, searching, protecting, and planning, then the Imperium of Man would undoubtedly fall back into dark oblivion, and perhaps the light would be extinguished permanently."
"The only way to stay alive and fully human in a moment like this is to resolve that you are going to tell the truth in every and all circumstance."
"This tendency to survive and reproduce is called fitness."
"Human connection is essential for survival in a globalized world."
"We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive!"
"Some people cannot survive at certain altitudes. So if you're pulling somebody up a hill who, when you get to 10,000 ft, they can't breathe, you're going to kill them."
"Morality is the act of behaving in a manner which makes sure you and your people survive."
"We survived though, we pushed through, and it was tough for all of us, but we made it here."
"When your ship sank, you thought all was lost, but then your hand clutched sand, and you realized you're on a deserted island."
"We're fighting for our lives out here, aren't we?"
"Diversity isn't just some kind of nice-to-have thing in our species, it's the sole survival strategy."
"In the past, throughout nearly all of human history, the main threat to human survival is nature. Today, it's culture."
"I do science because I think it’s an investment in the long-term survival of our species."
"Lovecraftian horror isn't about defeating a villain; it's about hoping the villain pretends you don't exist and leaves you alone."
"I really thought it was really nice. Every time we were trying to survive over there, it wasn't easy, it was hell, but it was always beautiful."
"You'd probably have better hopes of survival if you fell into a tiger cage wearing a suit made out of wagyu beef."
"Okay, this is it. We're down to the final three, and there can be only one survivor."
"Sometimes you have to be selfish to feed yourself and survive in this Kaliyuga and material world."
"The note said, 'If you want to live, follow the drone, and you will be saved.'"
"We built a raft out of giant Prime bottles, but the real question is, will it float when we put it in the water?"
"Throughout the emergency and rescue efforts, many people aboard the Alaska Ranger awakened shipmates, helped others don immersion suits, provided encouragement, and assisted each other with entry into liferafts and survival in the water."
"Whenever I've heard a gunshot, I've always thought, go the other way."
"Seeds are going to be worth their weight in gold."
"We managed to survive 100 days in the contaminated ocean."
"Dune Awakening is their take on survival in an open world sandbox while hearkening back to the days of traditional MMORPGs."
"If life on Earth is threatened...one of the reasons to explore the rest of the universe is to give us options."
"If you can build that kind of network, I think that maximizes your potential for survivability."
"Known as the third man factor, the phenomenon frequently manifests for travelers in peril, offering hope, focus, and vital guidance."
"Two years ago, I weighed over 600 lb and was told I had less than a 10% chance to survive. This is my fitness journey."
"For our prehistoric ancestors, recognizing patterns was a key to survival."
"Even to the last minute, we were lucky, but also we worked. We fought to survive."
"Just occasionally, fate puts ordinary people, not just thrill-seekers, into that same deadly zone where life hangs by a thread."
"I saw a brilliant flash of light and boom, everything was going, was being sucked out of the plane."
"At 24,000 feet, with very little to breathe up there, the passengers become incapacitated; that's called hypoxia."
"Just imagine the scene up there, the top of the airplane broken off, the passengers...dressed for Hawaii in the springtime, not minus 50-degree temperatures."
"Can the fragile aircraft survive the stresses of turning, or, if they ever reach the airport, of landing?"
"A Boeing 737 with 95 people on board has suffered an explosive decompression near the Hawaiian island of Maui. It's still airborne but only just, with 35 square meters of fuselage missing from the Aloha plane."
"Her last-minute impulse to switch seats saves her from injury, maybe from death."
"Your kids can't eat integrity. - Steve Harvey"
"He's blind and hunts by sound, so Erica has to control her breathing."
"How can I have regrets? I survived a road traffic accident I should never have got out of, a quite big cancer scare, and a plane crash that nobody should ever have survived. How can I have regrets? I shouldn't even be alive."
"Our memory is built for survival and practicality, not for perfect accuracy."
"I'm a very spiritual person. I don't care about money. I care about money because it helps me survive and exist, but I just want to trust in my soul."
"Our goal today is simply to build a fortress capable of supporting us and withstanding the hordes of this world."
"Our very first objective is much more simple, and that is simply to survive."
"Learning the subtle little dynamics of power is extremely essential because we're a social animal."
"Making it isn't like an achievement that most people think about, but man, if you think about what's been happening for the past two, three years, if you're alive, if you're watching this video, man, I just want to say congrats, man."
"The point of confidence isn't to get the girl or get the friend; the point of confidence is to be able to survive not getting the friend and not getting the girl."
"We got regular folks who are literally making it paycheck to paycheck, barely scraping by."
"I've been vlogging for eight years... He was born at one pound and the doctor said he would not make it."
"What we're really doing in a general sense is telling the body, 'I'm under threat... I'm gonna hunker down, I'm gonna build a stronger body, I'm gonna survive.'"
"Extinction is the rule, survival is the exception." – Carl Sagan
"Survival... I know how to survive. I'll do what it takes, legally, to survive. That is having emotional intelligence."
"I must say, you managed to survive my realm. That is an impressive outcome."
"When asked what it is like being eaten by a shark, she noted that it didn't hurt as much as she expected but felt like a puppy chewing on your finger."
"It's not hard to understand edible plants, but you're not going to live off them sustainably long-term. You're going to have to be able to secure meat."
"The focus really at that time was security, as in becoming more secure in our shelter and our food, mainly to protect my family."
"Fear is a fighter's best friend. Fear keeps you sharp, it keeps you awake, it makes you want to survive."
"Survive the night. How? Wait, there are only four gas cans remaining. Use CCTV wisely to save electricity."
"There are two motivational forces: survival and reproduction. Survival equals fear, negative; reproduction equals love, positive."
"If we as humans weren't able to fast, we wouldn't be here now."
"I don't want us to repeat that story with our trans youth. This is a time where we can offer them the support, the resources, the affirmation, and validity of their existence to ensure that they survive."
"The more muscle mass you have, the better you will survive every injury, every disease."
"Floating ice has enabled complex life to survive and evolve on our planet despite the many ice ages."
"Unpacking this whole situation is crucial to the survival of our species."
"I want to be a hero not a martyr. I don't want to actually end up dead."
"If you're going to drown, you don't go, 'Well, a mile is too far to swim, so I'm just not going to swim.'"
"We are survivors. I know we will get through this together."
"The complacency is there because it's like why am I gonna go and reformat, but without Evolution, we all die."
"Don't die, yes, have, actually very good life advice."
"I am a survivor. I can survive anything and achieve my desires."
"Every day I feel like I live a thousand years. Every day that goes by, before I go to sleep, I put on my shoes on, I always have to look for the exit, the police come, where do I run, where do I jump."
"Prosperity is having enough of everything that is vital to my survival."
"Highlight the nature of humanity, demonstrating the extreme lengths that people will go in the face of desperation."
"The narrative about the amygdala became about fear, and I think also just when we think about survival... escaping a predator is paramount."
"Traumatized people are the strongest people. They are survivors. To go through hell and come back and still have your heart intact is a bold thing."
"Gratitude is the only possible way to survive."
"In the most extreme environment you've ever been to, you made it."
"The fact that you're still alive and you're not dead because of your sin, that's the grace of God."
"Healthcare is the ultimate inelastic good; on your deathbed, you'll spend any amount of money to live even an hour longer."
"Pain is what helps us survive... pain is an indication that it needs to avoid that so that way it could survive."
"Everything that survived fought for its survival. We recognize a fundamental naturally occurring entitlement existing within life forms to try to stay alive."
"Neanderthals' healthcare had advanced to the point that it significantly affected their survival."
"The film explored passing and not being able to pass, loving and not being able to love, and above all else, surviving in a world that denied one's very existence."
"Human beings can rise to the occasion of our own survival."
"Tomorrow morning if you wake up and you need to survive for 90 days, how are you going to do it?"
"If I survive this round, I win. If I die, you guys get 50,000 Robux."
"As long as you don't give up, you fight back, you show him that you are strong, that you are one, that you're able to fight back and survive this and get out of the situation, I believe it's possible."
"In the heart of the Bob Marshall wilderness in Montana, a Tale of Survival and the inexplicable unfolded as Mike Stevenson, a Montana native and seasoned outdoorsman found himself facing a perilous predicament in the unforgiving wilderness."
"Reflecting on that life-altering night, Stevenson's voice resonates with wonder and reverence. He attributes his survival to what he describes as a medicine owl, a creature sent by the creator to offer help in the most extraordinary of circumstances."
"The fact that a small handful of rich ghouls owns most of the money and we'll all die of starvation and exposure if we don't get some of it... That's a big problem."
"Congratulations! You found all 7 notebooks. Now all you need to do is GET OUT while you still can!"
"If our civilization today were to collapse... the only people on planet Earth who really have got the business of survival... nailed down are the hunter-gatherers."
"It's only through our awareness and our changing of the way we live on this planet that there's an opportunity to survive and make it through this extinction."
"He might be able to get back into the city if he guises himself with a robe and a mask."
"Despite being eaten by a dragon, here he is, still somewhat alive."
"My success rate of getting through things is actually 100% right now."
"The laws of nature clearly state that the bigger eat smaller... The laws of nature also state that we protect our young, no matter what."
"Whenever I woke up from the coma, everyone was so surprised I was alive."
"The devil didn't want me to live long enough to have gray hair. Some of the people I went to school with died before gray hair. I'm going to wear my gray hair because it is my triumphant crown."
"Despite being eaten by a dragon, he's glad to still be alive, but this doesn't really count as being alive."
"The unified world can endure, the divided world will perish."
"Food is not just about pleasure; it's primarily for your health benefits and to keep you alive."
"Going through adversity builds confidence, and getting out the other side and being alive and thriving builds confidence."
"It's like passions and dreams, they go out the window like I'm trying to survive in this."
"They severely underestimated the willpower to live."
"The root chakra is your 'survival chakra'. Its primary concern is needs."
"Avoiding planetary scale destruction is really important for us."
"We're animals living on Earth. We're still a part of nature and have to find harmony with it, or perish."
"Under capitalism you have the choice between working for the unelected guy, beating the odds and becoming the unelected guy yourself, or starving."
"It's not the survival of the fittest; it's the survival of the nurtured."