
Immunotherapy Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"The Holy Grail is coming up with ways to engineer T-cells to be even better recognizers of antigens."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"For the first time ever, a woman with late-stage breast cancer has been completely cured by immunotherapy."
"Using the body's own immune system to fight cancer has advanced towards a cure for cancer."
"So those are the mainstays. Of course we have immunotherapy, or allergy shots, which have been around for over 100 years."
"The biggest breakthroughs in cancer we've had is immunotherapy."
"William CI basically discovered immunotherapy, which the medical community mostly dismissed during his life."
"Immune checkpoint inhibitors have literally revolutionized cancer medicine dramatically."
"We're trying to teach our immune system to recognize cancer."
"Immunotherapy... allows your immune system to wipe out cancer."
"We're going to give you today an update on the state of the art of what is an area that is transforming the care of cancer patients today: the use of our body's immune system to fight cancer."
"So the idea of trying to tap into the potential of our immune system to fight cancer is not a new idea."
"It seemed to me that the immune cells...were the agents that one needed to stimulate. And why not use an immune cell as a drug?"
"It's the exquisite sensitivity and specificity of the immune reaction that I think makes it such a seductively interesting approach to trying to develop new cancer treatments."
"It's the balance of the aggressive immune reaction against the inhibitory molecules that can prevent that immune reaction that is the holy grail of trying to find effective treatments."
"The biggest immunotherapy drugs are checkpoint blockers, antibodies that bind to a protein on the surface of the key immune cell, the T cell, and activate those T cells so they can kill off the tumor."
"We want to bring the percentage of patients who respond to immunotherapy from 25 up to 100, and that includes cell therapies like CAR T-cells, living drugs that can directly target and kill tumors."
"One of the major concerns for cancer patients is side effects, but with immunotherapy, they're very mild and reversible."
"...immunotherapy is designed to boost the body's own immune defenses. In this case, to fight cancer."
"So the great enthusiasm for immunotherapy is the durability of response that's seen."
"Cancer immunotherapy: deemed the scientific breakthrough of the year in 2013."
"Putting cancer in check with immunotherapy: melanoma and beyond."
"The immune system can treat cancer: it's as simple as a T cell killing a cancer cell."
"Enhancing the immune system's ability to destroy cancer cells."
"We're trying to take the immune system and flip the equation."
"Targeting the T cells directly: turning on the immune system by turning off negative signals."
"Because the T-cells you're activating are sitting, for the most part, at the tumor. They're already there. They're ready to do some damage."
"So we're in the era of immunotherapy. And it certainly made a big splash in our scientific journals."
"Long-term survival benefits with immunotherapy."
"By developing a reliable cell-based assay to measure how different cells from either the innate or adaptive immune systems can kill tumor cells, the hope is that researchers can try different targets or therapy combinations to identify the most effective solutions."
"The pace of discovery in immunotherapy is increasing and with it comes the promise of a true cure for cancer, but before that goal can be achieved, there's still much more about the tumor and its microenvironment that has yet to be discovered."
"Over the past 10 years the use of immunotherapies in the treatment of cancers has exploded."
"If you respond to checkpoint blockade therapy, you are pretty much immune and you get long-lasting durable responses."
"Immunotherapy, such as checkpoint inhibition, enhances the ability of the immune system to recognize cancer cells, leading to anti-tumor responses and cancer cell death."
"The discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative immune regulation."
"I think one what I interested in the most is right now is cancer immunotherapy using ips cells."
"Immunotherapy could be considered the ultimate immune therapy because we're giving patients a completely new immune system."
"Most of what is happening with CARs is that the tumor is wily and escapes by changing that exact feature that you targeted with the immune system."
"Cancer metabolism and immunotherapy are really two of the most promising and exciting areas in the field today."
"The most powerful drug against cancer is our own immune system."
"Immunotherapies may teach the immune system to fight cancer, resulting in a prolonged benefit even after the period of administration."
"Sometimes when we remove the stop signal for our immune cells to kill cancer cells, we can also remove the stop signal for normal healthy cells as well."
"But unfortunately despite all our best efforts, immunotherapy doesn't always work for everyone."
"Our focus is actually of my lab is actually developing new immunotherapies."
"We think that immunotherapy should work for everyone and we're trying to figure out how do we get there."
"Current immunotherapy is only focused on one immune component, so it's a main component of the immune system but there's many other components of the immune system as you can see on this slide."
"There's a lot of different trials ongoing in terms of the use of immunotherapy and leukemias and lymphomas."
"Immunotherapy is absolutely one of those milestone advances that have happened in cancer research and treatment."
"Immunotherapy is so exciting to us because of these durable responses or these long-lasting responses."
"Matrix normalization enhances immunotherapy by alleviating hypoxia and immunosuppression in tumors."
"Immunotherapy uses our immune systems to cure cancer."
"Immunotherapy is revolutionizing the treatment of lymphoma and many other cancers."
"Ultimately the goal is to use our own bodies to fight the cancer itself."
"Immunotherapy, which is kind of that huge class of what I just mentioned, is getting a lot of traction."
"For the first time since we started using immunotherapy, we have actually started talking about cures in metastatic prostate cancer. I've seen some dramatic responses that are durable for good."
"Immunotherapies that target the signaling mechanisms of T cells have shown great promise for many patients."
"A detailed dissection of the molecular signaling switches that control immune cell activation and tumor checkpoint evasion is required if we hope to broaden the reach of immunotherapy treatments."
"We have a very clear first-line combination therapy that involves immunotherapy, which has been really very successful for some patients."
"Checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapy triggers an immune response that attacks prostate cancer cells."
"Immunotherapy allows our own immune system to do the work of fighting cancer by inhibiting the PD-L1 or the CTLA-4 checkpoints, therefore releasing the brakes on the immune system."
"With immunotherapy, we interfere with this process and amplify the immune system's attempts to attack the lung cancer."
"The combination of atezolizumab and the bevacizumab system was better than sorafenib."
"Immunotherapy is now being widely used to treat many different types of cancer."
"With rapamycin, it's good news. There is actually immune enhancement."
"We do bone marrow transplantation to establish a platform upon which we can deliver immunotherapy..."
"The treatments don't kill cancer cells directly but what the treatments do is they rip the cloak off of the cancer that's trying to hide from your own immune system."
"Immunotherapy is now a reality for patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer."
"If you respond to immunotherapy, the response lasts a long time."
"The more mutations that your cancer has, the more chance that there's abnormal proteins being expressed on that cancer cell that your immune system can recognize as being abnormal."
"Cancer immune therapy targeting the tumor glycocalyx."
"Cancer immunotherapy as an exciting new dimension in our ability to treat cancer."
"The brutally selective, hugely expensive, life-saving trials of immunotherapy."
"The future of imaging in immunotherapy could help in our understanding of a variety of immune-related processes in cancer."
"The earlier we can activate the immune system to help attack the tumor while the patient and their immune system are as strong as possible, that's likely to have the biggest impact."
"We have a great opportunity here to tackle a question of viruses mediated cancers and see how immunotherapy in the immune system is able to be harnessed to treat the cancer in these virus-mediated tumors."
"We've talked about HPV... and we think that immunotherapy efforts would benefit greatly HPV-related cancer."
"Our hope is that immunotherapy is going to prove to be as effective for brain cancer in the not too distant future as it has been for many cancers in the body to date."
"The failures of response can include no good neoantigens, or the expression of other immunoinhibitors, like Tim 3."
"Immunotherapies actually do have some cytotoxic potentials, so you can cure people with immunotherapies."
"These are challenges that can be overcome and hopefully extend this promising immunotherapy for more patients."
"Immunotherapy is a very different way of treating cancer."
"Bispecific antibodies... can act as an anchor, they can specifically take any T cell and link it together with the cancer cell, effectively providing this anchor."
"With the advent of technologies and ability to engineer the T cells to become better killers, we can now make better T cells that are stronger in recognizing cancer cells but also stronger killers of those cancer cells."
"Over 80 percent of patients still have their cancer come back and we think that it's really in this upfront setting if we add new drugs to perhaps not just use chemotherapy but add the immune system component to it, we can help to completely eradicate these cancers."
"Immune checkpoint inhibitors are approved for patients with high mutational burden and MSI high, irrespective of the cancer type."
"Immunotherapy is absolutely the future."
"Immunotherapy is a way to re-educate the immune system to say, 'Don't react to this, it's not harmful, tolerate it.'"
"Bispecifics have two arms. One arm grabs on to our T-cells, activates them to attack the cancer. The other grabs on to the cancer cell."
"Immunotherapy can stand on its own; it's the closest thing to a magic bullet that I think we have."
"Bringing the immune system in when you've got the tumor on the mat, you know it's small, fragmented, that will be the most effective closer that we have to essentially wipe it out."
"You're seeing a lot more long-term survivors because of the advent of these new agents like immunotherapy."
"Immunotherapy is essentially trying to recruit the immune system to get rid of the lymphoma."
"Immunotherapy has really taken a giant leap forward in the past few years."
"...if you could have an immune response to that protein, you might be able to wipe out these cells."
"...they mount a robust immune response against the tumors and take them out."
"We think immunotherapy probably has the most promise earlier in the disease state."
"It's my pleasure to welcome you to the first ever Cancer Research Institute virtual immunotherapy patient summit."
"We saw that immunotherapy could benefit some patients with lung cancer; we always want to try to treat patients with the best possible therapies as soon as possible."
"Immunotherapy has changed our treatment landscape in lung cancer."
"And we're able to see clinical responses for the first time in patients with pancreatic cancer as a result of these kinds of immunotherapies."
"Immunotherapy is coming, and by the time you guys are practicing, this will become standard."
"Individuals with a significant drop or clearance of circulating tumor DNA tend to achieve long-term clinical benefit from immunotherapy."
"Immunotherapy is probably the most hot and active area of research right now."
"Immunotherapy involves giving gradually increasing doses of the substance or the allergen to which that person is allergic."
"You're basically trying to out-compete the IgE with an IgG response."
"Immune therapy for prostate cancer is an absolutely vast topic."
"Immunotherapy has dramatically improved outcomes for patients with stage four disease without oncogenic alterations."
"Immunotherapy has really transformed the way we think about lung cancer."
"We're moving to more precision-based immunotherapy studies."
"The cancer immunity cycle is a very good image to keep in mind to understand how immunotherapy works."
"Immunotherapy is currently the wave of the present and it's going to be the wave of the future in the way we treat cancer patients."
"Patients who have highly mutated tumors tend to have more of those immune cells, the T cells, and therefore they are more likely to respond to PD1 PDL1 checkpoint immunotherapy."
"The ability to personalize immunotherapy is the way it should be."
"Immunotherapy can boost CD8 T cell function... and that way CD8 T cells win and you win because cancer will be recognized and destroyed by your body."
"CAR T cell therapy is harnessing the power of T cells."
"A super survivor is somebody who has survived cancer as a result of a new generation of drugs called immunotherapy."
"CAR T-cells are forms of customized immunotherapy made from the patient's own T-cells."
"PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors have grown to become the leading class of immunotherapies in oncology since they first gained regulatory approval."
"Immuno-oncology is a field of medicine that focuses on the development of therapies that improve the body's ability to generate an immune response against cancer."
"You're trying to let the immune system become activated and the immune system kill the tumor."
"In 2000, Dr. Freeman discovered PD-L1 and PD-L2 and showed they were ligands for PD-1."
"What's different now is we have a new strategy to block the pathways used by tumors to inhibit the anti-tumor immune response."
"Immunotherapy has completely changed the landscape of non-small cell lung cancer therapy."
"Immunotherapy is a paradigm on the rise."
"Specific bacteria species inhabiting the GI tract can have a beneficial influence on the effectiveness of immunotherapy."
"...a singular mission to fund life-saving immunotherapy research to develop treatments that harness the immune system's power to fight all cancers."
"...to help them understand what immunotherapy is and how it is different from other treatments."
"...register for one of our immunotherapy patient summits, browse our entire library of past webinars featuring the world's leading immunotherapy experts."
"...June is cancer immunotherapy month."
"...it's an opportunity to help your own immune system do the job it's designed to do."
"These are antibodies which block co-inhibitory molecules around the tumor cells, which block our own immune system from recognizing the tumor and eliminating it."
"We're going to really see in the next few years immunotherapy has become a foundation of treatment for non-small cell lung cancer, small cell cancer, and mesothelioma."
"We're seeing many hundreds and even thousands of clinical trials ongoing, looking at novel therapies for patients focused on immunotherapy."
"There are a significant number of patients with PD-L1 negative lung cancers who still respond to immunotherapy."
"We're starting to see studies of PD-1 blockers which are the approved drugs plus other checkpoints."
"How we define cure is still evolving, especially in the age of immunotherapy."
"We're on the brink of new immunologic therapies; they are coming."
"We can harness the immune system; we've got to do a collectively better job."
"Harnessing the immune system could be the ultimate cure for cancer."
"Immunotherapy is really exciting right now, and one of the biggest needs in the field is for new targets."
"When you dissolve a tumor with cold, you're letting a little bit of the tumor antigens or the markers of the tumor into the bloodstream, and it functions as kind of a vaccine created within the person."
"By turning and changing the local environment... we can actually turn on the immune signaling system to recognize the cancers as foreign."
"This is the only subtype of colorectal cancer that responds really well to immunotherapy."
"We are learning more about the nature of a successful response."
"What we do in immunotherapy is to break that interaction between the PD1 and PDL1, for example, or other checkpoints."
"It's a very exciting time for cancer immunotherapy... the outcome that everybody wants is to help as many patients as absolutely possible."
"Immunotherapy has clearly demonstrated the potential for that, especially over the last five years."
"It's great to hear about how promising this area of immunotherapy appears to be for patients."
"Our charity is the Cancer Research Institute, whose mission is to save more lives by fueling the discovery and development of powerful immunotherapies for all types of cancer."