
Health Metrics Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Overall survival is the most important metric and it's the highest bar."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"One of the best single metrics that'll predict all-cause mortality is a simple grip strength test."
"You've got to sleep. So I was looking at my sleep score for last night...I slept 6 hours and 50 minutes but I got 2 hours and 50 minutes of REM and an hour and 19 minutes of deep sleep in a hotel when I landed at midnight. Impressive."
"If you fast for 12 hours and both your glucose and your triglycerides are 99 or lower, below a hundred, you're probably doing okay."
"The health threats begin at an a1c of 5.3. And that's not new information. That was published in 2013 in the New England Journal of Medicine."
"It's zero, my CAC is zero. Most cardiologists would say with an LDL of 533 you should accumulate visible atherosclerosis in six months."
"The most important metric is when you wake up in the morning your body doesn't hurt and you feel full of energy."
"It doesn't really matter what your blood sugar is from minute to minute okay, what really matters for fat storage, for fat burning, for overall metabolic health, for blood pressure, for triglycerides, for all that is what is your insulin level."
"Byron's total health pool comes to 12.8 000 health."
"We've gone from 300 thousand tests total to three million tests total in three weeks."
"High LDL cholesterol, high HDL cholesterol, and low triglycerides: the triad."
"Don't just measure glucose, don't just measure A1C... measure the thing that controls glucose."
"It's not what my numbers show, it's how I feel."
"We place so much importance on this one performance indicator which is our weight."
"Make sure you're in the optimal range which I think is probably about 50 to 75 and then you adjust accordingly if you love that last video."
"To suggest that flow-mediated dilatation is any sort of metric that correlates to heart attacks or really tells us about endothelial function is pretty false."
"As a human, I'm really jazzed about the running metrics."
"It's really key that you establish that resting number for yourself."
"It's not always a number on the scale, it's how you look, how you feel, and your body fat."
"I do like that hitch though, I don't want you to think that I'm taking it out, it's a bad thing. I really like it but I want to try other things so we got different content variety for you guys."
"It's impossible to define normality by BMI. We cannot fit into numbers."
"Get your patients into sixty and eighty range, keep them there."
"The best metric to measure someone's health and their robust energy to fight off what they're gonna need to do in a state of cancer is not the scale."
"I really want to see people post what their numbers are when they get them back and to see how well that translates to your understanding of what you're eating."
"My HDL cholesterol is 54, from fatty red meat and lifting heavy things."
"My vitamin D was 75 nanograms per ml with no vitamin D supplementation. My fasting insulin was 2.4 despite tons of fruit."
"Your fucking weight doesn't mean shit, your lean fucking weight is the number you use."
"Track your sleep. Pay attention to the three high flow sleep metrics: sleep and wake timing, total time getting enough sleep, and sleep composition."
"Swiping up from the clock face screen will show you the battery life, day, date, total steps, distance, active zone minutes, calories, hourly activity, current heart rate, resting heart rate, sleep metrics, sleep score, oxygen saturation, and days of exercise."
"Your triglycerides matter a little bit more than just LDL cholesterol."
"Our metric is how much did we reduce the number of children who died... if we in 15 years don't get that down to 2%, then we're not doing our job."
"Time in range should be more than 70%."
"The lower the better, the flatter the better sounds like a cool story, but I don't believe that that means you are going to live a longer life will be healthier than someone who has totally normal fluctuations within the normal physiological range."
"It's those moments when the recovery score surprises you that it's the most valuable."
"Oxygen saturation at room air should always be greater than 92 percent."
"The arterial level of oxygen should be greater than 60 millimeter of mercury or greater than 8 kPa."
"Percent time in hypoglycemia should be less than 3%, and percent time in hyperglycemia should be less than 25%."
"Hospitalization isn't a good metric; oxygen might be, or ICU admission would be a good metric as well."
"You can also get your blood oxygen saturation level as well as your respiration level."
"But then there's another thing, seeing it in the numbers like in your actual blood work, that is so rewarding."
"Cloud native applications will expose health checks, they'll do things like application tracing, they'll have all these metrics built in."
"It's really important to measure both body temperature and pulse together."
"I want the scale to tell me if that's true, to see if my BMI is as low as I think or if it's a little higher."
"I feel good, and like the numbers don't matter to me, but it's cool seeing how you feel put on paper."
"I've been very impressed not just with the blood pressure monitoring, which is the most impressive part, but also very accurate with the steps, very accurate with the heart rate monitor, with the sleep monitoring."