
Outdoor Activities Quotes

There are 1703 quotes

"The more time you spend outdoors, the better is your mood, the better is your sleep, the better is the rhythmicity of your sleep-wake cycles."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Social media is devastating to people, and people need to go outside more."
"Growing up, I was always outside, like girl, I was riding bikes with no shoes in LA."
"One of the delights of Pokémon GO is finding Pokémon in the real world, walking around, discovering new places, meeting up with groups of friends to raid or battle together."
"If you're ever out in the water, or if you're out on a hike, or whatever it may be, if you need help, just call it because it may save your life."
"Getting outside, you feel it, you feel better."
"I was playing outdoors, you know, we'd climb trees, we'd build dens."
"Consumers tired of being cooped up in their homes may be eager to get outside and ride some roller coasters."
"We like to go camping and on hikes and like to see really cool waterfalls."
"Living here is the exact opposite; it has afforded every outdoor activity I could ever love."
"I think you guys are a bunch of losers. You guys need to go outside and touch grass."
"I'm so excited that those kids are finally outside playing in the grass."
"For adults, spending around 20 minutes outdoors every day has numerous physical and mental health benefits."
"Wagon living is a new term in our language; you begin to understand it when you see a picnicking family beside some lake."
"The Skydio 2 is a no-brainer for anyone wanting to capture any kind of outdoor sports or activity."
"Probably pretty quickly fell in love with biking... loved the feeling of, you know, pushing myself on a climb, getting to the top, being rewarded with great views."
"Andy's introduced Sarah to a whole outdoor world of hiking, biking, snowshoeing, and backpacking that she'd never known."
"We still encourage you to stay connected to your community and loved ones in creative ways and to spend much-needed time outdoors."
"We bought a class all to feed the ducks and to feed the goldfish in Beaver Lake, and we were having fun."
"If you like the Outdoors, there's not much to beat that."
"It's more exciting for me to see someone catch a fish for the first time than it is for me to do it now."
"The trip is officially over. What did you think? It was a lot of fun. Very scenic and a lot of fun getting outside."
"If you're into the outdoors, it doesn't get much better than Reno."
"Be good to the ones you love, eat good food, and get outside. Be well everyone."
"Fauci said it's fine to go trick-or-treating. I mean, you're walking around outdoors, someone answers the door, masks, yeah, you're literally like messed up already."
"There's nothing that could beat being out here on the lake."
"Anyone and I mean literally anyone can grab a rod and reel couple baits head out to your local body of water and catch some fish."
"I'd want to do something where I'd be outside and just being out in nature."
"I wasn't even going to come back and fish right now I'm just going to hike the fields and start gathering wild edibles."
"Outdoors is very, very safe, especially during the day."
"Join us on the trail we'll have some fun I'll see you at the trail."
"As you go out this weekend to understand you can go out you can be outside you can play golf you can play tennis with mark balls you can go to the beaches if you say six feet apart."
"Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy, bubbly puddles."
"If you like mountain biking or outdoor sports, kayaking, skiing, things like that, it's gonna be an awful lot easier to get some of those items onto the roof of the Crosstrek."
"We decided you know what we're just going to have to put some miles on our boots, do it like we're deer hunting."
"It's beautiful out there and can't wait to get on the water for sure."
"It was nice getting away from things. We cooked all of our own food over an open flame - super caveman-y and awesome!"
"It's super fun for our animals to get out, see new things, and enjoy their new spaces."
"Being out in places like this in these dark sky areas it's usually some of the best stargazing in America"
"We wheeled so much in Victoria we were there for about a week and we did the High Country we did around Woods point we did Tangi t we did a whole bunch of others cobal we we did pretty much everything we could and it was awesome."
"Laid-back Camp is all about taking time in nature."
"Welcome to the HQ! It's about adventure, exploration, and connecting with the outdoors."
"Let's all think outside the box and start an outdoor revolution."
"I really enjoy hiking. I like finding cool things on the trails."
"You've been called a try-hard, that just means you need to go outside."
"I've just realized my speed run HUD blocks my mini map. Oh my God!"
"Get out, exercise, sunlight, health, happiness, and beyond."
"We're at a great moment in time where we should be outside getting healthier."
"God knows what you did. The point is just that you see the difference between what happens when you pray for some people and don't pray for other people, that's all."
"These lights up here, National Lunar lights are incredible."
"I was forced over quarantine to train kids outside."
"Nothing better than rolling into camp after you've been four driving like that."
"Alright, good news, I told Scott about my phone call and he actually seems amenable to reattempting the hike tomorrow"
"Life just getting [__] weird you're on the internet too goddamn go outside."
"We would make s'mores a lot outside... and one time we were listening to like the coyotes howl and stuff."
"I'll tell you what, I think I should get the portable one out and do this as it was originally intended to be done according to the advert with all my friends out in the car because that's what looks like a lot of fun."
"From hitting the beach to taking a long stroll through the park, multiple studies have shown that there's something about nature that helps us feel happier."
"I really do like the birch trees and riding through these forests has been quite interesting except every time we stop we're just attacked by gnats and flies."
"While this didn't stop Kay and I from fishing late into the night, it did make us more aware of the woods around us."
"Shoot a bowling pin or a two liter and uh we did both we did both."
"It's not easy going outdoors and having real experiences with friends, but it's often so rewarding even when it goes sideways."
"Be courteous to anyone that is camping near you, especially at night and in the morning."
"The real joy doesn't come from cooking an elaborate meal out in the forest, it comes from hunkering down right by the river."
"Riding outside and the rush I get from going down swooping descents and just being on two wheels of speed, or going for a ride with my mates. It just can't be beaten."
"But there is also some pretty growing compelling evidence to say that actually riding outside has a really positive effect on your mental health."
"Think of spending money on good insurance as an investment in strong defense."
"I love the way they hit the fire steel right there to light the fire. It's so great."
"Spring, summer, early autumn are probably the best times to world camp for your first time."
"Bring more water than you need, especially on your first world camp."
"This just makes me want to put on a straw hat and get a picnic."
"Maybe book in that walk with your family or by yourself with your dog, get in that step count, get in that fresh air as well."
"Camping trips are a great way to understand nature and enjoy a little self-sufficiency."
"If she won't follow you out to do the things that you love doing, she doesn't trust you."
"What a nice day outside, a good day for some acupuncture."
"Boondocking means dispersed camping outside of an established campground on U.S. public lands."
"I've never met a person who said 'too outdoorsy.'"
"I did a couple of hunts with this rifle across the US and I was extremely impressed by what we're capable of doing with it."
"Climbing outdoors can feel like a heck of a leap, especially if you're a sort of urban intercity climbing wall rat."
"It's important for kids to go outside and play."
"Times are changing, especially for children. Playgrounds are empty because kids are spending more time on computers and iPads than playing outside."
"Just the shift to try to be outside, you know? I think that there's a lot of times where we tend to be inside because it's more comfortable."
"Just eat until you're comfortably stuffed and then go outside and play."
"Get outside, stay outside, spend even more time making lasting memories."
"Get outside, talk to people in real life, it feels good."
"Sometimes a well-packaged SUV is all you need for a great outdoors vehicle."
"It feels like a privilege to be out right now."
"If you're watching this video, hug a loved one. You know, call your friends, get outside, play football in the sun. Don't do this to yourself."
"You can go out there, catch more fish, catch bigger fish."
"Just like on the Garmin Fenix 7, the 955 comes in with mapping built-in, which is really awesome for trail runners and hikers."
"Later on in this lure's life, it became known as the old faithful. There was pretty much no point ever when I went out to a body of water with this that I didn't catch a fish with it."
"We're fishing in every state, in every city, in every town, in every village, and every country."
"In the midst of everything, a trend had emerged that gave people the outlet to get out, to go explore, and to experience all the natural wonders that they likely wouldn't have seen otherwise."
"I love it. Not cycling. I don't like the cycle house but going on a nice bike ride, I think it's lovely."
"You are not getting any edification out of that. Get out, walk, talk to God, spend time in his presence."
"Let's not summon demons. Maybe let's go outside and play in the grass under the sun or make chalk drawings on the pavement or beat Pokemon Gold again like it's 2002 and to do everything but summon demons."
"We had way more fun than we could have ever imagined out there on the trail."
"Sometimes nature has a way of surprising us, whether we're fishing for a massive catch or simply enjoying the beauty of the natural world."
"You're fine, you can go outside and fly that drone totally fine."
"There's something wonderfully humbling about just riding your horse through this beautiful environment."
"This is nice for sandbars and I already told, like, floating docks."
"Get out of your car, put on a pair of comfortable shoes, and just go out and walk for two or three miles."
"So yeah one of the things that I've really tried to do over the past two years is step up my recovery game on the trail."
"Consider the conditions... temperature, weather, and terrain."
"Hiking in general is a pretty cheap thing, you know you can spend a lot of money balling out in the cities but once you get out of the cities into nature things are typically cheap."
"I fit in it pretty well if I hike with another person."
"He's very familiar with the flora and fauna of the woods and the animals that live there. He's also a firm believer in bigfoot."
"Dry off with my boyfriend and I took our shirts off since they were both carrying a lot of weight and water."
"It's hot enough to enjoy the water each day."
"Let's not forget all of these things are not just useful for larping around in the woods with some friends."
"My biggest advice for you guys: make sure you bring bug spray. Thank me later."
"It just means now that spring and summer is coming we can actually sit outside and you know enjoy the good weather and the nature that's surrounding us and talk."
"If you just Google trails near your town... I'm sure there is a place."
"Now all of a sudden we can go outside. Isn't that a coincidence?"
"I want you guys to step out of the gym and go enjoy life."
"Go get some sunlight, it's a beautiful day out there."
"You just don't wanna get into a situation where you get outside, you go explore somewhere, you're ready to fly the drone, and then you forgot a battery or a card."
"I think guiding a raft down a river and Ford paddle... you want to go with confidence."
"Literally, the great outdoors and we're in our own little cocoon bubble, protected from the outside world and having a blast while doing it."
"So there you have it, that was our trip out to Fort Wilderness and Tri Circle T Ranch, an excellent day it was fantastic getting back out into nature and seeing all kinds of the natural environments around Fort Wilderness Resort."
"This really is the cutest place. If it wasn't so hot outside, I could spend like hours here. I imagine those places where you'd buy a membership and you just come all the time and the kids could just be let loose and play. It's really secure."
"Go for a walk in the park, get thrown in a paddy wagon."
"Subaru is very proud of the fact that a lot of people actually take their vehicles off-road."
"Parks are kind of like a shared backyard where people would have picnics, barbecues, and beer or wine."
"This is such a vibe. Just jumping out into water, transporting food, setting up a lunch table over here."
"What makes for a great camping trip? A great night's sleep."
"Outdoor activities... I would expect to be safe."
"This is the happiest thing ever, this is exactly what I wanted to do at the lake, woo!"
"Being burned, yeah, we've been outside like all day today so I kinda got some sun."
"Movies under the stars: enjoy free outdoor movies at Disney World hotels."
"I love that game. It was fairly simple. There was 16 folks on a really nice island."
"Missoula, Montana: A picturesque city with abundant outdoor recreational opportunities. It's also home to the University of Montana."
"Let's go on a run in the morning on the beach."
"This is what keeps me going. If I can get this peanut up this 14,000-foot mountain, well, I'll feel like I accomplished something."
"If you can grow outside, then it is your duty to try this."
"Even walking is so good for your mental health, like just being out in the fresh air."
"Riding through dawn is always my favorite experience."
"What a scorcher! It's a beautiful day to be outside."
"Warm, sunny weather makes outdoor activities more desirable."
"Can you imagine like getting all your family and then in the little outdoor gear and like going hiking on a Sunday? I love it."
"There's actually an abundance of nature to enjoy here."
"This has to be one of the coolest hikes in Utah."
"He just loves getting out there and he loves the opportunity."
"I've seen people say this is the best thing they've ever done, they feel brand new, everything's fine, they're in the garden, they're on their knees, and everything's great."
"Outdoor climbing is not about chasing distant peaks, but finding fulfillment in your own backyard."
"I love to be outside as you probably guessed from all the gardening videos."
"I mean like I love the dolphins but they really really get in my way while I'm trying to go after these drowned."
"Some fresh vegetables from my garden will make today's picnic positively perfect."
"There's essentially no evidence of significant transmission through outdoor activities and it's really unfair to people to do that to them."
"Leave your phone at home, go out in the field, enjoy your day, do what you want to do."
"Follow me on instagram at little remington do a lot of hunting photos outdoor stuff like that camping it's a good time."
"We've been planning this thing for months. I'm so excited to get outside and get a little tan."
"Sand and cars isn't necessarily the best, but hey, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
"Learning about sailboating and canoeing and just everything on the water."
"One thing I haven't done yet is camping survival, it's a really fun thing we do."
"My favorite place to ride these boards is, in general, off-road, so I particularly enjoy flight fins just because I like that locked-in feeling."
"When you're out in the cold, proactively eat and drink before you get cold or hungry or thirsty."
"Little kids are especially bad at recognizing when they are hungry or thirsty when they're out and about or having a good time."
"Having a winch on board gives you the extra added confidence that you can get out there further and be able to get yourself out in any inclement situations."
"There's nothing I love more than going outside, finding a cool location, taking a couple of sweet IG pics for the 'Gram."
"Torrey Pines is a great state park to explore."
"We are children of nature, we want to get dirty."
"More fire tables here... perfect s'mores opportunity."
"It's a great addition again for any hockey player that likes to Train that wants to develop and likes to play outside."
"Just goes to show you can buy yourself a proper mountain bike to do some proper riding for not a huge amount of money."
"A GPS can be very handy for range confirmations."
"It's never really too windy to shoot to enjoy firearms, it's not that that is the filming of it as you all know."
"Going out into your backyard... you can see little Pikmin running around."
"I like to be outside... go on hikes... spend time with my family." - Tinashe
"Park is fun, but park is not where the action is."
"Amazingly, magnet fishing where people hunt for metal and treasures submerged in canals and rivers is actually increasing in popularity."
"Imagine being able to step out of your house and go for a walk, go for a hike, or go for a run."
"Building a community focused on outdoor recreation."
"These shoes are very comfortable and they're waterproof as well and they do really good in muddy situations."
"What a fantastic campsite, a place that I would absolutely love to go camping."
"Described as an extreme, max, impact challenge, campers were split into deer and deer hunters in their respective teams."
"They do not want people to go out under the stars and do what we're recommending; they're going to find that nobody's being harmed."
"I really do value spending time with my family, going outside, connecting with friends."
"I'm so excited to go to the lake with all my girlfriends."
"I almost like to find challenges, you know, even like I'm a trail runner and my favorite trail runs is when I am in the elements."
"It's supposed to be nice weather all week, I think it's perfect for a great outdoor party."
"We out here in the streets, we out here in the grass, we out here in the ocean."
"Unbelievable view, we're about to venture back out, have a few more adventures here, this has been really nice."
"Part of the pleasure, part of the joy of the subject was the opportunity to be out in nature."
"Every morning after it's rained... I need to pick up all the flowers."
"It's pretty much like playing Minecraft but in real life, I guess."
"After months of staying inside, families are getting some fresh air."
"I want to hike in public lands, I want to show you the beauty that exists in these places."
"Hunting primitive is a way to introduce more challenge and also a more rewarding experience once you have found success."
"Anything that's good clean fun, especially where hunting is involved, I'm in."
"It's been nice to come here and see the new products, people are coming out with the new solutions for problems when you're over landing. It's really cool."
"It's thanks to the tireless efforts of individuals that not only keeps this trail open to explorers like us but makes it possible by restoring the wells and the water they provide."
"Every time we went fishing, I'd be keeping my eyes open for black bears and maybe hoping to see something like a Bigfoot."
"Never forget to wear sunscreen, especially under the blistering hot sun of Earth Island."
"We like to get out, get in the fresh air, it's kind of like having a cold shower but in a much more enjoyable way."
"I pretty much didn't leave the house except to go hiking or just did yoga and got in the hot tub and cried a lot."
"To me hunting isn't only about the pursuit of an animal, it's about who we are and what we're made of."
"Walking outdoors while listening can energize your learning like nothing else." - AJ Hogue
"Get outdoors and move while learning - it's the best way to stay energized!" - AJ Hogue
"Find something you enjoy about English to keep your motivation high." - AJ Hogue
"Want to energize your learning? Get outdoors and move while you study!" - AJ Hogue