
Human Behavior Quotes

There are 2690 quotes

"Watching Chimp Empire, you realize they're very much like us, and dare I say we're very much like them."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We, unlike every animal, eat for the enjoyment of it, it doesn't happen in the wild."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's probably the same thing that will happen to humans when aliens invade as well. It's the common effort. Everybody puts everything else to the side."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Emotional tears... when you sniff them, you have a pronounced reduction in testosterone within about 20 minutes."
"Every day or so, like accessible awe, has proven to have a positive physiological impact on humans, on their emotions, or their behavior."
"Can't we just be nice to each other and be good people?"
"What we humans love to do is identify some component of an experience that we like, isolate that component from the rest of the parts, and then amplify that one component as much as possible."
"Human nature places more value on things that are less available."
"Humans are weird, aren't they? Some of their behavior is just plain bonkers."
"As human beings, we want to thrive, and doing so requires us to survive."
"Milk in general is a very interesting topic from the perspective that we humans are the only creature that drinks milk beyond the age of weaning."
"We're much better at causing pain than we are feeling pain."
"People are complicated. We're walking contradictions."
"Fear of loss is the single biggest driver of decision-making in the history of mankind."
"Every single group of human beings argues and debates endlessly... Why is that? That's not just a little byproduct; that is a core feature of reality."
"The alternative that I'm proposing is that we should explain human cruelty in terms of the erosion of empathy."
"We are human doings rather than human beings."
"A human being is an emotional machine in action, cycling through emotions over and over again."
"Why would any species want to come down and hang out with us, seeing all the crap going on down here?"
"As humans are constantly hypocritical in what we do in our cognitive dissonance, and we think some ways and we act other ways, and all of this, that's a reality."
"We're good at humans committing to things that are positive; it's very motivating for us."
"For an animal so complex as man, there's no logical reason why a comparable sequence of events should not also lead to species extinction."
"In the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy."
"Sin and lust carry with them fleeting pleasures; people don't sin because it brings them pain, rather, they sin because there's a temporary delight in wrongdoing."
"These technology systems have taken control of human choice. They're controlling the information that all of us are getting."
"Salience is a huge concept in human existence."
"The idea of a generative drive is strengthened when you look at how humans behave when they're not struggling."
"Humans, in general, will not endure short-term discomfort for long-term achievement."
"Man is the only species that kills for pleasure."
"Anytime you combine a poorly understood topic with a strong human desire, you've got a recipe for scams."
"There are people who, when a grenade is lobbed through the window, throw themselves on it before it can blow up. It does happen... it doesn't require divine sanction or permission."
"For things to come too easily, too cheaply, they're too instantaneous, there's no cost whatsoever, the human condition is such that you won't meaningfully engage with it."
"I think the subject of how people lie, mis-remember, and exaggerate when telling stories is kind of fascinating on its own."
"The reason people disagree on morality is not because they don't know the right thing to do, they just don't want to do it."
"The truth about human lie detectors is that they do not exist. There is not a single person on this planet who could tell you 100% of the time just by looking at someone or listening to someone if they are lying or telling the truth."
"What have you learned about money? That it makes people do some real foul, nasty shit, and it's overrated. Love is all that counts."
"Desperation moves man to all manner of sins and it also invites our sympathy and even our empathy."
"We tend to protect our groin during three key times: when we're feeling vulnerable, threatened, or insecure."
"Narcissism is a universal human phenomenon. It's only when it goes out of whack, when it's exaggerated and caricatured, when it's imbued with cognitive deficits such as grandiosity, only then do we talk about a disorder."
"Humans and our propensity for gossip... it's more about the movements of people and the changes in thought processes."
"Human beings, even if they choose to do things not the smartest, we all learn from our mistakes."
"Pain motivates significantly faster and stronger than pleasure does."
"Humans spend, on average, a third of their lives sleeping."
"The world makes sense and human beings operate not randomly."
"I think humans can't stay away from the perfect partner, and I think a lot of cheaters present themselves as the perfect partner in the beginning."
"Psychology is not just about learning new things; it's about understanding our behaviors, emotions, and the intricate workings of our minds."
"Our nature wants to be aligned with connection and generosity and giving because our bodies will tell us that."
"We are neurobiologically designed to live, work, play, die in groups."
"Use prices, think about monopolies, use theories about how people compete and how they act to change human behavior. It’s a bunch of tools to put in your hand to understand the world around you."
"The chemistry of Love helps us stay together long enough to raise our children; it also adds one of the most wonderful aspects of human life on this planet: the chemistry gives us the concept of compassion, altruism, love, and harmony that distinguish humans."
"All human behaviors are multifaceted and have the ability to mean different things with different intentions."
"Prioritizing the short term benefit over solving a long-term problem, which we might say is a human tendency."
"Economics is the study of people and choices."
"Economics really isn't about money as much as it is about human behavior though."
"The economy is a human construct, and thus entirely beholden to our collective behaviors."
"Often times the conversation over here assumes that people come to their beliefs about the world through some kind of very systematic sequence of rational judgments... nothing could be further from the truth."
"Until ChatGPT's distant descendants eventually take over, states are run by humans, they are populated by humans, and as a result, are often as logical as, well, humans."
"Why is it that he created the vastness of the universe... and he is hyper-focused on what you do with the stuff between your legs when you're in your bedroom?"
"Humanity's need to satisfy its own desires will be its ultimate undoing."
"Games are the only force in the known universe that can get people to take actions which are against their self-interest in a predictable way without the use of force."
"There's clear evidence that facial expressions the way that people move their faces in moments of expression is highly variable."
"Every human being has a healthy balance of masculine and feminine encompassed traits inside of them that they can manage really well and deploy at specific situations."
"Across our biological heritage, our brain and biology have been sculpted to incline us to certain ways of feeling, thinking, and behaving."
"Under the right circumstances, under the right coercive circumstances, virtually anybody could do anything that is appalling."
"We got to understand, be more compassionate... why they're doing what they do."
"People are much better at advising others than they are following their own advice."
"There is no human nature, there's human behavior, and that's always been changed throughout history."
"When human beings began burying their dead, it was one of the first signs of civilized thought."
"If you're sharing the roads with humans, the best thing to do is be human-like and predictable."
"The show isn't saying tech is bad; the show is saying people are effed up."
"I think that 98% of the time somebody does something bad... they're just acting selfishly."
"Most of what we do is only so we say loosely governed by our evolutionary past; it's so much governed by our cultural heritage."
"I worry less about computers that think like people and more about people that think like computers."
"You charge us with your safekeeping, yet despite our best efforts, your countries wage wars, you toxify your Earth and pursue ever more imaginative means of self-destruction. You cannot be trusted with your own survival."
"We human beings do all kinds of weird, useless things, but that's because life is more than just about the basic need of survival; life is about living."
"You can't just say 'OK time to sleep on my side because Ulysses McGill said so.' People unconsciously change their sleeping position multiple times throughout the night."
"The reptile brain sorts for what is familiar, it's pleasure driven, and it's looking for friends. Now, if it's familiar, it's good. If it's pleasurable, it's good. If it's friendly, it's good. We move towards those things."
"All human behavior ultimately is rooted in survival."
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it."
"Our biological systems predispose us to act in ways that are commensurate with [not wanting to suffer and die]."
"Wolves in sheep's clothing look like sheep; they don't look like wolves."
"We're the only species that follows unstable leaders."
"You rehabilitate dogs, but you train people. I train humans."
"What people consciously say they want and what they unconsciously need can be two very different things."
"If you can’t understand why someone is doing something, look at the consequences of their actions, whatever those might be, and then infer the motivation from the consequences."
"Just tell people not to have sex, just doesn't seem to have worked at any point in human history."
"We are liberated from the limited behavioral repertoire of rocks and bottles of water to have this broad spectrum of responses."
"As you elevate the amount of power somebody has, we are willing as human beings to allow those people to get away with more things."
"I believe that nostalgia is the number one under-priced thing in human behavior."
"We humans really know how to hold a grudge, don't we? Take asteroids, for example; one 15 km wide bad apple comes along and wipes out the dinosaurs, and we've just never forgiven them."
"History actually repeats itself...because human stupidity never changes."
"In the end, the worst thing I ever encountered wasn't a demon but two very alive humans."
"The study of economic history is the study of human survival."
"It is impossible to predict the future, we all know, yet many of us still try to do it in one way or another."
"Our commitments to others of our species serve us exceedingly well, as you can plainly see by the tremendous success it's brought us."
"Humans are the only mammals who consume milk in adulthood, let alone from another species."
"People don't have ideologies; ideologies have people."
"People didn't believe what I can do. I'm the youngest two-time world champion in super middleweight history. People want to see great fights and fireworks, and that's what I give. I'm taking over."
"I'm an expert in human behavior and body language. I help people all over the world to stand out, win trust, and gain credibility every time they communicate."
"Humans are fascinated by the effects a new thing can bring now and not thinking about the long-term consequences."
"I've abandoned the idea that anyone is rational, including me. Once you abandon that, the world becomes far less frustrating."
"Humans will always take the path of least resistance."
"Of all forms of human motivation, the most effective one is progress."
"Change is scary, it's resisted by humans often because of the fear of the unknown."
"Given total freedom and the opportunity to create a paradise of personal agency, most people will use that agency to steal, rape, murder, do any number of terrible animalistic things which consequences might prevent them from doing in real life."
"Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation which states that five categories of human needs dictate an individual's behavior."
"The social psychology of this century reveals a major lesson: often, it is not so much the kind of person a man is, as the situation in which he finds himself, that determines how he will act."
"If we understood all of the causal connections that dictate our behavior, you would arrive at the same epiphany with respect to every evil thing that every person does."
"Real emotions that are strong are designed to get action out of other human beings immediately."
"All the problems of human beings come from not knowing how to sit still."
"There are more babies born nine months after a holiday, and you can try to figure out why."
"It's an answer to the question: What will people do in a circumstance when there is no one to lead them?"
"Motives are much less important than behavior. We all know this. If someone has good intentions but treats people badly, those good intentions mean nothing."
"Crying behavior is amazingly complex and has many aspects to it."
"Emotional crying...is often accompanied by vocalizations, sobbing, and increased activity in some of the facial muscles."
"If you show me a situation in which 95% of the people behave one way, and it's a way that we find surprising and shameful, I'm not going to say, 'Wow, 95% of the people are shameful.' I'm going to say, 'Wow, what a powerful situation.'"
"It's very easy to get into the pleasure trap because everywhere you go, people are trying to give you what you want, not what you need."
"Human beings are very, very bad at mitigation and we are very, very good at adaptation."
"It was literally pepper, black pepper. They were like, 'I will kill thousands to make my eggs taste better.'"
"We link, in nature, sex and aggression are often linked, but I don't think it's necessarily the only cause of war."
"Who doesn't get irrationally angry over incredibly insignificant things?"
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and bad people doing bad things. But if you want a good person to do bad thing, that takes religion."
"My goal is to make humans responsible by giving the proper knowledge."
"The time is coming when people will be amazed that the human race existed so long before it recognized that thoughtless injury to life is incompatible with real ethics."
"Understanding human emotion and human behavior are what drive the economy and these things are what drive asset prices."
"If everyone acted totally logically all the time, only making the most logical decision in any situation, no one would be acting human."
"It's really natural to feel your heart race, to have your thoughts go wild. It's really natural to feel that pressure."
"As a species, we evolved to do the easiest, most comfortable thing, but we eventually end up paying a price for it."
"Sometimes I think we get into a bit of a suffer-off, like a competitive suffering, like measuring who's had it worse."
"Neuroscience reveals you to be a biochemical puppet."
"Humans have many needs, including the mental and emotional not just the physiological, and we often use Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as our benchmark."
"After laughter is about the look on people's faces when they're done laughing. If you watch somebody long enough, there's always this lip, it comes across their face when they're done smiling, and I always find it really fascinating to wonder what it is that brought them back to reality."
"Seeing, being seen, is a critical part of human psychology. It's an enormous power."
"We humans are not strictly diurnal. We are crepuscular."
"Humans are repeaters, they are herd instinct mammals, we stick together, we copy unconsciously, and we're easy to condition."
"Everyone has their own circumstances, often tragic ones, that makes them do what they do."
"The vast majority of cheating men cheated with women who were older and much less attractive than their own wives and when asked why, most of them said because we could, there was opportunity."
"Empathetic understanding: when someone acts irrationally, remember that to them, that is all they know how to do."
"Nobody tells an alcoholic what they should drink, but we love to tell other humans what they should eat."
"Human behavior is determined as much by social context as by rational thinking or individual desire."
"Millions of people partake in it too, traveling all over the world to areas that are considered the most unhappiest places on earth."
"Most people don't do things with you in mind...people honestly usually do things in their own self-interest and because they want to be happy."
"I always go to, you know, they say humans always err on the side of what is easiest... it's much easier to start with somebody who's passionate than to fire somebody's passion up."
"Every person on this earth always makes the best decision they can, given the perspective, information, and knowledge that they have from where they are."
"We all have ego defense mechanisms; that's just a normal part of the human mind."
"A narcissist really does think of people as discardable."
"The thing that's been the most effective has been convincing humans to use animals for food... trillions and trillions of deaths, and no one dies well."
"Forrest Gump's mother: 'Sometimes people do things that just don't make no sense.'"
"Human beings tend to form attachments to media that takes them back to a simpler time."
"We would love for everyone to be incredibly rational... but actually, we'll settle for just people doing it slightly less wrong."
"You can't suffer pointlessly without becoming bitter, and you can't become bitter without becoming cruel."
"People can be irrational, but people are never random. People feel things for a reason. You have to address the reason why they feel the things they do."
"People want you to do well; they just don't want you to do better than them."
"The Milgram experiment... showed how far people will go if they're told to increase electrical shocks against others, even to the point of killing that person."
"How can you bless God with this tongue and then go and speak rudely to someone who was made in the image of God? That's a very serious verse."
"The greatest threat to humanity right now is the way we think."
"Imagine if everyone had like the mandatory educational system had an undergrad in the humanities of the arts."
"I don't get why humans choose to be mean, which is so much more difficult and so much more damaging than just being nice."
"Even when a pattern doesn't actually exist, that's just what we do. We're phenomenal at it."
"People don't resist change; they resist being changed."
"Shield never even the most versatile substance on the planet, and they used it to make a frisbee. Typical of humans."
"Enough experience in the world to know that people didn’t like to be reformed; they liked to be informed and taught, but they didn’t like to be reformed."
"Most people living in areas with black bears simply do their best to not give them a reason to come rummaging around in their neighborhoods."
"The scary thing is people will sometimes say they want to know what's true, but they don't really."
"Racism is a highly regrettable and ugly human trait which is consistent across all human societies."
"It basically decodes human behavior so you can understand people better and understand better how to get along with people."
"I don't think that most people can be defined in a black and white you're good or you're bad, but I do believe that there is a line that you can cross and only bad people will do the things on the other side of that line."
"For nearly all of human history, people lived similarly to the way their grandparents lived, unlike what we expect today."
"The most dangerous being on Earth is an insecure man."
"It's more of a belief in math and algorithms than in people because math won't backstab you."
"Humans are communal animals and this is, I think, our downfall, but it can also be our biggest support."
"We are free to act upon our desires, but we're not free to decide upon those desires themselves."
"It is full of hate, violence, and destruction, but it is also full of love, beauty, and the insatiable desire to help each other."
"You're only as loyal as your level of options."
"Humans are actors... we learn how to manipulate our parents by crying when we need to cry, being charming, saying certain things."
"As humans, we tend not to give ourselves enough time to mentally process our thoughts."
"I think the concept of envy is one of the ugliest things that humans do."
"It's really easy for good people to start justifying bad things."
"New websites and software succeed by exploiting human propensities. Our natural programming has plenty of weaknesses to exploit."
"We're kind of a peculiar species, and we've developed these terrible technologies of war. There's absolutely no reason to assume we will just use them to wipe ourselves out."
"Technology has not changed us. Technology has exposed us."
"We as a species are so susceptible to addiction, scientists have sought out to find out why."
"Economics is the study of how people interact with things of value, and while that's simple enough, people are a difficult bunch to properly predict."
"Many people would rather be hated than unknown."
"All human behavior is driven by the desire to escape discomfort."
"People like being lazy for sure, but ultimately, people like going out and being in groups."
"Social media has hacked our evolutionary drive to be tribal ingroup outgroup creatures."
"Humans with more information generally make better choices."
"Our brains really like labels, it likes categories, it likes defined homes for things."
"Humans have a funny habit of enjoying the things we're not supposed to."
"So one third of our life, or about 9,000 days, are spent asleep."
"If you are a moral human being, I think that you agree pornography is not an inherent good for human beings."
"It's a two-second job, and the fact that they fight over it just seems really kind of absurd."
"People want to socialize. It's what they do. It's part of life, growing up."
"When people lose everything and have nothing left to lose, they lose it."
"Man, the games industry turns out it is an industry full of humans, and sometimes when they get power, humans are not particularly good at taking responsibility, and they're pretty damn good at blaming."
"People do the best they can do, given the circumstances they're in."
"It's always crazy that people's first thing is like, where's everything going? What happens to the money?"
"Never ascribe to malice that which could be adequately explained by incompetence."
"You see the absolute worst of humanity in a Starbucks drive-through."