
Mortality Quotes

There are 10917 quotes

"You're talking about a 200 pound dog... and seeing life drain from his body... that realization that we're here for a short time was made so real."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"And you have to take a sort of world view of this, right? If you, like what's the most prevalent cause of death globally? Cardiovascular disease."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Man lives two lives, the second one begins when he realizes he has just one."
"Marcus Aurelius said, 'Death smiles at us all; all we can do is smile back.'"
"I've wanted to figure out why we die so fast, and in my view, I think it's cruel to have a sentient being that knows it's going to die in such a short time frame."
"You tend to see people dying less often or less early when they drink more coffee."
"The number one cause of death, the number one cause of disability is our diet."
"Physical strength is one of the strongest predictors of mortality of any metric in the entire world."
"Loneliness, lack of love, is the number one killer of people on this planet."
"We should live our life every day hungry, understanding that we are to live until we die."
"And remember, you'll both be dead before long. How can you quarrel, knowing that you'll both be dead before long?"
"On your deathbed...you're going to really wish that you listened to me right now."
"Life has a 100% mortality rate, and that's not for other people."
"It's crazy how somebody could just be here today and gone tomorrow. R.I.P. X."
"Our ability to form abstractions about our mortality is one of the deepest elements of what it means to be human."
"We're not guaranteed how long we're going to be here... If we did actually internalize it, our behavior would reflect it."
"Always keep in mind... you're not guaranteed tomorrow."
"We should really spend each moment as if this was our last day on the planet."
"When you have 110,000 people dying of overdoses last year in this country, and overdose being the number one killer of men between 18 and 34, it is a crisis."
"Humanity is haunted by the fear of death, and all our immortality projects are a response to this deep-seated fear."
"All-cause mortality is directly linked to strength."
"Soon you will have forgotten all things, and soon all things will have forgotten you."
"There's a difference between knowing the fact and actually like truly understanding the fact, like the fact that you're going to die one day."
"Don't wait for Hajj, you might never see it. Don't wait for Ramadan, you might never witness it. Seek Allah's forgiveness here and now."
"Financial independence is a universal goal we all have, barring the possibility of dying young."
"I think the biggest fear is the moments before death as you lay there and realize that you're dying."
"If you have a chance to confront your mortality, I suggest don't do it if you can avoid it."
"It's tough to see life leave something's body that you love so much."
"Life is so, so short and you know what I make jokes about things like you'll be dead soon anyway or things like that, these are tools that I'm using to try to jar you out of your autopilot derp state."
"In a highly emotional scene, Finn, Simon, and Betty slowly accept their impending deaths."
"The reality is we're all going to die. The reality is that morality is relative."
"The greatest sense of liberation is realizing there's no 'me' to be concerned about dying."
"The finiteness of [life] is the thing that makes it special."
"It's sad to just think that it's lights out, blackness for eternity after you die, but this gave a lot of people hope."
"You die two times. You die when you actually die and then you die the last time someone says your name."
"The grave will supply plenty of time for silence."
"It wasn't really about dying, it was about living. That the goal was to be able to have not a good death, but a good life all the way to the very end."
"How we spend our time determines the quality of our life and death."
"Death is coming. We're going to die. And it's not something that we should be scared of."
"The human brain is wired for transcendental experiences that take us out of the narrow little realm that we live in because we're aware of our death, as the only animal truly conscious of its own mortality."
"Higher blood glucose is associated with mortality."
"A world in which there was a bit less death would be a better world."
"Life happens fast, and it can end even faster."
"You know you are definitely going to die, so don't live a life of abject fear."
"Maybe I'll have achieved immortality. It's like, no, it's guaranteed that you're going to die."
"Contemplating your own mortality clarifies what's important to you."
"All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Therefore, Socrates is mortal."
"The meaning of life is that it ends...my cancer patients have shown me that is when you get that feeling of mortality, that it can be fuel for you to live."
"Life only makes sense in the face of death. It allows you to live life to the fullest, to appreciate each and every moment."
"As you get older, as you age, as you're closer to death, life changes for you."
"The problem is, I'm just making more friends to get sad about when they die."
"You're going to die. This ends. You've got about 70 years. Some more than others. What do you want to do with your life?"
"Death should be your motivator, and you shouldn't be dependent upon hope. What you should be more concerned about is you're going to die here in several decades, some more than others, and then it's over."
"Life is very short, and you know, we're all gonna get to a point where we have to die, so we got to kind of like be men about things and just move on."
"When a man has to face that he's about to die, he thinks of all the things he's never done."
"The world does not know that we must all come to an end here, but those who know it, their quarrels cease at once."
"All life will end without a single exception."
"Do not count on any more resurrections. These moments are all that remain."
"Mortality offers meaning to our lives, and morality helps navigate that meaning."
"Live as you will, but know that one day you're going to die."
"Every single person perishes, but the noble face of your Lord remains."
"Death makes the world so much more beautiful...the world looks much, much brighter."
"Death gives life its dynamism...imagine a society where your boss is a Victorian and it's another 50 years until he retires."
"If you die before you die, you won't die when you die."
"I think it's sad that one should be aware of that totality of existence only when you're about to leave it."
"There is no guarantee that you're going to live to see tomorrow, but there is a guarantee that death is coming."
"More muscle mass and more muscle strength is associated with lower all-cause mortality."
"We haven't really been allowed to discuss this excess mortality...it's like every time you want to discuss it publicly, mainstream media just keeps it down."
"This excess mortality and that's why I think it's so important to discuss and learn."
"It's multifactorial but one thing is for sure, we know already from data that if you have a delayed treatment, you will die sooner."
"This life is short. At its greatest human length, 70 years, 80 years, even 90 years, is relatively short."
"It is sobering to know that my days on this Earth are limited, and my life and my decisions on this Earth will affect my eternity."
"We don’t know what is in store for us after this life, but we do know that death of the body is not the end for our consciousness, maybe not even by a long shot."
"Am I doing everything in my power to live the way I want to live? Because if it could be over in a moment, I got to shift my attention to things that really matter."
"To die, to sleep, to sleep, perchance to dream; aye, there's the rub."
"A disease with a relatively low mortality, if it affects very large numbers of people, can have a massive impact."
"A bad day is coming. One day you're gonna wake up and you're gonna get a call that someone you love or someone you know of has got a terminal illness or has passed away. And that day is coming for all of us...So if you know that fact that that day is coming and today is not that day, then why don't you be happy today?"
"Memento Mori: Remember you are mortal. Life is short, and the acceptance of that fact gives us perspective and urgency."
"If you ask the dying what matters most to them... they always talk about other people."
"Daddy, do you know why I've got better three times? Because I have to prepare you for my death."
"We have an opioid crisis that is killing 70 to 80 thousand people a year in this country. That's way more than the wars kill us."
"This is not a dress rehearsal. You got one shot at this life; it's truly a gift and it could end at any moment."
"In a world where he saw so many people die before his eyes, Xiang Ye questions his existence and purpose."
"We're all gonna die. There's nothing that actually matters so you might as well have fun."
"When you think about your death and it becomes real, you realize I don't have this much time. I better work harder. I better appreciate the people in my life. I better love them more. I better appreciate every moment that I'm alive."
"We're all going to die, and the important thing is to give you as much good life as possible."
"People who feel lonely die 50% earlier than people who don't."
"If I knew in one year that I would die suddenly, what would I change about the way I'm living now? [...] I would just travel the world."
"Over 18 months, beginning in 1665, this horrific disease killed an estimated hundred thousand people in London alone, a quarter of the entire population."
"By the end of August, a shocking seven percent of those who remained had died."
"We all gotta get off this ride at some point, and if it was my turn to exit, it was my turn."
"A healthy dose of your mortality is really important. You'll certainly be more appreciative of your days on this earth."
"All religions begin with an awareness of death."
"Everything formed is mortal by definition... but consciousness itself, truth itself, love itself, these are immortal."
"If I don't wake up from the anesthesia, remember that I love you all very much, and I wasn't always the best, but I was always honest."
"In your 40s, mortality wasn't just a thought that was way off in the future. It actually became real."
"Medical error is one of the leading causes of death in the United States."
"This is your life and it's ending one minute at a time."
"On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."
"Everything and everyone must die, of course, but that fact alone doesn't justify taking life."
"To take a photograph is to participate in another person's (or thing's) mortality, vulnerability, mutability."
"We find true and enduring joy by coming to know and acting upon the truth about who we are, the meaning of mortal life, and where we are going when we die."
"I think it brought home to me how quickly you can leave this life and how everyone should enjoy life every and each day as much as you possibly can."
"We can't reverse death, no matter how sad it makes us. Some things are forever."
"Marriage is till death do us part... but we don't talk about that part."
"Success and accomplishments are not the ultimate purpose of life; facing death shows what's truly important."
"Day two is stasis followed by irrelevance, followed by excruciating painful decline, followed by death. And that is why it's always day one."
"The price men paid for waking up was to bear the burden of mortality."
"We got so damn sensitive to threat that we were finally able to conceive the ultimate threat, not proximal threats, but the fact of threat itself and the fact of mortality itself."
"A god infatuated with death, armed with the ability to cause it on a universal scale with the snap of his fingers."
"I've been thinking a lot about working with come back, and I mean, I want the work, but all the death and destruction, you know."
"You are no longer the body, you are no longer the mind, you are the universe, and the universe cannot die."
"Fear kills more people than diseases themselves."
"I think people should think about [mortality] more."
"You will die just like you lived, and you will be resurrected on the day of judgment just like you died."
"You can be a king or a street sweeper, but everybody dances with the Grim Reaper."
"If this were your last day alive, what would you have done differently? You still have the chance to do things differently."
"It's appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgment."
"Life is precious; we all need to embrace the short time we have."
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord."
"We are all going to die, and everything we do is a distraction up until that moment. Have a nice day."
"Every breath you take is a step closer to the termination of your breaths."
"Life is too short, and if one feels strongly about something, one should do something about it because we don't know how much time we have."
"Remember, we all die, so don't wait till it's too late to be better because we can always be better."
"Live your life as a free man or a free woman because you only get one of them, and if you don't, someday you're gonna be at a point where there's no more procrastination because there's no more tomorrow."
"And if I live, what if I die? It really doesn't make a difference to me as long as they have what they need. So, if it's my time to go, I will go knowing I did everything I could for them."
"I find the notion that we're going to live forever to be a repugnant idea. If I'm convinced that when I'm dead, I'm dead, that changes the way I live my life."
"Blessed is the man who dies in righteousness and goodness, concerning whom there is no book of unrighteousness written, and against whom no day of judgment shall be found."
"Death is inevitable, but death doesn't have to be terrible."
"A mystical experience induced by psilocybin can produce a profound reduction in mortality related anxiety."
"You're going to go out of this life one day, and your feeling about that is not going to dictate if it happens or doesn't happen."
"A world where more people are traumatized but less people die is better than a world where more people die and less people are traumatized."
"The reality is, in 100 years or less, no one's going to know your name. The only thing you will create in your life that lasts forever is creating a human soul."
"We're all going to die; the Sun's going to explode in five billion years. Just do whatever the fuck you want, as long as you treat everyone how you'd want to be treated."
"All human beings die of the same thing. We all leave this earth the same way, right? We all die of hypoxia, lack of oxygen to the brain. That's the definition of death."
"The doors of repentance are open until the time of death."
"You're going to die. I'm tired of denial. This denial, you're going to die."
"Death is something we all face eventually, and the fact is most of us brush up against its consequences long before we deal with it ourselves."
"On the back, there's a quote from Marcus Aurelius, the Stoic, and he wrote to himself, 'You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.'"
"Death is now. Death is the ticking secondhand on your watch. The time that passes belongs to death."
"The greatest honor that a Roman could receive was a triumph through Rome...but yet they also had a servant follow close behind who whispered in your ear 'Memento Mori' meaning 'you are mortal.'"
"A human impact is the purpose of a man's life because someday you will die, you will be dust, your money will be frittered away, and taken through taxes and all kinds of things, your property will be divvied up, everything you've cared for in your life will be taken away. The only thing that endures is the future generations who are fundamentally altered because of your existence on this planet."
"Every other Hearthian explorer you meet represents different ways in which people cope with the inevitability of death."
"No one knows what will happen tomorrow, no one knows where they are going to die. You might as well use your life in a way that is beneficial."
"The only thing stopping you from immortality is death itself."
"Life is short. I'm going to die, and what that means is you can't take any of this seriously."
"Memento mori, you will die. Is this how you want to spend your time? Are you wasting it or are you living it?"
"Are you tired of dying? Does the ever-encroaching fear of your imminent demise really get you down? Well, what if I told you that there was a way to cheat death completely?"
"You do not want to live forever. You do not want immortality."
"One of the most transformative practices I've seen with patients and in my own life is to consciously think about death."
"By knowing it's finite, it gives you license to live."
"I call it 'write your own happy ending'. Imagine that you are on your deathbed right now. What are three things you will want to have done or spent time on?"
"The human condition is defined by our unbearable awareness of our mortality."
"Health is wealth because what you're gonna do if you die? What can you do with the money you made in your life when you die? Nothing."
"Here's the thing. Yes, dying is scary. And yes, not dying is pretty much universally appealing but since the expectation of mortality is pretty much the only thing every human being has in common, removing it can strip away some things that we think of as fundamental to humanity."
"We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one."
"Uttna Pishtim tells Gilgamesh that fearing death and hunting for immortality will just make the life he has miserable."
"Finally recognizing the futility of seeking immortality, Gilgamesh returns to his city to rule wisely and justly until he dies of old age."
"So immortality, kind of a popular subject, and it makes sense. Mortality is basically the only universal human experience."
"For the wages of sin is death... all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
"Socio-economic inequality kills about 18 million people a year."
"It gives you a kind of sense of solidarity with your fellow human beings... we're all in this march toward death together."
"The possibility of an end gives meaning to the life part."
"I eat it because we're all gonna die one day. And I am gonna have a lot of chocolate before that happens."
"The market is the leading cause of death on the planet today."
"The leading cause of death on the planet Earth is relative and absolute poverty. Period!"
"It's like humans do with our time, and why mortality is actually a gift because it makes everything you do more meaningful."
"Perhaps in the end, time's lack of mercy is actually a gift, compelling us to make the most of the days that are left, to live fully in what lies ahead."
"If people had access to medicines, some of them might not die early."
"If something were to happen to you, and you were to pass away, your job posting would be listed before your obituary was out."
"You have two lives, and you realize you have the second one when you realize you only have one."
"The brain is always trying to predict the future, and that my failure to truly engage with my own demise is a feature, it is a side effect of the fact that the brain is always trying to predict the future."
"No Mercy... it's the heist that explains why Bain is dying."
"Aware that death is inevitable, yet filled with optimism."
"Embracing our Humanity lies at the intersection of our mortality and our divinity."
"When people die, they go alone. People leave this world; can they still gang up and form a group to go together?"
"Live life like it's the last day ever... We could all be gone tomorrow."
"When I was composing the main theme, I often imagined what it would be like to live for 1,000 years. It must be so intolerable and painful seeing your families, lovers, and friends dying while you remain living. This feeling drove me to write the theme in a minor key."
"Someday this will all be gone, and all we can do is make the most of the time we have and try to minimize how much we mess things up for whoever or whatever comes after us."
"Saints don't die; we just sleep away because Jesus has already died for us."
"Three words: You're gonna die. That's inspiration. Do something about it."
"The beautiful death was a sacrifice in the true sense of the word, turning something mortal into something sacred."
"Don't wait for somebody to say that you've got six weeks to live, because the best seven weeks of my life with my sister were those last seven weeks of hers."
"Even in the face of dying alone, the resurrection is still true."
"When you pass from this world, you take nothing with you but your soul and the memories that you have shared with those you love."
"Communism has killed 80 million people in a 60-year period, more than every religion combined since the dawn of time."
"Strength training reduced all-cause mortality better than any other form of exercise and cancer risk."
"I started questioning like what happens when you die because I'll be dead a lot longer than I'll be alive."
"The purpose of thinking is to let your thoughts die instead of you."
"This stuff don't matter when we die; these mansions and these Bentleys and these Birkins, they ain't going with us."
"Time is short, you know? No day on earth is guaranteed."
"Memento Mori, which basically means contemplating your own mortality... It's a reminder to truly cherish the moment that you have."
"The greatest impact on reducing mortality, severe disease, and hospitalizations is in protecting the NHS and equivalent healthcare services."
"Death has fascinated and horrified us pretty much since the beginning of time, or at least as far back as we can remember."
"Humans are almost inherently fascinated by death."
"The thought that there's kind of this stat that ticks upwards towards your death and your doom every time you take a bonus item or like a permanent buff is actually a really good idea."
"If we truly lived with death by our side, so to speak, then our perspective of the world and our personal life would absolutely change."
"Every moment of our lives we are aware of our own deaths, and we try our best to create some sort of immortality or another."
"You must also accept your own fate, your own death."
"Knowing that you have about 3 billion heartbeats allocated to you makes every heartbeat seem precious."