
Fatherhood Quotes

There are 5128 quotes

"I really want to return to this, it's so incredible that a peptide could basically turn these relatively negligent fathers into very attentive fathers."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The pleasure of mentorship is a form of fatherhood."
"People, men particularly in relation to fatherhood, have a vested interest and instinctual tilt towards developing the best in other people."
"The biggest goal I've ever had in my life...was to be the best father I can be and, in turn, also the best husband I can be."
"Every single time I do this, I can't help but realize the importance of fatherhood. That that's the only thing that really actually matters."
"Being a father...it just gives me more why. My why. Why I do what I do."
"They want to be a good provider, a good father figure."
"Any man can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a dad."
"Your father is supposed to be your first example of identity."
"Fathers are your first example of provision... they provide, even if not emotionally available."
"Permission, protection, principles - these are what fathers should exemplify."
"Your father's pace sets a precedent for how you manage expectations and anxieties."
"A father's role includes pushing and correcting, guiding you away from danger."
"I want Billy to be my father because that's who I have always known to be my father."
"The search for a father figure shows that this isn't strictly a challenge for children but something men need throughout their lives."
"It's about being the quality of father you can be, not having a quantity of children."
"Being a dad was, and is still today, something I wanted. If we weren't going to be together, there was no need for us to beef."
"That was the one good thing as a father I was going to do, but it's not going to happen anymore."
"Lee talked about the birth of his first son and said it was so emotional."
"Most men want to take care of their kids, and if it ends amicably, most guys are gonna do what's best for the child."
"It's incredible to have a father and a teacher like Melo to show you so many things."
"Being a good husband is the prerequisite to being a great father."
"I know how influential having a father in a girl's life is, so I would never take that away from him."
"Some fathers say, 'I want hands off until I know the truth,' and some men, like you, step up to the plate even when there is uncertainty."
"I find it more masculine to be a good guy. I find the low-key guy who is a really great father and a great husband to be a lot more masculine."
"Men are vitally necessary in the home and they're vitally necessary to the upbringing of a child."
"Men need to be there, and they need to be present, which is so difficult in times like today."
"Being the dad to my two boys now, that I wish my dad was for me, was sort of like the ultimate amends to eight-year-old Josh."
"The single most important thing that a man does is become a father and raise the next generation and protect his family."
"I got in this business to learn about it. I've proved to everybody I'm a real dude. Now it's time for me to show everybody I'm a good father, I'm a businessman, I'm a good friend, I can be trusted."
"You turned out to be a better dad than I could have ever hoped for."
"Thank you for being a great dad and somebody I look up to."
"Patience is the biggest thing I've learned from fatherhood."
"Fathers are very important, particularly for boys, because boys need something to reflect off of to figure out what am I supposed to be."
"So, on this Father's Day, I want to say to the fathers, don't give up on yourself because your story is complicated."
"Being a father isn't just providing, though. I think you need to be able to give that emotional support also."
"Fatherhood is the most fundamental aspect of our human structure going forward."
"Fatherhood for me has been more fulfilling than I would ever have imagined."
"If you're a father, make the effort. Do everything you can to be in your children's daily lives."
"Fatherhood is one that's very near and dear to my heart. It's a true story based off of this guy named Matt Loglin... It's a drama, it's a real change for me."
"Depictions of fatherhood are starting to get a little more complicated, and we think it all has something to do with the idea of 'projection' - like literal projectors and also emotional projection."
"Fatherhood is about being supportive and empathetic, about inspiring confidence and offering advice and in the end knowing that there's only so much you can do. Eventually, you have to let go."
"Fatherhood is it. It is the most important legacy you leave behind by far."
"I'm not leaving again. I'm staying with you, we're going to raise Danielle and be that father and be there and be a family guy."
"Fathers give both sons and daughters the thing children need most: a sense of safety and security."
"You're not a man by leaving your kids hung out to dry. You need to be there."
"There's a whole other side of masculinity in fatherhood that doesn't get talked about in the red pill."
"I would give anything to have a loving, wonderful father who wants to be there for you... because he cares."
"It's important as a father to listen to your children as opposed to just dictating."
"What's the best part of being a father? Everything."
"I am a father of three, including two daughters, and I want them to flourish in workplaces of their choosing."
"Happy Father's Day to y'all man, a lot of y'all may not feel like it's about y'all. I'm here to tell you it is. You are important, you are loved, you are needed."
"Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there."
"Success can be judged in lots of ways. I'd much rather be judged as a father than as someone who runs a business."
"As a father, I should have been able to work it out with their mother, so fail. But now, I think I'm doing well because I'm with it and can raise my kid every day."
"There's a direct relationship between that and crime. Barack Obama once said a kid raised without a father is five times more likely to be poor and commit crime."
"Kakashi decides to help Sasuke connect with his daughter, realizing that Sasuke hardly knew anything about her since he had been away for most of her life."
"I would have taken a broke dad over no dad any day of the week."
"The next great chapter in my life, I believe, is being a father."
"Every time they brought him in for you to feed him, I was up looking at him because I couldn't believe I was a dad."
"Fathers actually matter, even in a culture that worships at the altar of feminism."
"The job of a father is to keep the kid independent, that one day son doesn't need him."
"I want to be the dad that my dad wasn't there for me."
"No matter the accolades and achievements I've done in life, I'm a father before any other titles."
"Let's talk about the role of families, the role of fathers in kids' lives, and just culture in general."
"Absent fathers and strong families is, I would say, the most important thing probably just generally in life and for outcomes."
"I wanted to show fathers with their kids because I always felt like fathers get a bad rap."
"As a father of two boys, I have like conversations that you don't get to have with them."
"Yes, I failed as a husband, but I will never fail them as a father."
"Just had his twins, he's so excited to be here."
"He was the foster father of Jesus, of course, yes, but it goes deeper than that. What did he actually do? The key is he loved."
"Every father shows his children what it is to be a man, a real man."
"My father, he's the smartest man I know. He's the man."
"Men who have a dad bod type physique are seen, they are judged by both men and women as being better fathers."
"Not all is lost though. Alex actually plans on being a very, very, very heavy part of this child's life."
"He can do anything he wants, but if you are his child, he never does it as a judge; he does it as a father."
"At the end of this week, you know, it just turned out that I was more passionate about being a father and being a good husband."
"As a black man leading the new age revolution, as a father, that's our worst nightmare that we don't return home to our children."
"It's every husband's worst nightmare, every father's worst nightmare to think that your kids are in danger, your wife's in danger, and there's nothing you can do."
"It's really, really easy to become a dad, but it's an honor and our responsibility to be a father."
"Got the gift of my daughter's first real smile for my first Father's Day. Well, you couldn't ask for much more than that."
"We say in this courtroom all the time, it takes biology to make a father and it takes love to make a daddy."
"Being a dad is... it's crazy for me. It's the best experience ever."
"Being a father changed my life... They, they, my motivation, they, my passion, my joy, my happiness, everything."
"I'd rather focus on my music, my daughter's in my life. I'm a proud dad."
"Spending time alone with your son is a treasured experience."
"The patriarchs edition of the red man group will be going off at 8:30 on Eastern on Thursday."
"Happy Father's Day to all the good daddies out there."
"Being a dad so bad man that's more rewarding than that you know."
"19 years ago I was placed into the arms of the first man to ever love me, the man I'm lucky enough to call my dad."
"It was very important to me to be a good dad."
"Every father should remember that one day his child will follow his example not his advice."
"As men, we get a bad rep for not showing up and being absentee fathers. Well, that's not the case here because I'm ten toes down and I'm still going through the BS."
"God is not an ironclad dictator, but a father who is responsive to the needs of his children."
"Being a father, make sure you're [__] right."
"I do everything for all her kids. Clothes, I got that. Food, I got that. I'm their best friend. They all tell you they play with me more than their old mama. I'm the playmate daddy."
"I grew up without a daddy, so I know how it feels. I want my daughter to have her daddy with her in her hard life. It just... it hurts me a lot."
"Jonathan always wanted to be a dad and he wasted no time being the greatest one."
"Meltzer decides that if it means he can be with his daughter and protect her."
"Fathers are a fairly intrinsic part of the development of a child."
"Train your children. The father does the training."
"He's just trying to do the right thing, make up for some past mistakes, and be a good father to his daughter."
"Good dads are a new trend in the MCU. That's fantastic."
"You can't replace a father in the home with a check."
"The refinement of the Divine masculine by raising the son to be just like the father in essence and quality."
"Every major show on TV has a father... who's either backwards or stupid."
"The most important thing is showing. When fathers leave, they take away the thing that you grow toward."
"I don't think anybody wants to be a bad father."
"I'll always love you and I'll always be your dad."
"When a man gets on the path to become the man he wishes his father was, you ain't got to pound your chest and stomp and demand for a lot of stuff. The confidence that comes with getting work done, he'd be amazed."
"I've never had a bad relationship with my dad."
"Having a kid when you're saying yeah yeah why is that I mean you know I have a another daughter now and like I really like believe I was put on this planet to be a dad favor."
"Being a father is the greatest thing that I've ever done."
"The absent or deadbeat black father myth is really more like a lie."
"At the end of the day the most manly thing you can do is be a loving father and a loving husband."
"Every man then deserves to at least know if that child is his if he can't even opt out of parenthood right."
"I love being a father, I love being a role model."
"Families without fathers do worse, it just is what it is."
"Fathers are important in children's lives, and being present is crucial."
"It opened up doors to speak on behalf of black fathers."
"It was like showing I can act and I can be funny, but then it was still showing I'm a dad."
"Being poor should not disqualify you from being a father."
"Black fathers taking care of their kids is abnormal when it's not."
"Fatherhood has taught me not only to protect them but also look for other ways to help and provide lanes for young black women."
"Fatherhood is amazing, man, just to see him all the time and know that's me in another form."
"Shout out to the stay-at-home dads and to the dads that step up."
"Stop steering him... He's grown. Let him make his own decisions on how to be a dad."
"But I need you to be a good dad too. I need both."
"Something nice instead, I want you to go for like hot dad, hot dad look because that's what you are now, okay."
"I'm gonna be a father, never met you have no idea if you'd be a good dad or not but I am pumped that the sperm found the egg and made it happen for you, let's go Marvin you're gonna be dad of the year soon."
"Happy early Father's Day to all the fathers out there."
"It's like being a father and being a dad. Are you going to be a dad to that kid or you're going to be a father?"
"I'm a good darn father as my first priority in my life."
"If I find out she's not mine, I still love her, man."
"Vader's the number one dad... Vader shirt... Happy Father's Day!"
"Real men honor their wife, train their children, and do not abandon their family."
"I feel like a proud dad. A useless but proud dad."
"Congratulations Mr. McGinnis, who knew you'd turn out to be such ideal father material?"
"Anybody can knock a check up, but to be a strong leader and a father... that's powerful stuff."
"The single biggest predictor of suicide in either boys or girls was lack of presence of dads."
"School shootings are committed by boys due to dad deprivation and lack of male role models."
"I thought he was gonna say best man. He said, 'Will you attend as my father?'"
"I actually had to tap into what it feels like to be a father to daughters."
"You guys better be grateful because you know what? I'm one of the cool dads."
"I now have a boy, and that boy is going to be like his dad and like his uncles."
"When a man gets into a serious relationship and then when a man starts preparing for fatherhood he enters this new level of maturity that I find very inspiring."
"The one takeaway that we need to learn here fellas, gentlemen is that, um, for one if you have kids, especially if you have a daughter, ask yourself with your daughter would you want your daughter to be with someone like yourself."
"A man doesn't stop him knock [__] little broads up willy-nilly, a man cares about his legacy."
"I poured out my heart to you about what it's like to be a dad for the first time holding my baby son in my arms."
"The greatest pain a man will ever go through is the disconnection of a father when you know he's living."
"I think you're gonna make an awesome father."
"I actually have a daughter so I'm a father which is absolutely amazing."
"What kind of dad is in their daughter's relationship? Well yes, what kind of dad is in their daughter's relationship like you are."
"What makes you a man isn't the ability to conceive a child; it's having the courage to raise one."
"Understanding economics more than fatherhood."
"If the test proves you are Messiah's biological father, are you willing to step up? Are you willing to be a father to this beautiful baby boy?"
"Danny's role as a husband and father to his daughter has been nothing short of extraordinary."
"As a father, I can't imagine threatening my child."
"You're the baby's father. If that requires you to hit a few buttons on Amazon, that's what you do."
"More than a dad for us because he stand for us as a dad where our father should be standing there."
"My dad needed his father. And a lot of times, you know, I know my purpose on Earth, you know, but what's wild is that I've had people tell me that fatherhood is not necessary, and I'm going, but you wouldn't say that about motherhood."
"If I were to be a father one day, how am I going to protect my daughter against men like this?"
"How can I be a better dad before I can be a better basketball player?"
"Be a man today. Go look for your children. Go find them. Apologize to them. Don't explain anything, just tell them, 'I'm sorry.'"
"Now I've got another purpose. Now I've got to be a good dad."
"You will become the father you didn't have regardless of your agenda it's very healing."
"I just wanted to prove to myself that I was a good father..."
"I feel most powerful when I'm with my daughter."
"Now that I'm a dad... it's just like an elemental happiness."
"He's a good father, he will never leave you."
"Sometimes there's a bad rap that black men are horrible fathers or whatever. He's a great parent."
"I am and I always will be her ultimate Daddy and I'm gonna spend the rest of my life being the best daddy that I can for her."
"Will you pass those skills on to your son? Of being courageous, of being a servant, of being a protector, a provider, of being prepared?"
"He's now faced with a child he didn't plan for... questioning again what kind of man he's going to be."
"I don't think anybody loved his boy more than Sam did."
"Especially the fathers, we're called to be leaders, providers, and protectors for our family."
"I love being a dad. I love it. I would give up everything to be there for my daughter."
"Thank you from a 26 year old father in Sweden from the bottom of my heart thank you."
"Fatherhood is something I've always looked forward to and I don't take lightly."
"I'm a super dad, I mean super dad. I'm talking about Batman dad, Spiderman dad, you understand what I'm saying?"
"Children need fathers preferably their own fathers and if they can't have their own fathers either because he's dead or worse he has chosen to abandon them then they need male leadership somewhere else."
"Dads keep daughters off stripper poles and sons out of jail."
"I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad... like, I'm not old enough to be a dad... like, I'm old enough."
"My biggest thing to me is my son, you know what I'm saying. I've already been away from him for a little minute before and so I, I told him you'll never have to worry about it, to be going being gone, you know what I'm saying, no more."
"I'm not a good boyfriend. But I'm a great father."
"Thank the Lord for helping me be a better father to my daughter."
"Who am I? I'm a father, yeah, I'm a father but that's what I do. I do fathering but I'm not only a father. I'm not only a spouse."
"If you have kids, take care of your kids. Do whatever you have to do as a man to father your children."
"Congratulations, man. We have two healthy girls. I'm so excited. I have twins. I've always wanted twin girls. These girls look super healthy."
"Franklin battles between morally questionable actions and desire for his daughter."
"Let's get to a point where you make seeing your son the most important thing here."
"Happy Father's Day to everybody all over the world, sending bouquets in that order."
"Fatherhood may be the greatest gift a child could ask for."
"I don't blame him for wanting to spend time with his kids before they grow up very quickly."
"I hope they serve beer in hell and then is a you know almost like a folk hero on line to frat boys and and everything else and then suddenly he knocks up a girl and the narrative changes now it's we need to be more responsible."
"No child support with either one of them and I think my kids are really stable and they really love their dads."
"Once you get a certain age and another man hits you and you are a father, especially to girls on that magnitude, I don't see any type of money that can make that right."
"Fatherlessness is the number one problem in America, not just Black America but in America."
"Real masculinity through fatherhood needs to be brought back."
"The best thing a dad can do for his daughter... is to make her feel beautiful and loved just as she is."