
Grief Quotes

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"I wake up every morning since then just, I don't even make the conscious decision to allow my self to cry, I wake up crying."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When there is loss and we don't feel it and grieve it, it converts into depression."
"Never let grief be your excuse to hurt yourself."
"Fulfillment can be felt even in the midst of grief."
"Being in the presence of other people when you're grieving, even if they don't say anything, is important."
"You will not get over, you will learn to live with it."
"If you're tethering your ability to quell your grief or deal with your addiction to a belief in a deity, and something happens that unravels that belief system for you, then what happens to your mental health?"
"We are all hurting. Our officers, our fire department, our families, all of our staff, our community. We're heartbroken."
"Even as we grieved, we grew; even as we hurt, we hoped; even as we tired, we tried; we'll forever be tied together victorious."
"My brother passed away September 4th of 2019...I just remember after he passed away, it was very devastating to my family."
"Grief, I've learned, is really just love. It's all the love you want to give but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow of your chest."
"In letting go and allowing themselves to live, they're not denying, they're not abandoning Derek; they're celebrating what he didn't have the opportunity to have."
"If you're somebody, for instance, who is grieving so intensely and so often that you're finding it immensely difficult to move through grief at a reasonable rate, and you might even say, or find yourself diagnosed with prolonged grief disorder or with complicated grief syndrome in a way that's really impairing your adaptive functioning in life."
"However, the process of grief can't be distilled down to one molecule, one circuit, such that we can say, 'Oh, you know, take this supplement or eat this diet and/or exercise in the following way, and you'll recover from grief more quickly.' It's simply not the case."
"It's time to change and it's time to let go of the belief that we shouldn't grieve. We need to cry so hard as humanity right now for the beauty that we have missed."
"Money doesn't mean shit when somebody you love the most in the world dies. And so this is perspective time."
"If it already disturbs you that we're talking about grief the way that Viagra commercials talk about erections, then you're paying attention."
"Isn't grief normal? Isn't it the most human thing in the world to have grief? Isn't it an utterly essential, if painful, part of the human experience?"
"Grief is love deprived of its object... somebody said somewhere that grief is love with no place to go."
"A drug can't solve grief unless they come up with a drug to raise the dead."
"I held you in my arm and head till your last breath but I'll have my aching heart for you love always."
"This is about getting justice for our families here in New York who are grieving their loved ones who deserve answers."
"Lauren's death hit the family hard, like it would with anyone who lost somebody so young, but for them, it was almost too much to bear."
"How much vagal tone exists in the person, when they suddenly found themselves in the grief episode."
"In our understanding of how attachments and grief are represented in the brain, this can be an immensely beneficial practice."
"Indeed, moving through grief requires a specific form of neuroplasticity, a reordering of brain connections, and also the connections between the brain and body."
"I've reached that final stage of grief: acceptance."
"The biggest differentiator between how someone handles grief is whether they've had closure in their life with that person."
"Having those conversations with someone gives them clarity, so it's a different kind of grieving because you have closure."
"Many of you have probably heard that there are designated stages of grief that everybody moves through. Turns out that recent research refutes that idea."
"Grieving is not depression, and depression is not necessarily grieving. They can coexist, but they are separable as well, and indeed, reflect separate brain circuitries entirely."
"Let yourself miss that person because at the end of the day they're not coming back."
"These are names, these are someone who someone is still crying, still missing, heartbroken."
"Grief is a natural emotion that most everybody experiences at some point in their life."
"Every choice comes with loss... there is no choice that doesn't have loss and therefore some grief attached to it."
"What hurt the most, though, wasn't saying their name but was saying how they died."
"It is normal, natural, proper, and right for parents, after the baby is deceased, to say 'I want to see my baby, I want to hold my baby, I want to touch the baby's fingers before we put the baby away.'"
"In some cases it's obvious, because we had a very close relationship to that person or animal, but in other cases, it's bewildering, because somehow, despite our best efforts, we are unable to reframe and shift our mind to the idea that the person or animal that at one point was here, and so very present, is now gone."
"We essentially map our experience of people in three dimensions. They relate to space, where people are, time, when people are, and a dimension called closeness."
"The process of moving through grief adaptively in a healthy way, involves maintaining the attachment, but uncoupling that attachment from the space and time representation of that person, animal, or thing that we had before."
"Grief is like the weight on your heart when somebody that you care about goes away. You carry them in your heart, and you've got to get used to carrying that new weight."
"We grieve for a family that will never return from a walk on a tranquil Sunday night."
"We stand with you in the face of the unbelievable pain and suffering you're enduring right now. We grieve with you."
"Grief is the process of uncoupling, unbraiding, and untangling that relationship between where people are in space, in time, and our attachment to them."
"Allow yourself to grieve and be comforted. Allow yourself to have peace in the midst of your trial."
"Majora's Mask... deals with some heavy subjects such as loss, the five stages of grief, and the acceptance of death."
"I have never lost anybody close to me that I could say, 'I'm hurt,' until now."
"It's been a lot going on; she definitely had a friend that passed away, and I've seen her going through a lot."
"Like a switch that you can flip and suddenly not feel grief, but it does point to a specific set of mechanisms or a specific set of steps that you can engage in order to start to move through the grieving process in the most adaptive and effective way."
"What sorrow compares to a mother's grief? What kind of monster preys on children?"
"Pain is funny, and death can be funny, and grief can be funny."
"You will never leave what you don't properly grieve."
"You cannot grieve what you don't properly agree."
"Realizing how much Itachi loved him, Sasuke is overcome with grief."
"It hurts, there's a lot of grief in the process, but in some cases, when you get to the other side, while that hurt may always linger, sometimes, especially in narcissistic family systems, it's not unusual and may be a tool of control, but ultimately it may not always be a bad thing that it happened."
"You won't ever get over the pain, but you'll learn how to deal with it."
"Grief is a natural response to loss...the emotional suffering you feel when something or someone you love is taken away from you."
"Grief is us recalibrating our brains for a world without one of its central pieces."
"Grief is not an evil emotion; it is a human emotion that is a natural, normal part of the healing process."
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."
"Grief has always been an unavoidable part of the human experience."
"Acceptance of grief can also be forming an entirely new concept of home or outlook on life."
"Grief is a universal experience that reframes everything in our lives."
"You are not alone in your sorrow, and there's no shame in grieving for those you love."
"Grief can only survive if we feed it. So instead of fighting grief, remember that grief is just our own love persevering."
"The trick isn't pummeling the grief; it's transforming the grief."
"Our grief may be an inextricable rot within us, but it does not define who we are."
"Grief is often thought about as something that is painful... it's not something that people even want to interact with. But it felt so beautiful to me."
"It doesn't take away the pain, doesn't take away the sadness, but it gives you permission to still enjoy things and find reasons that you're still here."
"Grief itself is the natural reaction to loss. It's the body and mind's way of healing wounds caused by loss of something precious."
"While grief can feel awful, it is a healthy and adaptive process of healing."
"One of the themes in the year of 2022 is going to be collective grief."
"When we wake up to realizing that we have been relying on our internalized idea... it can trigger a profound grief."
"Grief is a vehicle that provides clarity and is a cleansing mechanism of your mind."
"You can't go around being grief-stricken all the time, but you're allowed moments."
"They didn't just take a son; they took a brother, a nephew, a grandchild."
"Grieving can be overwhelming but necessary... Only then can we move past the pain."
"Nothing compares to the loss of those who lost loved ones."
"The best way through pain and loss and grief is to find purpose."
"I had to teach myself how to breathe again in a world without you."
"Surrendering to tears, just letting it flow, or any emotions, such as grief when you experience loss, that is when you really are flowing with life."
"For the passing of Annie Lay and causing tremendous pain to all who loved and cared about Annie, I am truly sorry."
"The pain of grief is not there when we learn that love is not in a person but love is just around them, surrounds them, soaks into them but not confined to one particular being."
"Depression is not the necessary outcome; the response to the death of a close one is not depression, it's grief."
"She is the sustaining Factor helping him to deal with his grief over Diana."
"All of my hopes, all my dreams, and they're just they were just taken."
"Godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death."
"Grief and loss...seem like negative things and they absolutely are negative things, but they're also not negative things, they're just a thing."
"Sorry is not going to bring my mom back. Your carelessness took away my mom."
"Dean, it's okay to cry. Something tragic happened. Go ahead and cry."
"We are the ones who carry that. We think about it, we remember them, and it can be sometimes even for our entire lives."
"I know the anguish that they have been through, unable to mourn their relatives, unable to live their lives as they want, or to do the things they love."
"Grieving the loss of a child is a process. It begins on the day that your child passes and ends the day the parent joins them."
"I don't show any emotion because if I do, I won't stop crying."
"What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear."
"To lose a father who is still alive, to grieve a parent that is still here, leaves a person with a deep wound."
"Grief is like a wave... Whenever that wave comes, you gotta learn how to ride it out."
"Even if there is justice at the end of the day, our loved one is gone, and we would rather have them here than anything."
"You lose a part of yourself when somebody that close to you passes. You're never the same."
"You have grieved for some of it, but if you're not indifferent to that person, you didn't grieve."
"Time is going to pass. There are still grieving phases to go through."
"Joy is a state of mind that actually is there even when you're in grief."
"Between all the sci-fi mind games and portal gun-less dimension hopping, this show is doing something else: It's showing us two different and seemingly opposite strategies for coping with grief."
"You're going to need time to grieve the old you that you are stepping away from and you're going to need time to get to know the new you that you are stepping into."
"I visit my daughter in a cemetery because of it; it's not okay."
"The grief blinded me to how brightly they shone in their final moments."
"Grief is often a recognition of something beautiful being taken from us. Without any beauty or goodness, there is no sadness in the loss of that thing."
"You haven't really felt grief until you felt it sober."
"We lost our dog Princessa, and ever since then, my wife has been devastated."
"John stated that he would be taking time off for his children and to properly grieve."
"Forgive me for now, but it deals with a subject that I think hits home for all of us: the subject of grief."
"It's been devastating since I lost my best friend and my mom. We talked every day and we had so many plans left unfulfilled."
"There's a club. The Dead Dad's Club. And I’m really sorry you had to join the club."
"For all who have laid a child in a grave, or wept over the casket of a spouse, or grieved over the death of a parent or someone they loved, the resurrection is a source of great hope."
"Our friends who died gave us their love, and we changed because of that."
"If you've had somebody pass in your life and you feel like you didn't spend enough time with them... trust me, I really think that all of us feel that way, no matter how much time we get with the people that we love."
"I'm using the grief to build a belief that I'm a winner every day, so I don't fear anymore."
"A Promising Young Woman is not a film about revenge; it is about grief."
"When he saw Viole's body, he was very sad and blamed himself for that incident by beating the wall until his hand was injured."
"Our shared grief is a poignant reminder that our collective future will hinge on our ability to recognize our common humanity and to act together."
"We never forget that behind this number, behind each one, is a name, a loss, and a family that will never be the same again."
"She's like, 'I'm Donna, I'm just a small town lady whose husband just died, and like I'm looking to start life all over again.'"
"Hereditary is an utterly enthralling deconstruction of grief that just so happens to come with a few jump scares."
"We are grieving the loss of a familiar way of life... We must go through the stages of grief to get to the other end of this."
"Loss is a collaborative art between the people who leave us and those who remain. We dance with the shadows of their absence."
"Pet Sematary... I loved the deep exploration of grief in this book."
"Grief is a testament to our love. It's not a glitch, it's not a pathology, it's a profound form of love."
"Grief isn't something that you get over. I believe you get used to it. It's like carrying a stone in your pocket. It doesn't go away, but you get used to the weight."
"The scream of a parent who had found who they had been looking for, their child, is guttural, primal, the deepest purest form of pain."
"Grieving is another good example of this emotional processing thing where, like, some people don't grieve, and then they stay stuck."
"The heartbreak is palpable. You really don't get over this stuff. You don't get through it. I mean, you just continue to live with it on a daily basis."
"Grief is one of the ways you keep them alive."
"We grieve, but we have hope, we have confident hope that there's got to be more than this world."
"Even in laughter the heart may ache, and joy may end in grief."
"You'll never get over such a tragedy, but you can get through it."
"There is no reason why these three young Army reservists should be dead now, and their families grieving. There is absolutely no reason that they should have been there in the first place."
"A father should never see their child die before them."
"There's no one way we all grieve. There's no one way that we all deal with anxiety and stress when we're nervous; it shows up completely different in all of us."
"The sadness quickly turned into anger, the same kind of anger I felt towards those that were responsible for Rachel's death."
"Why Bobby Anne? Why make us suffer to know her final hours were spent being tortured destroys us inside."
"It's tragic to lose somebody. And you struggle with not knowing and you build a wall."
"We don't value grieving. There's no place for grieving in our society."
"You are all the ancestors that went before you. And all of them survived grief."
"It comes in waves honestly; there's days when I'm fine and others I'll just crumble. We love her; it's always going to be a part of us."
"I loved him... I'm speaking for Dillon right now. I didn't get to have a voice. My life was cut too short."
"You don't grieve something you don't care about."
"Grief is the sadness of something that you love passing."
"It's probably the saddest thing you can go through, but yes, I just wanted to talk about respect as a whole and having respect for families."
"Grief isn't containable in a day or a month or a year."
"The day that I found out that the baby had died, I didn't have anyone to just fall apart on, and that's what I needed, that's what I wanted."
"The first line of change with anything through grief or anything like that is talking about how you feel."
"Can you think of your own mother dancing with her invisible son, like she's dancing with a picture of her invisible son who was just taken away from her?"
"Grief, no matter what, no matter if it's sudden or if you expect it, is hard. And I think that that's another thing that people need to talk about because the more that we talk about it, the more understanding and the more connected we can feel."
"I experienced grief the whole time. I was losing pieces of my mom...anticipatory grief is real."
"Grief is the natural response to bereavement."
"Grieving involves experiencing those things, feeling that moment-to-moment emotional experience, thinking about what does this mean for my future."
"Three years after the death of his wife Mary to an illness, James Sunderland has received a letter from his deceased significant other, asking him to come meet her at their special place in Silent Hill."
"We open our hearts to it, to grieve is to love."
"Grieve fully, and at the same token, once those tears have been dried, really allow yourself to feel in the present moment what the gifts are, because they will not be here forever."
"I wish we'd never looked for you because she is dead and gone, and we were never gonna get her back."
"A random death lottery of half of everyone you know would be very traumatic, and grief is just so unfathomable."
"You cannot now believe that you will ever feel better. But this is not true. You're sure to be happy again, and knowing this, truly believing it will make you less miserable now. -Abraham Lincoln"
"Even when we expect it, death is extremely painful because the idea of losing someone isn't the same as actually losing them."
"Those who suffer loss live suspended between a past for which they long and a future for which they hope."
"Have you ever lost someone close to you? Have you ever attempted to speak with the dead? Would you attend a ritual? Are you willing to explore what scares you?"
"When this nightmare happened, it killed me inside. My heart's been broken; it will never mend. All that's left is a big empty hole."
"There are no more triple hugs, no more 'I love you's, no more memories to be made. Just emptiness."
"Grieving the living is more difficult than grieving the dead because they're still out there."
"We're stuck between hope and grief because we want to hope for the best, but we can't grieve because we don't know what happened."
"It's tough to move on and grieve without knowing what happened and why."
"The tears of grief that consumed Nashville, Tennessee, just 10 days ago over the murders of young children and school staffers are replaced tonight by cries of anger and accusations after an extraordinary move by Tennessee House Republicans."
"We need to create the space for people to be able to grieve, to come together, to mourn the loss of George Floyd."
"Grief presupposes having loved, presupposes the judgment that this person's specific, bounded existence was valuable, was something that should have been, even in its inevitably imperfect and vulnerable form."
"Our job is to grow ourselves bigger around the hole by taking the best parts of that person who died and trying to incorporate them into your own life."
"Every time I look at the muddy boots in the basement, I'm reminded of the many months searching for my son, Stephen. No matter how much I rinse off the boots, the dirt and the mud still remain."
"A very hard thing for a parent to do is to call the county morgue... I would ask the morgue for any new John Does that fit Stephen's height, weight, and physical characteristics."
"We are grieving the loss of a way of life. The way that we were living our lives... we've lost that; it's been taken from us."
"I still hear his voice ringing in my ears. Somebody took that precious life away for no reason. I don't think I can ever forgive that."
"What happens when you get stuck in one of these stages? What happens when you are unable to stop grieving, unable to stop mourning? Well, then what happens is called persistent complex bereavement disorder, also known as complicated grief, also known as prolonged grief disorder."
"Grief is a natural reaction. It should not be stigmatized; it should not be medicalized. It's good to grieve. Grieving, mourning is a form of processing adverse input, adverse experiences. It's a human reaction to loss, absence, and death."
"The only thing you can do is grieve for as long as you need to and then focus on how much you loved them."
"Grief is the emotion commonality between all of humanity."
"I can't imagine the gaping hole in their hearts through this whole process. It is unimaginable to think about."
"Grief doesn't have a timeline. It changes day by day."
"Grief changes everything in your life. It changes your relationship with friends and people, it changes your relationship with yourself."
"Grief isn't linear. There are lots of stages to go through."
"We are heartbroken and devastated by this senseless loss."
"The loss of a parent is dramatically superior to the loss of a pet. Everybody handles loss differently."
"I was so joyful that I had that last experience with her, but so saddened and horrified."
"Identifying the killer was all police could do to help a grieving family."
"This movie handles the topic of grief very well."
"How is it okay that mothers have to see videos online of people gloating about their children being murdered?"
"Millions of us are trying to understand why we are feeling this deep and personal and almost familial sense of loss."
"Janette was distraught, she was hysterical, she just screamed."
"Why am I crying? I'm crying because I'm mad, I'm crying because he died, he's dead."
"As the families and friends of the mh-17 victims mourn, the world watches and waits to see what Russia will do next."
"The news of Mipha's death filled all the Zora with grief."
"A's motivation for creating Scaramouche was rooted in grief and hatred of death."
"It's one of the worst things in the world to lose a child."
"I really admire how you've turned your grief into a superpower."