
Aspirations Quotes

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"Friendship is an incredibly strong force in making one feel like certain things are possible or worth reaching for."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"These are essential things to understand about oneself if you want to guide yourself toward your aspirations."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What motivates people, what are the goals towards which people aspire, what gets people out of bed in the morning, what makes people tick?"
"The internet that was non-predatory is an obvious idea and many of us know that we want it."
"Feel in alignment with the highest version of your self-identity. You feel like, 'Oh, I match where I want to be.'"
"I'm currently writing book four, but I don't want to be rich or famous or any of that. I just want to keep it a small thing that I'm sharing with you guys."
"You are meant for so much more, and you deserve so much more."
"You're wanting quality time, you're wanting something bigger."
"Focus on how you want to feel in life, not the results that you want."
"My dream for this device isn't an infinite computer monitor; it's more connection with the people that I love."
"I don't want my kids to live like this. We're better than this."
"Every young man out here is not looking for an OnlyFans model, IG model. They just want a regular young girl that they can build with and create a legacy."
"I never prayed to be famous; I prayed to be effective."
"We always want more for our kids than we do for ourselves."
"My New Year resolution, definitely more short form content, um, more sponsorships, travel more, find a husband, just kidding."
"You're stepping into your power of what you deserve and what you really want."
"Humanity had learned to survive through catastrophic disasters, pestilence, wars, and holocausts. Now, we aspired to seek out new lives among the stars."
"If we can have her and the rest of our kids live a good life, then that's all you want as a parent."
"It's not that you ask for too much, you ask for far too little."
"I want to sing, I want to dance, I want to touch the sky with my own two hands."
"I'm in love with New Jersey, love to be on the beach, nice house, three kids, and a healthy family."
"Peace. Peace of mind. I'm telling you, that's what I want."
"If you could do anything, what would it be? The answer dwells in your heart, not in your mind, for the heart is the gateway to the soul."
"Goals in general are good, they give you something to shoot for."
"Our desire for drama is an expression of our more fundamental aspirations to feel alive. When that need isn't being met in a healthy way, our efforts to compensate lead for unhealthy addictions."
"This whole journey is about ending something old and starting something brand new, which is going to bring you closer to your true desires and aspirations."
"What are you waiting for? The life you dreamed of awaits you."
"Never get old, never be rude, never show off, never be selfish, never fall down, never fail, never show fear, never get out of line."
"With academics and adventures abound, Copperdale is now home to many families seeking a small town life with big city dreams for themselves and their teens."
"Give yourself permission to dream with the lid off."
"Live above your generation. Live beyond where everybody else is."
"I want to please Him more than ever in my life. To be honest with you, I want to end well. When I go to glory, I want Him to smile."
"You should never sacrifice your own dreams and your own hopes and your own aspirations."
"Go on a hike with fam. Yes, this is something that I have wanted to do for so long."
"His game-making aspirations began with a development tool for the DSi known as Petit Computer."
"I want to bake bread... If I was like 40 and I had a bakery and I made good delicious bread for my neighborhood."
"Whether it's an adult or whether it's a teenager who has this dream of being a star, they're probably being reminded on a regular basis...that if you leave, there's a thousand more people lined up right behind you to take your spot."
"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need."
"Your peer group is going to be responsible for not only setting your standards in life but also what you aspire to."
"Lauren Giddings was a warm, kind person who should have been able to get married, have an amazing career, maybe even have children one day."
"In succeeding and helping ordinary people achieve their dreams, we can say, 'Why do you want a dream to be an Instagram star? Hey, that's Zoomers, man.'"
"Life was never intended to be about just paying bills and being here."
"Right now, there are creative things that I want to express and they're not about chasing money, they're more like inspirations that I have."
"Focus on your dreams, focus on your aspirations, and do not lose sight of what is truly important."
"Britney Spears was like my goal to dance with when I was younger."
"Do you find yourself dreaming of something better than the life you lead?"
"Can you imagine if we were able to plant like 500 trees or remove like 500 pounds of trash from the ocean? Like how cool would that be?"
"Forget about money... you have to focus on what you want to put out."
"We're going to have... we're going to have a cow, some pigs, we're going to have maybe a chicken. Down the flat, we'll have a little patch of alfalfa for the rabbits."
"Emotionlessness is not the masculinity we should be aspiring towards; emotional maturity is."
"She deserves better than the life that she had."
"They really want to live their best lives, they really want to live very intensely."
"There's too many people out there that...want the lifestyle. They don't actually want to do the hard work."
"Aspirations are rising as never before because of access to the internet. Everyone knows how everyone else lives."
"What does your dream self look like? If you could write any book and map out how you'd want your life to be, what would that look like?"
"We want to ensure that our kids live in a nation that is safe, happy, healthy, and fair."
"If President Obama, who aspired to be Nelson Mandela, were tweeting out the sort of stuff... I'd be a lot more angry than with Donald Trump, who aspires to be in the WWE Hall of Fame."
"There is nothing wrong with trying to change your life to give yourself and your children, your grandchildren, a better lifestyle."
"The purpose of 'black women deserve luxury' is to give black women permission to want more out of life and help us understand that we deserve more than what society has conditioned us to believe."
"You're not alone in your struggles because a lot of these goals or aspirations that I have for this new year are actually born out of some of the struggles that I've been experiencing."
"Never stop dreaming, because it's our dreams that allow us to reach places that sometimes our so-called reality traps us in."
"I want my three jewels to know this, my greatest goal is for them to have a better future than the generations of women before them."
"You give this person the opportunity to create something that they always wanted but didn't know they could have."
"We could probably change what vessel that is, is to think of better ways we can live our lives and then to go and chase them."
"Growing up in Palo Alto, California, Jeremy Lin had a dream like any other kid who played basketball: he wanted to play in the greatest league in the world."
"A starter home is more than just a first step on the property ladder; it's a foundation for future aspirations and a testament to the resilience of dreams."
"Life is bigger than just aspirations that I have for myself. I want to change the world in some way."
"Reaching this financial, time, and location freedom doesn't have to live only as a daydream."
"The key to a happy life is to have something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to."
"Nothing has changed since that day in the playground... I'm still trying to climb up, still alone trying to reach something that I can't fully grasp."
"We want to be the best place in the world to be a child."
"Constantly saving people with a fearless smile, he's the greatest hero, and I want to be just like him."
"I want to work more, but I also have the mindset of true success is I can afford to work less."
"The idea of just wanting to make hell an easier place to live in, rather than... still trying to get the Sinners into heaven."
"We don't soar to the level of our goals and dreams; we stay stuck at the level of our self-worth."
"Put on your crown, queen, and go figure out what it is that you want and deserve."
"When you tell stories, you reveal your whole world, your values, your aspirations, your hang-ups."
"The good relationships of today are often much better than the relationships of the past, but not that many people can climb Mount Olympus because the view at the top is phenomenal, but the air is also much thinner and not everyone can reach it."
"We all aspire to have this dream, you know, 'Oh Allah, give us from our offspring imams, scholars, people that will serve this deen.'"
"What do I want out of life? What do you want out of a job, a career, a relationship? What gives you your life?"
"I just wish politics in this country was about what we can do to make American lives better."
"I only want to live a long, happy, and healthy life, and I pray that each of you are able to do the same."
"I really want this to be the best year yet. I feel it."
"It's not about where you come from, it's where you're going at in life."
"One of my dreams... I want to play Brahms with Condoleezza Rice. I just think this would be an amazing life experience."
"I always tell my mom I'm living her what she would want to do had she not had 10 children."
"Whatever you're dreaming about, start to think about it more, but have sweet thoughts towards it."
"She just wants to be socialite Barbie and live her best social life Barbie life."
"No game developer ever wants to release a bad game."
"This really is what I want to do in life, like I want to be a person that sitting in a circle with a bunch of women who are hoes and give them advice."
"My mother used to always say to us, 'We have a beer pocketbook, but we have champagne tastes,' meaning that we had high aspirations."
"You can have, do, and become anything you want. If it doesn't violate the laws of physics, you can have it, do it, become it."
"It does not matter who you are today; it only matters who you want to become and the price you're willing to pay to get there."
"I just want them to have the possibility to do anything they want."
"My ultimate goal would be to get nominated for an Emmy for Challenge Accepted."
"I hope that by the time I fall asleep forever, I will have left a good impression on the world."
"Twilight Zone to me, for sure, but I would go world-class actor, like Daniel Day-Lewis or something."
"Happiness, strength, and health. That is what I want for my child. Is that love? Yes. That's love."
"Six years from now, I want people to prioritize education. Let the children be the future scientists, future leaders, future educators, future professionals that they aspire to be."
"Dream bigger. What good money can do for you? What's your rich life?"
"Always spoke to me, be a better man than I am, in every way, shape, form, and fashion. And don't... Don't strive to, uh, beat me, set higher standards for yourself."
"The only thing I ever wanted to do was to be human."
"It's good to have aspirations and something to work towards and goals and people to motivate you."
"I am a father of three, including two daughters, and I want them to flourish in workplaces of their choosing."
"Everything I ever dreamed of lives in the sky, and I must jump every single day to go reclaim what's mine."
"It is my lifelong dream to have my very own escape room."
"I spend very little of my day thinking about the life I want to create for me and a lot about the life I want to create for my children."
"This person will support any goals and dreams that you do have."
"My life goal is to just die with memories, not dreams."
"We have aspirations to basically become Star Trek."
"Everyone wants to be able to give their children a decent education and allow those children to pursue their dreams."
"Living a life without resentment is a great goal."
"Sometimes life doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve so much more."
"I think this is everybody's dream, I think we've all stared longingly at pictures of home libraries that have stuff like this."
"It was such like a treat and such a bucket list like vacation to me."
"You can have one idea of what you want to do but you also have to live within reality and things change."
"If I do nothing else in my life, I would give my daughter everything I never had."
"I think it looks really fun. I wanna do that. Goal."
"This is about your dreams and your goals, what you've yearned for in your wildest dreams."
"I am somebody who...I'm a dreamer. I dream big, and I have a lot of ideas of what I want to do with my life."
"Like many little girls, Rylee wanted to be a teacher when she grew up."
"I've never climbed a tree before; I always wanted to, but was never allowed to."
"I want to see her be a child. I want to see her be the kid that I had."
"Tsunade dreams of a Konoha where Dan is Hokage."
"She usually said that she wanted to be either a fashion designer or an Olympic swimmer, so this girl was shooting for the absolute stars."
"Baby girl's got to go to college. Baby girl's going to Harvard, baby!"
"My son, who I love dearly, has a strategy to have his dad buy him a 911 Targa Porsche. It's not gonna happen."
"Evaluate yourself: Where are you? Are you where you need to be? Are you desirable? If you are, what do you desire? And are your desires realistic?"
"Shoot for the stars, 'cause who knows, you might just land on the moon."
"Young people...want something real, we want love, we want our careers to be meaningful."
"Hopefully they go to the schools that they are dreaming of, and they can pursue the field that they are like, and hopefully one day they come back to the country and be part of the rebuilding of Afghanistan."
"You weren't born to let your dreams, your hopes, and your aspirations pass you by. You're born to fly."
"Your goals, your dreams, your passions, your aspirations, if you're not getting to them, they are likely at some place, rooted, connected to a fight-or-flight response."
"There are many scary stories happening inside this university, but believe me, being able to study at this place is one of the wildest dreams of many students, even though it would give them awful nightmares."
"There's always the thought of the Cinderella story. Susie's never even won a regional title, let alone a world title. You know, what if he can go all the way?"
"I'm not seeking sympathy from it. I'm just sort of remarking, Bill, that when I hear my life described, it sounds so cool, and indeed was everything I aspired to as a young man."
"The younger generation wants to know if the American dream is still alive."
"This for me is freedom and this is what the new generation is looking for."
"The idea of somewhere in America or Canada, you know, lakes, snow, log cabin by the hearth, that's one that I've yet to live out."
"Reforms launched from the top of society must meet the aspirations of citizens who form its foundation."
"Long term, I'm bad at all those things you mentioned because of my real aspiration, which is to fundamentally change the trajectory for minorities in America."
"Instruct the children not to dream of toys or sweets. Instruct them to dream of infrastructure."
"There's so many different lives I want to live and not enough time to live all of them."
"Oh, Disney World, yeah, I'd love to see what they say if they want to take me."
"You should always be careful what you wish for because the grass isn't always greener on the other side."
"I'd be lying if I knew what I wanted to be when I grow up, but I know that I just want to make my grandparents happy and most importantly, my parents proud."
"It's great to ask kids, 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' But one thing that might be added to that question is, 'What five things do you want to be when you grow up?'"
"I have learned that anything I asked for, not some things, my theme this year is your everything is anything."
"Our success as a government in doing this, and as a society in doing it, will mean an India with very different capabilities, very different skills, very different demand, very different aspirations, and obviously, very different business."
"We could be anything and we could do anything."
"If you can be happy in your relationship, that's the goal."
"Kratos is terrified of raising his son the wrong way... he wants his son to live a better life than he did."
"Overwatch should be an inclusive game space. It's an inclusive, aspirational universe, and the gameplay experience should match what Overwatch is hoping to achieve."
"They had so much of dreams. They have tons of dreams and how they want to go and work, they want to buy houses, they wanted to build their lives by themselves and as different individuals and be successful."
"Success is going to find you in your career, especially if you're looking for career success."
"They want to see you have really good success in your life, with or without them."
"If we want a high quality future, we must reject a low quality present."
"It's been years, but I can still smell the air. It was thick with aspirations as your father and I started our journey across the vast ocean."
"It's based, like I said, it's me talking about who I am, who I'm not, who I want to be, who I don't want to be, who I can't be, you know. It's everything."
"Their highs really are the stuff dreams are made of."
"I want to do something that people will watch and be shocked."
"We both agree that the word of god is the bible that we have today."
"Throw up that sort of desire, that wish, like they are the cups into the sky."
"Everything you desire is inevitable for you."
"I don't want to be like my father. I want to be there for my child, for all children."
"Think through what the operations are to support your aspirations."
"May he grant you your heart's desire and fulfill all your plans."
"I think we should just assume that we can... what if all the excuses in the world though of like 'my parents won't let me do this,' or 'where I grew up,' or 'I don't have the education,' you still think it's possible?"
"Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream!"
"I just want to see positive change in the world."
"I hope that someday villains of this level will be the standard."
"I realized wow, this is what I really want to do. I want to travel the world and see these things."
"We were among many families who ventured to a new land with hopes and dreams."
"If you value yourself, bro, you're gonna want more for yourself or do better."
"I want a great story that's really what I want out of this."
"Japan is super high on my list for a really long time."
"I do hope that the character that I'm playing right now shows people that are watching TV that I can act."
"Everyone's idea of success is different, but to me, it's those things that I fantasized about as a kid."
"They want to make your dreams come true and make you really happy."
"Lucky that what black people are looking for is equality and not revenge."
"Thanks so much for watching, I appreciate it, and I'll see you guys soon. Peace out."
"I just wanted you to watch me swim through piles of money. It's pretty cool."
"I want to be the best version of myself off the field as well."
"I thought if I had it, I'd finally be special like my sisters. When I wore it, all I cared about was what it would do for me, not what I could do for you."
"I want my daughter to live the best life possible."
"Every day in your life right now if somebody came to you and said Nick you can be as big as Ronnie Coleman or as aesthetic as Chris Bumstead okay I'll pick him that's one side you look so much better."
"I just want to be a normal 18-year-old college student trying to better my future and get into a career in nursing."
"It's just that impossible goal to achieve and if you can it's a great goal to have."
"To any of the aspiring voice actors who watch this video, I wish you luck."
"The point of the superhero is to give people a beacon of what they might aspire to be."
"It's easy to list the things I wanted, but it's not easy to live it."
"Ultimately you want to feel like the best version of yourself."
"Instead of criticizing her lack of a nine to five they related to the dream of one day being rich enough to have a do-nothing job."
"That's a nice dream...women do dream and long for that kind of thing."
"Just want a peaceful life, where I can see my kids grow."
"I say wild things like yeah I mean I'm probably G to be driving a G Wagon in like two years."
"You can grow up to be anything you want and treat others with respect."
"May all that you wish for yourselves... come to pass and may you be happy and prosperous and safe in 2024."
"If you have anything inside of you that's like 'Man, I really wish I could do that, I really want to do that.' Do it."
"I don't want to be president; I want to be on the YouTubes with y'all."