
Emotional Expression Quotes

There are 4196 quotes

"I wake up every morning since then just, I don't even make the conscious decision to allow my self to cry, I wake up crying."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Art really saved my time in the hospital, and it helped me kind of like put my pain and suffering into something."
"The problem isn't so much that we're encouraged to feel grateful for good things in our life, but that we're forbidden from expressing thoughts or feelings which contradict the message that we must at all times feel grateful."
"Being a man doesn't mean holding your emotions in."
"Start by vocalizing your emotions and sharing them with someone else. This creates space in your mind for things like curiosity or excitement."
"Anger's core message is a concise and potent 'no', said as forcefully as the moment demands."
"Gratitude is great but maybe not every single second of the day. You gotta get your emotions out in a healthy way."
"Talk about it, understand it, express it, let it out. But it's really important that you don't hold that emotion against each other."
"May the last whisper of your name fade and be forgotten."
"Our feelings will come out in behaviors, in a short temper, in anxiety, in too much food or wine or time on the internet."
"The goal for me is to have a young boy who's able to express himself well because society has taught boys that they're not allowed to have feelings and emotions."
"Journaling...can get a lot of the feelings out and on paper, it's a way to relieve stress."
"I'm not okay, I'm sorry, I already told you I laugh at everything."
"Language is not an ideal and maybe even a deficient tool in terms of describing our emotions and our states of mind and body."
"Laughing and crying, that's all you actually get."
"Expression of emotion is part of the Sunnah."
"I'm not saying men should just be sobbing their butt off every [___] place they go, but they should be able to express their emotions to their partner, with their friends, and they should have a healthy outlet to do so."
"If you push stuff down... eventually they're going to start bubbling up."
"I'm extremely grateful for y'all, like for everything; you don't even, I don't even know how to begin to explain it."
"It's okay to cry, everybody. It's okay to cry."
"How can we create a world where it's okay to say the disappointments out loud, can we say our frustrations out loud, can we say the things that break our heart and make us sad out loud, the same as we're going to say the wins out loud?"
"I remember crying in the car and I was listening to 'For Good' from Wicked in the car on the drive... and just wept."
"Communication is about expressing your feelings. They deserve to be heard and respected."
"It feels like there's been a lot of confessions going on right now. I'm in love with you. You are truly the light in my world."
"Dear Journal, I've been trying the art of poem writing. Poetry has a way of speaking to the heart and hiding secret messages."
"It's exhausting to be friends with guys too because if you're friends with girls, they tend to be pretty forthcoming and expressive about their emotions, which is really nice."
"Women just are more comfortable expressing how they feel about their friends."
"It used to be considered masculine to cry; in fact, there are historical accounts of Greek generals and soldiers looking on the battlefield and weeping or crying over the dead, which wasn't seen as a weakness but as an expression of their passion."
"Allow the emotions to flow, allow yourself to be seen."
"Being able to fully express your deep emotions."
"Men and women are probably equally emotional, but it's going to be expressed differently in different ways."
"Don't be ashamed of listening to your scream, of letting yourself scream, of following it."
"Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, I thought the power of friendship immediately delivered."
"Talking about your feelings and talking about your failures is an extremely, extremely powerful thing."
"Oh my goodness, I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared."
"I do want to feel love, you know what I mean? I want to be able to give it back."
"Thanks for being my friend, Rhett. I really miss you. I love you too, man."
"I think the sedation word is just such a beautiful term in this one."
"Crying is the most beautiful thing you can do. I encourage people to cry. I cry all the time, and I think it's the most healthy expression of how you're feeling."
"I am no good at articulating my feelings, but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you or that I'm dumb."
"I'm scared to close my eyes, I'm scared to open them."
"I don't know if I agree with the argument, intrinsically, that men are less emotional than women."
"That comes from the damn heart and you can tell too, that's no BS in here."
"When you're in a place of deep soul love, the right person who is capable and is ready and who wants a commitment isn't afraid to express it, emotions will show up."
"If you tell your father or mother or wife or husband 'I love you,' just saying 'I love you' is more effective than saying it many times without feeling."
"In one of Ichigo's most human moments, he succumbs to his tears and cries."
"A person who remembers Allah almighty when he is alone and his eyes begin spilling with tears."
"Mental health struggles are not a cakewalk in the park; it's more like a punch in the face, or a fire in your brain, or rats under your skin."
"It's almost like there's a reason behind that, almost like, um, I don't know, art is a tool for emotional expression that can range throughout the entire human emotional spectrum."
"We're growing up in a generation where it's finally accepted to talk about how we feel."
"A real smile, whether it shows teeth or not, has to reach the eyes."
"They have so much on their chest that they want to say to you but they just don't know how."
"The thing that makes you extra special is you carry all my heart."
"The emotional expression that's allowed from a guy is weird. Men have the same range of emotions as women but they've been limited in what they're allowed to express."
"I used to think you can't have feelings 'cause we're all these alpha males. We can't have feelings. You can't. I feel like that's bullshit. You're just gonna explode."
"Men and boys absolutely cry, and their tears are not portrayed as a sign of weakness."
"He cries, and he tells her the truth about his feelings, demonstrating that he has the courage to be openly vulnerable in front of her."
"It's been a long time since I've felt this way about someone, but I love you."
"I had nowhere to go, and I'm just weeping at his feet, asking for forgiveness, telling him I need him."
"Emotional crying...is often accompanied by vocalizations, sobbing, and increased activity in some of the facial muscles."
"I hope that everyone feels like they got it all released off their chest."
"It felt like a love letter from start to finish."
"I'm a sensitive dude. I wear my heart on my sleeve."
"I think that right now is a great opportunity for you to show that men can be masculine and have feelings and can also regress and think back about what they said."
"You strip it all back, we are humans right, and we have emotion. Islam didn't come to strip us of emotion."
"I wish I'd been more forthcoming with my positive emotions."
"Feel free to let it out; you're allowed to talk about your feelings, you're allowed to express your emotions."
"True tea is all about sharing how you feel right now. It's about sharing what's true to you in this moment. You might be right, you might be wrong, but either way, you're honest."
"It's like watching your heart walk around outside your body."
"Boys Don't Cry is the song that challenges the 'men should never show their emotion' macho BS."
"Kaguya-sama: Love is War... it brings out the emotions of real love."
"It's called art, it's called lyrics, it's an emotional expression, not reality."
"I don't even own a picture of you without your contagious smile."
"I wish I was able to give you a hug and tell you how much you were loved."
"I just want to be whole, you know. I want that so bad."
"I have a father who I've never seen cry...better relationship than we've ever had because she saw a human part of me."
"We all have that song that we put on in our car and cry at the grocery store parking lot."
"You have to fall in love. You cannot rise in love, you cannot stand in love, you cannot lie in love. You have to fall; something of you should fall otherwise it will not work."
"Grief is a testament to our love. It's not a glitch, it's not a pathology, it's a profound form of love."
"The scream of a parent who had found who they had been looking for, their child, is guttural, primal, the deepest purest form of pain."
"You had my heart inside of your hands, and you played it to the beat."
"I wish this was a different timeline where I could highlight all the joy we gave each other."
"I love them deeply, I love them with all my heart."
"I have not stopped smiling and crying happy tears."
"I like this one a lot, and I placed it in the positive category because of this sort of acknowledgment of the fact that yes, what's going on here is a romanticization of sadness."
"I love you more though, but that's impossible."
"The only other critique you hear is, 'Ah, we think he's soft because he cried that one time and because he paints his nails,' which to me is nonsense."
"Our hearts are yearning for celebration, to open up and let light in and hope in."
"Journaling is not just a place where you wallow in distress; it's also a place for solutions."
"Openly acknowledging our hurt and emotional pain isn't a Panacea that immediately solves everything, but it can be a first step towards actually being able to deal with the underlying problems."
"Who would've thought that tears could be used to create the perfect salted chocolate chip cookie?"
"Being honest and saying that you're not in love with something anymore is so powerful and so hard."
"I feel like I've been missing you my whole life. You're my lost paradise."
"You mean the world to me. You are the best thing that ever happened in my life."
"The first line of change with anything through grief or anything like that is talking about how you feel."
"I could let my feelings out. I don't have to hold them in."
"You guys are insane, thank you, I love you guys so freaking much."
"Even the devil may cry when he loses a loved one."
"I lost a friend like keys in a sofa, like a wallet in the back seat, like ice in the summer heat."
"I really like the emo rap sound. It's musically has its own thing and has a mood to it."
"We open our hearts to it, to grieve is to love."
"Men are no longer expected to remain stoic; they can express themselves, admit to vulnerability, and accept that in relationships, there are no set roles."
"Music is about feeling, whether it's negative or positive, it doesn't really matter."
"As William Congreve wrote in his 1697 play, the Mourning Bride--Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman Scorned."
"Dolls without meaning to actually mean a lot."
"I might have tears in my eyes, but I'm going to exalt You."
"True love is something that I've had for a long time and it touched my heart so much."
"I care for you more than you will ever know."
"I mean, if I don't laugh, I will cry, so the hat really is an expression of frustration and everything else that I think we're suffering from as Manchester United fans at the moment."
"Art contains majesty and tragedy and beauty and pain and suffering."
"Wearing your emotions on your sleeve is analogous to wearing a badge of honor."
"After that show was probably the first time in a long time that we've all told each other that we love each other."
"Things are starting to explode. It's getting spooky, getting real spooky."
"Allowing yourself to be upset, allowing yourself to get sad, allowing yourself to get angry, and then move the [ __ ] on."
"I love that God gives us permission to lament."
"Breaking the family silence, I feel like I've been living in this secret bubble for a very long time."
"You're human, so feel how you want to feel. You're mad, be mad. You're sad, be sad. But you cannot sit in it."
"Here I am again, oh but there's really nothing funny about this situation."
"It's better for those words to be on paper than ricocheting inside your mind."
"A man being stoic is not always a positive thing. It's important for a man to be able to express his emotions."
"They were as near to Heaven as we could get."
"We need an outlet for men to be able to be vulnerable. If they want to hold a toy and have a little cry, why can't they?"
"It wasn't until I had the courage to kind of realize I was keeping a journal of things that I wouldn't show anybody and things I wasn't really proud to feel, but I had to get it out somehow."
"We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life."
"I love you, I love you, and everybody on board."
"If only you could see me now, if only you could tell me why."
"You express your emotions best through writing."
"Don't be afraid of those who can kill your body, be afraid of him who can destroy your body and soul in Hell."
"Always loft; always loft; always loved; always loved."
"Express your love and appreciation. It's time to open up your heart and allow for more affection and appreciation in your life."
"It's like a death before death, when you're not there, that's when people miss you."
"I feel like you just need to put your emotions into something."
"A cry he made at a point in the series is sincere but hilarious."
"These emotions that are there, they are very pure."
"Feeling splintered? It goes away when you express real love."
"It's a children's lullaby. This beautiful piano, but sung with grit and heartbreak, and that's event horizon."
"The weight of the Betrayal is evident, his face etched with disbelief and sorrow."
"Come on, give me a hug. It don't count if you don't hug back, buddy."
"Each one is brutally honest in their feelings, yelling ceaselessly into the void, all the while talking past each other and unable to hear the other side."
"Overflowing with raw, unrestrained emotion, linger is bittersweetly beautiful."
"Blurred past evaporating from teardrops, unending dreams carving an arc of smile, and a fleeting life negotiating between the two." - Sushant Singh Rajput
"One of the worst things you can do to a human being is remove the right to say 'I'm hurting'."
"Honestly, I wanted every single word to be heard and felt by everybody."
"It feels joyous, bright, hopeful. Major chords tend to feel more consonant, more positive, a little more comfortable."
"The range of emotions... are all vibrantly displayed."
"Your words can be actual magic; they can create realities between the two of you that allow for more expansion, joy, and love to occur."
"We need to recognize the value of emotional processing even when it's not being supported by others."
"I feel like I can't win so please if you can do it I'll be forever grateful."
"Nobody's actually encouraging any self-harm, what people are talking about is this over emotional crybaby mentality."
"My love for her was beyond measure. I will always love her and always remember her and she will never ever leave my heart."
"Shoes no no not yet yes no yes there we go today is a sad day I just need a fresh pair."
"I love you and everything I have ever done has been motivated by that love."
"Open your heart, express it, and come back laughing. Ha ha ha ha."
"The rage you see on display here is omnidirectional. That rage, the emotional core of that has fed this fire from the beginning."
"I had this theory that the more important and intimate the emotion, the fewer words are required to express it."
"It's kind of the best summary I could do to help express my emotions."
"We are forever grateful for you, the biggest of hugs and tiniest of kisses for the boys, always and forever."
"Noah was the happiest baby that you would have ever seen."
"Confessing your feelings to someone can be difficult."
"Some people are soft. I hate the idea that we're not supposed to be angry about it."
"I hate public grief... crying is so worthless."
"I have no regrets. That's just the type of person I am. When I'm angry, you'll know. When I'm happy, you'll know. And when I'm sad, you'll know it. I don't believe in holding emotions back from people. It just lets people know that you're human."
"It breaks my heart to know what deep pain I have caused."
"Guys I don't know about you but I need a little Justice I need to see Jod Hildebrandt panicked and getting arrested. It's my gavl and my crucifix and I'm ready to go."
"His body is nothing more than sand being held together with bandages, yet he shed some tears."
"Quarantine, quarantine, sometimes you just need to scream."
"You sound like you're having so much fun. I'm about to cry."
"But look, I bloody love it if Spurs beat Man City today. I will bloody love it!"
"I'll bloody love it if Spurs beat Man City today."
"Why is everything so fing hard right now bro?"
"There was so much stuff that was... so fucked up."
"A feeling is just energy, and the energy can't stay inside of us. It has to come out."
"Overflowing love pouring out of their heart."
"You turn loose heaven within me and my love for you goes so deep."
"Voicing your feelings can really help a lot."
"I have such a respect and fascination for dance and how your body can become a vehicle and a channel for your emotions."
"Sometimes you just kind of are horny you know that's that's a thing that could happen mhm that's so beautiful and so freeing."
"I wish I could just give you all a big hug, the support, you know, I'm just so humbled and so honored and so touched."
"It is okay to feel your grief, your loss, your anger, your upset. In fact, it is vital that you feel those things when they come up."
"It's okay to show a little bit vulnerability."
"I realize now more than ever how much you really mean to me."
"When you come from that heart space, you're going in a new direction."
"It's just nothing but pain, chat. It really is."
"A genuine compassion that welled up from her heart."
"He loved Jesus. In personal conversations or on television. I can't recall how many times he would get choked up and emotional talking about the Lord and what the Lord had done in his life and how grateful he was for the Lord."
"Robert Pattinson is so good at acting with just his eyes alone. Just this right here, man, like he is fantastic."
"Many of you guys are going to express yourself and you're going to abandon a connection because you're afraid you're overwhelmed by your own expression."
"This is pure love and passion. The desire that these two people have for each other is off the [ __ ] richter scale."
"They couldn't even stare at each other without breaking into a laugh and a smile."
"I love love. I'm a love guy. I love love. Even talking about it right now, I feel it."
"Expressionism expresses the emotional aspects of humans."
"I'm sorry things had to come to this. I'm sure many of you feel sad and disappointed. I do too. I wish things were different. I wish I could stay with you forever in this form. I'm sorry I can't do that."
"I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry to leave you. I'm sorry to leave you with questions, worries, regrets."
"Dolores felt the need to expand beyond 'I love you' and 'you love me' kind of songwriting."
"I feel guilt and I feel shame, and the only thing that I've thought about since all this has popped off was hit something as hard as I can."
"Let's just love on one another, let's just love is kind love is gentle love is all of these things."
"Why not have smile lines? It shows that you're a happy person."
"To me, it's like a cry for help, 100% a cry for help."
"If we start adopting that if you scared well damn it let me be scary for real."