
Life Appreciation Quotes

There are 3964 quotes

"You're talking about a 200 pound dog... and seeing life drain from his body... that realization that we're here for a short time was made so real."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every day is a miracle. To be a functioning, living organism is a miracle."
"You have to enjoy the little bit of life we have upon this planet; it's just a blessing and prosperity to everyone."
"I do not fear death, I fear not to live fully."
"Most of us do not pay attention to the world around us."
"Enjoy life more and start seeing the goodness in life."
"Life is quick, you know, and I want it to be long. So, how do I make a quick life long? By really embracing and celebrating all the moments rather than just the big ones."
"Life itself is the fundamental gift; everything else is just a bonus. That is freedom. That is happiness."
"The whole thing about a midlife crisis is you go, 'Oh, I'm going to die, so I need to do these things because I don't have that much life left. Life is fleeting.'"
"Every moment is a gift, that's why you have to live your life doing what you want to do, put love, light, and positivity out there."
"I'm so grateful that I have the life that I have today and how quickly I could lose it."
"Life is short, you got to appreciate the people in your life."
"Life passes us by, and we need to take every moment and live it to the best of our ability."
"I just found a beauty in life, like, 'Dude, this is my one shot at life. Let's make the most of it.'"
"Life is short, and I don't want to waste my days feeling 'meh.'"
"We should really spend each moment as if this was our last day on the planet."
"This life, it goes by fast, and sometimes you just got to kick back and enjoy the ride."
"Life is such a gift... aging is such a gift that we're given another day."
"In any moment that we truly aren't resisting, that we're truly opening to the life of the moment, we have the capacity to love more fully."
"Spend time with your loved ones, make sure you tell them you love them, and get the most out of life."
"Stay determined, but don't forget about magic, the essence of the soul, the essence of life, and the ability to enjoy it for all that it is in the present moment."
"The sheer fact that you're alive means that you deserve to feel joy."
"This show is all about living in the present, appreciating the time as it is now, instead of regretting the past or being blinded by the future."
"Your life will become like a gift, a freaking miracle."
"If you love life, don't waste time because time is what life is made of."
"Whether we agree with Dostoevsky or not, his deep insights and brilliant works of literature can help remind us and allow us to feel the same beauty and depth in life."
"Life is good sometimes, what a roller coaster but life is beautiful in that sense."
"Lord, teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."
"We were raised on being thankful that the sun came up another day, and that better be enough for you to be happy today."
"I have this fear that you have very few days in life. And you need to cram them with a lot of things."
"Life is beautiful, and most of the time, you walk through life without taking things in, without enjoying it."
"The meaning of life is that it ends...my cancer patients have shown me that is when you get that feeling of mortality, that it can be fuel for you to live."
"No matter who you are... the fact you're even alive is so incredibly special, and every day is an opportunity to share that gift with the world."
"Make the most of the points in time that make life worth living and making the most of it can be what allows them to grow larger."
"I forget my trauma. I forget the darkness because I have such a beautiful life to live."
"Life is short, it's very short. That's what everyone tells me all the time. They tell me, hey, you gotta cherish every moment in life."
"Caring for life makes it so much easier to live and so much more enjoyable."
"You've got one life. You've got this one precious opportunity. It's a miracle that you're even alive."
"Life is such a beautiful thing; we're so blessed to be here. We can have a beautiful experience, but we just need to focus on creating more of that beautiful experience."
"Just appreciate that you are alive, just appreciate that you have whatever senses now."
"You don't know how grateful you should be for your life until it's almost taken away from you."
"Life is very short, I feel like that's why I take one day at a time and I don't take advantage of it."
"I sometimes think to myself how lucky I am to be sitting here today."
"It's good to check in a lot and understand that stress as you are, as tough as everything seems, life is pretty great."
"How foolish a man can be to breathe air, feel the warmth of the sun, to think, live, run, [expletive], smile, laugh, cry on the energy found in a few pieces of bread, and to not believe in magic."
"This is not a dress rehearsal. You got one shot at this life; it's truly a gift and it could end at any moment."
"You are going to die... Remind yourself you're going to die so you don't forget to live."
"You know when you have just like an epiphany where you're like, 'This is the best day of my life,' even though nothing significant happened at all?"
"Enjoy every moment. That's the whole plan of all the work we do, to enjoy life."
"To be in awe of yourself, to be in awe of the people in life and what they've created, to be in awe of everything."
"Embrace uncertainty. You don't know what's going to happen next, and that's one of the reasons why life is so beautiful."
"I got to wake up, the slap on the face, and the punch in the gut that said, 'Hey, you have one precious life.'"
"I'm just so grateful to be in the position that I'm in, and I'm not doing this to get to another place. If this is all that it is, it's been a pretty [__] good ride, and I'm stoked to be able to wake up every day and come in and talk to amazing people."
"Getting older, you get more mature, you get wiser, and you realize just how precious life really is."
"We look not just with our eyes but with our hearts, suddenly the air becomes crisper, the leaves become greener, the ocean becomes deeper, and life becomes fuller."
"Making the most of this one life that you are given and firmly admitting that you need help is the first step to success."
"Things are life-changing and they plug you back into life itself and what's important."
"Think about how amazing life is. Why can't you just let that in, and frickin' be happy?"
"Life is a real catastrophe, and yet look at how wonderful it is here."
"When you go too fast, you miss the miracles of right here."
"Every day of my life, when I changed to what I'm trying to do today, has felt longer than the 45 years before it. It felt rich. It felt fully lived. It felt right."
"It is so easy to take everything that we have for granted up here."
"Sometimes it's almost like it takes something really difficult to make you realize how good life can be."
"Experiencing some anxiety is about caring about life, and because of that I hope that never goes away completely."
"Accidents sometimes can be very good for somebody... Joshua made me a much better person than I was before, because I realized that the most important thing is living and life."
"I just tried to live every day as if it was the full final day of my extraordinary, ordinary life."
"You get to live another day without cancer; you get to hug, to go spend time with your family."
"You're lucky as [expletive] to get to wake up in the morning and take one breath."
"I am grateful for every single moment in my life."
"The only adventure isn't just going to the moon, so I trained myself to make sure not just the big beautiful things that are part of my life but the little things matter too."
"As long as you're above ground, it's a good day."
"When people say 'be yourself,' what it means to me is like enjoy your fucking life and feel good and enjoy the fucking cool that is your short fucking life and then share that with others as you, as yourself."
"The highest form of gratitude is to get up and live your life, to live that day that is not promised."
"Life is shorter than you think. No one knows how short it is, so take action today."
"I'm a very sweet, caring person. I love life, and I like to make others laugh."
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around every once in a while, you could miss it."
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
"It's time for you to look at those little things in life that are gonna bring you joy."
"Don't stop believing. Believe in life and appreciate the moment."
"I think it brought home to me how quickly you can leave this life and how everyone should enjoy life every and each day as much as you possibly can."
"Life is always better than losing it to something that's not necessary."
"Instead of being depressed about a miserable future and being insignificant, we should enjoy our brief moment in the Sun."
"Life is in color for a reason. We should be seeing life in color."
"Appreciate diversity as a part of nature... Variety is the spice of life."
"It's a new day, it's a new dawn, it's a new life for me, and I'm feeling good."
"I enjoyed my life and want to share that with somebody else."
"We celebrate death more than life. That's why we don't give people flowers while they're living."
"We need to make sure we're not wasting this life away trying to work towards our own planet or a heaven in some other notion."
"Her life was just so fully loved and fully lived and absolutely abundant with meaning."
"Life is precious; we all need to embrace the short time we have."
"Enjoy life, the free world. Never take a moment for granted and make the most of every day."
"The thing is to love life, to love it even when you have no stomach for it... You say, 'yes, I will take you. I will love you again.'"
"Life is short; you want to live it out. You want to be happy."
"I prayed for many years that this day would come, and I'm not standing up here a bitter man, but I just want to enjoy my life now while I have it."
"Existence is a miraculous, magical occurrence. You've been gifted with this life, and you don't even appreciate what this life is and what it has to offer you."
"To be deeply conscious of the gift that your life is, to view it as sacred, to view it as divine, to view it as miraculous, when you're connected to that, then you feel a sense of obligation to honor this miracle."
"There's so much more to life, and so much more to me and us and the community."
"We don't spend nearly enough time expressing gratitude for what we have."
"Just being here every day is a celebration for me."
"You have 20 summers, you should really cherish that."
"Recognize that your time on Earth is finite, so don't fritter it away insulting strangers on YouTube and Twitter."
"Life is a gift, and realizing how insanely lucky you are to be alive is one of the greatest gifts a person can get."
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."
"Life is just too short, and I realized that when my friend passed, and I realized that I was sitting in this job that I hated."
"Welcome to my limited life, where we have 24 hours to live. Scary, right?"
"It's not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste much of it."
"Smell the roses while you're alive. I'm still smelling the roses."
"If you know how to live it without decorating it or without making it ugly, it has a beauty of its own."
"Timing is everything. Gotta cherish every moment of this [__] because you never know."
"The greatest thing is life and for you have life, you have a chance."
"It just reminds me how fragile life is and how it's not to be taken for granted. A powerful reflection on the value of life and the importance of cherishing every moment."
"Stop focusing your energy on past events; life is too precious to waste. You create your reality by what you think, dream, and imagine."
"Every day of our life is a gift from God; it's not to be wasted."
"A lot of people didn't get the opportunity to wake up today, but you and I are chosen."
"Life is really short, and I think that we don't value and appreciate our freedoms and our opportunities."
"Live every day as a complete day, and then when you wake up tomorrow, you're grateful because you get a second day."
"It's a game about how nothing lasts forever, about remembering every precious moment in your life."
"Anxiety held me back for so long... that broke the anxiety. Life is amazing."
"Coughing does hurt like hell, but a little pain makes you feel like you're alive. And baby, I'm alive."
"By knowing it's finite, it gives you license to live."
"The only thing that matters is that you are awake and alive and aware right now. Let that sink in. You're awake and aware right now. You are alive in this moment with me. You're sharing it. That's all that matters."
"Everybody who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge and survived said the first thing that happened was they regretted doing it."
"My wedding's not gonna be the best day of my life. My best days of my life are gonna be so many other days."
"Sometimes we have to take a moment and just be grateful for the life we have and the opportunities presented to us."
"Remembering to smell the flowers more... because I would trade everything to be here when I'm 40."
"Live life like it's the last day ever... We could all be gone tomorrow."
"I think it's this year that's made us appreciate the little things even more."
"I'm going to die at some point; this is over, and I don't want to waste a minute of it. And I know that I have control over my attention and how I choose to spend my time. And if you don't like your life, do something about it."
"We are not given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it."
"By connecting to the reality of death, we connect more profoundly to the reality and fullness of life."
"Don't wait for somebody to say that you've got six weeks to live, because the best seven weeks of my life with my sister were those last seven weeks of hers."
"If you can just take the day to be grateful for life...see life as a gift, then we can start to give to each other more often and be kind."
"Despite all the hardship and the ephemeral nature of time, life can still be beautiful."
"My brother got diagnosed with cancer, he passed away, so now I want to give the best I can in this life."
"Let's laugh and let's love and let's embrace and cherish everything that life is."
"Time is short, you know? No day on earth is guaranteed."
"Romanticize your life sounds like a great idea to appreciate the little things in life and to be the main character."
"Make sure that you come from love as often as you can...Let love into you and live like today might be your last day on Earth."
"Loving your life is actually the area of focus. Loving yourself will come as a byproduct of loving the life you're in because yourself is just a vehicle to experience your life."
"Memento Mori, which basically means contemplating your own mortality... It's a reminder to truly cherish the moment that you have."
"We're not here very long, we need to realize that this is an incredible opportunity we have."
"Life is so unique and so beautiful. It is beautiful because whatever you have that you may be facing, what you may be dealing with, life is still good."
"We're blessed to be alive because some people, and I know this, they never woke up the next day."
"Happy, glorious to be here one more day alive in this divine planet."
"It's the simple things in life, guys. The simple things."
"Life is short, so don't be afraid to go out there and live your life and tell the people around you that you love them and appreciate them."
"We are all going to leave this physical body behind and transition. In the meantime, we're supposed to enjoy waterfalls and butterflies, fall in love with the planet, fall in love with the self."
"Life happens fast, and if you don't stop and smell the roses, it'll fly right past you."
"Embracing sensuality doesn't necessarily mean you're a middle-aged swinger. It simply means you're savoring one of the coolest aspects of being alive: sensory input."
"A person who is thriving and loving life and just thanks God for life every day, they don't go around hurting people."
"I'm just enjoying life way too much at the minute. I feel so blessed to be in this position."
"Our life now is so immensely different, but we're so blessed."
"Beauty calls people to their higher being... to make friends with beauty is to introduce yourself very carefully to one of the mysteries of life that make it worth living."
"We do die, darling, but don't worry, we're alive for a very, very long time, such a long time that we don't need to think about it now."
"The most important thing that's happening in your life right now is that you are alive, nothing else."
"Life is precious. You are not guaranteed tomorrow."
"If you understand life is precious, then you really want to drink from it, feel it, experience it, connect with it."
"We're all going to die. But for someone who knows that they are going to die sooner than they'd like to, it makes everything just very different."
"Life is wonderful, and it's that simple truth which has driven me as I built businesses, raised my family, and embarked upon my many adventures."
"Focus on the beauty of life; it's sustainable."
"We don't have to have an afterlife; this life should be and could be enough if we make it that way."
"We should all spend every second that we possibly can living."
"Life is a beautiful, wonderful thing, and I truly actually really appreciated what it meant to just actually be alive and healthy."
"It's honorable to want to soak up as much of life as you can and the time that you have, and to value your time."
"Having a new lease on life...You only get this once in a lifetime."
"Life is a gift, when things are hard and when they are easy. It is always a gift."
"I will hold on to them and live my best life so that Derek can look down from heaven and know that I am doing just fine."
"It's not the number of breaths we take, but the number of moments that take our breath away!"
"Religion is an art that shows how to enjoy life."
"The dead know only one thing. It is better to be alive."
"I don't mind the idea of death... but I would love to be able to spend each minute living as much as possible."
"You realize how precious life is and how you're going to live your best life."
"Be happy you're alive because the best gift we ever got was life. Enjoy it."
"The best thing in life is getting up in the morning knowing you're fit and healthy and well. Nothing else matters as long as you're okay because you only got one shot at this, very short."
"You've only got one life, and I beg you, make the most of it."
"Here we are, though. I'm alive, you're alive. Who knows how long we'll stay that way."
"It really makes you realize just being alive, being well, being healthy, having like friends and family that love you and being around you is just the most important thing in the whole world."
"We mourn the young who don't have a chance, but the elderly who have lived a full life... what more do you expect out of it?"
"A few weeks ago, we were all living lives we probably took for granted."
"Life goes by so quickly, so live every day to your fullest because you don't want to have any regrets."
"Remember, life is a series of moments and moments pass, so let's make this one last as if it's all we have."
"If you could be present in the moment, you can actually get something out of life."
"The true antidote to addiction is to want to be in the world. It's when forgetting the world in oblivion is not as good as being awake and alive."
"Live your life here and now, enjoy and savor every day. Don't waste your time."
"Life is not always perfect out here, but it's always wonderful."
"Anytime I can wake up, I'm in my right mind, I got use of my limbs, and I got blood running warm in my veins, it's a great day."
"Life is good. Be thankful, be appreciative for this time for yourself. The luxury of being able to move in this way and breathe in this way."
"Life is a gift to be cherished, and children are a gift to be cherished."
"It is dangerous to stop living life. This is a crisis that will one day end. We will lose some people, and that is horrible, but the vast majority of people who are infected will...recover."
"Life is wonderful when you get up in the morning and you're fighting that struggle."
"The older I get, the more I just am grateful to be alive and healthy and have a family and people I care about."
"Life is such a miracle, it's so incredible, and we live in a time where, despite many troubling things, we can experience immense beauty and opportunity."
"When you've been told that you're going to die at 16, it could affect you in multiple ways... or you can become like me, very proactive at trying to juice everything I can out of life."
"If I can teach people happiness, then whatever your diagnosis is, you're still lucky to be here."
"At the end of the day, all that matters is that we are alive."
"I want to laugh and I want to just take in the absurdity that is life."
"I think about people who have suffered from cancer but are now in remission. I feel like they often say things like, 'I'm a survivor. I'm stronger than I ever was. I'm glad that I made it through this because it showed me how much I could handle and made me learn how to value the true things in life.'"
"There's so much more life to live for all of us."
"What a blessing it is to have a life with chapters."
"We shouldn't wait for our healing to feel whole, we shouldn't wait for our success to feel empowered, we shouldn't wait for our new lover to feel love, we shouldn't wait for our wealth to show up to feel abundance, we shouldn't wait for the mystical moment to feel awe."