
Relationship Depth Quotes

There are 462 quotes

"But I think that time element, forget everything else, just sharing moments together, that changes everything."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The sexual part, which is extremely important in any relationship, will actually be intensified and heightened if you deepen your connection."
"Intimacy is not just seeing into somebody; it's also feeling into somebody, listening into them, and becoming an expert on them to the degree that you completely understand them."
"They're very much feeling that this is a soulmate connection, maybe even a twin flame connection."
"True love. This person recognizes you as possibly the true love, like their soulmate possibly."
"I love how close we are in body, mind, heart, and soul."
"They feel like you've seen them at their worst and you still loved them."
"Being a good friend is more than just hanging out with someone."
"More in tune with friends, more in terms of family members, relationships."
"You can't love someone until you know all sides of them and what they're capable of."
"I've had longer relationships in the past, but honestly, I feel like I've never gotten to know my partner as much as I have now."
"You open your heart to me, Ivy; it's only fair I return the favor."
"This is going to be a very passionate and emotionally satisfying connection where you both feel like you've met your intellectual and emotional equal."
"I don't want 99.9% of you. I want everything. I want all of you."
"If you're not ever entering into relationships with the totality of you, than you're not really being fully there in relationships. Are you?"
"You both feel deeply supported, deeply loved, and cherished."
"Your connection is deepening, the commitment between you is deepening."
"There's definitely a bond here, a soulmate connection."
"They want to take all your sadness away, never want to let you go."
"You're never gonna find a love like this, this is like deep real true love."
"The decision to drag it into the real world gave much more weight to Garak and Cisco's relationship."
"It's not about the sex, it's about each other."
"Sex is cool but have you ever had someone give you so much emotional safety that you were able to break down and process trauma right in front of them?"
"Friendship has nothing to do with the length of time spent together."
"I do think there is a great love story between them. He's been fighting for her all along."
"You feel like this person is your home. They feel familiar and yet they're so different to anything that you've ever experienced."
"I don't want to hide this connection anymore, and I've thought about having a family with you."
"They see you as their counterpart... they want your passion and desire, but they want your truth too."
"They feel heaven on earth with you because the connection really is multi-dimensional."
"Your connection isn't ancient, it goes beyond time even."
"They feel like your connection is in the high Realms."
"They very much feel this with you... They know you're the one for them."
"You guys are gonna have this really good understanding of each other's past."
"It was like their worlds opened up, and they were given more warmth than they could have ever had before."
"They really, really love how deep your connection is."
"You are their sunshine, soulmate connection."
"Once they love you, they never fall out of love with you, creating a fulfilling and lasting union."
"It's time to expect heightened emotions, obsessive energy, and an overwhelming desire to deepen connections."
"I had always known that you were special, not only because of what we went through but just because of who you are."
"For a game whose story starts off a little spooky and ends up epically supernatural, there is a surprising depth and realness to the relationships depicted."
"Love is not a feeling or an emotion, it's a way of being oriented to someone else."
"If you view sex as purely a physical act, you're potentially leaving a lot of emotional intimacy and satisfaction on the table."
"Intimacy is when I feel safe enough with my partner to tell her everything that I am thinking and or feeling without her having to ask for it."
"Life is too short to just have like these surface level friendships."
"You try to adjust how you show love so that you're doing the thing the other person feels the most loved by."
"It's not about her just being with someone she loves, it's about her regaining her sense of self."
"With a single spoken word we could tell each other infinite things."
"Intensity of it, maybe it is one of those big ass powerful connections."
"Our connection is deeper than physical, it's deeply rooted in both of us."
"Our relationship far exceeds that at this point."
"Honestly, I've been in serious relationships before but I don't come close neither one of them was as deep as our relationship."
"The love you have for them allows you to accept their flaws and accept them for exactly as they are."
"This person likes your soul. This is not someone who is like 'you're super hot'... their attraction to you is on how much you care."
"Your closeness, the soul bond, is so special."
"The more you know about each other on a deeper level, the better."
"I've known you forever, but I feel like I’m seeing you for the first time tonight."
"I never felt so attached to someone like I do with you."
"I'm not looking for a surface level marriage... I'm looking for someone that knows the depths of each other."
"I had no idea you would end up meaning so much to me."
"Friendship is very important, if I can be your best friend."
"There's beauty in that... over years you guys develop a deeper sense of love for appreciation of all the things you didn't think you wanted in a partner."
"In a world riddled with insta-love, this is a partnership, this is something that has a firm foundation that's deep, that is earned, and that is so satisfying."
"It's good to have that moment where you transcend just being like boyfriend and girlfriend and say to yourselves, 'No, we're going beyond that.'"
"If you truly are love, then you will be challenged always to a greater level of love."
"Chemistry system mod adds depth to relationships."
"Sex in a relationship is a plus, not a priority. When you focus on making love to the mind instead of the body, real love flourishes."
"This connection is a soul mate, significant and vital, bringing you together for a purpose."
"True love is once you can get to a point where even if the chemistry is not there in a given moment, you will still be there and do everything for your partner as if they're your own blood."
"They feel like they've met a true emotional soulmate in you."
"This person really really loves you, I see myself having kids with you or some kind of long-term home situation with you or just creating a lot of magic together."
"A very high possibility of you both talking or dreaming more about each other."
"They really do understand just how much they are into you."
"You begin to see that love is not about the outward appearances."
"Marriage requires a lot of maturity; it could be physical, social, and even emotional."
"Love is willing to go to another if you're based in virtue. You're going to see the virtue of the person that's going to be the thing you're going to love about them more than the way they look."
"Deepen your personal relationships, especially the intimate ones."
"Don't mistake my silence for not loving you, you are always and forever in my heart."
"They feel like you're their soul mate, they feel this really strong attraction."
"There's something that deepens in the intimacy of your marriage when you truly go all in."
"This person's love for you burns so brightly, so intensely strong."
"They knew you in part because of the way that you reconnected them with themselves."
"There's a lot of love, a lot of balance, a lot of harmony. This is pure love, this is pure dedication."
"They want to experience everything in life with you."
"They feel there's a very strong bond connection between you, a lot of strong commonalities."
"I would give her everything, because everything I have is because of her."
"Depth not width. Focus on a few deep relationships rather than a million surface-level ones."
"Your partner isn't going to care about that more than they care about being with you, all of you, knowing you, loving you wholly, being able to say that they love this about you without you grimacing and going 'ew, how could you love that?'"
"You make this person melt every time they see you."
"The connection with you is so powerful that it has triggered somewhat of an awakening in them."
"True love in a relationship means that we're the custodian of each other's vulnerabilities and wounds."
"I love everything about you and um i've never felt closer to someone else."
"We were truly getting to know the genuine authentic person, the heart of who each of us was."
"Automatically, this person likes you for reasons that are even spiritual."
"When you have real love, you can go months without physical intercourse."
"There is a lot about connection and soulmates here."
"It's crucial to remember that seasons of abundance may not only be material blessings they can also manifest in the form of spiritual growth deepened relationships and a profound sense of purpose."
"It almost feels like not more personal, but it's just more intimate."
"They just love expressing their love for you, and that could be in terms of a direct expression or through 5D."
"Once you've connected at that level, you will always expand all your relationships."
"The level of intensity of our connection during that time was something that we have, that was the pinnacle of the intensity of our singular connection to each other this year."
"If on a deeper level you don't have connection that's not a relationship that's gonna last."
"It's going to require you to not only understand your perspective but theirs as well."
"It is a fully-realized vision, and it gives you the kind of feeling you get when you really get to know someone beyond the surface level."
"Your soul remembers this intense connection. Your soul knows your soulmate."
"You can only meet someone as deeply as you have met yourself."
"They want to make a psychological connection with you."
"Men who want a deep connection with a woman are unafraid to be vulnerable."
"This person could be wanting more with you, very much like wanting commitment. They feel pretty committed to you."
"I always get to a point where I think I can't love you more, and then I look back on that time and think, like, I love you so much deeper now."
"One thing that pisses me off is people who have bad hygiene."
"Sex is not just sex, it's spiritual. There has to be a spiritual tone connected to it."
"Affection and care are all ingredients inside love but you need to have a lot of freaking ingredients."
"This soul-tie relationship is about more than sex."
"They will take their time with you on a sexual level."
"They want to give you their soul, their most outpouring love and support."
"This is a highly developed spiritual connection."
"We fight for every second we get to spend with each other, whether it's two minutes or two days." - Riley
"She tells him that she loves him and that she's always loved him."
"The deeper relationships require partnership skills. How are we going to be there for each other in our lives? That is the true serious relationship."
"They feel like you are mirrors of each other, you reflect each other, they feel like you are twin flames or powerful soul mates, there's this affinity with each other."
"I think funding wise we could use a lot more people."
"I didn't want to text this. I love you, and I can never talk to you."
"The marriage happens in the heart first, before any papers are signed."
"I actually want to see someone every day, that's how I know if I really like you."
"It's genuine relationship and we love each other and we want to be together."
"A lot of spiritual intimacy taking place in your relationships, all relationships including the relationship that you have with yourself."
"Believe in the impossible; your connection is rare."
"To have is to receive without reservation the total self-gift of the other. It's not a statement of ownership but rather a promise of unconditional acceptance." - Jerry Fisher
"To hold is a pledge of physical affection and tenderness, a vow to be available to the other in body and soul." - Jerry Fisher
"This is not just a fling, but something serious and meaningful."
"I'm not good with words, but you know you love her."
"Your connection represents true love... magnetizes you through all the obstacles... into oneness."
"They feel like you love them for who they truly are... beneath the mask."
"They feel this immense love for you... cherish your connection."
"They feel this intense energy between you... that pure love... beyond this earth plane."
"You never said those many sentences, those mean the words to me in all the years I've known. Reality is crazy, man."
"When that says it, that's from the moment where the three are truly intertwined and connected."
"We are spiritually connected and have a higher purpose together."
"The initial thing is about sex, but if it's meant to be, there's more to the relationship outside of sex."
"You don't invest that type of time if you don't love a person."
"Marriage is so much more than getting married, it's a life commitment."
"You're having sex that isn't building and bridging two souls together."
"Love is more than just the physical appearance."
"Men seek intimacy, connection, and growth in relationships."
"I couldn't imagine a greater gift to give my husband than the one thing that nobody else could possibly ever have from me."
"They see you as a soulmate, someone that can be the one."
"They've been nothing but 110 loyal to me, and if there's anything in the world that I have hope in, it's you know they give me that hope that there is still good people out there."
"They have this strong desire; they want more of you, depth."
"True love comes as a result of wisdom and understanding."
"You feel like their true home, the sweetest home they've never known."
"I can see eternity in your eyes, I can see potential with this, I can see the long term when I look at you."
"You go to bed with the woman you love and you don't wake up, and you don't know anything. That's been a comfort."
"That's love and that's the love that can be sustained over time."
"It's a love unlike either of you have ever experienced before."
"Your souls connect in a way that they never felt with anyone else."
"Love, for me, isn't what I can give you. Love, for me, is what I'm willing to sacrifice for you."
"Deep connection is about compatibility and vulnerability, not just surface romance."
"This person wants a high-level committed relationship."
"They see you as their everything, their soul partner, their soul connection, their soul mate."
"In order to develop intimacy, you have to be able to see people but the way they really are which is good and not so good."
"Communication becomes super super super important... have you ever sat down and really asked your partner in a loving and open way how do you like to be touched?"
"Real friends find the time to be present with a friend that is hurt pain is the true test of a friendship."
"They want to give to you, to create a beautiful life together."
"You are their soulmate, their partner, the person they love."
"Y'all are marrying each other's emotions, thoughts, and just feelings overall."
"Admiration is huge because admiration is also that you kind of really see the otherness of the other person."
"It could be also that the two of you have a strong shared connection to nature."
"The energy that's expressed between you two goes into a different place, a deeper place, a more substantial place in the future."
"Once you got to it, there was no going back. And when you started to choose it, as is true with the lovers, it started to choose you back."
"When you love someone and you can come to the table to have an open discussion about trying to understand each other, it's not about winning or losing. It's having a deeper level of compassion and understanding."
"To me, he will always be the only man I've ever loved."
"It is a friend and a companion. It is never a pet."
"Different forms of heart...different forms of connection."
"One of the obvious reasons why people hurt the ones they love is that they have access to their vulnerabilities."
"Learning to get down to the deeper issues is absolutely key cuz it completely stops if you're that guy that engages at the surface level argument."
"Their pledge to take care of each other in sickness and in health wasn't just an ordinary vow."
"Intimacy means I can trust you with my weaknesses."
"It just feels like we've been together forever."
"One of the first things that made me go 'ah he's serious serious.'"
"Love is intimacy, love is magic, love is the closeness that co-creates between two people that makes life meaningful."
"When I look in my partner's eyes I see my future."
"They know that this connection is a divine connection."
"When a man truly cares for a woman, he'll die for her, protect her, lay his life on the line."
"She's committed not just to having a future with him, she's committed to having a family with him."
"Always think long term... once you guys have those first funny conversations... you start talking about the real stuff."
"I think you know you found the one when you find someone who is so committed to continuing to understand you and grow with you."
"She felt loved by him, it was a feeling like she wants love."
"Your person has known all along that it's you."
"Trusting in their heart, this is a true love connection."
"Being able to communicate and cry and just be vulnerable."
"You are my everything and I worship your perfection."
"I see some honesty being spoken and some truth being brought forward between you."
"She's the first girlfriend where if I had thought that, it's the same as I would as my brother."
"She deserves somebody who's going to take the time and do these kind of things and love her."
"They feel as though your connection runs really deep, they want growth within your connection."
"Your first night together is also gonna be the day where you tell each other that you love each other."
"This connection feels very powerful, they want to offer their heart to you."
"I'm willing to learn everything new about her, everything that I don't know."
"To love someone not despite but because of their flaws."
"Your person feels a genuine soulmate connection with you."