
Personal Experience Quotes

There are 9742 quotes

"AI systems are not able to keep track of those beautiful, magical moments that I believe are the days filled with."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The sleep I get the next night is pretty amazing. I must say, it's the sleep of gods."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The only way I could describe it, even though I'm an atheist and I still am, was just bathed in God's love."
"Ancient scribes enjoyed having two reading modes at their disposal: one fast, convenient, silent and personal, the other slower, noisier, and at times more memorable."
"My mental health has never been this good before."
"My futile attempts to save you from the ravages of mental illness lit a fire in me that burns to this day."
"How is it I'm eating all these foods that are supposed to make me sick and fat, and yet I'm thinner and feel healthier than I have in years?"
"I've dealt with depression my whole life, pretty much since I was like 14, and I'm 30 now."
"After doing a second one on a flatter course, I have even more respect for Leadville 100... Leadville 100 being my first ultramarathon was a very humbling experience."
"What I care about is how you experience your life, how happy you are. And I think you're the best judge and the only expert that can tell me about how it is to walk in your shoes."
"2024, I don't know what it is, but I've never felt this spiritually connected like ever in my life before."
"People have the ability to select for their reality rather than having to deal with the reality that might not be as much fun to deal with."
"The attention he showed me was very different than anything I'd ever experienced."
"Part of your story can enhance the lives of others."
"Skunk Works has been a home of mine for nearly the entirety of my career."
"If I had had somebody like me, somebody who'd been through it, come and be that voice for me when I was young, maybe it would have changed my life."
"As soon as I saw her, I didn't let her go for a good three hours."
"I hope everybody had a good Valentine's Day. I did. I had an amazing Valentine's."
"Everybody's personal experience informs how they view society."
"Content creation, at least for me, is a very lonely world, and I've never felt lonelier than covering this game."
"I experience directly my own consciousness, and that's something additional to any physical description of what's happening." - Keith Ward
"What makes my life worthwhile is my conscious experiences and how I cope with them." - Keith Ward
"When something is personal, you're able to relate or make it relatable to the people that you're trying to show this to because you're speaking from firsthand knowledge, not hearsay."
"Direct experience is king. You right now are experiencing reality. Experience, notice, is all that you have of reality."
"Trauma is not what happens to you; the trauma is what happens inside you."
"God is an experience, not a belief or a theory."
"Literally laughed myself into Enlightenment."
"I might have been the only atheist in the room... but I had a very good time."
"I have attended protests and rallies in the past when I agreed with the goals, when I supported the people expressing their concerns and their issues."
"Minimalism isn't prison; it isn't restrictive. In fact, the opposite is true. I have never had so much freedom in my life as I've experienced in this last year of adopting minimalism."
"I needed to get to know my hens first and let them settle into their new home."
"I remember when I first solved this problem, my mind was absolutely blown away."
"I think the talent is better than most people give it credit for. It kind of gets the reputation of being like a less than MLB league, and that was not my experience at all."
"I'm literally speechless with how happy I am."
"I've gotten to the other side enough times to know that it's worth it."
"I felt the passion and emotion that hit right there."
"Synchronicity is where your dominant thoughts become your dominant experiences."
"I was sort of agnostic in my teens, I went to World Youth Day, which is this big Catholic gathering in Rome, Italy, when I was 17 years old, and had an experience of conversion."
"I can't even stress how unlucky I am right now."
"According to Amélie, her writing about the Affinites’ oppression was a reaction both to the way she had been treated as an immigrant in America and her own experience witnessing slavery in China."
"I have never in my entire life experienced the level of concentrated stupidity that I experienced in the story that I'm about to tell you."
"The best job I ever had was at the Statue of Liberty."
"These are my biggest surprises over the course of the year, pleasant surprises."
"It's never just the reality of what the person experienced or what happened; it's always our perception of that reality as we expected it to happen."
"A forgiven person knows best how to forgive others."
"No man likes a bully. I hate bullies with a passion. I've dealt with bullies all my life, from boy to man."
"My experience with universal healthcare has been phenomenal."
"All this forgiveness hype is legit! Ten out of ten, five stars, would highly recommend."
"I ran outside so I can watch this thing lift off, and that was so cool."
"I realized for the first time that I was in this amazingly fascinating space."
"I turned 50 in 2021. Probably one of the worst birthdays I ever had. I spent it alone."
"The movies make emotions look so strong and real, whereas when things really do happen to you, it's like watching television – you don't feel anything."
"I remember just before I fell asleep, I checked the view count, and it was on like 3,000 views... I woke up the next day, and it was on 300,000."
"The good part... our first two weeks were in March... the month of May completely blew away my expectations."
"You are already creating your experience; you are already Divine."
"The Lions is probably the ultimate tour for me, the ultimate experience and challenge as a player."
"I have run the experiment of does wealth solve all of your problems, and wealth is awesome, but it does not solve all your problems."
"I have the greatest and utmost respect for this experience."
"I think with reviews, what you'll find is that it's actually a combination of both of these things."
"I've done it all and love to talk about the value of the hard, honest work that I think is devalued by a society fixated on sending everyone to college."
"This is actually the first time I'm having fun in Monopoly."
"Self-realization is the highest experience you will ever have, it is the highest state, it is the epitome of life for you to find out who you are in there."
"I have been thinking for a while how much fun we have been having."
"Mental health is not a catchall; these are my experiences."
"And so I remember thinking that this is maybe what it must be like when you're living through history."
"Sarah said, 'I had a good day of tips waitressing for once, so I gave a homeless man 20 dollars on the walk home.'"
"Does anyone else have allergies? I feel as though an entire field of dandelions just decided to line up and flatulate right in my eyeball."
"It's deeply threatening to reveal things about your own experience that are not going to land in a space where we can kind of collectively engage with them as legitimate experience."
"This is the most high quality game I've ever played in my life."
"This does have an uphill battle from the start specifically because I'm a VR user, I love VR gaming."
"It took something that I didn't think I was going to enjoy, that turn-based strategy, and made me fall in love with it."
"You are the pain body. You are the old emotion that lives through you."
"The topic of nostalgia is like so near and dear to my heart because of how much I feel like I've been affected by it, as if it's like a disease."
"I hope that if something similar has happened to you, that you know that that's not your fault."
"I'm Isabel Browerman, you can call me Izzy. I was one of two sketch artists at the Depp-Heard trial."
"I watched the last day of Fest quietly in my home today, and now I'll go to sleep peacefully knowing we really found a place where dreams come true."
"Probably one of the best players that I've ever trained with and been coached by."
"Brothers is the game that has affected me the most emotionally out of any video game ever."
"My experience in the Apple Vision Pro so far has been absolutely insane."
"Trauma is not what happened to you; trauma is what happened inside you as a result of what happened to you."
"The culture, the society around us impacts so much of how we experience the world."
"I respected it immensely. I do not want to play it again, but I want to play games much like it in the future."
"You don't know what it feels like to be persecuted until you're mistreated for some intrinsic quality about you."
"It really felt quite freeing to me, it didn't feel dangerous, it felt like something that was very welcoming and affirming to me."
"Stepping on the field was the most alive and free I had ever felt."
"That is the best potato I've ever eaten in my life."
"It is unlike anything that I have ever experienced."
"I'm having such a great time. This is great."
"Well, it's about systems, right? Because I had, I had a sort of moment with Breath of the Wild, which I loved."
"I was clinically depressed for like twenty years... and when you spend so much of your life, and everything is gray."
"You can't love everyone equally. You can respond to another person as if they're valuable in a personal encounter, but you're the center of your experience."
"Everyone wants to feel safe, but that feeling is often out of reach for my community."
"I didn't know that such a thing as burnout existed. Now I know."
"I love being black... I love what I've done."
"It was the most beautiful natural thing I have ever seen."
"I transitioned because I wanted to look and feel different than what I did before."
"I wanted to be awake when Jesus was resurrected."
"I've been doing 30 minutes of like, busting out in sweat... exercise over the last couple of weeks and what a difference it makes."
"This reaffirms my faith in science, for me personally, this whole experience has been about standing up for the scientific method as a valuable, reliable way of explaining natural phenomena."
"Having lived with undiagnosed ADHD for 47 years... there is a huge deficiency in it and your ability to... seek those dopamine dumps."
"It makes The Chemical Brothers one that I heard when I was high sound like Mozart."
"It was the most beautiful natural thing I've ever seen."
"I have not regretted a moment of it. I've had a fantastic time."
"It sounded like it was saying my name. I swear."
"For me, the most trustworthy vehicle for spirituality had always proven to be music." - Eric Clapton
"So, how do I feel about buying my 991 GT3 RS? Well, it isn't the easiest of the track-focused supercars to live with, but I don't care. I absolutely love it."
"I got to host it one time with my friend Rebecca, and this girl played piano in it one time and I'd never heard a girl play piano before."
"What is at stake here is the human expectation of sovereignty over one’s own life and authorship over one’s own experience."
"It's really taken from my experiences and brings the flaws to the surface."
"I have known real suffering, I've known pain, and I've had to grapple with it."
"Can I get my shot over here, thank you. I've been waiting since Wednesday to do this."
"Choice is a gift. It's always there. You can choose what you focus on, and what you focus on is what you're going to experience."
"It's pretty awesome, and I totally recommend you do it."
"Seeing one of my loved ones almost die in front of me, it gave me this crazy PTSD."
"This is some of the most fun I've ever had recording a video, I'm not going to lie."
"My life in solitary is one long period of unbroken depression."
"What's today? I scrapped the whole thing; it was like me rambling and I was like, droopy-eyed, and it was bad."
"I've had an interest in vitamin D for a long time. I'm not what might be called a trained expert in vitamin D, but I've acquired a lot of knowledge and experience through my work as a physician."
"Being in a toxic relationship is worse than hell."
"I believe in love because of the way that I love."
"I wouldn't trade it for anything, but I sure as hell wish I would have known about this sooner."
"I love that song, no one else can feel it for you."
"I’ve seen the worst of humanity as a cop. But this town made me see, that there are horrors beyond what humans can dream up."
"I got scammed! I grabbed it with both hands and everything, and I got scammed."
"Mindset, which you believe and feel about yourself, becomes your experience."
"I thought I'd just give support a go, and I liked Zen. Fair enough."
"I really like the information I'm getting from this thing, and actually do intend to wear this thing going forward because I've really enjoyed wearing it for the past month."
"I've never felt so free in my entire life, honestly. I've never felt this free before."
"You have to get your passport, travel, meet people outside."
"I've maybe seen three asymmetric opportunities in my lifetime; I missed one, I got one, now I have Bitcoin."
"This has been just about the greatest date I've had in my life."
"I have never lost anybody close to me that I could say, 'I'm hurt,' until now."
"You may be having a spiritual awakening, and chances are you probably don't know what the heck is happening to you behind the scenes."
"Life is too short, and I have been experiencing that."
"He got it open a few more millimeters and I was able to eat this week and chew with like no clicking and popping and no major pain."
"It's an extraordinary place. What you make of it."
"I never believed anybody when they said this, but when you eat healthy and then you go eat something bad, you will literally feel like it's the most disgusting feeling."
"You don't truly know anything until you've done it yourself."
"Becoming Eenie has been the most horrible experience in the world. Spirit channeling, the occult, I hate it all."
"Having seen how much it's actually worked and how much it's helped... I've become obsessed."
"Double cleansing changed my skin completely."
"Elden Ring. I LOVE Elden Ring. I love it so much that I came all the way out to a cave to do a thematic introduction to today's video."
"It's an amazing thing to watch unfold, and I think it's awesome that I'm able to be caught up in it."
"I teach people what I have experienced. Enlightenment could be just the capacity to be in the present moment without assumptions, without imposing interpretations."
"I cannot doubt the existence of pain. It seems real. I might say it seems more real than anything else."
"One of the things about COVID is my sense of time has completely gone."
"I've actually never felt so happy about a rainy afternoon."
"It's rained the whole day, which has been glorious."
"I'm currently in the bath watching your live stream. That is the best thing I've ever heard in my life."
"Media is always open to interpretation, and enjoyment doesn't diminish that. If it really bothers you, you can simply enjoy the thing the way you want. The goal is not to solve, but to experience."
"I can't be sad in this car; I will always have a gigantic smile because of the way it sounds."
"Everything that happens to us is special and significant."
"I'd love scientific proof of an afterlife, but what I find very strange is, I don't really need it. I have a sense, deep down, that there's something more."
"Super Meat Boy is one such game for me. I love it, I was good at it, I think it's an indie classic."
"That's the moment that makes me really emotional but the happiest moment at the same time."
"I had an experience with God. He brought me through something that I know I couldn't have gotten through on my own."
"This is the hardest post I've ever had to write... but people have asked me to tell my story."
"It's probably the happiest I've been in a long time."
"I wasn't convinced of that until I saw the energy in that arena that day."
"Peggle 2 was such an enjoyable completion for me."
"Listen, you know those times when you're so into what you're doing, you can't think about anything else?"
"I never regret going there. I thought it was an invaluable experience."
"Control release of information sounds like storytelling."
"I'm actually having a lot of anxiety right now."
"I can feel myself getting super engrossed in this game."
"Immersion is a tricky subject; it's very difficult to describe and talk about a phenomenon which by its nature is deeply personal."
"Join Sid for this edition of It's Supernatural! Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural."
"Veterans are some of the biggest adversaries of war. Once you see life drain from someone's eyes, you get it."
"The Brony fandom was a great time and only slightly traumatizing."
"In my experience, transitioning young has been vital for me."
"I feel like a fog has been lifted. I feel so happy here."
"I don't know how I lived without insulated water bottles before."
"The people who go out of their ways to help others are the ones who have felt hurt really bad."
"I personally think a big reason why would happened to me happened was because I spoke out so forcefully against big pharmaceutical companies."
"Gender identity is a person's deeply felt internal and individual experience of gender."
"She mentions that she learned this lesson the hard way, and that personal experience is a ruthless teacher."
"Whenever I wear these Foster and Sons, I'm gonna think about the time I had my feet measured, the time I went to visit the shop, and the craftsman that I know made these shoes to the absolute highest standards."
"The consistent faithfulness of God in my life."
"I'm getting some crazy deja vu. I feel like we've done this before."
"I refer to my experience growing up as a cultish experience. I feel like leaving it was akin to what one might experience in leaving a cult."
"It's unfathomably difficult, and in the same vein, so rewarding."
"Funny story about this car, actually, I had one of these as a press car when they first came out...I can tell you now that one of these, with the seats down, can easily fit a full drum kit, half a PA system, and a set of turntables."
"We all experience things differently, and that's why it's called a spectrum disorder."
"For something I've not had before and I'm enjoying it this way, I'll give it 10 out of 10."
"Everything that will be discussed has been approved by our lawyers or is based solely on our personal experiences."
"This is based on personal experiences. We do not condone harassment."
"We have to understand that we haven't lived that life. I can only speak on my own personal experiences."
"It was like being in this place where I was understood. And I had felt so misunderstood for so long."
"It will remain to the end of my days one of the great privileges of my life."
"Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake."
"It was like I had to learn how to use the barbecue, which I never learned how to use a barbecue, actually."
"I do not remember that I have ever asked anything of him which he has failed to grant."
"Any reasonable person, when first told about the many-worlds picture, has an immediate visceral objection: it just doesn't feel like I personally split into multiple people whenever a quantum measurement is performed."
"Love you guys, but today was awesome with the kids."
"That's what intermittent fasting does to you. People didn't believe me at first."
"What I'm actually experiencing is truth, it is something I'm physically, mentally, and spiritually feeling that set me free."
"No, there was a lot of weeping at home, just because the moment was so powerful for me. But I am by nature a cheerleader."
"May you encounter the God of Elijah in every aspect of your life."
"The hardest part was actually me finding a butt."
"Well, I mean, I have to pinch myself at all of this because, I think on many fronts… I would’ve never expected to have any kind of a interaction directly with Warren or Charlie." - Mohnish Pabrai