
Personal Moments Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"We don't currently have systems that share moments together. Like even just you and your fridge, just all those times you went late at night and ate thing you shouldn't have eaten, that was a secret moment you have with your refrigerator."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It was a special moment doing one of my favorite things with two of my favorite people."
"The best moments that I feel now are my most quiet moments."
"I remember crying in the car and I was listening to 'For Good' from Wicked in the car on the drive... and just wept."
"We ended up like in a row, in this beautiful scenery, and I'm like, 'Man, this is it.'"
"Watching someone eat is a moment you don't normally see of someone unless you're close to them. It's intimate in a way."
"The highlight of my year is when one of my sons who can speak my daughter can't speak it just randomly leans over he goes daddy oh yeah."
"Saturday night was the biggest fight of my life."
"I would love to hear what you guys think I also love that you guys did no phones ceremony oh yeah no phones at the ceremony because I wanted to be very intimate very personal."
"All my moments are special, but I always say my best moment is still to be the next moment."
"I cry looking at my just [ __ ] on the like anything that's... if someone's happy."
"It felt like a big moment. Yeah, right when I walked off."
"That's actually, that's probably the coolest thing he's ever said. 'A man, thank you guys.' That's what he said."
"Time to say goodbye. Are you leaving us, Gabe? Bye-bye, it was lovely having you."
"You want that intimate moment with the people that are closest with you, right? Not exactly and available and just [__] painful."
"You know, the moments for me are never like the Grammys or the plaques or that [] the moments are always some weird [] that happens."
"Paint your life, celebrate the moments that matter the most."
"Joy just comes into your life. You're damn near crying on the inside."
"I feel like all of us, at some point in our lives, have had little checkpoints where we remember feeling incredible."
"Little moments like that last moment are in a way worth waiting for, they make the whole fight."
"I thought it was like perfect timing, it's really sweet."
"This was a healing moment that I think Selena Gomez and a lot of others needed."
"It's pretty cool to be able to hold this one."
"Your moments can't be stolen or robbed from you from others or from even the enemy. It is God ordained."
"These don't necessarily have to be concrete scenes or actions just any moments I've had playing games that impacted my understanding of what they can do."
"I want it to remain in my heart and become a secret between the two of us."
"Honestly, my kids are always nice 'cause I'm like you guys I biffed on the Foo Fighters and they're like, it's gonna be okay and I'm like, it's not okay."
"I'm so glad I'm here today, I'm going to take my professional hat off for just a minute."
"What's the best part of my day? When you lay in my lap."
"Some of my favorite moments in the film are those very same moments."
"In that the letter is preserved that he wrote to her about the wedding after the occasion, in which he told her how incredibly moved he was and how full of love he was as they walked together down the aisle."
"These are the moments that I'm going to remember most."
"I saw Sierra and Hudson kiss outside in the snow."
"Having a kid tell you beautiful just hits different."
"I brought your favorite strawberry cake, wow thank you."
"I really like how the fifth edition Paladin lets us conceptualize so many different takes on what it means to be a righteous Warrior and that that can take different forms that and that Justice can arrive in unexpected ways."
"I love seeing these personal moments where they kind of let us into their lives a little bit, and it's absolutely adorable."
"Happy birthday dear daddy, happy birthday to you."
"We just want to post the wedding video, some pictures maybe a few more pictures later on and then the wedding dress video where I go through the wedding dresses I didn't pick."
"I'm extremely happy that in 2024 once again he woke up even if it was just for a brief moment."
"It was the most perfect night and I would never change one thing about it."
"Everything you've done in your life was for that moment."
"I think Phil relaxes in nature... he's had his most loose, relaxed, beautiful, natural moments."
"I knew I loved you when you first cooked for me."
"Investing in priceless moments, memories that will last a lifetime."
"I did it the right way. I got down on my knee and asked her."
"I've had more good days with you than anyone else, just give me one more good day."
"Respecting fan moments, even amid family time."
"I decided to put the camera down and enjoy and appreciate my time with all of our friends."
"I always like to take solos of my couple at their wedding. So, that's just the bride by herself and the groom by himself."
"HBK celebrates with his family and friends at ringside before the show goes off the air."
"At the same time, Johnny also said that around this time his mother's health was in decline and he eventually brought his kids in to say goodbye to her before she died."
"For sure the highlight that made my entire days when she came over."
"For me, the interaction was like a pure joy moment like 10 out of 10."
"Claude never did silence, Claude did applause."
"Look at her oh she adopted the bridge oh how cute."
"Kissing MJ is the greatest adventure of his life."
"The fact that they had that conversation, that was a nice moment."
"You could tell it was their first [kiss], it was cute."
"People have been sending me pictures like this feather picture that I love so much."
"Truth be told in your heart of hearts you're not comfortable with it, you want to retain your special moments."
"I have moments of Happiness sorrow remorse but I also have moments with just I don't know thinking about life."
"It's moments like this where I'm like, man, she's so cute."
"That was genuinely the best part of Warhammer Fest: it was getting to meet you guys."
"I am overjoyed at this moment, and I hope many of you are as well."
"When I see him and Nathan just kind of hanging out or there with the dogs or whatever, like those are the moments for me that, like, that is what I want to see of Jeffrey star."
"These are the moments that make me. This is the one where I get up for and really show that I'm a star."
"Special moments tied into every part of the apartment."
"I think it's a moment that you can totally, truly dedicate to just yourself."
"I just lost my mind. I'd already hugged Mickey, but something about hugging Mickey again, I just like lost it."
"I think it's important to document the moments that you feel most in love with yourself and repeat those moments."
"I don't eat spaghetti and meatballs often, it's something I want to be alone with."
"I get butterflies every time my eyes lock with yours."
"She hugs me and she whispers, 'I'm naming my baby after you.' And I was like, 'Oh, oh.'"
"I remember watching her sit down on the beach and smile into the sunset, taking in the sight as if it were made just for her."
"I'm loving this, just brings a smile to my face."
"Those are the moments I'm gonna count like those are the moments that I am so looking forward to. I cannot wait to have like one-on-one time baby and me."
"Let's just snuggle and make bread." - Cristine
"It's those little things, guys, that make my heart melt."
"One of the fantastic things about photography is... capturing those moments that feel real to you."
"See you guys next week, gotta go, hot chocolate time, bye."
"This was definitely a moment given to me by a higher power for sure."
"Thank you for watching these random days of my life and I hope that you are resting in those quiet and real places within you so that you can truly walk with the lessons and the miracles unfolding for you in each now moment."
"I'm glad you're here, you might imagine sunrise here."
"Foreplay is all up until the actual moment in bed."
"Happy birthday to Ida Biddle and prayers for Marty in the hospital."
"I'm glad she got to have that moment, I really do love that for her."
"Moments that you would think are insignificant could mean a lot more."
"Taylor Swift walks by and she just goes, 'I like your beard.'"
"It lasted for what felt like an hour but then it too was gone."
"Most inspiring most awesome moment like top 10 moments in my life was spending a night in hotel with Mariah Carey for sure."
"That was the most intense moment of my life!"
"Thank you for bearing witness to these random tender moments in my seemingly insignificant existence."
"It was one of the most amazing feelings that I've ever had."
"I called my boyfriend with my friend's phone and he answered, 'Hey, my love.' He just knew it was me. I love him so much."
"We shared a special moment the night prior, so I was kind of confused."
"It's okay to cry if it's about your kids or Sports or John Mayer being a [__] beast at the guitar."
"I'm happy about crying. I just can't believe it. I can't."
"You gotta smile in the moments where you can find that joy, you know what I mean?"
"I find myself sometimes randomly recalling those conversations out of nowhere, just driving in my car, I'll just hear that person's voice, you know, just in my, in just a memory."
"Valentine's Day was nice though, even if it was quiet."
"What are the things in between those major benchmarks that bring joy to your life?"
"Happy together, Dustin and Richie. Enjoy the moments just for yourselves. That's great to both of you."
"There's probably a ton of vloggers out there who keep those moments for themselves and for their families."
"I think the next time I film a big haul I'll probably be wearing baby Benjamin."
"I was truly bawling like not 10 minutes ago."
"To even add on, when she named the happiest moments of her life, sis, not one time did you think about baby Brooklyn."
"I always loved when I was being picked up and I didn't know why, like no appointments, no meetings, just a surprise early pickup."
"I walked down the aisle to 'Fools Rush In' by Elvis that we burned to a CD that I absolutely loved."
"When I think about just having a good and fun time, I think about these."
"Just because sometimes you you you may love or you love but ain't nobody exempt from having a moment where they're like I don't really want nobody to know about this."
"That excitement paled in comparison to his when he saw the little statue."
"You gotta do another one stay in the house there you go Bobby come here there you go take this in with you give me a kiss love you dude."
"My favorite moments are having brunch with my sister."
"Thank you all for being here, especially now as I'm in this beautiful location here in Mexico."
"This part of my life, little part, is called Happiness."
"He's still thinking of having each other, and I was thinking we should vlog it."
"So much depends on who's on the other side of that camera putting the ring on your finger."
"I've said this before, like, Alfie's just amazing at things like this. I feel like if there was a degree, you'd guess that you'd get like a masters in like surprises."
"I called my dad and I invited him to France, bro."
"The intimate moments with them alone were a real highlight of the film for me."
"You ever have those moments when you just need to sit with it for a second? That's where I'm at right now."
"Appreciate everything so much more... all the little moments become way bigger."
"There were moments in this where I'm like I'm I am enjoying this moment."
"There's so many little [__] things in there that make me smile."
"Each minute we spent together was very precious for me. I can only hope that it was fun for you as it was for me and neither of us left any regrets."
"Please don't be so obsessed with saving the world that we can't get a couple of nice moments."
"The best moments in life are when your ego is meaningless."
"It's just the small moments right those are the ones like that can bring the biggest Joy."
"There have been a handful of times when I have taken my dogs out, and as they go about their business, I stare at the sky."
"Living my most authentic moment is moments like this one, you and me, chillin', talking about our family."
"I think those are the times that I enjoy most, the bonding moments."
"These moments really set me free."
"Those are my favorite moments now."
"It's the intimate moments that I'm really looking forward to."
"I'm gonna let myself have this moment because I think it's important to feel your feelings, especially when they hurt this bad."
"It's important to identify that moment for yourself because it's not really about anybody else, what anybody else thinks."
"Moments of mischievous grins, I want to spend with you."
"For me, that's the little moments that what garage is all about."
"The most spiritual moments I've had in my life have all been on stage."
"Lots of satisfying moments like this happening right now."
"This is literally my kind of happy moment."
"It's these little moments, these little glimpses of their personality and who they are as people, that make it more enjoyable to watch."
"Audio recorders are great for capturing important moments in business and personal life."
"It's important to find those moments that bring you joy and that remind you of what you love."
"Being able to step out your door and see these kind of views and having a wow moment, it's priceless."
"I'm a nostalgic kind of guy. I like to take note of the moments."
"I love to see you really trying to figure out genuine moments."