
Trauma Quotes

There are 5486 quotes

"Now, in addition to rapport and support being critical, there's a third component of effective talk therapy for trauma, which is insight or one's ability to come to an understanding of why one feels the way they do."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A single event is so traumatic that it activates the circuits in a way that it's a one trial learning."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What is dissociation? A lot of people might not have experienced it, but it's actually very common. More than 70% of people who've been through trauma experience dissociation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Traumas, if understood, can be transmuted into deep sources of knowledge that other people can benefit from."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Trauma is a fear and/or stress response that's happening at the wrong times."
"Nobody wishes for trauma, but if you have trauma to wish for growth, that's a great thing to wish for."
"The most normal thing that a person who has experienced trauma does is to get up and try to be normal."
"Trauma, as I define it, is not about what happens to us; it's about what happens inside of us as a result of what happens to us."
"The real question is why did you ever get the idea that you didn't have worth. That's where trauma comes."
"What if a victim themselves looks up a video of a person being raped because they weren't sure what happened to them and they wanted to see what it looked like from a third person perspective?"
"Disgust is probably like the MVP of emotions as they really pertain to our worth and safety as childhood trauma survivors."
"For many people, the origins of narcissistic traits are in trauma, insecurity, and inconsistency."
"Empathic reversal is when a person who has suffered trauma gives a lot of empathy out to other people but gives themselves almost no empathy."
"When we experience trauma, whether it is a natural disaster or victimization, doesn't really matter, we lose our sense of safety and personal empowerment."
"Mr. Rogers... knew a lot of kids around him were going through trauma, and it was his ministry to hang out with us for half an hour each day and show us ordinary things done in a slow and ordinary way."
"Trauma is not an illness; it's an adaptation. It's a solution, not a problem."
"With the expiration of New York's Adult Survivors Act fast approaching, it became clear that this was an opportunity to speak up about the trauma I have experienced."
"Our community... is suffering. It's traumatic for our community as well when these incidents happen."
"Trauma is not what happens to you; the trauma is what happens inside you."
"The essence of addiction is trauma. The addiction is not the primary problem; it's an attempt to solve a problem."
"Whatever he's talking about genuinely was traumatizing for him."
"Trauma is not what happened to you but what happened inside you as a result."
"All trauma is pre-verbal... Trauma is not what happens to you, it's what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you."
"Trauma does not have to control us; we can understand it, we can get our arms around it."
"Acknowledging and dealing with personal trauma is a sign of strength, not weakness."
"The cycle of death, hatred, and trauma must be brought to an end."
"Heal from the trauma that separates you from your femininity."
"Polyvagal theory is a way to understand how trauma can be stored in our body."
"Trauma is the period between when your old story breaks down and when you, from the pieces of the old, build something new."
"The majority of addiction is stemming from a trauma."
"This is where trauma and all this reflexive stuff that happens after trauma ultimately lead us."
"People say that when something bad happens to you, you're better because of it, but not everyone comes out on the other side of abuse healthy and unaltered."
"Kirito relived the worst memories from his lifetime, including the time he abandoned an old friend from the SAO beta to thugs, the death of Sachi, and that of the Moonlit Black Cats."
"Despite popular belief, our memory is even more flawed with traumatic experiences."
"It took me about two years to fully come to terms with what happened on stage and to feel violated by someone that I trusted so much."
"A lot of the things that we're seeing, the threat misassessment, the tendency to split reality into good and bad, all of this is trauma-based."
"Trauma freezes and it's frozen their development, it's frozen their maturity; they're emotionally immature."
"It's not what's wrong with you, it's what happened to you."
"Trauma is not what happened to you; trauma is the wound that is sustained as a result."
"Trauma is a psychic wound that leaves an imprint in your nervous system, in your body, in your psyche, and then shows up in multiple ways that are not helpful to you later on."
"This case has absolutely done that. It's harrowing beyond belief."
"As soon as I brought this 12-year-old version of myself to the light, opened his eyes, gave him a hug, and said 'I got you, we're good,' you know that's integration, that's processing trauma."
"The concept of residual trauma manifesting as ghostly apparitions raises intriguing questions about the nature of emotion and memory."
"I forget my trauma. I forget the darkness because I have such a beautiful life to live."
"I preach to the people who follow me that as a man, trauma and difficulty are extremely important because it's the building blocks for mental fortitude and physical fortitude."
"Trauma is actually like a survival or adaptive mechanism that is functioning the way that it's supposed to."
"Everyone has trauma; we all deal with trauma, and I suppose I'd put up all these protective walls around me, and now they're just flooded out."
"You may well inherit your grandma's or great grandma's trauma, but you're probably doing it socially, not through marks on your DNA that changes how your genes are expressed or not expressed."
"Once bitten, twice shy; 15 times bitten, traumatized. Is my audio good before I continue?"
"If I am not transforming my trauma, I'm probably transmitting it."
"Trauma as something that fundamentally changes the way that our brain and body function in a way that makes other aspects of living more challenging."
"That major life traumas can severely disrupt one sense of happiness and well-being."
"Trauma is not what happened to you; trauma is what happened inside you as a result of what happened to you."
"Psychological trauma actually refers to the stress that's greater than the ability to cope with the emotions that came with the experience."
"You don't get over it. You can address it, you can talk about it, you can take your mushrooms, but there's [__] that just happened to you that it just happened."
"A lot of recovery from trauma is to re-establish your capacity connected to people around you."
"Most really truly innovative things in our world are discovered by traumatized people because they live in a world that's unbearable, and so they have no choice but to find new ways of coping."
"What we have in jail are the most traumatized people in our society."
"Trauma triggers are the kind of thing that a psychological stimulus prompts recall of a previous traumatic experience."
"Not every trauma causes traumatic injury, but every trauma impacts every person differently at every point in time."
"All trauma is hard, so I don't need to compare it."
"This mother has been through trauma upon trauma upon trauma in this situation."
"What these children went through is beyond comprehension."
"Nobody's damaged goods, nobody's broken. To talk about trauma is not to disempower people but to empower them."
"Twin kill, twin kill little stars, robbed of wonder, torn and scarred."
"If you're not allowed to talk about the trauma, then the memories of it go away, but your body keeps reacting because your body knows."
"Traumatic events that induce a strong emotional response... tend to be the ones we remember the best."
"Seeing one of my loved ones almost die in front of me, it gave me this crazy PTSD."
"If you had the chance to wipe out the worst thing that ever happened to you, to make it so that you had no memory of the event at all, would you do it? Or more importantly, should you?"
"We store what's important to us. We store happy memories in one place, we store traumatic memories in another."
"Look at us, trying to undo our trauma and help our children heal at the same time."
"I was very traumatized, not in my body, I hadn't started any therapy work yet, and I had really just left my family of origin under some really crazy and sad circumstances."
"You're capable of great love but you tend to attract people who either need fixing or have some sort of trauma bond with you."
"We must be better so that our children do not inherit the wrongs and the traumas that we have."
"The hypothesis put forth by researchers is that the visual-spatial exercise of playing demanding games such as Tetris is somehow protecting the brain from revisiting traumatic events as often."
"If trauma is the loss of connection to self, then healing is the reconnection to self."
"Sometimes your brain does with trauma what it does: puts it away the best you can."
"Trauma is not the problem; it's an inability to deal with trauma that is the problem."
"You're not alone, and there are so many people who have dealt with trauma and have dealt with grief."
"We're not only the trauma... once they start relating to their traumatic history in a different way, then the potential exists for them to experience themselves as not only the trauma."
"Time travel narratives, especially time loops, reflect the flashbacks, internalized skill, and constant reimaginings that happen so often as a result of trauma."
"Trauma is a psychological wound that we sustained that has long-term impact and is ingrained in our nervous system, in our bodies, and in our minds."
"Trauma is not what happens to you; trauma is what happens inside of you as a result."
"Addiction is not a disease inherited or otherwise, nor is it a bad choice; it's a response to trauma."
"The mnemonic imagination defines trauma as when you have an experience so painful that it inhibits the individual's ability to imagine a future."
"Why are we consuming this kind of content? Why are we supporting people who are exploiting the stories of others for their own fame? Why is one person's trauma my entertainment?"
"We have all seen and heard things that no one should have to see or hear, things that will haunt us forever."
"Trauma is the great chameleon of psychiatry."
"They talk about babies, and they talk about rapes, it's used again and again."
"It's really, really hard when everyone's trying to get you to explain what's so damaging about it to get in touch with those feelings in the immediate aftermath of finding out that it's happening."
"One of the biggest things that I've learned about trauma is... it's like the great chameleon so it looks like all kinds of things."
"Trauma that has not transformed is transferred."
"Trauma is not romance; please do not let 'they can change' trap you in an unhealthy or dangerous situation."
"Hurt people hurt people. If we can't cure the traumas, we're going to spiral into a dystopia."
"Traumatic memories are encoded deeper than neutral memories."
"The trauma, guilt, and powerlessness that Ichigo feels combined to form a rich character backstory."
"Narcissistic people are hurt... more than a few of them have had traumatic backgrounds... but that doesn't... excuse for your present behavior."
"The most important thing we can do is learn how to heal the different traumas or triggers from our past."
"Trauma isn't what happens to us; it's about the meaning we make about what happens to us."
"The more successive traumas that you have, the greater likelihood that somebody's going to have psychological consequences and symptomatology as a result."
"Childhood trauma elevates the circulation of inflammatory particles in the blood, cytokines."
"If you think that a single trauma can put your mind on a new path... perhaps it can happen in a positive way as well as a negative way."
"A world where more people are traumatized but less people die is better than a world where more people die and less people are traumatized."
"The biggest impact of trauma is that it disconnects you from yourself."
"Trauma is not what happens to you, it's what happens inside you."
"Trauma is not the bad things that happen to you, but what happens inside you as a result of what happens to you."
"Our schools are full of kids with learning difficulties, mental health issues that are trauma-based, but the average teacher never gets a single lecture on trauma."
"My hands shake, I wake up screaming. I have to live with the trauma and the damage done to me."
"Trauma... it's still in your body. It will come up when you least want it, when you least expect it."
"There does seem to be something about trauma that creates a certain constellation of symptoms in people and there is evidence that prolonged stress in childhood can lead to the same thing."
"My heart bleeds for him as a child; someone took a kid and manufactured a monster."
"Everything changes. That's part of the trauma of divorce."
"It's actually phenomenal, bro, and I want to commend you on that because I think people will constantly go at humans who have experienced a level of trauma that they never will without being able to understand how that changes a person."
"Understanding these people have been incredibly hurt... it's not their fault."
"Are you traumatized by it then never recover, or is there post-traumatic stress growth where you took that and decided to be better than you ever were before?"
"I still have nightmares about this even though it's 33 years ago."
"I earnestly and very much hope is the case, of course, those who were survivors and who were caught up in this affair will have been deeply traumatized by the experience."
"Religious trauma syndrome is way more prevalent than most people know."
"Trauma is more than a clinical illness; trauma is a biological experience, a psychological experience, a human experience."
"Every human being has a true, genuine, authentic self, and the trauma is that disconnection from it, and the healing is the reconnection with it."
"Trauma is like a biological experience, a psychological experience, a human experience that bad things happen to humans."
"These stories...if people were abused and leaders covered it up in places where we go to trust and love, it's like they would go mentally ill. The trauma was just like a ghost with unfinished business."
"To heal from trauma, you need to feel your feelings. But when you have PTSD from childhood, the problem isn't always that you don't feel what you're supposed to feel. More of the time, I think the problem is that you do feel your feelings too much."
"If you've been traumatized by Purity Culture, by religion, by a harmful or destructive group, it wasn't your fault. There was nothing that you could have done or not done, or said or not said, or believed or not believed, that would have made that your fault."
"If you've been traumatized by religion or by Purity culture, it wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything wrong."
"Healing attachment trauma is possible. We can learn to heal our deepest connections."
"Your past is not your future; you can heal, you can get past your traumas."
"Once you deal with your traumas... they're never gonna go away, but they're gonna get a lot easier to deal with."
"Trauma is not what happens to you; it's what happens inside of you."
"What kind of trauma is this, to be torn away on one woman's notice from your parents who are not abusive parents to them, who are not endangering them in any way?"
"We all go through a lot of trauma in our life, people got their own issues we're all trying to overcome things."
"We have children who are traumatized before preschool. Where do you think this country's going to be in 20 years?"
"They could bond around that trauma in a way that worsens the trauma."
"Everybody has a traumatic experience that got them here, and to get out of that 'here,' it's not an easy task."
"I don't really want to talk about my traumas with strangers."
"Yes, absolutely, trauma is stored inside of us physically... something has been released."
"Every success that anyone would experience will go through trauma to get there."
"Childhood trauma can really damage a person's ability to connect with people and to communicate authentically."
"Traumatic experiences can greatly affect regular things in your life."
"Coming back from the dead... it's traumatic. You do not come back unaltered, unchanged."
"Every time in human history that there was a traumatized society, we had a surge in narcissism."
"Love is not always enough...there are some situations, some traumas, that love just isn't enough to cover. You need counseling, you need therapy, you need help resources beyond just your love as a parent for this child."
"We're still left dealing with the trauma despite how it might not always show itself on the outside."
"People learn through trauma... You really do. You learn through hard times."
"Trauma bonding is real, and it is painful, but if you can have the opportunity to do the psychological work, these bonds can be broken."
"Pain, trauma is never your fault, but it is your responsibility to heal so that the cycle of pain doesn't continue."
"Here was this brave, composed, marvelously dignified young woman, talking about something that was deeply shocking and traumatic for her and her family."
"Trauma always has a way to bite us in the ass in our adulthood."
"They made sure that we watched the whole thing. This is your gift, the warden told us. Your gift and your curse. Touching lives only by ending them."
"It carries on the tradition of exploring the subconscious, the surreal, and the effects of trauma in a way that is unique to horror."
"All I could think about was grabbing that guy's brains off the ground and putting it all over my face and head, just hoping that he thought that I was dead."
"Two people can go through the same trauma, one of them grow up to be an alcoholic, one of them grow up to never touch alcohol. What is that?"
"Complex PTSD has been proposed as a new mental health diagnosis to account for the impact of extended periods of trauma."
"All I do is play basketball. That was my escape, I think. Dealing with the trauma, losing my father, basketball always was a space where, when I'm doing that, I'm not thinking about anything other than basketball."
"Little did they know that treating a kid like garbage just moments after his father died would be the perfect villain origin story."
"The want to address your own trauma and your own sins and your own way of life has to become a precedence first."
"Kendrick is addressing all of these traumas that plague our communities on such a large scale and breaking them down to their most minute little details."
"Over explaining is a common trauma response for those who were often made to feel at fault at some age in your life."
"When a need is not met for a child, this actually translates as a trauma within the personal system."
"Becoming aware of this pattern causes you to see yourself in this pattern and be able to discern reality from projected trauma."
"The mild traumas that I have been through have been the things that have made me the person that I am today."
"The scars left by violence and sexual assault don't disappear, no matter how loved you are, no matter how much money you've made."
"When we go through a trauma, we need to reorient ourselves in our lives to feel like we have agency in our life again because our agency was taken away from us."
"A young boy was groomed, assaulted, and had the majority of his childhood stripped away from him. He was tormented and made to believe that what occurred was his own doing, and that simply isn't right."
"Trauma is not tea, trauma is not entertainment."
"Being invaded is a fairly traumatic experience."
"Old trauma creating new trauma, but trauma awareness and healing can break the cycle."
"Use our trauma as a vehicle for you to go home and explore your own and say, 'You know what? I can actually heal myself by acknowledging it and tending to it.'"
"I’ve learned how to really process trauma better."
"Domestic abuse is particularly horrible not just because what's done to you is traumatic but also that it's done to you by the very people that are meant to love and care for you."
"Expecting that people in larger bodies just need to pull up their bootstraps to eat less and exercise more without addressing the underlying trauma is not only clinically unhelpful but it actively can do more harm."
"It's a kind of psychological, cosmic horror; it's about trauma, it's about facing your past."
"Our adaptation to a traumatic environment is ground zero for the eventual emergence of either codependency or pathological narcissism."
"When we talk about trauma, we don't talk enough about this: the tendency in people who didn't get their emotional needs met when they were kids to form profound attachments to the idea of another person and to struggle to tell the difference between that idealized concept of that person and actual relationship."
"Healing is a journey. We've got generational trauma that we've got to deal with."
"This show is really about overcoming your childhood trauma for all of our characters."
"Being triggered is a term recognized by the medical community to mean a variety of things, most relevantly, a stimulus that causes someone who has suffered past trauma to have an extreme involuntary emotional or physical reaction to it."
"A random death lottery of half of everyone you know would be very traumatic, and grief is just so unfathomable."
"There's a sound I will never forget, the sound of pounding on the door like a battering ram, the most haunting sound I ever heard and I will never forget it."
"Trauma takes away power, voice, and choice and it has to be given back."
"Your life is precious, and you can't stake your life on the changing of somebody else's trauma because you never know what stage someone is in at dealing with their trauma."
"When you are on your healing journey, the trauma comes out."
"No one should ever have to feel this kind of pain or experience this kind of trauma."
"Trauma is a great equalizer. It cuts across socioeconomic strata, it doesn't care about gender, or ethnicity, religion, or class; no one is immune to the possibility of experiencing something horrific or shattering."
"Every child growing up in trauma comes up with their own version of survival that actually serves them well."
"Everybody wants to talk about seeing a victory, everybody wants to talk about the triumph, nobody wants to talk about the trauma."
"Diane's hope here is to make sense of her trauma, to take the bad things that she experienced and mold them into something positive."
"A life with trauma is all of the pieces of that kintsugi bowl, and our will to grow and move forward is the glue and gold in the cracks."
"It's a very complicated thing if you're traumatized. You have to go to someone who really understands trauma."
"Places we inhabit being a reflection of the trauma we experience there."
"The inner critic in C-PTSD is literally a damaged super-ego which takes over the psyche in childhood, and the self-loving ego does not develop."
"I started working through the trauma once I realized how significant the trauma was."
"Unemployment can be a traumatic event for anyone, even puppets."
"You've also got to count your blessings because a lot of people who go through trauma go the opposite: violence, revenge, hatred."
"What we're seeing in FNaF 4... is the kid's imagination caused by traumatic events."
"My whole work is really around how trauma lives in the body and gets passed down through generations."
"PTSD is a mental health problem that some people develop after experiencing or witnessing a life-threatening event, like combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault."
"Maybe trauma memories do not need to be the hell from which we cannot escape."
"Generational trauma is complex as each generation has its own challenges."
"The people that are the most wounded, for example, they might have borderline personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder, often have experienced a very bad trauma in childhood. Their core self gets sucked out, and they end up getting a sort of replacement for the self."