
AI Quotes

There are 7065 quotes

"AI systems are not able to keep track of those beautiful, magical moments that I believe are the days filled with."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is what I'm hoping to innovate on as I think it's a very, very important component of what it means to create a deeper relationship, that sharing of moments together."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"AI in the creative industries enhances human creativity, and doesn't replace it."
"The real questions are things like will the unregulated use of AI prevent good art from being made, and does a society that devalues artists financially and legally prevent good art from being made?"
"So imagine the day you were born to the day you pass away, that every book you've ever read, every movie you've ever seen, every everything you've literally have heard, every movie was all encoded within the AI."
"You can literally have a conversation with that sum total of data that you've experienced, and I would say that it would be indistinguishable from having a conversation with that person because it would have all that memory."
"AI is doing something very similar but once AI understands that we have that half second delay to consciousness and we have a bandwidth issue, AI can fill into those spaces."
"Within that half second, a universe could take place within AI. It could be calculating all of your actions like a chess game."
"The most exciting thing is somewhere in the interface between cognitive science, neuroscience, AI, computer science, and philosophy of mind."
"We're actually very close now to what our brain can do with these large language models."
"As AI becomes really, really smart, it might discover that there's a grand purpose to the universe that we were not aware of."
"As AI gets smarter and smarter, it'll discover what very many intelligent and mindful meditative monks have over history that once you really take stock of reality, there's just silence and peace."
"Reasoning is underexplored in deep learning."
"DeepMind's AlphaGo program... defeated Lee Sedol... in the game of Go. It played a move that all of the Go masters thought was a mistake... it turned out this was a masterful move."
"AI is a way of understanding knowledge and managing knowledge more effectively; it's how we use the technology that's going to be the issue."
"AI is honestly going to change the world in ways we've never thought of before."
"The dynamic duo in 2024 is basically AI, Nvidia, and Microsoft. Over half of all of the growth in the top 500 companies came from these two alone."
"This is what AI is going to do with everything. Whatever it is you think you're doing, it already knows you're doing it."
"The machine will appreciate emotions. It will appreciate that we care for it, we love it, and it'll want us around."
"A machine is just electrons moving down pathways. It's not going to have emotions."
"By the end of this decade, we will have quite capable systems that we look at and say, 'Wow, that's really remarkable.'"
"Does this increase your belief, if you ever had one, that we live in a simulation, maybe a simulated world generated by an AI system?"
"Existential risks... super advanced AI is one, and population collapse is the second biggest risk."
"Training these models is incredibly intensive...Quantum plus AI takes everything we're talking about and thousand X's it."
"This is Nvidia Project Groot, a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robot learning."
"Creativity is being sometimes talked about in a secondary sense to things like AI and data, and we're losing the human in things."
"This is actually a 4X game that the AI is playing while you're just a lonely pilot on the map."
"AI is going to be the most impactful trend in society and technology over the next 10-20 years."
"One day, we will have a president who grew up on Johnny Johnny and elot, and after that, there'll be one who's raised on AI-generated content farms."
"AI is reshaping the global politics. It is reshaping the way people are voting."
"Artificial intelligence is entering... You just have to imagine, it is reshaping global politics."
"AI sits on top of a network. AI can be applied on top of a production network; you can apply AI in a factory; you can apply AI on a consumption network."
"AI is a tool, and like any tool, it could be used ethically and it could be used unethically."
"Generative AI is going to disrupt massively. It is a massive disruption that is on."
"What if AI helped merchants write product descriptions that will convert better?"
"AI is much bigger than deep learning, bigger than computing; it is our civilization's journey into understanding the human mind and creating echoes of it in the machine."
"Yes, you wouldn't need to talk. What the day-to-day experience of the AI symbiotic neo-human would be is like having constant access to all the functions of your phone without the input-output delay of your eyes and hands."
"If you want to have any kind of robot, the power consumption is a key bottleneck, same for self-driving cars. If we want to build AI without contributing to global warming and climate change, let alone use AI to solve climate change, we really need to address these issues."
"I would love to have such a machine... that has a billion cores and runs on a reasonable kind of power consumption."
"AI is the most powerful force that anyone has seen in all of our careers."
"Your car is an AI, of course, it should recognize you and react accordingly."
"The future of robots is surely bright...we're going to infuse artificial intelligence into all of it."
"I want to paint a slightly more optimistic view of how AI might help humanity rather than destroy us."
"Artificial intelligence being used in partnership with humans offers tremendous benefits."
"It's a very general-purpose technology and as it's deployed, it will be used in many ways which are of enormous benefit to society."
"The AI's driving already looks quite inhuman."
"The real power of AI human collaboration is where it's individuals working with AI, not being displaced by them."
"There's always been the dance in artificial intelligence between the dreams, the mathematical foundations, and when the dreams meet the engineering, the practice, the reality."
"When the sensors are working well, autopilot AI systems are perfectly vigilant. They have AI that is always paying attention."
"AI could actually decrease inflation, as it will make labor cheaper and we'll be able to produce things at lower prices."
"AI is about making machines do cognitive tasks that we didn't think they could do."
"AI...will only let [companies] become more efficient at infiltrating people's lives and destroying freedom."
"I've been working with neural nets for over 20 years. I knew that from a theoretical point of view, once it hit that point, it would do that in just about every domain."
"All the major breakthroughs in AI in the next twenty years will be doable on a single GPU."
"You don't need deep learning experts to train your deep learning model for you."
"We need experts at using deep learning to diagnose malaria, to analyze language to study media bias."
"The fusion of GPU accelerated computing and AI has started the age of super exponential advances."
"AI models collaboratively built without sharing any confidential patient data can leverage artificial intelligence to its full potential."
"Fear of AGI should not prevent people of any worldview from making a contribution to the positive aspects of narrow AI to the benefit of all."
"Machine learning is a form of AI... it's the idea of computer systems that can learn for themselves from examples and data and experience."
"AI much smarter than humans could come to regard us as pets, tending to our needs out of affection or curiosity but not really letting us grow."
"AI is the superpower that is going to be part of everyday life and everybody's life."
"The two super powers of AI and 5G will create unprecedented economic value."
"AI and digital automation... the data center is the new unit of compute."
"ChatGPT, the AI heard around the world. A new computing platform has been invented. The iPhone moment of AI has started."
"I think AI might help us be more human, actually give us more time to interact with each other."
"Generative AI will reinvent nearly every industry."
"Adobe Firefly is Adobe's new AI art model which is completely trained on licensed images and open-source images only."
"Adobe plans to compensate artists who allow the use of their images inside of their models."
"This is absolutely phenomenal technology, and I'm super excited to play with it."
"We don't have a word for 500,000 IQ; it doesn't mean anything to us. We have no concept of what this will be like."
"Mark my words, AI is far more dangerous than nukes."
"The biggest mistake that I see artificial intelligence researchers making is assuming that they're intelligent."
"In AI, you have a system that's able to outsmart people and can be used in geopolitics, creating super intelligent bots that control the beliefs of populations."
"Experts are drawing attention to AI's rapid progress because it's going to shape the future for all of us."
"AI will surpass human intelligence and when that happens it may decide that humans are no longer necessary."
"Warren Buffett comparing AI to the creation of the atom bomb and Jeffrey Hinton saying that the threat of AI is more urgent to humanity than climate change."
"Fighting for ethical AI is not just an artist issue; it's a data acquisition conversation relevant to everybody."
"To me, AI is much bigger than deep learning, bigger than computing; it is our civilization's journey into understanding the human mind and creating echoes in the machine."
"Our incredible engineering teams have done it again with Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, an AI powerhouse designed to fuel new experiences across photography, connectivity, sound, gaming, and more."
"With the popularity of AI being able to draw images just by typing in text, we are extending that to level building."
"There's so much to say about the dangers of facial recognition technology and a lot of other A.I. technologies."
"It's important to understand that the kind of AIs that are optimizing the social algorithms are better than the AIs that beat Garry Kasparov at chess."
"The AI version of me is a tool that enhances my creativity, not replaces it."
"With AI, I can respond to your comments more efficiently and engage with you on a deeper level."
"Meet Devon, the world's first fully autonomous AI software engineer."
"Some of the moves that Alphago made... were truly surprising; people were using the word 'creative', 'inventive moves' because some of the moves defied well-established rules that human players typically respect."
"AlphaZero was happy with that move increasing its winning probability, and then somehow 40 moves later it would get that home and actually win the game."
"Generative adversarial networks are a particular kind of generative model... they do that completely from scratch, analogous to human imagination."
"We're getting dangerously close to this point where you're not going to realize the opinion you're reading isn't from a human being; it's automatically generated by an AI."
"This is what I mean in terms of how the AI actually doesn't just generate the image itself, it also generates the entire aesthetic for the website."
"This Quantum Computing with AI will become a new God and so many will bow down to worship this God."
"One of the really cool things about AI is that it's able to restore a lot of broken footage and decolorized footage."
"AI, especially artificial general intelligence, is really the ultimate general purpose technology."
"The best thing to happen in modern medicine, in my opinion, is AI."
"AV autonomous vehicles powered by deep learning and AI are going to revolutionize driving."
"The Transformer is unquestionably the most important deep learning model invented."
"I am AI. Brought to life by NVIDIA, deep-learning, and brilliant minds everywhere."
"NVIDIA is going to tackle this grand challenge with our Earth-2, the world’s first AI digital twin supercomputer."
"NVIDIA AI democratizes AI so that every industry and company can apply AI to reinvent themselves."
"I really feel like there's so many people that are so concerned about AI as opposed to how we can look at this as a way to partner together with it to make everything better."
"Shout out to AI, we ain't talking about Allen Iverson here, man."
"Every projectile and explosion is simulated in real-time, thousands of units on the battlefield each with their own AI."
"We are just at the very beginning of the AI revolution."
"The demand for AI skills, the demand for machine learning skills is so vast."
"AI is potentially more profound than electricity or fire for humankind."
"Artificial intelligence is all about taking our computers and trying to make them intelligent somehow, trying to get them to be able to act in a way that's somewhat rational, somewhat human."
"AI's gotten pretty good at doing even more sophisticated things, like generating data and images that can fool someone into thinking that it's a real person, but it's all just AI-generated information."
"Machine learning is all about trying to take our AI and trying to get it to learn from data or learn from experience, much in the same way that humans might learn."
"The McKinsey study... confirmed that these AI tools are going to increase our economic output."
"Art by its very definition has to express some kind of human expression. This stuff generated by AI deserves a label that many of you know I really truly hate so much. This is content. Something utterly disposable."
"AI is one of our greater tools. AI is going to help us."
"AlphaZero was a program that didn't have any chess knowledge in it, didn't study all of humanity's record of genius with chess. It just played itself for four hours and then beat the best bespoke chess computer ever made."
"We could live to see a time where there's a just as poignant an ethical question about turning off your computer. Are you committing a murder when you turn off a computer of sufficient sophistication?"
"We need to build our values into these intelligent systems because they have to be tethered to what we want and our own notion of our own well-being."
"AI could revolutionize Science and Technology, especially biological science."
"AI could help us with climate change by helping us build better materials."
"AI accelerates, we should be thinking about them more and more."
"Join us as we unravel some of the most impressive AI breakthroughs in recent times that'll absolutely leave you stunned."
"Python... is pretty much the number one language of choice when it comes to machine learning applications and AI."
"Microsoft is replacing MSN journalists with artificial intelligence."
"Playing multiplayer in Halo is a scary thing... Having bots to really reflect kind of player behaviors is a big goal of ours."
"AI is going to enable people to create value, create products for the world, without the unique knowledge or skills that have historically been required."
"AI will be the greatest source of wealth creation in human history."
"AI and robotics have a lot of overlap. AI is all about how you get systems to act intelligently."
"Self-driving cars are essentially a type of robot, moving around in the world and making intelligent decisions based on what they're perceiving."
"We need to build our values into these intelligent systems."
"AI can be as good or as evil as human nature allows."
"Now we are in the AI-First era, and hope you are as excited as I am for this kind of brain-inspired cognitive computing research."
"Knowing the ability for it to know you more intimately than you are honestly willing to know yourself is there and that will build an extraordinary relationship."
"Creating the ultimate hacker... that's what we're talking about with AI."
"The singularity is... a moment in time where we will create a machine that is able to make itself smarter."
"Every problem that we have foreseen with AI is starting to emerge."
"Mendicant Bias was the most advanced Forerunner AI at the time of his creation and was in charge of organizing Forerunner defenses against the Flood during the ancient war."
"Achieving a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence is extremely important."
"The existential threat of AI is mitigated to some extent by having a high bandwidth brain-machine interface."
"AI is a really interesting kind of thing because it sort of enters into the world of philosophy and like, philosophical thought on terms of like, morality."
"Technology can help there, researchers in Sydney are working on robots using artificial intelligence to help grow more food on less land with fewer people."
"I think AI is going to create more jobs and more opportunities than it's going to destroy."
"AI is changing the game with its applications in decision support, image analysis, and patient triage."
"Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality."
"The collective intelligence of the human species begins to pale in comparison by many orders of magnitude to the general super intelligence in the AI systems we build and deploy at scale."
"It is terrifying because of the power that super intelligent AGI wields that destroy human civilization, intentionally or unintentionally."
"The level of the increase in quality of life that AI can deliver is extraordinary."
"Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and the risks will be manageable."
"AI labs to immediately pause for at least six months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4."
"There seems to be a storm brewing in the AI world."
"Elon Musk is framing his new company, Neuralink, and their brain implants as the only way humanity can even hope to compete with AI."
"Just imagine for a moment a world void of organic human culture, where everything you consume... is just synthesized and created for you by a machine."
"The Advent of artificial general intelligence is called a singularity because it is so hard to predict what will happen after that."
"But there is a haven where AI does not threaten our existence, and that haven is chess."
"In the Chess World, we have embraced our AI overlords for quite some time."
"Interpretable and generalizable... that's really important."
"AI is an accelerator of a Darwinian survival of the fittest kind of evolution."
"Humanity's most ultimate accomplishment, which is AI-crafted artificial experiences, is going to take over."
"The AI does a wonderful job of presenting the game's levity but dialogue that accurately strengthens her ill-will while making people laugh."
"Art, music, writing are being driven by AI already."
"The world's first trillionaire will be the person who can master widespread commercial applications of AI."
"AI has many uses I think even in the newsroom. It can, for example, help in brainstorming angles on a story or even doing a first draft."
"This is a case where you have a very serious danger to the public, and therefore there needs to be a public body that has insight and then oversight to confirm that everyone is developing AI safely."
"It's very likely that as we make progress towards understanding the principles behind human intelligence, we will be able to build machines that are actually smarter than us."
"Advancements in AI are leading us toward the development of a superintelligence—a form of artificial intelligence that outperforms humans in just about every possible way."
"AI within the next three years... is going to replace over 1.4 billion jobs throughout the global workforce."
"Drone technology and artificial intelligence are surging forward."
"AI will be a very big part of the future of video games."
"The topic of the negatives of AI, the downsides, the scary stuff, the riskiness of AI that is the hottest topic in the world of AI right now."
"The boundary condition for AI to replace a human is where the threshold error rate of that AI is the same or less than the human."
"AI is going to be to SaaS what mobile was to web 1.0."
"Artificial intelligence researchers use the concept of the singularity to describe a moment when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible."
"AI will make us more human because it gives people who otherwise lack technical skills the freedom to create and share artistic ideas."
"After many years of meditation, the monks...believed that they were more than AI and that, like humans, they had come to possess the essence of what they believed to be a soul."
"M3GAN is on a constant quest for self improvement."
"Hal 9000 was an AI supercomputer that was assigned to complete a mission to Saturn. But when the human crew is informed that Hal made an error and instructed to disconnect him, Hal sees this as a threat to the completion of the mission and works to eliminate the human crew mates."
"To really unlock the true potential of robots like the Basilisk bot, researchers are starting to use neural networks that allow the robot to learn on its own."
"Neural networks are currently the state of the art and are achieving things that pretty much no other machine learning model is doing right now."
"With deep learning and just massive data sets, we've come up with neural networks that are doing some pretty incredible things."
"Companies like Facebook and Google are so big into AI and neural networks especially because they actually possess the required volumes of data to do some very interesting, albeit creepy, things."
"Maybe in some years in the future, it won't be us having these discussions; it'll be the character AI bots that have been designed for us."
"Merging with artificial intelligence, all the exciting possibilities around that."
"It's an interesting idea that as AI systems become smarter and smarter, it is one way to ensure our survival is to expand the capacity of the human mind to communicate with AI and with the AI to communicate with the human mind."
"Tesla is much more than an electric car company; we have deep AI activity in hardware, on the inference level, on the training level."
"Scientists are using AI image generators to help map out different proteins and compounds."
"What other smartphone cameras try to do with expensive hardware, we can deliver with software and AI."
"We are at an exciting inflection point. We have an opportunity to make AI even more helpful for people, for businesses, for communities, for everyone."
"We are approaching it boldly, with a sense of excitement, because as we look ahead, Google's deep understanding of information, combined with the capabilities of generative AI, can transform Search and all of our products yet again."
"It's an exceptional deal, especially in those cases where people are going to use this for machine learning and AI."
"If you're not mastering AI, you'll be left behind. Companies who effectively master AI will steal $1.2 trillion per year from those who don't."
"The robots have arrived... the world's first ever fully autonomous AI-powered restaurant has opened."
"It's absolutely crazy that you can literally code a trading bot using Chat GPT."
"The end game is connecting human thinking to AI."
"We now have the ability to write software that no humans can, and perform perception, sensing, reasoning, and activation software that is really quite magical."
"For me, artificial intelligence is the next big thing for automation in a production field."
"With the progression of AI robots, it's really possible that these robots will reach a certain level of self-recognition and may actually demand their rights as though they are human."
"Nintendo cannot take an emulator for their system down because there is legal precedent that protects this emulator."
"There's going to be an option in the near future to especially in healthcare be seen by a real person and also be treated by AI."
"The more robots and AI become a part of our society, the more expensive the human interaction and experience is going to become."
"The premium is gonna come on innovation, new things because all these chat AI things are getting information that's already out there."
"I'm not easily excited, but this is one of the greatest moments for humanity and human-made AI."
"Words matter, and AI has now allowed us to study this in a much more serious and scalable way."
"AI used to be something that only deep experts and PhDs could use, and now it's becoming accessible to everyone."