
Insight Quotes

There are 9628 quotes

"Now, in addition to rapport and support being critical, there's a third component of effective talk therapy for trauma, which is insight or one's ability to come to an understanding of why one feels the way they do."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm a big believer in boredom is where all creative insight comes from."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Science has this amazing capacity to give us deep insight into the nature of reality."
"We gain a greater perspective when we zoom out."
"Insight is the booby prize of therapy. You can have all the insight in the world but if you don't make changes out in the world, the insight is useless."
"Life is a process of becoming, and the most crucial element in becoming is insight. Insight into who you are, insight into other people, and what makes them tick."
"Insight is the bridge that connects you to other people. When you have insight into other people, we call it empathy."
"Self-awareness is merely cognitive... Insight must include an emotional component which motivates to action or motivates to internal transformation."
"Listen to your intuition... intuition can really provide us with many valuable insights."
"Insight and awareness precede change, so pushing someone to change when they're not ready to change is never going to work."
"Meditation can be a journey of discovery that leads to profound, life-changing insights."
"Mindfulness acts as a wedge to open up our minds and provide insight into the mental habits that are arising again and again."
"Mindfulness can be a big insight; it can give you so much insight into your life."
"Creativity consists of four stages: preparation, incubation, insight, and manifestation."
"Most of those who have had a near-death experience lose their fear of death, because they've had an insight into what possibly happens when they die."
"That there are these like very simple sounding, but very psychedelic insights that exist sometimes."
"We fall in love at first insight, not at first sight. Love feels like peace."
"Conversations like this are vitally important not only because the topics that arise on themselves are intellectually stimulating but because they allow us an opportunity to gain some insight into the worldviews and beliefs of people vastly different from ourselves."
"Psychedelics are not about achieving some wonderful state; it's about getting insight into the nature of how the entire system works."
"There are many pathways toward insight in the world, there are many ways to live a life."
"If you can solve things in more than one way, you have two perspectives and there's quite often a moment of profound insight."
"This is a serious point, if you can solve things in more than one way you have two perspectives and there's quite often a moment of profound insight."
"Mathematicians solve things in more than one way, and that's almost always what makes some profound insight occur."
"A lot of what looks like insight and ingenuity is really just pattern recognition."
"You naturally see what's wrong with this world and you have a keen sense of wanting to fix that."
"Having this kind of perspective on the world at large and how you contribute to that on a personal level offers profound insight."
"As we explore the significance of the Euphrates within the context of biblical prophecy, let us also open our hearts to the wisdom and insights that emerge."
"But Zlatan would like to remind you that after some time passes and some thoughts faint, a new question will rise again and maybe, just maybe, you will find the answer to this one."
"I think Pajaro Dunes represented a turning point for many of us individually; we all had questions about evolutionary theory, but when we came together, each person brought something of their own to the table, and suddenly we all had a glimpse of a new way of looking at life."
"You're getting an insight into yourself that seems to be more than you could have managed on your own, and that I perceive as part of that divine connection."
"On this trip, you're going to get really creatively inspired. You're going to have a huge eureka moment."
"Meditation is giving you prophetic sight into the future."
"The ability for data and insight to really inform the art of storytelling."
"People will have a lot of aha moments, a lot of realizations."
"Inner wisdom nurtures the skills necessary to see all possibilities."
"Trust that insights will flow soon because you asked so clearly of higher consciousness."
"You provide the same experience for your audience; it is a superpower that superpower could be described as a unique combination of insight and vulnerability."
"I know what you can turn into; I know what you're willing to do."
"I read a little of it every night before I go to sleep, marveling at the lucidity of its language, the atlas of its imagery, the incisiveness of its insights."
"It's like a great quote... when you care about what is true, you look for the things that are true."
"Vision is foresight with insight based on hindsight."
"People don't really have a lot of relationship problems; actually, they have problems that they bring into their relationship."
"The beauty of complexity is not in the entanglement but in the unraveling."
"Understanding is not just seeing the explicit, but interpreting the implicit."
"If you really want to know who you are in Christ and what God does for you, the book of Romans and the book of Ephesians are amazing."
"With so many things in life, follow the money."
"A good life isn't having as much gold as possible; it's a boring life. A good life is having some quality friends and doing what you want and having some insight in life."
"This amounted to a total firmware upgrade of my brain."
"With an eye on the human condition, this is insight."
"The whole world has changed, but yet it was all so predictable from the jump."
"Rather than pushing for the answer, surrender to not knowing which can lead to more profound insights."
"Regret is actually useful. It's a change engine. It helps you make sense of the world, avoid future negative behaviors, gain insights."
"The goal of a procedure like factor analysis is useful insight."
"The real power of bitcoin is bitcoin is digital energy and until you figure it out, you're missing the fundamental insight."
"Listen to me, everyone, this is why I do the show, by the way. I want to provide a value and a depth of insight between two people communicating that you wouldn't get anywhere else."
"Strokes of genius are made of analogies, personal insights, political decisions, and dinner table conversations."
"I've always been a very firm believer that the language people use will give away how they truly feel."
"No one's looking for a relationship until they meet the person they want to be in a relationship with."
"Jupiter and Uranus... they're so wonderful because they give you clear vision about such matters."
"The mind that ultimately knows is the mind that, as it were, is receptive to a higher vibration of knowledge."
"The heart is the center of the emotions and the conduit for revelation."
"Pay attention to your dreams. Get a piece of paper, pen, put it on your nightside table, and as soon as you wake up, write down your dreams so you can connect the dots and get these much-needed messages, get this wisdom."
"Even now, we continue to study moon samples that were brought back from the Apollo program, which still yield new questions and more profound insights."
"The amount of useful insight that we get from observing the planet from space is actually insane."
"Insight helps you read people and situations and detect lies."
"The biggest thing that people have underestimated about AI is not the fact that it can actually aggregate human corpus of knowledge. It's that it's gonna come up with brand new insights that did not exist in the human corpus of knowledge."
"The ability to see a holistic picture... where you accumulate all kind of data points and then out of nowhere an image comes to your mind."
"I hope it brings some kind of insight and maybe a different perspective because I think it's very important to step out of your own mind, step into someone else's mind, and think about things through their thoughts."
"Self-medicating with other people is a phrase that I've never heard before... it's brilliant."
"It's one of the best things I've heard you say, man. Mindset is the only liability."
"Shinji is the first one to pinpoint the exact issue that Ichigo is going through."
"Mesut Ozil says, 'Such an exciting read. I love this book. Really opens up your eyes to the dark side of football.'"
"I find it remarkable that we were all asked as presenters to come here and talk about turning points, and if you were paying attention, you'll notice that almost every single one talked in some way about connection."
"Integration session: that's when they come and they talk to the therapist about where they went, what they saw, what insights they had."
"The insights from a psychedelic experience turn people away from the precipice of death to the infinite possibility of the moment."
"He's such a great guy and he is supremely observant and very insightful."
"It's kind of interesting to see the data being visualized like this."
"Things become so clear when you put things into perspective."
"I want to share with you the deepest insight I've ever had in my life, by far the most profound thing you will probably ever hear me say."
"It's funny, for being such a crude show, this theory is actually really sweet."
"Once you understand these mental models, the whole world of business kind of opens up."
"It's not about blame, it's about educating. And when you can learn these things and you can become more insightful as to what's going on, you can consciously change your behavior."
"You are going to receive a lot of ideas and insight... a lot of clarity and insight over the next month."
"The further you look into the past, the further that you can see into the future."
"The charm of the series is that it gives an insight into the larger forces at work in society - political, economic, or social realities."
"Dave Chappelle's special, in many ways, is incredibly smart, insightful, and depthfully aware of how Black folks are marginalized."
"The answer to my final winner came from an unexpected conversation."
"Great comedy is the art of confession. Tell me something I didn't know about you."
"You can feel things brewing within you; you kind of get your answers really quickly."
"It's a fascinating, different way of looking at things that we have been for our whole lives."
"Vision is foresight with insight that is based on hindsight."
"If you ask the wrong questions, you are unlikely to get the right answer."
"One of the greatest compliments you can give to an orator or to a thinker is when you hear them speak, you say, 'Damn, I never thought about it like that.'"
"Shame...is so useful. It's so horrible, so toxic, so destructive, but it's so informative. If you're resentful, you're either being oppressed and not standing up for yourself, or you're whiny and should grow up. Both of those things are really useful to realize."
"Many have marveled at how spectacularly accurate and insightful mathematics can be."
"The point isn't to go out and prove that you're the most tactical person on the field... rather... it's for every individual on the field to gain a little insight more into the feel, into the sights and the sounds, the smells, the material culture."
"Insight and understanding about the world often come from considering alternative perspectives that may at first seem odd or offensive."
"They can see beyond facades and cut right to the core of a person."
"I'm just connecting the dots here for you guys."
"I hope this video was helpful in gaining a deeper insight into what's actually happening under the hood in regression."
"Lessons of History... it's like 100 pages that encompass like 5,000 years of human history and trying to draw a couple of big conclusions or just big observations from it."
"What patterns do is not only give us the beauty but also the ability to look under that, see what's happening, understand what's happening."
"A lot of times, what you need is right in front of you."
"Instead of repeating the same three plot points that you hear in most child actor documentaries or memoirs... I want to take you deeper inside the belly of the beast and spark new conversations."
"I did not quite realize it when I published this a year ago and have been the only one to do so, but I wrote an editorial called 'Tortoises, Hares, and Vaccines', making the point that the race is not always to the swift and, in fact, often to the more thoughtful."
"I remember Lil Boosie said it best: 'Sometimes, people are hypnotized by hatred.'"
"Discovering unexpected value in ordinary items reminds us that not all treasures are made of gold."
"Traveling gave me insight... but even with fame, some things you can't get away from."
"You have two of the greatest minds of the millennium talking to one another, and you actually get a window into their minds."
"An insight is sometimes called an epiphany, an aha moment, or a Eureka feeling."
"That was probably the most profound thing I've heard in a long time, no joke. That was good."
"You called it; you're able to look past all their losses and just see the genius."
"The word epiphany means manifestation but also means a sudden insight or revelation."
"Through you, millions of us around the world have gained some of the deepest of insights into nature and even ourselves. We’ll see you on the other side. Until then, we’ll miss you greatly."
"Through understanding each other's popular cultures, we gain insight into each other's hearts and true selves."
"Have you ever had the experience of dwelling on an issue for a while, you seem to be stuck, so you decide to walk away for a bit, and when you come back to the problem, the solution is evident?"
"The insight was...a great relief because I didn't have to think about it anymore. I kind of understood something."
"Real discernment isn't just calling something satanic. Real discernment is actually discerning what's going on."
"Their actions or their words or their connection to the situation...it's almost like it's disguised or cloaked; there's actually incredible wisdom there."
"Prayer doesn't just change things, prayer reveals things."
"The real secret of magic, is understanding and taking on different perspectives."
"We've gained insights already about it, just from those couple lines of code."
"That's a good quote man, it makes you think."
"Your intuition is definitely telling you something about this connection."
"Somebody actually wants to break from this, and it's a growing truth with the Ace of Swords."
"Even if they don't articulate it in the best manner, they're probably onto something real."
"I think through all of this, there's an obvious fact emerging."
"I have never bought into stupidity and ignorance. I've always known that there's more to the story than meets the eye."
"The insight is psychotic because it is based on delusions."
"There are many valuable spiritual insights contained in each major religion throughout history."
"Life has a way of giving us tiny aha moments all the time that aren't really like some giant tidal wave of a realization."
"When we begin to see through the veils... we begin to see with insight."
"Thanks so much for being with us here today and sharing amazing insight."
"The secret is looking beyond what it is and into what it could be."
"These words are a window into the heart and mind of America's favorite pirate."
"Your spiritual growth is always measured by your spiritual ability and your spiritual Insight not spiritual knowledge."
"Successful outcome to your problem, there is some truth, some clarity that is coming into your life."
"Creative people are really good at connecting dots, finding relationships between things that most people can't see."
"It's a fascinating way to see what went into making something that you loved."
"It's the one thing that I think people underestimate."
"Maybe the answer has been hiding in plain sight the whole time."
"It's really sort of made me see a lot of things in a different light it's it was really like insightful but terrifying the same same breath."
"Seeing really hardcore behind-the-scenes like 'hey here's how it got made'...more documentaries about how games are made please."
"Fasting shows you that you have more power in you than you think you do."
"I realized she didn't need the experience, she needed the question."
"The real power of the text is not in what they ate, the real power of the text is in what they had left."
"It's all about the emotion behind the money, not the money itself."
"I think the questions and ideas posed by retail investors are actually the most insightful."
"I think people just get smarter... often it's only in hindsight when we can realize what we truly value."
"I've had the honor of talking to the show's writer, producer, and creator, Craig Mazin."
"Remember it's never what you see on the surface but what's underneath."
"You're not in the burger business; you're in the real estate business."
"You can't have no real insight about the present without the past."
"That's such a good point I never really thought about it that way but it's very accurate."
"Yes, we shut down. But the shutdown did not stop the spread of the virus."
"It's a fantastic book... you have a brilliant insight into these problems."
"Don't let the past hold you back from receiving valuable insight and critique."
"It's not one revelation, it's a series of revelations."
"There was something incredibly uniquely satisfying about gaining that insight without needing to be interrupted from the moment with my phone."
"You get the most insight when you travel, spiritual downloads, and enlightenment."
"These analyses are not reviews... we're talking about the story and what it means."
"You tend to shed new light where things have been portrayed."
"The Book of Mormon surprises us with its depth and wisdom, revealing eternal truths."
"Mary Trump knows more about Donald Trump than any of us ever will."
"In order to get a fully balanced view, you need to look at the full picture."
"There is a real, real pleasure to working on a puzzle for a while, not looking at the hints and then having it come to you in a flash of insight."
"Realizing and recognizing what's going on is the most important thing."
"A lot of my most brilliant ideas were not when I was like this, but rather when I was like this."
"My skill is finding the gems before they're spoken about."
"I think Marvel in general is very smart about it."
"Dragon is also the archetype for 2024, great for zooming out and seeing things for what they are."
"A deep understanding coming in from the outside."
"This is a very powerful message about how you perceive yourself in this connection."
"You're gonna have the capacity to see through illusions."
"Dreams, when properly understood and heeded, can offer profound insights and guidance."
"When we learn about it, when we uncover insights in turn, we can become smarter in correcting for those biases, solving for them in the DNA of how we design policies and programs."
"By studying this person, by removing himself from the question of Good and Evil by analyzing it, he had come to the most powerful insights about."
"In losing my freedom I discovered my freedom." - Unknown
"Every problem has an answer, you just have to be able to look enough within the problem to find those things that would give you the solutions."
"Think through and you will probably see right through it."
"You're able to see all sides of a situation."
"It's gonna bring you a very important insight indeed."
"It's a sad, sad picture that you see if you know what you're looking for."
"I feel like there's something more to know about this story."
"The ace of swords signifies a breakthrough, a major epiphany card. You're going to see something wildly clear, unlocking destiny, fate, and meaningful coincidences."
"You have to understand what keeps you in the successful sphere and capitalize on that."
"Fives are alert, insightful, and curious. They are able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills."
"Insight is starting to equal change or lead to change."
"Certain distinctions are so powerful that they will change your whole life."
"Many believe that this seer had a sharper eye for the present day than any of us living through it."
"I think my perspective is just a little different."
"You've really given me a lot of food for thought."
"Always take data very seriously; it can give great insight into the future."
"The deepest darkness is always the most enlightening."
"The pause brings me insight, the insight saves me time."
"You guys are really wise, insightful, caring, and have a great sense of humor."
"Two hearts in one home." - A possible insight into relationships beyond the obvious.
"Expansion of your mind is coming through really strong."
"Who knows I may get struck with a flash of insight over the course of the week."
"I don't think people understand this has always been the same game." - Gary Vaynerchuk