
Addiction Treatment Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"For people with PTSD also suffering from alcohol use disorder, the MDMA plus talk therapy treatment, in many cases, resolved their addiction to alcohol or other substances as well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It can be a tool against addiction and a very effective means to ameliorate symptoms related to trauma, anxiety, chronic pain, and more."
"Instead of thinking of addiction as this chronic, permanent, irreversible state, we can actually go into these brain areas... and we can actually switch the brain from a non-addicted state to an addicted state and back and forth."
"Abstinence is bliss. It is so much easier to stay in recovery than it is to continually have to detoxify and withdraw and try to get sobriety again."
"How incredibly misguided are we that we'd allow cops, instead of doctors, to talk to kids about addiction?"
"We really should just declassify opioids as a schedule one drug, and turn over that rock so that we could actually treat people with addictions."
"I believe that most of the folk who are struggling with addiction need health care and treatment, not permanent incarceration."
"We've got to bring it [addiction] out of the shadows and I do believe the kind of legislation you're talking about is moving us in the right direction."
"It depends on your perspective... if you're somebody working in an addiction treatment program and all you see are people coming in addicted to opiates, you'll say, 'Oh my god, these are awful. All they do is addict people.'"
"No more new drug injection sites. We're going to take the allocated resources, we're going to flip them into treatment centers to get these folks off of drugs."
"If opioid addicted individuals had better access to this, we'd see overdose deaths starting to come down."
"Your support is helping me chase this dream of doing what I love to do."
"It's about really providing a system of treatment and an actual recovery plan for them to heal."
"Legalize those drugs, treat drug addiction like a medical issue."
"These drugs suppress appetite and help snap people out of their sugar addictions."
"You have to treat it like an addiction because that's what it is."
"The first thing to do is stay clean. This makes the other stages of recovery possible."
"Addicts are all too often forced to hide their addiction... comfortably seek treatment."
"Treating addiction as a public health issue is crucial."
"We need to rethink how we treat inmates, addiction, and mental health."
"Recovery is not only possible, it's not only probable, but it is the expected outcome when the appropriate treatment and recovery support services are made available."
"You don't give an alcoholic more alcohol if you want to reduce their alcoholism."
"The results were in. Addiction was down by more than 50 percent, overdose deaths were down by more than 80 percent."
"Harm reduction is meeting every client where they're at."
"Drug addicts should be in treatment, not jail."
"Changing your environment can change addiction."
"I'd rather get them clean and provide them opportunity as opposed to providing a safe space for them to continue to do drugs."
"Addiction is self-administered pain medication."
"The addiction, whatever the behavior or substance it is that a person is addicted to, is in fact a symptom, not the original cause of the issue."
"The most successful addiction programs focus on healing the underlying wounds."
"We need to change. We need to get treatment for the drug addicted, we need to get treatment for the mentally ill."
"Drug addiction is a medical issue, not a criminal issue, and should be treated as such."
"Most people can't afford $30,000 a month to go to rehab."
"We don't care how someone gets into treatment, all we care about is they get it."
"It's an illness. I think the illness needs to be treated."
"This person is like hell-bent on doing spell work to make somebody who have addictions here."
"I believe drug addiction is a mental health problem, not a law enforcement problem."
"Indoor gardening makes sense. Get a sodium vapor lamp. It will cost a lot in electricity but you can grow literally anything under one of those. It feels just like the sun, no more seasonal effective."
"Psychological therapy is so important in the treatment of addiction."
"Ayahuasca was the only thing that kind of ripped that addiction from him, it showed him the pain that he's causing his loved ones."
"Iboga's a cool plant, great for getting people free of addiction and rewiring your brain."
"Ultrasound energy is changing the electrical and chemical activity in this structure in the brain involving addiction and Cravings, just resetting them and giving them kind of a fresh start."
"I know for a fact that I would not be sober today if not for this medication because it dealt with the biological issue inside of my brain which kept me relapsing back to alcohol."
"Effective addiction treatment has to focus on identifying and addressing the causes of the pain for the individual. It's more than just repairing the body."
"Synanon's encounter groups could produce lasting psychological harm, and that only 10 to 15 percent of the addicts who participated in them recovered."
"How has the patient's life changed as a result of taking this drug? Are they able to work, take care of their kids, and all of these things are improving? That's treatment for addiction, that's getting better."
"These medications improve every outcome you can think of in terms of addiction. Very, very effective interventions, that's the reality."
"Even one use after detox can lead to a fatal overdose. Detox alone without any kind of treatment is just not adequate. You're putting the person at a very high risk of a fatal overdose."
"We have to treat addiction as a chronic illness. Just like diabetes, you wouldn't deny medication to someone with uncontrolled diabetes, so why would we treat an addiction patient differently?"
"Why don't you give people amino acids when they come in for alcohol addiction?"
"There's a lot of resistance to the Sinclair method because it goes against the abstinence only."
"He's off of those. He has just completed almost six weeks of detox and treatment at an addiction center."
"...it's not surprising that you have a therapeutic that is going to be valuable for multiple addictions."
"It's got to be treated like an illness because it's not a criminal thing; it might lead to that, but that's the result, not the cause."
"I have tremendous hope for the future of addiction treatment."
"Once someone's in withdrawal and once someone's already on buprenorphine, which is protective against overdose for various pharmacological reasons, they might as well stay on it."
"I own a drug and alcohol treatment center... We have helped thousands of people get sober."
"You're not going to reap maximal benefits from any sort of treatment for addiction or mood disorders if your body is not healthy."
"We need to start treating addictions in this country instead of making them illegal."