
Caffeine Quotes

There are 455 quotes

"Caffeine is such a strong reinforcer that, if even tiny amounts of caffeine are present in certain foods and drinks, you will very quickly come to prefer those foods and drinks over other choices."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine both works on the reaction time systems of the brain and body but also stimulates certain neurotransmitters and so-called neuromodulators within the brain and body that give the neural circuits in the brain that are associated with learning and memory a lower threshold to activation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine acts as an antagonist to adenosine, which offsets the sleepiness that we would otherwise feel from the accumulation of adenosine that occurs as we are awake for more and more hours throughout the day."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine's psychostimulant properties appeared to protect against depressive symptoms."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If one examines reaction time, mood, alertness, focus, and memory or the ability to call up information from memory, or physical dexterity, power output, endurance, and overall feelings of well-being during exercise and exertion, caffeine has been shown in numerous studies in both men and women to improve all of those metrics significantly."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Many of us don't even really know what our normal basal level of cognitive and physical functioning is because we're ingesting caffeine on such a regular basis."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"So it makes perfect sense that using caffeine at the end of a learning bout would enhance our memory for the information that we are trying to learn."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine is a performance-enhancing drug, but only when compared to the noncaffeinated state."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I had a cup of coffee this morning, and many of us listening to this podcast, it's really hard to start our day without getting that hit of caffeine."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine does have a lot of-- well, it's anti-neurodegenerative. As long as you're not getting anxiety, it's pro-performance, both mental and physical performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Caffeine, provided it's consumed in the appropriate dosages, can improve mental performance and physical performance, and it largely does that through improvements in focus and concentration."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Drinking caffeine before a workout is going to be about the worst thing that you could possibly do because it's going to increase core body temperature and it's going to constrict your blood vessels."
"Up to 600 to 800 milligrams of caffeine a day is associated with better health, both cardiovascular health and mental health."
"Caffeine's like a secret cheat code for feeling less tired."
"Caffeine has the property of not just causing the release of dopamine but increasing the amount of dopamine receptors over time."
"Caffeine actually increases cognitive function, but caffeine doesn't last forever."
"A growing body of evidence suggests that people with type 2 diabetes react differently to caffeine."
"In several research studies it was found that after people got over their caffeine withdrawal, their productivity exceeded what it was before."
"Researchers suggest that removing coffee from your daily routine could result in healthier skin."
"Caffeine is an alkaloid that occurs naturally in dozens of other plants. It serves as a central nervous system stimulant that can boost mood, increase concentration, and metabolism."
"The FDA has cited 400 milligrams, which is roughly four or five cups of coffee as the daily limit for adults."
"Pediatric experts recommend that children under 12 years old should avoid caffeine entirely, and teens should limit their intake to 100 milligrams a day."
"With great caffeine comes great responsibility."
"One way to avoid the afternoon crash is don't drink caffeine for the first hour and a half to two hours after you wake up."
"Every day, billions of people rely on caffeine to wake up and get through the day. In fact, it's the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world."
"Caffeine also enhances the levels of adrenaline in the blood and increases brain activity of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine, promoting a state of alertness, arousal, and focus."
"Consuming just 100 milligrams of caffeine daily, which is about equivalent to just one cup of coffee, is enough to cause withdrawal when you stop."
"Coffee's effect on our brain: It acts as a block so that the normal tiredness cycle is altered."
"Caffeine is one of the few good legal performance-enhancing compounds."
"At the end of the day, I think what we learned is that caffeine actually can be very good for you, despite all the myths."
"It's amazing what caffeine does, isn't it? Incredible!"
"People get [ __ ] upset when I start pointing out their use of caffeine."
"Coffee, green tea, just caffeine in general is a natural appetite suppressant."
"Combining your caffeinated beverage with a glass of water helps counteract its dehydrating effects, promoting overall hydration."
"Caffeine is the drug we've all accepted in society."
"Caffeine enhances cognitive performance on tasks that require sustained attention."
"Caffeine is one of the few drugs that almost everybody takes just to feel normal."
"The caffeine nap, or nappuccino, combines the benefits of a nap with the benefits of caffeine, reducing sleep inertia."
"Caffeine can be toxic to birds, lucky elves don't fit that bill."
"Caffeine is a natural PCSK9 inhibitor which helps surface the LDL receptor to the surface of the liver."
"I'm awake now because I've been chugging a couple of these, and caffeine is a wonderful terrible thing."
"Caffeine is 100% addictive. Is heroin addictive? Yes, okay, it is addictive. So both caffeine and heroin are addictive, are they the same? There it is, apples and oranges."
"I think I'm crashing right now because of the massive amount of caffeine and sugar I put into my body today."
"The shorter the exposure time to the water the less caffeine you get and the less toxins you pick up."
"Caffeine is the number one studied performance enhancing drug definitely and it actually has proven benefits it's like the most well studied the most evidence behind it that it truly improves performance."
"Caffeine is a drug with addictive properties, but unlike the others, it does not have any age restrictions."
"Coke and Pepsi contain large amounts of sugar and caffeine, increasing the risk of obesity and other health problems."
"Tea has caffeine, which gives you sharper energy but also a relaxation."
"Caffeine has a quarter life of 12 hours, meaning that if you drink coffee at 9 in the morning, at 9 o'clock at night, you've still got a quarter of that caffeine in your system."
"Coffee blocks adenosine receptors... that's why it prevents us from feeling tired."
"I know how to caffeinate myself through life."
"A powerful mix of caffeine fuels your workout, helping you exercise for longer."
"Caffeine allows me to do a lot of work. I can do more by noon than the average person does all day, and possibly all week."
"Caffeinated drinks will include sodas, caffeinated tea and even chocolate."
"Sugar and coffee are the most sold drugs in the world."
"Limit caffeine intake in the afternoon and evening for better sleep."
"Oh my gosh, I'm like shaking; this caffeine and fine line painting do not mix, but we're gonna get there."
"One can't properly have a chat until we have caffeine in our body, am I right?"
"Caffeine is a natural PCSK9 inhibitor."
"Caffeine has an ergogenic effect, meaning a performance-boosting effect."
"Waiting 90 minutes before consuming caffeine can actually help you preserve your natural cortisol pattern and it promotes better sleep and wakefulness."
"Drinking coffee before bed delays your internal body clock by 40 minutes."
"I always finish my coffee before I eat anything. I just can't even think about food until I have some caffeine in my system."
"Caffeine... it blocks the signal of low energy; it does not actually give us energy."
"Caffeine is what fuels the insanity of life, you can quote me on that."
"Caffeine is an antioxidant, which means it can help offset the damaging consequences of exposing skin to ultraviolet radiation."
"Caffeine applied to the skin is anti-inflammatory and has antioxidant effects which may help in suppressing inflammation in the skin."
"I just need to smell. I need to smell. I don't know who to slap now. What am I just supposed to dance around here with no coffee? Let's dance our way to the next coffee shop."
"Caffeine itself, and so does coffee, has some actual benefits for boosting your metabolism and liberating fat from your fat cells."
"Three cups of coffee, freshly brewed, will delay dementia six, seven, eight years. About the same as the other factors."
"One of the most powerful drug experiences I've had in my life was the first cup of coffee after three months off. Really, it was psychedelic."
"I take caffeine I guess it makes sense cuz if you do consume caffeine gives you a buzz it's probably going to increase the likelihood of you actually getting up off your ass and doing something."
"Caffeine helped me tremendously to lose weight."
"If you're thinking about increasing the amount of caffeine that you're taking in to increase your performance further, it's always worth bearing in mind there's a sweet spot with these things."
"Caffeine may actually enhance the hippocampus, this memory encoding structure, and boost its ability to encode."
"Maybe we should look into caffeine as a therapy for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease."
"Caffeine results in motility changes in a lot of people."
"How dare you for me, what is wrong with you? Quit breathing and die, okay, that's what it's like for us caffeine."
"Cacao just gives a very low dose of caffeine and it tastes delicious."
"Caffeine doesn't increase blood pressure, but it can be an issue for people who consume large amounts of it through drinks such as soda, coffee, or energy drinks. Alcohol, on the other hand, definitely has an effect."
"I definitely feel less chronic pain in my back and foot since quitting coffee."
"You and I may like coffee. And yeah, there are studies that report on the benefits to drinking coffee. There are no conclusive studies that talk about if caffeine is good for you."
"The best way is to just gradually cut back."
"What keeps your body upright? Right. Spite and coffee."
"Caffeine really is a good motivator."
"Numerous studies have highlighted caffeine's short-term cognitive benefits including improved mood, metabolism, vigilance, and cognitive function."
"Greater caffeine consumption, whether through coffee or tea, was associated with lower intraocular eye pressures."
"It was my sophomore year of college and I was talking to my city's local coffee shop at around midnight because I needed a little caffeine to help me finish my assignments and they were open 24/7."
"This is gonna keep me awake, I feel like a sick dog drinking coffee."
"I don't feel like myself right now, so I had five espresso shots."
"Try to stay away from caffeinated drinks after 6 PM because really that second half of the night is when we're slowly getting into the rhythm of sleep."
"The best fat loss supplement that you could probably have is your cup of black coffee in the morning."
"Eye creams with caffeine as the active ingredient are often recommended when it comes to the improvement of dark circles, but I'm still waiting for someone to show me a really good study that shows that topical caffeine works well in the eye area."
"It's like mornings like these where I'm sprinting out of the house just to get a little bit of energy that I remember that maybe I am severely reliant on caffeine. But do you know what? I'm okay with that."
"If you have dark under eye circles, don't expect caffeine to completely change them for you. Most dark under eye circles are hereditary or the result of age-related changes."
"Humans are so cute, we just need a little cup of coffee and everything's going to be okay."
"A hundred to 200 milligrams of theanine will take the edge off a caffeine experience."
"What better way to kick it off than pouring myself a piping hot caffeinated beverage from 7-Eleven?"
"It's very quick if I drink two cups."
"Crew are very not functional when they don't have their coffee in the system."
"I knew it's definitely the caffeine that was doing that to me."
"I'm just so bored right now. I've been up all night. I've had eight giant cups of coffee."
"I find that some people do really well when they're just drinking maybe like a half a cup of black coffee to help kind of keep them on their feet give them a little bit of energy and it helps normally."
"I love it for that reason because when you're breastfeeding you're not supposed to have a ton of coffee."
"it's the coffee they've been putting like 400 milligrams of caffeine in their regular lattes compared to Starbucks which is like 80"
"A piping hot caffeinated beverage must be attained."
"Getting caffeinated, grabbing a couple coffees: one for later, one for the park."
"I have felt so good since I haven't been like drinking a ton of coffee."
"All right y'all so this is the organization the cubes fit perfect all right y'all so don't judge me because it is 7 p.m and I'm about to drink some coffee but you know what I have a headache and I haven't had any caffeine all day so this is like my caffeine intake."
"Caffeine is a fascinating chemical... It's very hard to imagine an industrial revolution with everybody buzzed on alcohol. You need caffeine for an overnight shift."
"People can detect doses of caffeine at 10 milligrams or below, we've actually shown some people can detect it as a dose lower than two milligrams."
"The reason why you're feeling that way is ‘cause the barista made a mistake and gave you caffeinated espresso when you asked for decaf or maybe you just love me."
"I literally get depressed at my second coffee because that's all I could have most days. Too much caffeine and I get anxious."
"Not drink caffeine past lunchtime."
"I'm starting to feel the caffeine mmm but it's not making me hyper it's just making me happy."
"There's nothing more important at this time in the morning than a coffee."
"I'm gonna drink this, I probably won't sleep for the next three days."
"Caffeine is a stimulant. So, caffeine increases your sympathetic drive. It increases alertness."
"When we consume caffeine, it's quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to the brain."
"Given the accessibility of caffeine, the applications are endless."
"Caffeine blocks something called adenosine receptors and it basically tricks your body into feeling awake."
"Coffee is just where a bunch of drug addicts who need caffeine every morning."
"I definitely feel sleepy but I feel good. My head hurts a little bit but I think it's because I am so used to having caffeine pretty much right when I wake up in the morning."
"Moderate caffeine intake can be pretty good if consumed responsibly."
"I'm extremely caffeine addicted and my head is pounding."
"I think I have an addiction now... I chug it... it activates my brain in ways that have not been activated in a very long time."
"Coffee spelled backwards is efoc...as I don't give efoc until I've had my coffee."
"So I have a a [ __ ] Tupperware of one3 caffeine coffee so I could have two cups of coffee and even that is only 2/3 of one cup of caffeine."
"Isn't it wild that we're all so incredibly attached and addicted to caffeine? But cutting that out could only help."
"I really don't like the caffeine crash particularly around 2PM is when it hits and that's frustrating."
"Mega Coffee is your go-to shop for your daily intake of caffeine."
"Caffeine, coffee, is the most common medication that produces alertness and it's fairly safe."
"The arabica bean has about half the caffeine of the cheaper robusta."
"Caffeine consumption has been associated with a decrease in the incidence of diabetes, cirrhosis, Parkinson's disease, and certain cancers."
"Overconsumption of caffeine can lead to adverse effects such as nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, and headache."
"Each year, thousands of cases of caffeine overdose are reported to poison control centers in the United States, with several resulting in hospitalization and deaths."
"Caffeine metabolism varies among individuals due to genetic factors, with some people being more sensitive to its effects than others."
"Caffeine should be consumed in moderation, and individuals should be aware of their own tolerance and sensitivity to its effects."
"I've been pedaling on a bike for the last 30 minutes and I still haven't had coffee."
"Consuming caffeine can improve alertness, mood, focus, memory consolidation, and reaction time."
"Studies have shown that it can significantly reduce perceived effort. It’s basically like legal doping so you’re going to be at a disadvantage from a competitive standpoint if you don’t take in any caffeine during a race."
"Caffeine does not give you energy, it stimulates your nervous system and adrenals."
"Caffeine has clear benefits for endurance exercise performance."
"The biggest thing, the biggest reason why... okay, I'm gonna make sure I carry this in my bag with me, actually walking on campus, is because it has caffeine in it. And I didn't know that, like I didn't know that my Doll had caffeine."
"The last seven pounds are the hardest... getting good sleep and cutting caffeine is very, like, those three things will get you there fast."
"If we're talking about like a chemical dependence, you can't properly be addicted to caffeine."
"Am I addicted to caffeine? Yeah, I know it's a problem"
"...I've started waiting an hour and a half after waking to drink it and now I don't get that crash..."
"I've missed caffeine, that's all I have to say."
"The less amount of caffeine you take, the better because it means that you are going to be getting a better night's sleep."
"I'm just feeling like I need a little caffeine boost for today. She has a chai spice latte in her book that I saw, so I have all the spices for it, and we're going to make that."
"It sure does feel good to have some espresso."
"Problem is if you drink too much caffeine at a certain point it upsets your stomach, it just does. A lot of us, the hardcore caffeine, uh, we understand this is just a problem."
"Magic happens when I'm caffeinated."
"It's actually quite terrifying how dependent on caffeine I've become recently."
"I'm conducting a little experiment... I'm not having caffeine during my workouts and I'm going to see how I feel."
"On the way to Dubai. How you feeling? Tired. No power on coffee."
"I always start my day with a coffee."
"I need to go get a coffee before my brain shuts down."
"I think everything. I don't think there's any positive to drink caffeine other than feeling good, but we're addicted, so oh well."
"I need coffee. Sunday bank holiday Sunday bank holiday Sunday."
"I don't care what kind of energy drink they got on the market, they just do not compare to coffee."
"Coffee caffeine is stronger than every other caffeine."
"Everything seems to go easier with a little bit of caffeine on board."
"My heart's racing and I don't know why I think it's because I'm up early and haven't even had a sense of my coffee yet."
"Desperate times call for desperate measures. Time to get some wake up juice."
"Who out there can drink coffee at nighttime I usually can't."
"Jessica, I'm really concerned about the amount of caffeine you're drinking."
"The l-theanine and matcha not only helps to buffer some of the negative side effects of caffeine it is also thought to improve mood."
"Caffeine boosts metabolism and suppresses appetite."
"Caffeine... psychoactive substance... raises cortisol... caffeine as a crutch... alone against your adrenal glands... disrupts the quality of their sleep."
"Caffeine is one of the major contributors, I believe, to hyperactivity in our school children."
"These Sports beans actually have caffeine in them."
"I would assume majority of people do drink caffeine whether it's through tea or through coffee or some sort."
"I always think coffee when I think caffeine though me too."
"Caffeine, 100%, does boost your metabolism. It gives you more energy, so you move around more and burn more calories."
"I can sleep after coffee anywhere."
"Yeah, well, the funny thing about the coffee is, like, you got a stimulant and then you got a depressant."
"I think I've got enough coffee in me to make it through this hour."
"I literally rubbed my temples and slurped on my coffee loudly."
"It's not the caffeine that's related to the health benefits, it's the antioxidants."
"I feel much better without it... I feel like I have better, more consistent energy throughout the day if I don't drink coffee or take caffeine."
"Caffeine burns up and Gia's sister called me a [ __ ]."
"L-theanine when paired with caffeine will help limit the body's spike in cortisol, body stress hormone..."
"Objectively, no matter who you are, what your wellness goals are, what your life is, if you pivoted to no caffeine for the first hour to hour and a half of your day, compounded over not really that much time, you would have benefits."
"Caffeine is a psychoactive drug. It's the world's most popular one."
"Cut off caffeine early to improve sleep quality."
"Caffeine is very much shaped like adenosine and can block those receptors so it actually occupies the same space that the adenosine would occupy."
"Caffeine, it gives you energy, you're already so depleted in your first trimester that you need energy but your body's just like, no you can't have energy."
"Going vegan and quitting caffeine improved my mood."
"I usually do my online shopping in some sort of highly caffeine-fueled, you know, up all night sort of adding things to my cart insanity."
"I'm really proud that I started working out without any caffeine."
"I don't recommend I know I was deciding what to do about sleeping like I never do the night shift thing where I wake up really go back to bed if I do that again I need to not have coffee."
"Overdose unless you drink like 200 cups of coffee."
"Caffeine is an absolutely fantastic drug."
"The squad is caffeinated and ready to go."
"Your morning beverage is ritualistic, consider tea as a great way to stimulate your senses whilst not exhausting your adrenal glands from caffeine."
"We're both a little over-excited. I've had two americanos now, so it should be interesting."
"One possible benefit of caffeine is that, in low to moderate doses, it may help to decrease depressive symptoms."
"We believe that caffeine has some beneficial effects but it has some potentially dangerous effects as well."