
Stress Quotes

There are 6287 quotes

"Stress will diminish you, crush you, reduce you, or stress will grow you, bring out your best, and maybe even take you to heightened levels of performance that you've never experienced before."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most powerful nootropic or smart drug is stress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Performance gets better when you are alert and when you're a little bit stressed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"My horse does the double inhale, long exhale often. He's a bit of a stressed guy. Do you suppose this physiological stress regulator transcends species?"
"Stress releases a hormone called adrenaline... it collapses your peripheral vision... I think that it does that psychologically too."
"When people are under periods of stress, they have trouble considering things that are not right in front of them."
"Stress is not necessarily the bad guy because you have to have it to turn on actually antioxidant systems and to turn on brain activity and physiological systems."
"It's so important to have a more complex view of stress because we've definitely been villainizing all forms of challenging experiences."
"Clutter makes us feel stressed, it makes us feel anxious."
"Almost all lost motivation is actually fatigue, burnout, overwhelm, and stress."
"Look after your mental health. It's normal to feel stressed, confused, and scared during a crisis."
"Whatever you're stressed about, if somebody walked through that door with a gun right now, you would not be stressed about it."
"The number one mineral that's really associated with the modulation of stress, like our body's stress systems, is magnesium."
"Toxic stress will decrease your nutrient absorption by up to 80%."
"The demands that we put on like really young kids are just unbelievable."
"The first sign of an impending nervous breakdown is the belief that your work is terribly important."
"Stress is probably the start of all disease."
"It's hard, I think when it feels like World War III, and you're having a meltdown, sometimes it's just about the principle."
"Stress is making us stupid, and here's the science behind why meditation can make you better at life."
"Mental health check-in for March 19th, 2024: I'm stressed but I'm also really excited."
"Whenever you violate one of your values, you're going to be stressed."
"Life has become more stressful and complex since finding our life purpose, but equally more fulfilling."
"It's an extraordinary fact: it's not change, good or bad, that stresses us; it's change."
"Beyoncé told ELLE, 'It could be stressful balancing life as queen bae and mom.'"
"A human being cannot thrive in an atmosphere of distress."
"Look at my transcript. This is the weight that I carry."
"We carry all of our worries and stresses like a backpack, and they kind of eat at us."
"It is right to talk about motherhood as a wonderful thing, but we also need to talk about its stresses and strains."
"Stress is a poison and it's a natural part of life too, so we better learn how to deal with it because stress is never going to go away."
"Almost all illness is stress-related because it's either caused by stress or it causes stress or it's aggravated by stress."
"The most common source of ongoing stress is your imagination. It's worrying."
"The brain, where that worrying is happening, is sending alarm messages... it only listens for and sends out two messages: one is everything's okay, and the other one is watch out, danger."
"Having a skin condition like psoriasis is incredibly distressing and anxiety-provoking."
"Is this how Jim Carrey felt when he was playing the Grinch? This is very stressful right now."
"Cortisol dysregulation and general stress syndrome... can be noted in terms of epinephrine and norepinephrine."
"Stress is my best friend because stress makes us powerful, it makes us strong."
"If you concern yourself with what people hear and then how they come back at you, you're not gonna sleep at night."
"The more you try to suppress cortisol, the more you suppress adaptation."
"Stress becomes too much, it actually starts to hinder our performance."
"Entrepreneurs take more antidepressants and psychoactive drugs... because entrepreneurship is incredibly stressful."
"The level of perfection that women are expected to be in the Korean entertainment industry maybe she took all of that stress and trauma."
"Worry is circular. It's going around and around, lots of motion, but you keep ending up right where you started."
"You've really put yourself in a very high stress situation...you start down regulating the receptors for them."
"I just want to start this video by saying I'm a little bit sad. I'm kind of losing my mind right now."
"Stress could be why you're having trouble losing weight; it can wreak havoc on our blood sugar."
"While we anticipated that the stress of the pandemic would impact the people providing care, the extent of stress and the percentage of workers considering leaving is worrisome."
"This is the stress test, and the stress cardiogram will reveal the real state of your heart, or in this case, our emotional oxygen supply."
"Baseline matters, and baseline on the stand is better than baseline off the stand because you can see what's normal for the person under whatever level of duress."
"Resting heart rate will elevate with excessive stress load."
"Pathological loneliness is bone-achingly painful, it feels like a physical weight and stress."
"If you're feeling really stressed out and really distracted, it's probably because there's dirt on your countertops that's subconsciously impacting your energy."
"Moving, they say, is one of the most stressful things you can do in your life, and it's proving to be true."
"Get to that place where you're not worried about bills because that hanging over your head causes stress that ruins lives."
"The kids are just being stuck in this like study regime."
"What was stressful for you five years ago may not be stressful now, or vice versa."
"Being stressed doesn't directly increase the risk of cancer."
"I've yet to see one person that looks even mildly stressed."
"Clutter increases stress hormones. It's very hard for us to feel at ease and settled in a space that is cluttered up and messy."
"Star Wars Battlefront 2's director nearly had a nervous breakdown towards the end of production, but the team successfully completed both modes on time."
"A coping mechanism is a process, a procedure, or a technique that enables you to manage or adapt to stress."
"High expectations coupled with low control; that's burnout."
"We talk about the equation of stress causes adaptation, but as you alluded to, the piece in the middle is only if you can recover from it."
"If your wife is stressed out, if she's full of anxiety all the time and depressed, what do you think the children will be?"
"Stress and worry does not solve our problems; it usually makes them worse."
"I worry about the most ridiculous things, things that my mind doesn't need to be cluttered with."
"Fear causes stress, and stress shuts down your immune system."
"What we basically figured out is there are two things that severely severely drain your self-control: the first is emotional regulation, and the second thing which reduces self-control is stress."
"You never sleep well, you know, you're like, you're thinking about things. So she's got a little sore throat and she doesn't sleep."
"Please let me go. This has taken literal hours."
"Guilt is a kind of stress, and it actually makes the brain more susceptible to temptation."
"Narcissism exposure causes a massive amount of stress, leading to depression, anxiety, and even obsessive-compulsive symptoms."
"Chronic stress reduces blood supply to the digestive system, decreases nutrient absorption, and increases food sensitivities."
"If you're a child in poverty, you're going to face developmental delays and toxic stress."
"It's the most stressful I've been in a race car, quite frankly."
"It's a world of difference like an actual tangible, palpable difference in environment, in ambiance, in overall stress levels."
"I have been in fight-or-flight mode for most of my life. What that has done to my brain and my body, my mental well-being is, if I continue at this rate, catastrophic."
"Even if you have the best diet in the world, other things can erode away at your immune system. Stress is probably the one thing...that we don't take seriously. We think of it as being psychological...but it's always biological because stress chemistry is real."
"Even though it seems stressful now, it's going to lead to a better opportunity."
"You cannot carry all that load. It will show later on."
"Stress and the immune system is another popular topic."
"With so many stressors in life, it can be difficult to maintain effective nutritional habits and to give our bodies the nutrients it needs to thrive."
"Our social and economic culture generates chronic stressors that undermine well-being in the most serious of ways."
"When you squeeze an orange, what comes out? Orange juice. So when you squeeze a person, in other words, when you stress out a person or when you insult a person, what comes out is what's inside."
"There are many ways to experience stress, and it impacts all your senses: hearing, touch, smell, and most definitely vision."
"Punishes someone who doesn't necessarily deserve to be punished, condemns them in the public eye, and unfairly forces them into a more difficult and stressful position."
"Achievers don't get fearful. We get stressed or we get frustrated."
"It's normal to be stressed during a zombie apocalypse."
"Sometimes when we accomplish things, all we feel is relief, like when you're panicking about the final exam and then you take the final exam and it's not like, 'Yay, I did it!' It's like, 'Oh my God, thank God that's over.'"
"Telomeres are like caps on the ends of your DNA that get shorter as you age and they get shorter with stress."
"I'm grateful for the life I live, but that doesn't mean it's not stressful."
"At a certain point, the water will boil over; the seal will break, the pressure will be too much."
"Stress and emotional state can affect how we respond to certain conditions and therefore affect the dose of a drug we need."
"Our research shows that fear and those stress hormones actually suppress the immune response."
"First place, wow, stressful race, lots of excitement."
"How can a game about running beans be so stressful?"
"This is how your body's designed to get you out of emergencies. The problem with somebody who gets a dysregulated nervous system is you feel like a truck's about to pull in your lane all the time."
"What they found is that when a kid has ADHD, it's very, very frustrating for the parent... and the parent actually will like yell a lot more."
"If you're constantly worried, what's the point of making videos? You can't express yourself."
"It's really natural to feel your heart race, to have your thoughts go wild. It's really natural to feel that pressure."
"People are burned out, stressed out, more mental health problems, and we're looking for the next pleasure."
"Money doesn't make you happy...money definitely stops you from having certain stresses and woes and worries but having the money doesn't necessarily guarantee that you will be happy."
"It's okay to feel the pressure and be vulnerable and need help."
"If there's no stress, you can't develop yourself, so pressure has to be a must if you are an artist."
"It's hard to not be emotional... usually, in the middle of a crisis scenario, I'm pretty good at being not emotional."
"Thank you for all of the work you're doing. I mean, it must be unbelievably stressful during a time like this to be trying to work out what's going on with patchy information."
"Stress makes us do harmful things to ourselves...keeps us from getting proper rest."
"We can turn back time to the good old days when our momma sang us to sleep, but now we're stressed out."
"It's not fun to be at a crossroads. It's not fun to be in a do-or-die situation, but at least everyone's clear on what the situation is."
"Disclosure is going to be traumatic, but all evolution occurs during stress."
"The brain and heart function in a very incoherent state when under stress, but in a state of creation, they can go into coherence."
"Expecting contact everywhere, even in my personal life, became a distraction."
"We want the stress and the excitement and the drama of the ball being in the air, not knowing if you're going to take the lead or lose."
"You are allowed to have your days when you feel overwhelmed because I do feel like you've had a lot on your plate."
"Every single time, it's an anxiety-inducing, miserable experience."
"How many times have you ever made a good decision when you've been panicked, desperate, or felt stuck?"
"Post-traumatic stress disorder is the prototype disorder in the trauma-and-stressor-related disorders category."
"Stress is probably the most common that people don't realize. It's like over, especially in our modern environment."
"It's my goal to see money as something that we can celebrate and enjoy, but it's hard for me to get to that point because of how much it stresses me up."
"If you zoom in, what I see is how tightly his knuckles are gripped around mine. You can see the whites of our knuckles because we are smiling and doing our job, but we're both just trying to hold on."
"I always thought that when people said wedding planning is super stressful and time-consuming, they were exaggerating. But it is very time-consuming and very stressful."
"My life is blessed, and my only stress comes from...it's a deeper conversation about purpose."
"Anxiety and stress can sprint in your mind for years, leaving trails that erode your mental health."
"I just wish there was something I could do to relax."
"Mess is a serious psychological deterrent. Clutter can create stress and reduce productivity and affect our relationships."
"Stress and anxiety are complicated experiences. They can be brought on by a lot of different triggers and they can feel different for different people."
"Mental death is actually mental illness because all the stress, all the mental problems that black people exhibit... it's because of malnutrition."
"Stress can kill you faster than a gunshot wound."
"She got out of her palace most days... and it was a very unusual job and it was a very stressful one, but it could also be very rewarding."
"You see the absolute worst of humanity in a Starbucks drive-through."
"Caregiver burnout is a common result of too much caregiving, too fast, and not thinking about yourself enough."
"On a single day, multiple people were seen leaving Payette's office with tears in their eyes after private meetings with her."
"If something's uncertain, you don't know what to do, so you have to prepare to do everything, and that's unbelievably costly psychophysiologically."
"It is freaking stressful and it is very risky."
"The challenge that we're faced with these days is that we're activating this fight-or-flight response center in our brain basically every day."
"If you have your smartphones, if you Google right now 'University makes me', you know the first four automatic answers? Anxious, depressed, feel like a failure, stupid."
"I don't know what to do. Pressure makes diamonds, that's what it means."
"It's the most stressful experience I have ever had on stream."
"Playing tournaments is stressful enough, but to do it on a live stream while playing against so many crushers adds a whole new layer of stress."
"One of the biggest things that ages people is stress."
"Your brain's not really functioning at that point in time so it's probably not best to trust the decisions that are made when that adrenaline hangover is there."
"The stress of waiting for the university application results is maddening; her whole future is riding on this application letter."
"His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti." - Eminem
"Stress is actually a huge factor in the exacerbation of cancer... high stress people are at a much higher risk."
"I dealt drugs for 40 minutes. I couldn't handle the pressure."
"I'm pretty sure this is what a nervous breakdown feels like."
"Every night you're going to go to sleep thinking it can't get crazier than this, and every morning you're going to wake up and go, 'I wish it was only as crazy as last night.'"
"What makes my blood boil is when you click unsubscribe and it takes you to a website that says, 'Please type out your entire email address.'"
"Stress is a part of life; it can very easily affect our overall well-being."
"I understand that you've told this story many, many times... and it's very stressful for you. So I really, really appreciate your time."
"Stress is the major cause of the dysfunction of the immune system."
"Stress shuts down the immune system to conserve energy."
"If your problem is that you got stuck in traffic or someone challenged your idea instead of you got chased by a lion, that can do some stuff to your brain that seems to get a little bit out of whack."
"Cortisol is often nicknamed the stress hormone."
"The biggest stress of all is trying somebody trying to be something other than who you are."
"Not that stress causes psoriasis or stress causes autoimmunity, but stress affects the immune system."
"I don't know about you, but for me, 2020 has been a bit of a stressful year."
"I've had like three panic attacks this week... I've just been so stressed."
"Litigation is emotionally draining, even for the lawyers."
"Things were so stressful that they had to get a pet lion just to take the edge off."
"Women's stress is caused by deep and growing inequality, not hormones or biological sensitivity."
"I cannot imagine what some of y'all are going through when you get stressed in the opening."
"I'm just trying to get all this work done in the middle of the end of the world."
"Being attacked for who you are is probably one of the most stressful things."
"Sometimes heroes respond to stress by becoming heroic."
"Lawsuits are expensive, stressful, and not an easy thing to do."
"I even think about it in the daytime. I can't stop thinking about it. I'm losing sleep. I have dreams about it."
"To all of the members of sad milk, I just want to say that I'm very sorry that I caused you stress throughout this project."
"It's extremely stressful to have all the social media impact of all these fans all the time."
"Chronic psychological stress suppresses the immune function, impairs healing, and ultimately reduces your skin's ability to repair damaged collagen and to generate new collagen."
"The level of anxiety that's coursing through the world right now as a result of something like this is extremely high."
"Escape: Curse of the Temple is stressful fun."
"Writing is hard work, but it's not as hard as doing neither because then you're a mess, you're anxious and without purpose."
"Everybody's dealing with a whole bunch of [expletive] all the time."
"When the going gets tough, I'm not doing an interview."
"Logic is this just doesn't add up, I don't know what it is, I don't know what the actual equation answer is but it's not this, sorry."
"Emergency medicine rotation was a little bit stressful...a lot of confidence and sureness in your ability..."
"You really want to get to a place where you're not feeling the pressure of maintaining your way of living."
"I just can't keep up, there's just too much content."
"You start to see your money go down, everything goes to [ __ ]."
"They're really stressed because they want to make it happen with you."
"Have you felt like everybody was at your door?"
"Sometimes there's just too many emails, bro."
"One thing is for sure: I won't be taking a nighttime drive to help me relax."
"People became edgy. Some more than others. But after another couple of weeks, then things began to rip, and anything could set off a big fire very quickly."
"Absolutely mind-melting. I feel like my brain's been put in a blender. I'm gonna need a bit of time to recover from this."
"Pressure is essentially the answer to all of it."
"Scientists can now transform stress into electricity. Unlimited power! We are so stressed, it's funny. Well, as everybody else should be."
"I think there's shocking validity to how stressful and um crazy it is to have a kid."
"Our ego is so overdrained by the news, marketing, education, politics, etc., that it causes a fight-or-flight response all the time."
"Developers forget things, you know? We all stress."
"Stress underlies most of the things that kill us."
"It's a really corrosive way to live and we can't do that to ourselves."
"The past 10 days have been effectively a century for the Trump legal team."
"There's a bit of a threshold effect, and your first few obstacles are relatively minor, but as you add more buildings, there's a certain point where it begins to take a much bigger toll."
"I'm so overwhelmed. I need to get out of the house."
"Being an online content creator in the midst of a drama storm can sometimes feel like you're in the middle of an invisible tornado."
"Loneliness leads to chronic stress, which compromises the immune system."
"This whole social support aspect is gone and then it leads to this protection against stress."
"If a million people are yelling at you, it doesn't matter what they're yelling at you about, the effect is pretty much the same."
"She was obnoxious, selfish, a complainer... I was going insane after being around this girl for like three or four different occasions."