
Mindset Quotes

There are 28840 quotes

"The total effect of anything is a combined product of what you're actually doing, and what you're thinking about."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Mindsets are an assumption that you make about a domain... Those mindsets, those core beliefs, orient our thinking, they change what we expect will happen to us when we're stressed, how we explain the occurrences that happen or unfold when we're stressed, and also change our motivation for what we engage in when we're stressed."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"People who have a stresses enhancing mindset have more positive effect, not necessarily less negative effect, and it potentially changes physiology."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"To stew over a problem is not the way to solve a problem."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"How we think about a given set of activities affects how we perform those activities."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our thinking defines our life, and when we can take hold of our thought and see it for what it is and change it, that, my friend, is how we change our lives."
"If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them."
"Our belief around our identity is what shapes a lot of our mindset."
"The gravity of the battle means nothing to those at peace."
"We're not reacting, we're not scared by it either."
"We're not reacting, we're anticipating and predicting."
"Before motivation, you have to become optimistic."
"Don't downgrade your dreams to fit your current reality; upgrade your mindset, your motivation, and your methodology to meet your destiny."
"Gratitude is a constant mindset of thankfulness."
"Your brain is like a supercomputer and your self-talk is the program it will run."
"A question opens the mind; a statement closes the mind."
"If you want to optimize for your health, you have to optimize your mindset. If you want to optimize for your mindset, you have to take care of your health."
"Toxic resilience is productivity at all costs, a mind-over-matter mindset."
"If you're tired or you don't feel like it, that's when you need to get up and do what you need to do."
"Being angry and tired and unhappy all the time is not a good way to become successful or to change the game in your field."
"Go today is going to be a great day, and that way you get your brain looking for what's right rather than what's wrong."
"I think there's a gift in this, like whether there's a gift of what's going on right now. True or false, I choose to believe it because then I'll operate from that point of view."
"I think putting yourself out there and putting yourself in situations that could lead to friendships is a good sort of mindset to have."
"Keep my gratitude higher than my expectations."
"Your mind is always eavesdropping on your self-talk."
"Your mind's like a parachute, only works when it's open."
"You don't have to believe every stupid thing you think."
"If I'm asking all the time, 'Why me? Why this happened to me? Why won't anybody help me?' my brain is just looking for a reason to affirm why my life sucks."
"The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best; therefore it tends to become the best; it takes the form or character of the best, and will receive the best."
"When you get out of the competitive mind you will understand that you never need to act hastily. No one else is going to beat you to the thing you want to do; there is enough for all."
"Gratitude is the ultimate state of receiving."
"Whatever we think about regularly, that becomes the habit of our mind."
"How do we finally transition into abundance? It has everything to do with our mind and what we believe."
"I would just walk down the street and say, 'There's prosperity. I'm breathing in prosperity.'"
"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."
"You've gotta retrain kinda the way your brain works."
"What would you say is the difference between a wealthy or rich mindset versus a poor mindset? It's a way of thinking, a way of acting and being and doing."
"To get better and to get well, you have to have a mindset of a champion."
"One of the biggest reasons you are getting better is because you've started consuming content that's elevating your skill and mindset."
"The more that we program our brain and we're in control of our brain through affirmations, through healing, through self-reflection, through journaling, the more we have a more cohesive outer reality."
"You have to reframe your mind. You have to change your mentality and think, 'Nope, I am someone who's on self-improvement for the rest of my life. I am the guy who meditates for the rest of my life. I am the guy who consistently goes to the gym for the rest of my life.'"
"All you need to do to keep on progressing is stop worrying about progressing."
"Your thoughts create your reality. Yet you still live a life that you dread."
"Those that monetize their mind unlock a luxury unfathomable to those who monetize their time."
"We often think that when I get that thing, I'm going to be happy. It's the opposite; it's when I feel good, what I desire is on the way."
"Your body's reacting to your mind, so in order to digest food properly, your mindset is crucial."
"Your brain can be wired to attract money, your brain can be wired to attract love, your brain can be wired to feel great."
"People with a fixed mindset tend to see change as a threat, whereas people with a growth mindset tend to see change as an opportunity."
"Have a go-to mantra to redirect negative thoughts. My personal one... is 'attitude of gratitude'."
"Instead of saying 'I can't afford it,' ask 'How can I afford it?' That opens up your mind."
"The first part of being successful is your mindset."
"Do not downgrade your dreams to meet this current situation. Upgrade your mindset, your motivation, and your methods to meet your dreams, your destiny."
"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."
"There's one thing that correlates with any kind of success you want... it's mindset."
"You change everything in your life, but very few of us change how we think."
"You're not going to evolve if you continue thinking the same way."
"Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be."
"You need to focus your mind on actual happiness."
"Ultimately, there's this weird relationship between your mindset and your execution."
"Only execution matters. Meaning, you could have the worst mindset in the world, but if you do the right things to be successful, you will be successful."
"Mindset is everything. The reason that mindset is so important is at the end of the day, only execution matters."
"Your thoughts are things, and they are creative in nature."
"Resilience is about shifting that mindset to move away from perfectionism."
"It doesn't matter what happens, it matters how you think of it."
"It's not the event that made you unhappy; it's what you thought about the event."
"Dwelling in the idea that all things are possible is the safe place to be, not the dangerous place to be."
"I'm not gonna lose my mind over losing a house because I'm gonna need my mind to decorate the next one."
"If you can just change your mindset to not think of adversity as a problem or as a negative thing, and to think of it as something that is helping you."
"You can't be grateful and fearful simultaneously."
"Your character and also your mindset are actually the most important things."
"It's not accessibility inclusion; it's a philosophy. Accessibility is a mindset."
"If you get in the mindset of focusing on something you need to accomplish, things will work. That's just my opinion."
"Whatever you think, you become. You are your thoughts."
"Every time you do one of these visualizations... it feels good to be a winner. I feel the feeling of what it would be like if I was there right now, having accomplished this."
"A sustainable life is about being prepared, not scared."
"Your life is a physical manifestation of the conversation going on in your head."
"The worst thing you can do is focus on negativity. It won't spare you from the cage of death, the pain of disease, the cruelty of time, the cold shell of human nature, or the eventual loss of everything you've ever held dear. Whatever you do, don't focus on that."
"Every great leader that has ever lived has told us that you and I become what we think about."
"Life is about never giving up, and it's about keep going is the mantra and mindset that I use."
"Not needing money gives you this power, this abundance mindset."
"You can't be a victor and a victim at the same time."
"Fear and worry is like prepaying for something that's never going to happen."
"When our happiness depends on an external trigger, then the problem is when the trigger is absent, the happiness is absent."
"Gratitude drowns out negativity and brings positivity into our lives."
"Being childlike has nothing to do with your age; it has to do with a mindset."
"What can you do for me or how can I serve you, and I choose the one, deliberately, every single morning, how can I serve you."
"People with chronic health complaints, when their mindset changes, when they start to see some of the programming that they've had to view the world a certain way and when that starts to shift, then I see this truly wonderful growth."
"I think it's a moment of brilliance separating two pretty equal teams."
"Your thoughts and images, and how you feel about them, imprint themselves on the subconscious mind and create your reality."
"Being able to adapt has a lot to do with mindset... My identity as a human being is not determined by certain outcomes."
"At the end of the day, what is in your mind when you set out to do a task drastically alters how successful you are."
"Maintaining an infinite mindset is the recognition that whatever is happening today is not the end."
"The infinite mindset is not the absence of the finite; it's the context in which the finite exists."
"Having a growth mindset become very, very successful traders."
"Mindsets set the tone for the next moment, for the next hour, for the next day, very often for the rest of your life."
"You cannot change your outcome without changing your mindset."
"I've done a lot of things I thought were impossible. Nothing's impossible anymore."
"Visualization is... reprogramming your reticular activating system, that system of neurons that act like a filter in your brain, so that it's spotting opportunity."
"Business is an infinite game, and when you play with a finite mindset, lots of people suffer, including the companies that they themselves are trying to build."
"You are not a victim of circumstances; stuff is not happening to you."
"Stop viewing the unexpected as negative. Normally the things that we think are negative are just the unexpected."
"I have always said I'm a lucky person and I have been. If you say you're an unlucky person, you will be. If you say you're a lucky person, then you will be."
"Scarcity equals low vibrational thinking. Abundance mindset is you believe you already have everything that you need."
"The person with an abundant mindset views all misfortunes as blessings in disguise."
"You are so powerful and when you set your mind to something you can make anything happen."
"I am full of positive thoughts from the moment I wake up."
"I love to think positively about every situation."
"Mind is the master power that molds and makes, and man is mind, and evermore he takes the tool of thought, and, shaping what he wills, brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills. He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Environment is but his looking-glass."
"Our mind is how we think, feel, and choose, and our mind has this optimism bias."
"You gotta believe you can do it and then you gotta build that mindset where no matter what happens, you're gonna find a way."
"Your mindset is critical to your health, it's critical to your productivity, it's critical for your dreams, it's critical for your happiness."
"If you change the way that you think, you will change your life."
"It's not an event to have a positive mindset; it's a process."
"Optimism doesn't just happen like that. It's something you have to achieve, you have to work on."
"Think bigger, and the reason why I say that is because a lot of times we hear that think big, but when you're thinking big, you're, 99% of the time, not thinking big enough."
"The energy of lack is when you get overly attached to stuff whereas abundant energy is a trust that what's for you will always be for you."
"Have a zero tolerance policy for your own negative thoughts."
"The single thing that's holding you back is how you think."
"Your mindset and having a powerful mindset and being deliberate about what you're going to think about begins the moment you wake up."
"Recently, I have fallen in love with a new word: 'yet.'"
"When you change how you think, you will change your life."
"When you start to own your morning and when you start to take your morning routine seriously as a habit that you develop that contributes to your mindset and your happiness and your sense of control, it will change your life."
"It's your mind that stops your potential, not your genetics."
"There's no reason why you can't get into the top 20, other than your mindset."
"They say that discipline is doing what you hate like you love it."
"You will never lose because when you don't win, you will learn."
"Our life is shaped by our mind, for we become what we think."
"Focus on what you're for, not what you're against."
"Happiness doesn't depend on who you are or what you have, it depends on what you think."
"Creative expression can come from anybody because everybody has a mind built for creativity."
"The mind is a competitive advantage. You can train optimism, calm, confidence. Where does confidence come from? What you say to yourself, that's it."
"Our bodies are designed to adapt. It's all in the mind."
"Success is not about what you're thinking; it's about what you're doing."
"Fear is not real. That's something in your brain; it does not exist."
"I think we tell ourselves that like we're stuck in this way of existence; we're not really stuck. We have a lot of options."
"Easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way into a new way of acting."
"The man who says I can and the person who says I can't are both right."
"Manage your money with the right mindset, because you want to be investing for the long term. This is a long-term wealth building play."
"Surrender negative thinking. You have control over your thoughts. When negative thoughts surface, say 'Thank you for sharing' and quickly refocus on positive affirmations."
"You are beginning to master your own mindset, you're beginning to master yourself."
"It's just about finding your zone. It's just like any other game, you have to think that way."
"Your thoughts are magnetic and powerful, miraculous changes are occurring."
"97% of millionaires believe they control their financial destiny."
"Discipline is doing what you hate to do, but doing it like you love it."
"Repentance... it's to change your mind... You change that mind, everything else changes."
"If you want to change something in your life that you don't like, you don't start with your actions... you start with your thoughts."
"Stop thinking poverty if you wish to attract plenty."
"You become what you think about most of the time."
"Your brain is like a supercomputer, and your self-talk is a program it will run."
"The two most powerful words in English language are 'I am' because whatever you put after that completes that sentence."
"Change your thoughts and you change your destiny. You become what you think about."
"I wasn't gonna be on defense with my positivity; I was gonna be on offense with it."
"You don't have to worry about being effective, just stay in the place of love."
"It's not how you start; it's how you finish."
"If you think you can or if you think you can't, you're probably right."
"Cognitive reframing is literally changing the way that you think about things."
"A setback which is your last setback is when you give up, but if you don't give up after a setback, it automatically becomes a setback."
"Being self-critical, looking at potential solutions you could have done, rather than what someone else could have, is the mindset of a really good player."
"When you put your toothbrush down, take a minute to look at yourself, set an intention, and then high-five your reflection. It might feel weird and awkward, but it is neurologically and scientifically impossible to raise your hand, high five your reflection, and think negative thoughts at the same time."
"All self-worth issues stem from one thought: 'I am not enough.'"
"The point of the challenge is not for you to actually lose the weight; it's for you to understand it's a lifelong process, not six weeks."
"You're in a beautiful position and it's important that you stay in a place of gratitude."
"The Law of Attraction: whatever you focus on, you're magnetizing towards you."
"I've always had a really, really good business mentality."
"Live a life of gratitude. Just be thankful for small things."
"The number one reason why people struggle is their mindset, the fear, the limiting beliefs."
"If you change your perspective, you change your life."
"The greatest minds of our time have always said: 'Match the frequency with what it is that you want, use the power of the mind.'"
"You truly have the power to manifest whatever you're thinking."
"It's not just manifesting and everything's gonna come true. I know that I'm very lucky, but I do think that all of this wouldn't have happened without hard work, and it's not just hard work but it's about your mindset, your motivation, and your drive."
"Fear and faith cannot cohabitate in your mind."
"The state of mind can easily override those outer conditions; we can feel terrible in a little paradise and feel strong and joyful even in the face of adversity."
"Progress comes when you realize the current mindset is not enough for what we want to achieve."
"Poor people always think about money... Rich people think about things... But wealthy people think about ideas."
"If you want to become wealthy, you have to break away from the majority, you have to start thinking different, and you have to be financially educated."
"The one thing that differentiates somebody who becomes wealthy and can live the life of their dreams and somebody who cannot is your mindset."
"Either you can play the blame game, get mad at the rich, hate the system, complain, cry, or you can do the learn game and you can say, 'What is going on in the system? How can I learn how the rich have become rich and how they are getting richer that way I can benefit from the system?'"
"When you really make friends with wealth, you will always have a surplus of it."
"It is normal or natural for you to desire a fuller, richer, happier, and more wonderful life."
"Your thoughts make you wealthy or poor. Choose the riches of life right here and right now."
"Your true source of wealth consists of the ideas in your mind."
"This is about doing over dwelling. Right now, 98% of people are gonna dwell. And the 2% that do, and make, and create, and go on offense, and realize an opportunity, will succeed 10X, and that's the way the game is played."
"The more you can feel empowered in your thinking, the higher the likelihood that you're going to produce results."
"Your life and the outcome of your life and the destinies of your life is going to be based on what you choose to think."
"The only place we can cure our lack and limitation is in our own mind."
"Emerson said a man is what he thinks all day long."
"You must subjectively possess riches before you can objectively possess wealth."
"You're allowed to fail as many times as you want. It doesn't matter that people think, 'Oh, I try and I try and I try but I finally failed, so that was it.' It's not even about the trying; it's that you can fail so many times at something, and that in and of itself does not mean that you're done."
"Money is unlimited and my Prosperity is unlimited."
"I am experiencing a powerful abundant shift in my thinking."
"Our thoughts, our perceptions, our inner dialogue becomes our reality. It creates it."
"Lucky Girl Syndrome is all about reprogramming your mindset into thinking I am good enough, I am smart enough, I am capable enough, and I am worthy of all of my desires."
"Feeling powerful is linked to so many aspects of our mindset that change how we approach life."
"Self-esteem is nothing external; it has everything to do with the internals: your mindset, who you think you are, your beliefs, your self-image, your subconscious mind."
"Taking a one to two minute cold shower activates your mindset, body, and benefits your immune system."
"The major obstacles to success always lie within the mind of the individual."
"Life is one big head game and once you learn to play the head game, it's no longer a game anymore at all. You can start living your life."
"Your thoughts are powerful, your words are powerful, and what you believe is what you attract into your world."
"Poor people believe they are creatures of circumstance. That means that life happens to them."
"Weightlifting has changed so much for me... it's really changed my mindset overall."