
Recovery Process Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"What people in recovery talk about is, if I can just do today right, then I will get a chain of days that seem insignificant in their individual units, but after six months or a year or two years of those good days, I've got two very good years."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Instead of thinking of addiction as this chronic, permanent, irreversible state, we can actually go into these brain areas... and we can actually switch the brain from a non-addicted state to an addicted state and back and forth."
"The Press should have said which is people who have strokes have a recovery process. During that recovery process, they often have challenges with auditory processing."
"The ketones stick around for 6 to 8 hours which is very helpful for the healing process."
"Verbalize your struggles and seek help; it's the first step towards recovery."
"But that's okay, you know, you lick your wounds and you move on and try and find new meaning in life."
"I'm a former FBI agent, recovering FBI agent, it's actually a lot easier to explain to people. It's kind of like being an alcoholic when you're part of something that you didn't want to be part of."
"Breaking the trauma bonds, reversing the illness and the disease caused by the toxic relationship."
"The last piece of it is just to be kind to yourself and let a little bit more time pass before you expect everything to be done."
"As long as you get back on track, you didn't f*** up."
"The first thing to do is stay clean. This makes the other stages of recovery possible."
"Isn't this the first step in any recovery program that you first have to admit that you have a problem?"
"Recovery is just the first step to getting better. It's not like you enter treatment and everything is okay."
"I never imagined the freedom that was going to come through step 4."
"Relapse is a part of recovery... don't let a bad day turn into a bad month or a bad year."
"Nerves grow very slowly, nerves regrow very slowly... don't expect overnight results."
"It's amazing they've managed to fully blow back up."
"It will have to get worse before it gets better."
"Getting her magic back doesn't fix her, it's just a sign that she's on the path to recovery."
"A well-nourished body and brain is better able to withstand ongoing stress and recover from illness."
"We may be on the road to recovery, but we're not even halfway there yet."
"At the core of recovery is self-awareness, being able to quietly observe oneself and notice what exactly is going on with your bodily sensations."
"You're gonna be sweating, you're gonna be shaking, it is terrible. However, you do not get better by running away from the pain. You need to lean into it."
"I want to encourage the old-timers to please please keep doing the step work"
"I had no idea what the recovery process was."
"Rebuilding trust: a delicate but necessary journey."
"Every time that urge happens and you fight it off, that was something that was part of the addiction leaving you."
"He's certainly going to isolate for at least five days and he will return to normal activities after he's had a negative."
"Doing the 12 steps, man, there is a brighter side to it."
"Every relapse is an opportunity to come back stronger."
"Rest, recover, repair, and then hit your session tomorrow; there's always tomorrow."
"Recovery is not just like a switch that you can turn on or off."
"The only way you stay sober is by helping somebody else."
"No one really walks away after narcissistic abuse and just dust themselves off and throws a party."
"Recovery is gonna be uncomfortable but not impossible."
"The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. It's okay, I'm here for you."
"The quicker you move on from this, the quicker the process of healing is actually going to come forward after this moment in time."
"You have to accept that you're going to get worse before you're going to get better."
"When men have the intention of changing the core of who they are, that's when they begin the recovery process."
"Alcoholics Anonymous... showed me how to create this fellowship by crave I have a very full life today."
"In my experience, people who have gotten clean, it doesn't happen unless you hit bottom."
"Sucks getting older but uh, you know, little by little, day by day, I'm feeling better."
"It's time to give your body the proper fuel that it needs to recover."
"You know you're recovering because you start to allow yourself to move forward."
"Recovery means moving beyond that. It's breaking out of the cycle of life as a revenge fantasy or a proving fantasy."
"I'm not bursting into tears all the time now. I mean, you have transformed so much since last time I saw you."
"This isn't something you're behind on, this isn't something that you just need to get over or have that force of will, because this is a physical thing that happened to your brain."
"Hard things will happen to us. We will recover."
"I feel kind of good now obviously I still was like I'm still, you know, recovering."
"Within eight weeks to the eighth month, you'll be through the woods with this."
"You're not recovered from your pain until you're helpin' somebody else with it."
"Give yourself the time to heal but then get back out there."
"If you're addicted to porn, you need deliverance."
"Admitting that you have a problem is the important step."
"We're going to put you back together and send you on your way."
"Healing isn't just disengaging from them or getting them fully out of your lives. To me, that's not even the first 40% of the journey."
"They picked themselves up and got back to work."
"It's like you're on a liquid diet for a week and then you're on soft foods for two months. Two months!"
"I just want to get on the other side and be on the journey to recovery, so it's weird that like I'm these next three months are just that's what I want."
"Congratulations on having the loose skin there. Why you losing weight and it's going to be easy to heal."
"Slowly but surely, everything is starting to get back to normal."
"Injuries definitely heal better throughout recovery."
"Are slip-ups falling off the wagon failures, or is that part of the process?"
"Recovery is a return to a state of good health."
"Things should start to ease up for you. It's right about there. Might be a little rusty at first, but you'll get back on track."
"Once you've broken that and you're starting to feel good, that's the second step."
"Recovery means finding something that you've lost, something that must have been there all along."
"Alas, sooner or later your pain will return, but do not be discouraged. You will recover, I promise you that."
"The hardest part of recovery is just... trusting the process."
"Make sure to take time to heal, make sure you are healed."
"God is good on that, but in the meantime spot him while you still healing and making a hundred percent."
"You're trying to find your confidence again, your balance again."
"It felt good to laugh again, you know, after everything that we've been through."
"You're good now. The star comes after the tower. The star is all about faith, it's all about healing."
"When there's this much going on, how do you get better and how on earth do you treat it?"
"Sometimes you gotta get worse initially to get better long term."
"Most problems you have to hit rock bottom before you could kind of get help."
"If you can't tell the truth about your addiction, you're never going to beat it."
"You don't have to be recovered 100% from session to session; it's not necessary for progress."
"Denial is the first roadblock on the road to recovery."
"Step by step by step by step. And then what happens is you don't really realize you're coming out of the depression state or you don't really realize you're coming out of anxiety or fear. It happens because you're taking a daily step."
"It's not all bad. It's a kick in the nuts, but we're going to recover from this."
"Patience is key - post inflammatory erythema will fade with time."
"But it's just like it's a spit in the face everybody that cares about me you know to get in there. I do want to but I think I'll just wait for everything to be because I still have metal plates in here and stuff so you get popped or something."
"The recovery process is the very minimum six months, and for a lot of people, post-acute withdrawal symptoms can last 12 to 18 months and sometimes even up to two years."
"That gentle stimulation needs to happen every day, every night, every night, and that's what ultimately creates healing."
"For over three months, Daddy's situation has been very bad, has been very critical, but I thank God today he's at least he's better, he's recuperating."
"You're going to feel worse before you feel better. You're going to experience the universal symptoms of withdrawal: anxiety, irritability, insomnia, dysphoria."
"Now she sleeps soundly, it's the first step in her recovery."
"The recovery process is not easy, but having a good support system is so helpful."
"With recovery, what we do is we create new circuits that re-route around those damaged areas."
"The 12 steps literally saved my life."
"It gets better and easier, slowly but surely."
"Backup is not the problem, recovery is the problem."
"Develop and work on your own recovery."
"Understanding the mechanics of anxiety is crucial to recovery."
"Begin that restorative process, begin that recovery process."
"Everything else in Alcoholics Anonymous is designed to ensure and support one drunk talking to another."
"The sixth stage of the six stage model is the relapse stage, this occurs if the individual goes back to their old behaviors and resumes their addiction."
"We come to believe that a Power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity."
"The weight of betrayal is heavy, and navigating the aftermath is no walk in the park."
"Nothing's a quick fix when it comes to rehabbing an injured area, but give it some time."
"We can get the great majority of these patients better; it just needs to be done in a very targeted and diligent way."
"The hardest thing in terms of rehabilitation is the patience that you require, especially in the early stages."
"It's quite an achievement once you get back from that, knowing that you've been through that process, you've achieved something."
"The reparations of those three relationships and then learning how to keep them repaired and grow them is sobriety, is recovery."
"Don't stress about it because stress does nothing good for you or your body or your recovery."
"Recovery is not an overnight process; it's a step-by-step, day by day process that takes time."
"The sooner we work our fifth step, the stronger the foundation of our recovery will be."
"Recovery, as experienced through our 12 steps, is our goal, not mere physical abstinence."
"What I certainly hadn't expected though was for patients to say they felt their recovery was faster when they had to communicate with only a small number of nurses."
"Setting boundaries is not being mean or cruel to patients; it's healthy and helps with recovery."
"The 12 steps are the ingredients and the big book is the recipe."
"This is what it looks like to be recovered."
"This will make me stronger as I move into and beyond the light of recovery."
"The distance from breakup to healing and functioning and happiness again is not long."
"Repair, rebuild, recover, recast."
"Recovery is like two steps forward and then one step back."