
Responsibility Quotes

There are 55774 quotes

"We need to be very thoughtful about the way we use it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I have to get to a spot where I can like support them eventually because they're not going to be able to retire."
"The lack of transparency around the use of AI technology means it may be difficult to ascertain a chain of responsibility for poor reporting, misinformation, and bias produced in AI-generated articles."
"Life is going to be boring unless you do something to shake things up responsibly."
"I take responsibility for my thoughts and my actions, and for choosing something different."
"Trading was something for me that again, I didn't give myself an option to fail."
"The market doesn't owe me anything, and one thing that has really, really helped that is journaling down, you know, taking responsibility for whether I win or whether I lose."
"These three generators will secure shelter for inhabitants of Liverpool should the worst happen. Their fate is in your hands. Do not let them down."
"Taking responsibility is like the ultimate superpower."
"This is about protecting kids in our mind, and if we can't do that as leaders, we have no business being in these jobs."
"If you're a young man and you feel lost in life, go take on responsibilities... start to get to know yourself."
"With great power comes great responsibility."
"You've got to be a partner; you've got to pull your weight. This is a team."
"I'm the guy making the decision here, it's my responsibility. If it goes well, if it doesn't go well, it's on me and I can trust myself to make the right decision."
"You literally have to give up all blaming and take 100% responsibility for your life that you're creating it the way it is."
"The importance of not spreading dangerous misinformation."
"You don't have to save the world, just don't [___] it up for the next generation."
"We are brothers and sisters under the skin with all the other animals, which provides us with a special responsibility for how we treat them."
"I am glad to see someone in the space who understands that when they say something, it has a very big impact on someone's life. Could be positive, could be negative."
"It's not fair to other people to have to care for you in your later years when you become demented and sick because you abused your body with food."
"Your life is an exact reflection of your choices."
"The housing crisis in the United States was also driven by a lot of greed from individual homeowners."
"Everyone is responsible for the choices that they make."
"Reality is that you are responsible for the decisions you make."
"In her head, it wasn't even an option; she knew that she had two kids at home that she needed to return to."
"Set your house in perfect order before you criticize the world."
"Everything happens for a reason, but it's 100% our responsibility to choose the reason."
"Stop whining and blaming, and take full responsibility for everything that's happening in your life. Everything in your life needs to be your responsibility."
"Being a parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world."
"What a noble pursuit it is to improve yourself so that you can take on the responsibility of caring for your loved ones."
"Imagine your job, your job like a coach's job is to [__] coach."
"You aren't responsible for the model that you were handed... but you are responsible for the one you have now."
"In a world where people can take lives with only a flick of their finger, it is not enough to only take care of yourself."
"It's time to make some serious changes in this restaurant. I know I've been part of the problem, but I'm ready to go forward and make this restaurant successful."
"If you are bringing your kids to sporting events, football games, concerts, and you don't buy your baby or toddler those little ear headphone things, you're a bad parent."
"All of a sudden, you become responsible for generations to come, responsible for changing the trajectory of your family's life."
"You have to step up, and you have to be the parent."
"Your words are like seeds that go into the mind of millions of people. If you say words of hatred, you are planting seeds of hatred in the minds of millions of people." - Mr. Yuval Harari
"Freedom is overrated because people, for example, have children. Are they free? No, they have children at home they need to take care of."
"Leadership is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in your charge."
"We have a responsibility to those we love and those we lead to become the best version of ourselves."
"The difference between responsibility and blame is that blame determines who's at fault... responsibility determines who's committed to the current reality and the future reality."
"The real job of a leader is not about being in charge, it's about taking care of those in our charge."
"At the end of the day, great leaders are not responsible for the job; they're responsible for the people who are responsible for the job."
"Buying is voting. If you're not happy with the product that you buy... Speak up. Propose alternatives. Because if you don't say anything, nothing will change."
"Stop making excuses, take control of your situation, and rise to your potential."
"President Xi once said, 'Success does not have to come from me.' I understand this phrase to be about a sense of responsibility... about taking responsibility for the future, for tomorrow, for the next generation."
"Responsibility and fault are not the same; accepting responsibility empowers you to make changes and improvements."
"If you were born poor, it's not your fault. But if you die poor, it is your fault."
"With great responsibility comes great power."
"Don't complain about where you're at if you're not willing to put in the work."
"Leadership is not about being number one. Leadership is about taking care of those in our charge."
"Having a leadership position gives you rank and authority, that's it. But being a leader means that you take responsibility for the people around you."
"If you don't have self-awareness, you don't understand that the things that are going on around you are because of you."
"Taking responsibility is the ultimate freedom. I messed up, I shouldn't have done this."
"With great power comes great responsibility, and the opposite is also true: With great responsibility comes great power."
"It's worth taking responsibility because if you take responsibility, great power will come."
"You've got to handle your business yourself here with your kids."
"Your healing is not anybody else's responsibility but your own."
"This moment when I realized 'I am responsible' changed my life forever."
"Think about your body as if it were a trusting innocent child that had to take into it anything you put into it, even if it were damaged by it."
"Taking responsibility and accepting the system leads you to harmony, well-being, and a stress-free existence via the shortest route."
"Actually, sometimes self-care is meeting that deadline that you're currently not on track to meet, but actually respecting your future self and your goals is getting the fuck up and doing the work that you need to do for that."
"Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past; let us accept our own responsibility for the future."
"You turn your privilege into responsibility."
"We need to take responsibility for our own citizenship and build the country we want, as opposed to waiting for someone else to do it."
"The responsibility of a commander is to win the battle obviously, but also to ensure that the lives of his soldiers are not sacrificed pointlessly."
"Once you know better, you've got to do better."
"Whether a human being lives or dies depends on how hard I study."
"For my fans who are defending my actions, please don't. They do not deserve to be defended."
"Imagine, just think about what that means, that it's our responsibility to uphold global justice."
"The only thing I can control is me. Instead of worrying about who else is causing you problems, worry about what you can do to yourself to improve your station."
"Extreme ownership means you're not gonna make any excuses, you're not gonna blame anyone else. You're gonna take ownership of whatever happens."
"You're called upon to be everything you can be. Why? Because the world depends on it."
"We know what AI is capable of, we know how dangerous it will be, yet everybody sits there saying, 'If I don't do it, someone else will.'"
"The only way this works is if we start taking responsibility for each other."
"Parenthood and taking responsibility... seem like it's going to take away from your life when it's not."
"Whenever you're dealing with safety, it should never ever be rushed."
"Once you take on the responsibility of safety for another person, you take on a responsibility of making sure that you do what's necessary, even if it's inconvenient, even if it's not in your best interest."
"I want to share with everyone how this all feels from my perspective, being burdened with this narrative and these responsibilities I've never asked for."
"You can delegate authority, but you cannot delegate responsibility."
"Everything is based on likes, whatever you pay attention to, whatever you like, whatever you share, you have the power to elevate or to de-elevate it."
"It's kind of my job to overanalyze this stuff, and I'm genuinely curious."
"The world itself does not owe you a single damn thing."
"If we aren't teaching people to work for what they want, to be responsible, then why would they appreciate anything else?"
"Our obligation to act is not just medical, it's moral."
"We need to re-inculcate in our kids a feeling that they have obligations and responsibilities, and that this is what makes us human."
"I feel a very strong duty and obligation that we keep this movement alive with respect, the proper guardrails, that we reach across the aisle to those who may be going off the rails to bring them back into the path that will be most sustainable and respectful to these ancient medicines and their indigenous uses."
"To him whom much is given, much is required."
"The 40-year-old you is depending on you to do the things that you supposed to do. The 60-year-old you is depending on you to do right now what you supposed to do."
"The basic table stakes of your duty to this country should be to know the bare minimums about this country and the Constitution."
"I hope I don't have to give the order to release our terrible weapon."
"The wise man, the truly philosophical man, is the man who is entirely in control of his own soul, who takes utter and complete moral responsibility for his actions and is indifferent to everything else."
"I want people to be living up to what evidence they have access to."
"If I can't take responsibility for mistakes I make in game, I can't imagine what I'm gonna be like in real life."
"We as Google had a moral responsibility to hold the collective psyche in a thoughtful, ethical way and not create this sort of race to the bottom of the brainstem attention economy."
"Those days are behind me. I'm here, I'm responsible, and I'm making the restaurant a priority."
"When I step into God's responsibility, I start carrying God's weight, and when you carry God's weight, you carry weight you weren't created to handle."
"It's a responsibility that comes with being an OG. Are you teaching them how to make money, how to get it out there and not die and go to jail?"
"The biggest takeaway from this experience is he took responsibility, and that's not easy."
"The ruler of a nation wields tremendous power and influence, lives in comfort, or even splendor, and can command a legion of servants and soldiers to do his bidding. And yet, that same sovereign simultaneously bears a tremendous burden, as the well-being of every man, woman, and child within his realm is entrusted to his care."
"If there's a negligent discharge on a movie set, ultimately, who's responsible for that? It would be the armorer's responsibility."
"They want to be a good provider, a good father figure."
"Our ancestors... built up this world for us and... entrusted it to us, and if we fail, we would be betraying the trust that they placed in us."
"The world would be a better place if people actually took responsibility in deciding what they technically want."
"Karma means action. Whose action? My action. Whose responsibility? My responsibility."
"Taking responsibility for your actions goes a long way."
"Great power will come when you take responsibility."
"NATO needs to take some responsibility because you may do something which you don't think is an antagonistic gesture, but it can be perceived as that."
"Financial advice holds an extra level of responsibility because you're playing with people's lives."
"It's just the nature of the space and so with the space comes the responsibility and the accountability."
"It's my moral duty to put my word out there because I believe that I am a responsible Creator."
"If you mess up, they die, and it's very important that you get things right one time because if you get things wrong, people die."
"I have a responsibility to myself to grow up and embrace a more honest way of being."
"I don't always get it right, but I always take responsibility when I get it wrong."
"Enjoy your freedom and adventure now with greater clarity comes more responsibility."
"Young people, you all are so busy engaging in adult activities but you don't know adult laws and facts."
"You changed the course of your life... because you wanted to be there for the child."
"Something along the line, there was a Shannon sharp that said, 'Yo, I've done this, I've achieved this, and with that came great responsibility.'"
"Now that you're here, you are now accountable and responsible for your part in this."
"Whatever the motivator, kids wanting to take on responsibility should be encouraged."
"Having power isn't nearly as important as what you choose to do with it."
"It is all about how you water the situation, you reap what you sow."
"You are not obligated to complete the task, but neither are you permitted to abandon it."
"I’m responsible for my own happiness? I can’t even be responsible for my own breakfast."
"We're three men here with families, with obligations, responsibilities."
"You must be willing to choose principles of truth, which is learning how to be honest, responsible, and humble."
"Parenting isn't always an easy job... but parenting is a necessary job."
"When people around you have to run away from an issue because it may be dangerous, that's when you run straight into it."
"I feel like, as a father, you have to teach whatever you learn. If you don't do that, you aren't a good father."
"You have to shoulder responsibility because that is what reality demands."
"A mistake repeated more than once is a decision."
"The ability to change and grow and turn our lives around is our responsibility."
"We have an obligation to do this for the good of the country."
"This is the time for everyone to get engaged; this is not just a response for the government and the public health system, it's a response for all of them."
"We just need to do what we need to do: be vigilant, but we also need to be responsible and not lose our heads on this."
"You can't have agency without responsibility. The two come hand in hand."
"The assignment is when you [ __ ] up, you fix it. The assignment is you know when you create harm, you make an amend, and you repair that harm."
"It's not my fault that I'm here, but it's absolutely my responsibility to do something about it."
"The pain might not be your fault, but the healing is your responsibility."
"First of all, it couldn't be your fault, when this type of mind will fall, it will always be my call."
"We are responsible for the life we live and its impact on other people."
"With power comes responsibility, so the scrutiny isn't at all unexpected."
"Leadership is not just about being in charge. It's about taking care of those in your charge."
"Everybody leads. Leadership is not reserved for those at the top; it's a responsibility shared by all."
"Moral of the story is, nothing is going to change until the parents change."
"Our job is to make sure that we build tools to help keep people safe."
"The problem with projecting everything out there is that you're really leaving yourself powerless. You're a victim in this situation; you're not taking responsibility."
"At 9 years old, your family trusts you enough with a constantly fire-making device that they just perch it onto your shoulder."
"We think it's our obligation to do the work both on technology and public policy to form a basis for making an informed decision."
"Hip-hop must turn the corner and it's up to us to make that happen."
"You keep it, you hold it, and you use it to do as much good as you can."
"True leadership is not about being in charge but about taking care of those in your charge."
"I think there's been this weird counter-effect where people see it as just 100% net good, but there's also a little bit of a responsibility factor."
"Personal integrity means staying true to yourself, staying connected to our knowledge, and taking responsibility for our choices and consequences."
"I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened."
"We are the Foundation, the bedrock on which all of reality rests. For the sake of us all, we cannot fail."
"The role of the Security Council as the body responsible for maintaining international peace and security is essential."
"If you make a mistake as a man, you own it; you take responsibility for it."
"I love my family... the most important thing is not to let them down."
"We must do everything in our power to ensure that peace prevails."
"We as adults need to make a world that is supporting those children. We need to make media that makes them feel valued."
"I'm sorry to everyone for putting you through this, and I'm gonna try not to cause a scene anymore or make any trouble."
"When you take responsibility for yourself and you end up at a place where you're loving yourself, that's when you can be more authentically loving with other people."
"What you do affects your neighbor...we're all links in a chain, we're all together."
"Take responsibility for yourself, for your actions, and keep yourself accountable."
"Taking responsibility means looking for solutions, not just pointing out problems."
"Accept complete responsibility for yourself and for everything that you are and ever will be."
"I pledge to all the families: we will not rest until we bring their loved ones home."
"Israel also has a fundamental responsibility though to protect innocent civilians."
"Live life with a due sense of responsibility, not as those who don't know the meaning of life, but as those who do."
"I will never ever again really be able to convince myself that I'm the victim."
"The world needs you now more than ever, and you've got no excuse not to get involved."
"Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences."
"We're the ones that are most interested actually in finding ways to make sure that we can go to work and feed our families."
"Your commitment to ensuring the safety of gymnasts and all amateur athletes is appreciated, important, and necessary to ensure nothing like this ever happens again."
"The only thing necessary for injustice to continue is for good people to do nothing."
"I think a good politician owes you not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays you instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion."
"It becomes necessary for every citizen then to be in some degree a Statesman and to examine and judge for himself of the tendency of political principles and measures."
"Accountability: An obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions."
"The door is always open for dialogue... those have to be rooted in what's reasonable, what's affordable, what's responsible for the country."
"Your entire kingdom is dying and starving, and the duty that you were born to fulfill is to give them a better life."
"Is it personal responsibility or is it really bad policy? And I realize it's bad policy."
"The impact you can have in these types of spaces is so monumental today, but it needs to bear some weight of responsibility."
"Everything counts. Everything that we do helps or hurts. Everything adds up or takes away."
"Let's just do it right, whatever it is. Quality, safety, environment. Do it right and make it something you can be proud of."
"Joel survived, Halyna did not and now both Alec and Hanna have been charged with involuntary manslaughter."
"We want to be in the responsible category," referring to the use of facial recognition technology.
"Every new freedom that you get, there's a lot of responsibility that goes along with that."
"Wearing a mask in public when you cannot social distance is a sign of respect."
"It's a very courageous thing to bring a child into the world. And then it's a very responsible thing to do it properly."
"The best way to make progress in human hierarchies has nothing to do with power but everything to do with reciprocity and responsibility."
"Walter White's job as arrivals controller is to make sure incoming planes keep well clear of each other."
"You're responsible for your own happiness, and you are not responsible for anyone else's happiness."
"You're going to find most of your meaning by picking up your damn load and stumbling forward."
"It has to be based on widespread distribution of responsibility to everyone; it can't be top down."
"It is our job, and we use education to do this, to point them in the right direction."
"OCD is a neurodivergency, and being a neat or particular person does not mean that you have OCD. Please stop saying that; it's actually very invalidating for people with the disorder."
"I encourage people to... take more of a responsibility of the role or ownership over that tool and becoming a master of it."