
Flow State Quotes

There are 458 quotes

"The world starts to support you in a way that feels very fluid."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Many athletes who are in peak performance, are just flowing with it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's actually a part of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which has to do with our sense of self and time and place. So when you're in these flow states, it feels as if it's coming through them from some place else because they lose their sense of agency, but they also lose their sense of time."
"When you're creating, the parts of your brain that are normally active when they're clicking off time, are downregulated when you're in that creative flow state. Time doesn't seem to exist, self doesn't seem to exist. It's a very pleasurable state."
"Our brains naturally work better, you know, and we can really start to totally get in sync with life and get into the flow of things."
"You're about to have a flow state of creativity where things are coming easy; you're in the flow."
"When you're in this fourth state, the state of flow, it's almost as if the universe has your back."
"Executives can increase their productivity by up to 500% when in a flow state at work."
"When you do the Flow State stacking... 500% productivity boosts start to sound inevitable."
"Flow is an amazing philosophical concept of finding those activities where as you're doing it, the rest of the world just disappears."
"I like to maintain that state of flow where I'm 100% with what I'm doing."
"The optimal state of consciousness, it's a little weird, but that's what happens when we hit a state of flow."
"It takes risk, novelty, complexity, unpredictability, and pattern recognition to hit the state of flow."
"The happiest people are not those who achieve the most, but those who spend more time than others in a state of flow."
"The flow state is incredibly beneficial for creative work."
"The more we're able to keep those channels open and clear, the more fluent and abundant we will find our actions, our mind, and our spirit thriving through this life."
"I just like to flow, just see what comes through."
"The mindset of flow is where optimum human performance is."
"The goal of self-mastery is to live our lives in that state as much as possible; it's in a flow state."
"Flow state, also known as being in the zone, is that magical feeling when time fades away and you're able to perform at an optimal state of consciousness."
"The flow state is an optimal state of intrinsic motivation where the person is fully immersed in what they are doing."
"Flow state gets you to a state where you're not aware of the passage of time... you're outside the domain of mortality concerns."
"The highest Paradigm of all is the being paradigm. When you become the right person, the right action simply flows through you as a result of alignment."
"If you've never been in a flow state, it's an incredible experience. It's fun to do."
"Finding your home frequency is like finding your preferred state, where you're really being yourself, like a happy child, just going along and enjoying things right in the flow."
"Flow state is where you don't think, you just go. It's very natural."
"Don't focus on the material success... Focus on finding joy in the flow state activities."
"Getting into a flow state... will make you 10 to 100 times better than your competition."
"The preparation for the Flow State work is incredibly high ROI."
"Start the task with the intention of staying focused...we want to get into a flow state immediately."
"As long as you keep trudging, keep fighting, you will get into a flow state."
"Being in the zone means getting into a flow state... it's like a specific period of time where your brain just has no irrelevant thought."
"If you're not in the flow state, you're not the best version of yourself."
"Investing your time into figuring out how to activate your flow state is a worthwhile investment."
"I do jiu-jitsu, wrestling, Muay Thai, and a small amount of conditioning... It's so much fun. I'm in a flow state."
"Flow was first described in the early 1970s... he defined flow as the positive altered mental state people experience when they're totally absorbed by an activity they enjoy."
"There's something about the outer worlds that allows you to get into the flow state so quick."
"To be highly effective at our chosen skill, we need to enter a flow state of consciousness."
"Cannabis is a performance-enhancing drug... helps me elicit flow States more readily."
"The time you spend working in a flow state is likely to be some of the most important time in your entire life."
"Channel the fight or flight into flow. Flow can be applied to anything in life, it is often described as the Zone by athletes to me it is a place of optimal engagement with life."
"There's infinite like this is like I'm in the flow state with you right now. I really feel like you know we're having a conversation."
"It's about living in that state of beingness and that openness and that flow."
"A master class from Kerrigan, he enters the flow state with phase alongside him."
"If you understand your purpose everything else kind of flows easier and this really goes to like Law of Attraction type stuff."
"When inspiration flows through you, you just flow."
"When you're in flow, your brain shuts off all non-critical processes. You care solely about the task at hand and embody a mindset that is focused on the journey, not the destination."
"Flow will come when you not only concentrate, but truly love what you're doing."
"Everything gets better when you're in a flow state."
"Let the game come to you, get into flow, hit the ball at the same speed that it's coming at you and no faster unless you see an opening."
"Trust that things are going to sort of flow into the right space."
"I use my dead-end day job to get into the flow state."
"Everything arranges itself in a way that's easy and effortless when you know how to flow."
"Spend as much of your day in flow as possible."
"Feeling that cosmic flow, even feeling synchronistic, being in the right place at the right time and things just magically happening."
"Things come easy when you go with the flow and trust."
"Deep work gets us more results, but also that challenge, getting into that flow state, it's more satisfying as a human."
"Understanding how to get into flow state... could really improve them in a very short period of time."
"Allowing yourself to have a more flow-based journey to the outcome."
"In the flow, there is no greater magic than that."
"Flow does not cause the dissolution of the self; it reveals that the self was never there."
"Maintain unwavering focus by removing elements that deny flow."
"When you articulate, there is integration; when there is integration, there is Flow State."
"Find flow in everything you do. You won't need willpower if you find flow."
"There's something amazing when you get that flow state or know how to combo."
"Surrendering to the flow, not pushing things."
"Flow is what happens when all of your attention is focused on the problem that you're solving."
"We're committed to delivering the elusive state of flow from mysticism to science."
"People in flow tend to give peak performances."
"So that's kind of where everything starts going on autopilot and everything just starts clicking."
"It's where people become better the more often we get into flow."
"When you're in flow... in inspired action... it's hard to contain yourself and stay grounded."
"The flow state is deeply connected to meaning in life."
"The more often you get into the flow State, the more likely you will rate your life as meaningful."
"What's more important is the flow, less resistance."
"You have to execute... because you're following the flow."
"The screw and ice game comes off as this complex layer but it's just a series of small things that once you kind of understand that you've got to get into a flow with and then you can truly master this."
"And I'm not in the groove yet but I can feel the groove approaching there and it feels good it's just this kind of this calming like uh I think they call it Flow State."
"We thrive on routine we thrive on having just everything set up and then we really get into this like amazing Flow State"
"Flow state occurs when you have the right challenge and also the right level of skill set."
"Flow provides an opportunity to realize inherent self-confidence."
"We have to stop fighting, start surrendering into the flow of biology."
"Flow or group flow, we'll take it over sex, we'll take it over drugs, we'll take it over success."
"It's almost like you're in harmony with the universe and you're just kind of going with the flow."
"When you are a conduit, power will flow through you, and you will accomplish magnificent things."
"Finding flow leads to increased levels of happiness."
"I felt like I was surfing, like once I started to go I felt like I could do those S-turns and kind of flow."
"Maintain your flow because while we're in flow physically mentally emotionally spiritually we're supported."
"Flow state is the great reconciler of giving and receiving as they're truly one."
"It creates a flow state... I'm very much at the beginning of my journey."
"When we are in flow state, we play our best game."
"Hustling so you can tap into flow States and enjoy it, that is a positive that is well worth it."
"What if I made flow a priority... my life evolved for the better."
"To live in flow... is to actually live in your bliss."
"While we're in flow... we feel in control of Our Lives."
"While we're in flow... we genuinely desire to do what we're doing."
"Follow your intuition and go with the flow of the cosmos."
"When you effortlessly lose track of time while engaged in a creative or purposeful activity you're in a state of blissful flow Guided by your higher self."
"When you're in the zone, it's flowing through you. When the sense of separation dissolves, it is you."
"Achieving the flow state: being completely involved in an activity for its own sake."
"Float like Flow State, and like just being in that flow is exactly you know how it's where I want to be and when you're in that it's there's no there's no better feeling."
"Many of my greatest ideas... received within... state of flow."
"Acceptance liberates and opens the path to flow."
"Flow is enjoyable but not always productive."
"I find as a result of working with this idea a higher degree of flow."
"Once you get into a flow state of it, where you're like, 'I am just rolling with it,' it feels incredible."
"Focus on being in the flow, that's where your success lies."
"Life begins with struggle, and we don't get into flow states if we are not pushing ourselves beyond our current known limits."
"The people who had the most flow experiences in their life were the happiest people on earth."
"When you are in flow, you free yourself of excessive identification with ideas and concepts that limit you."
"We experience flow when we do what we love to do."
"I managed to access that flow state where you're just hyper fixated on the work"
"Flow didn't happen randomly, rather it had triggers that caused it to emerge reliably."
"It's okay to not be so about intended, intended, intended, like vision boards and creating all these things. It's okay to just let things flow to you."
"You're always ready to put in any effort to attain your desires in life."
"It's these moments that perfectly capture what classic Sonic was often meant to be: A game about flowstate."
"The opportunities because you are in that flow and not chasing anything will come to you, but you will be presented with things as you are presented with them."
"In moments like those, there's just this flow, it was as if the Holy Spirit and I were moving as one."
"Jiu-jitsu is a great way to kind of get in your flow state."
"I'm willing to disrupt my flow to make these improvements and to get smooth."
"I had the best day of climbing in my entire life, just purely flow state tapped in, just feeling it."
"When you're in the Flow State, all of your attention is on one single activity, so you're not thinking about your performance or outside thoughts, you're just in the zone."
"Seeing him in that flow state, just absolute art."
"Once you stop thinking and worrying about the game and just let your natural talent flow, you give yourself every chance."
"This is when we experience flow, Oneness, and a direct connection to the universe and God."
"As an observer, I've never seen a basketball player consistently get to a flow state better than you."
"Challenging yourself is enough often to get me more towards a state of flow."
"As you commit to a flow State, you will find yourself in higher vibration energy."
"Intrinsic motivation, like the flow state, is in itself valuable."
"Sometimes you're just in the zone, you got the flow, I was in a flow state today."
"Having some kind of state of flow enables me to wake up and, opposed to questioning, waiting, or thinking, or observing and trying to muster up motivation, instead everything is automatic, it's on autopilot."
"Doing things that cultivate identity are really important, things that get one into a flow state."
"To attain a flow state, we need the right level of emotional engagement with the right level of synchronicity with our analytical brain."
"...you feel like almost as if you were floating through life right and as if you were in a flow State."
"One of the biggest keys to triggering flow states is to practice at the point where what you're doing seems just slightly beyond what you're comfortable with, where it's just challenging enough that it's at the edge of your skill level."
"Find what gives you flow and do it."
"When you are aligned with who and what you really are, there's no character that's performing the actions, there's no identification, there's Oneness that flows right through you."
"When we're working with the self directly, there is no identification. It is a Perpetual Flow State and therefore there's no character who's identifying with anything."
"The more we try to control, the less we experience the flow state."
"But then to do a drawing where you are focused on a thing... and do the next one, so you're drawing a shape, you're observing, you're looking, and you are slowly in that flow state."
"Both Jiro and his son are culinary artists. They don't get bored when they cook. They achieve a state of flow, they enjoy themselves completely when they're in the kitchen."
"Get out of your freaking head and get into the flow state."
"In the state of flow, everything you do seems effortless and accurate."
"...I feel like I sink into it in a different way... it gets me into that more creative multi-flowy place."
"It's kind of just a nice Flow State that I like to reach sometimes."
"Entering a flow state is where true happiness is."
"Flow is a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter."
"At the heart of both Wu Wayi and the Flow State lies the concept of effortlessness."
"When you're in that zone...it's just a really powerful wonderful feeling."
"...putting you in what you might have heard of being referred to as the flow state or the zone."
"What goes away in the flow state reliably is that ning narrative self ego. How am I doing? What are they thinking of me? That goes away."
"I think anybody that looks at this, when you're performing your best, you're in flow."
"I just felt like everything was flowing. I felt super strong, super energized."
"Once you're in peak physical performance, you will not be able to remember all this negative [expletive] you're thinking about. You will alter that state of consciousness by getting into flow state during the physical training."
"A conscious state that feels as if you are fully integrated to what you're doing, to where it almost feels effortless, and you don't experience the passage of time in the same way."
"...this is completely a go fast take chances event where athletes are out there when they're executing well in a complete Flow State."
"There's this moment in running where you feel like everything just kind of clicks and you feel like you could run forever."
"Get into state of flow by harnessing the power of adaptogenic mushrooms and find the calm within. Cool."
"I think a lot of times if you're fearful, you never get to this flow state because you're thinking all the time about, well, I'm, is this a flow state? Am I there yet?"
"To find the ideal job, figure out what makes you feel most in flow and do that as much as possible. The internet has opened up endless possibilities; there's no excuse not to pursue what brings you joy."
"We know flow boosts creativity 400 to 700, depending on whose numbers you're looking at. But there's a study at Harvard figured out that heightened creativity, created problem-solving will outlast the flow state by a day, maybe two."
"You see, when you're in that zone, when you're in what they call 'flow,' all things are possible, even moving mountains."
"The secret sauce of how I'm doing this? Momentum practice. Flow State."
"When you are doing what you love to do when you are as you say in your language in the zone you go into gamma you go into the channeling State naturally."
"when you're moving out of ego and you're in flow, it's just Grace right, it's just whatever's coming through you that music that we all can make."
"You'll know when you've reached Alpha when your brain isn't really running anymore and you're just extremely relaxed you don't have a string of thoughts you're just in this nice Flow State."
"When you're in your flow, skills meet challenge."
"Once everything clicks, I enter a flow state unlike any other game."
"Like every day I have the flow state from the physical activity."
"Juggling is one of the best things to get into a flow State."
"I was struggling with being productive, getting into Flow State, fighting procrastination, defeating burnout, understanding how my own mind was working."
"It's about movement, understanding that there should be certain signals to move anyway. You know, if we've been in a position for too long, yes, we're stagnating. What does that mean for flow states? What does stagnation have to do with a flow state?"
"You know, you sometimes have performances where you feel like you go into a state of flow. It's quite rare but it was one of those."
"Flow is really where everything is just working out best case scenario for you opportunities are flowing your way you just happen to always be in the right place at the right time."
"Being creative is all about being in a flow State."
"Dropping into your body, you can hit a flow state and perform at your optimal level."
"It's almost like you hit like you put it in cruise control in fifth gear and you're you're still going but it becomes a lot more effortless."
"Flow is the one time where our body generates this cocktail of feel-good chemicals."
"...momentum is real and the flow state is real and like whenever things start going your way and start materializing you can do a lot of damage in a short period of time..."
"How can we maximize our chance of getting into the Flow State?"
"From the moment that you don't have to be told these things and it comes from within and it comes from Source, it comes in your Flow State, then that's when we're cooking."
"It's like a flow State it's like people call it this energy you know whatever the hell it is it's literally just experience."
"I feel like I can relax and just get into that flow state."
"I love the depiction of her without her eyes because she is in a flow state, right? She is absolutely in, like, this is de-personified, like, this is visual language telling you that she is not even herself right now."
"...continually coming back to how do I connect to that flow state..."
"Flow amplifies motivation, productivity, innovation, creativity, and more."
"You'll be naturally perpetually in a flow State."
"In flow, we are literally free from ourselves."
"Flow is a very addictive state, way more addictive than dopamine."
"If you're interested in more flow in your life, start with the positive psychology basics."
"My favorite days are when I do everything I did previously in flow, out of flow."
"The flow is just, it's so seamless it's almost like the medium isn't even a consideration while I'm going through it, you know?"
"You can use this for meditation, for getting into Flow State, for exercise, and for getting into the rhythm of working for the day."
"When people are getting into that flow State at the level of their fundamental framing, they get into a higher state of consciousness."
"Flow is a marker your brain is giving you that you are getting intuition."
"Meditation to me is a practice that is intentionally tapped into to engage one's mind through their physical senses in a way that helps them reach their flow state."
"Flow is the only state where you get dopamine and serotonin at the same time in your body."
"Silence cultivates the flow state, enhancing everything in life. The flow state is a state of inner stillness, alertness, mindfulness, and presence."
"The master is in a flow state all the time, in every endeavor, living from inner silence, enhancing life in every way."
"Once you get in the zone, you start giving a talk and it just comes out. It becomes very inspiring."