
Adaptability Quotes

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"Our ability to anchor our thoughts in the past, present, or future seems very adaptive in certain contexts."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Play can also function as a way to explore new ways of being in different scenarios in work, in relationships, in settings of all kind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity is arguably one of the most important aspects of our biology. It holds the promise for each and all of us to think differently, to learn new things, to forget painful experiences, and to essentially adapt to anything that life brings us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The hallmark of artificial general intelligence is that it's built to be flexible, general, and adaptive from the ground up."
Demis Hassabis
"Neuroplasticity, that's the brain's ability to change to manage all of this... you can change habits."
Dr. Sten Ekberg
"Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to adapt to changing circumstances."
"Stay adaptable...the important thing is learning how to learn, learning how to be live-wired and adaptable."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to change in response to experience."
"Neuroplasticity is the nervous system's ability to change in response to experience."
"You are capable of adapting to any situation."
"Once she actually started seeing the world... all of a sudden her baseline for what is unacceptable shifted and it shifted a lot."
"Science requires self-doubt, the ability to change according data, the willingness to be flexible."
"Real confidence comes from the ability to adjust in real time."
"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves."
"We are extremely tough and extremely adaptable."
"Your ability to change really never stops in response to exercise. Plasticity in tissue is extraordinarily high and it responds very well to training."
"It's not the strongest or the smartest who survive, it's the most adaptable."
"If you show me I'm wrong, I'm gonna change my tune, right? Because I don't wanna be the delusional person who's still running around saying the same thing."
"The winds are changing; it's time to go in a new direction, time to go with the flow, listen to your intuition."
"The human mind and body is impressive; part of our evolutionary biology. When you're put in a certain environment, you've got two options: you die or you evolve."
"To ensure you're constantly growing, you must always be willing to learn and unlearn as needed."
"Life comes at us in waves of change we can either predict nor control, but we can learn to surf."
"If you're wondering if you can teach an old dog new tricks, the answer is an aggressive yes."
"At the end of the day, the campaign recognizes that as the campaign season heats up further, they only have so much opportunity to reset the race or refocus the conversation."
"Number five years bring unexpected changes, urging you to go with the flow and embrace new possibilities."
"You can't change the physical circumstance, but you can change how you think about it and how you react."
"The future stretched away in front of us, unknown, unseen, not perhaps what we wanted, not what we planned."
"The greatest key to survival is adaptability. You got to be able to adapt."
"I've become very good at being comfortable with being uncomfortable."
"I know how to live with almost nothing and with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little."
"What can I accomplish in the rain? Who can I become in the rain?"
"Sometimes going off plan is the most beautiful thing."
"Any plan that can't be adjusted is a bad plan."
"His philosophy of 'Be water' encapsulates his approach to martial arts and life: a fluid adaptability and relentless pursuit of personal excellence."
"Kids are born as an adaptation machine... The goal is to go not that I need to revert to some pure state, it's oh I see beliefs are malleable, values are malleable, identity is malleable."
"It's not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the most adaptive to change."
"Humans are the apex of all apexes because we are the most adaptive species to change."
"Social interactions can be taught. You can understand and break down the formula of how to be socially adept."
"Sometimes you have to make decisions without having all the facts and it's important to go back and learn from those decisions, whether they were right or wrong."
"The COVID crisis has unleashed innovation at a rate we never expected to see."
"We build the airplane of our life, we build it while we fly."
"Being able to adapt has a lot to do with mindset... My identity as a human being is not determined by certain outcomes."
"You cannot change your circumstances, but you can change your response to the circumstances."
"Sometimes, all you need is a little adjustment to overcome a challenge."
"To quote Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park, 'Life will find a way.'"
"Stop viewing the unexpected as negative. Normally the things that we think are negative are just the unexpected."
"You guys are gonna go through changes together and instead of letting those changes sort of cause problems in the relationship, you're gonna allow that to progress."
"Life is one big game of perspective, and if you've been raised by parents in an environment and have natural DNA that makes you look at something upside down, I've got to flip it."
"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend." - Bruce Lee
"Life is made up of storms, and it all depends on how you adjust your sails."
"Life is a series of constantly shifting cycles. When we resist change, we resist the natural flow of life and create unnecessary stress. Go with the flow, you will be surprised where it leads."
"To the elements of water, I allow my body, mind, and spirit to flow intuitively through the changes in life."
"Become like water and just immerse yourself and go with the flow."
"Our bodies are designed to adapt. It's all in the mind."
"At the end of the day, it's staying power and adaptability that win wars."
"You have to be completely and radically open-minded."
"Things change and that's a good thing. We want change, we want progress."
"I'm constantly growing, so I'm not afraid to admit making mistakes and saying things that are wrong and changing my mind later."
"We don't make excuses; we make readjustments."
"When life throws you a curveball, swing with grace."
"It may be comforting, increasing in happiness, adaptive to kind of act as if these things exist."
"You're literally changing the tires of the car while the car is going."
"Neural plasticity means your brain has the capability of change."
"It's better to serve these waves...you cannot control the market at all."
"It's different for sure, cutting different types of hair, but is it harder? Nah, I'm a professional."
"Human beings can adapt to absolutely anything."
"We have no idea what we're doing. This is just what we've done and it works well for Flynn because he does really well when things are explained to him."
"The greatest gift you can give God in this season is not asking Him to take you out of the circumstance but show me how to adapt even in this environment."
"Life is like surfing; you gotta get a feel for it. And the best people that are able to live life most excellently are those who are doing it by feel, not through some sort of pure logic or some sort of formulaic way."
"Secular humanism can correct and adapt and be updated based on new information."
"It's adaptive up to a certain point. It's useful to think about what's going on and to plan ahead. That's what makes humans the most powerful animal on earth."
"Sometimes you just got to compromise yourself and go with the flow. When in Rome, as they say."
"There's a lot of change coming into your life, be open to a lot of change."
"Everyone's got a plan until they get punched in the face."
"Sometimes you think your purpose is one thing; life is ever-changing. There's levels to this, but you got to redesign and clarify. That's life."
"Batman has always been a genius tactician...and he is infamous for having contingencies for every eventuality no matter how unlikely or absurd."
"Now water can flow, or it can crash. Be water, my friend."
"Let's talk about life after YouTube... this might not last forever... we're taking advantage of it."
"Maybe we were wrong about this... Let's correct ourselves."
"No plan survives first contact with the enemy... your ability to adjust is the key."
"Change is inevitable. All those changes are opportunities for growth."
"My waves have lasted longer... I'm a surfer like the way I've navigated through hip hop has been like a surfer."
"If you have a mental stencil, today's the day to break it out and use it. You're gonna need it."
"Adaptability is just being able to do everything that comes your way."
"The main way I'm gonna show adaptability is by how the letters actually adapt well to the design part of it to make one solid smooth piece."
"One of the best ways to prove your adaptability is to finish what someone else started."
"To prove your adaptability, you must draw your tattoo directly onto your canvas's skin free hand."
"It's possible that you can teach an old dog new tricks. How many tricks, I don't know."
"I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I'm in."
"What makes every one of your brains... maybe you can't beat the world's best at Go, but any one of you can get behind the wheel of a car."
"Never too early or too late to develop these skills."
"You're doing a really good job at evolving and being flexible."
"GSP demonstrating his ability to adapt like no other."
"The biggest lessons I've learned from martial arts... flow, don't fight."
"How do you continue to adapt when you feel like it's easier to fall back into old habits that no longer serve you where and who you are?"
"Adaptability is relational because one person's adaptation affects others."
"Stop. It'll be what we make of it. I don't think it's up for us to determine it and predetermine it. We'll all get to figure it out as the time goes."
"Like I said, you got to make a bad situation into a good situation, you know what I mean? Whether we leave today or tomorrow morning, we're going to get the job done."
"I had to use my robe for a pillow last night because I felt like reaching for the other pillows... that's crazy."
"I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation."
"Thought and emotion is the most lush way to live because then you're adaptive to stress."
"The best advice tends to come from confident leaders who are always eager to learn and welcome change."
"It's self-awareness, dog, it's knowing who you are, where you are, and trying to get the best out of the situation right now."
"I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content."
"The goal of reinforcement learning is to provide algorithms that can handle both finding previously unknown solutions and learning quickly in new environments."
"Flexibility of thought is a beautiful thing."
"When your seasons shift, your habits often need to shift with it."
"The only reasonable approach is to focus on the elements that are within your control and to try to influence it, to try to shape the conditions to the best way possible."
"You're going to have to move with the music right now and you'll be fine. You just have to try."
"Like these spiders, you're approaching a new chapter, releasing old beliefs, and moving outside of your comfort zone."
"Absolutely any habit can be changed. It doesn't matter how old you are or how ingrained the behavior is."
"We can't change everything. We can change our minds."
"The river can't change its flow, but the fish can change its mind."
"What can be done to improve confidence?... One reasonable definition of confidence: Our ability to trust our predispositions and our potentialities enough that were we to encounter scenarios A through Z, we feel pretty good that we would respond the right way."
"Why should you try and expand your comfort zone? Firstly, it'll be a lot easier to deal with new situations, to adapt to them, to challenge yourself and be okay."
"At a certain point, you have to let go and expect that the story might not go anywhere you expect it to go, and you just kind of ride the wave."
"So much changes in short periods of time... situations now that suck can very rapidly change."
"I have the ability to change on a pivot. I'm never stuck."
"Winning requires you to do and use everything because you don't know from minute to minute if winning is going to wear a halo or it's going to meet you with fangs."
"My game had to change, and I had to be open enough and vulnerable enough to accept the fact that my game had to be different in order for me to be effective." - Jay Williams
"It's a product that really embodies that whole 'jugaad' mentality."
"The defining factor that separates Gen 4 synths from gen 3 is adaptability."
"The Constitution allows for amendments because it was written with the idea that things would change."
"Humans are amazing... we're able to use the available information to make decisions, to communicate with other people, identify patterns in data, remember what people have said, adapt to new situations."
"Life is simply rolling; it's for you to learn to ride it."
"For me, innovation means rising up when it becomes necessary to do things in a new way."
"To me, it is very important to start with two things: a very clear sense of purpose and identity and a clear understanding of how to express that sense of purpose and identity in a changing world."
"Negative emotions, in small doses, are elegantly adaptive."
"The quest for cosmic justice is something that government is generally incapable of doing and more often than not botches and makes things worse."
"Life truly is unexpected and unpredictable. You just got to be ready to roll with the punches. Adapt, make it work. If there's a problem, count your blessings. If you're being blessed, be grateful, move with humility, and you could have a real happy life."
"The world can change quickly... be ready for change and be okay with uncertainty."
"We are a highly adaptive species, and when a need presents itself, we find ways to meet that need."
"Embracing change and the unknown with open arms and a willing heart."
"Our minds have a tendency to absorb whatever world we're in."
"We are not hardwired to be a certain way for the rest of our lives; we are marvels of adaptability and change."
"Rogue traders represent a truly human spirit and something that is undeniable in the success of humanity's propagation throughout the stars: that of continual and unreserved adaptability combined with a white-hot passion to achieve the impossible."
"Adaptability is more important than your initial conditions. You just have to try it."
"It's okay to change your mindset, it's okay to change, it's okay to do things to help you and to become a better you, a new you."
"Listen to the market and show up to the market with something the market wants to buy."
"You can never rest on your laurels, that's the bottom line. So open yourself up to the confusion."
"Stay calm and turn the situation into your favor."
"Reuben has done time and time again in his career; he can recognize his early misplays or his bad matchups."
"Adapt to things that are unexpected. Nothing is a coincidence."
"In the winter, we need to respect that shift even though we have a 24/7 lighted, summertime-like environment now."
"You're never too old to learn or to master something different or new."
"Mastering your fundamentals is about reducing the uncertainty about yourself, ensuring you're up to your own best ability to handle the various situations thrown your way."
"This is saying, you need to maintain your sense of attachment, but you need to start making predictions and understanding about how you're going to engage with that attachment, how you're going to feel those things, without the expectation that things that once happened before are going to happen again."
"I can be anything like, yeah, you're adaptable. And adaptable is great, but then if I get so adaptable that my goal, my intention of adapting, is to make sure you like me, then that's when I betray myself."
"There's got to be some measure of personalized approach; you got to be able to make it work for you."
"When plans take a turn, accept the challenge and delight in proving how flexible you can be."
"Be adaptable to change, and don't let it completely devastate you; just go with it."
"Capitalism is malleable, it's flexible, it evolves."
"A master programmer is someone who can drop into a million lines of code and within about a month can understand and begin to work in that code base."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain and nervous system's ability to change in response to experience."
"In a democracy, if the government makes a wrong decision, a mistake, it's much easier to notice the mistake, admit it, and try something else."
"Our brains are able to both adapt to circumstances and resist them, to work with change and to create it."
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do; when in the night, do as the night does."
"The idea is to not get stuck in a pattern but to quickly identify what's aligned with you and change what isn't."
"If you're not getting the results you want, you change. You can't demand the market change."
"With enough time, you can get used to almost anything, so don't let the initial feeling hold you back."
"The amazing rate of change that we ourselves have created is itself deranging us and making it very difficult to understand how to be human and how to remember how to be human."
"It's a way of dealing with a constantly changing environment, both responding to that environment to achieve your goals and also attempting where possible to change the environment to your benefit."
"The world that we live in changes so quickly... Things are changing so fast, and it's only going to be faster and faster."
"Great military geniuses have grand strategies and philosophies; people that have tactics can only react to circumstances."
"If you've ever seen a person surf, you know how it works: they go with the wave."
"Just go with the flow; the right plan is going to come to you."
"No matter what when you show up to a match, the team you're playing against is gonna do something that you're not used to."
"If she makes triple your income, then I'll say, listen baby, listen honey, listen sunflower, you make way more money than me, so what you can do is you can concentrate on making the money, and I'll stay at home and I'll cook and clean for our kids because it's logical that you make the money because you make more."
"Flexible persistence combines the vision to stay the course with the agility to adapt when necessary."
"If they took away everything from me, and I had to be a janitor or a server, I would be equally as happy."
"Sometimes it's best, I think, just to change your approach and just completely forget about results and just go clean."
"How do you live and lead and build in a world where so many things are going on simultaneously?"
"Since we can't know what knowledge will be most needed in the future, it's senseless to try and teach it in advance. Instead, we should try to turn out people who love learning so much and learn so well that they will be able to learn whatever needs to be learned."
"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn."
"You can never really control the things that happen to you... but you can change how you react to it."
"Great players find a way to be great, no matter what the era is."
"Self-control is essentially like a personality characteristic... but this group of researchers basically discovered that it's not a fixed aspect of who you are as a person, but a diminishing resource."
"There is a sense in which constant lifelong learning is the main mode that you have to be in."
"Understand your goal. Be clear about it, and know that it can change as you progress."
"Skillful players have counters. Can you finish with the right and the left?"
"Every business plan should go through updates at least every three months."
"This remarkable demonstration showcases the impressive power and adaptability of the alligator in overcoming obstacles in its environment."
"Megastructures are living constructions; they're not giant static and concrete monuments; they change over time with some parts living longer while others cycle quickly as people's needs change."
"You shouldn't judge the merits of an introvert based on his ability to survive and thrive in an extrovert setting."
"Survival knows no shame, it will go to any cost and any length in order to win."
"The green reed which bends in the wind is stronger than the mighty oak which breaks in the storm."
"Lockdown really converted me, and now to win the virtual world champion jersey, I'm super proud."
"Hermit crab teaches us a powerful lesson: home is always inside of us. We can carry it everywhere and still be at home."
"I'm super proud of him, of being able to shift gears and still, you know, display your passion for other things that you love in the world."
"One should always take advantage of new challenges."
"It's a great time to be introspective and to pivot and to do resets and to try stuff you never tried before."
"There's absolutely no shame in Being Human, making mistakes, changing your mind, growing."
"Be stubborn on vision, but flexible on the details."
"Just because it's always been a certain way doesn't mean it has to stay that way."
"Having a worldview guided by a continuous honest engagement with reality is better than having a worldview anchored to unchanging ideas."
"To paraphrase, Maya Angelou, 'If you can't change something, you must change your attitude.'"
"That's the beauty of it actually, the meta evolves over time."
"It's survival of the quickest. Those who are most willing to adapt the most quickly are going to survive."
"You cannot be the type of person or company that just clings to the past and wishes things were the way they used to be. You have to be able to change and adapt."
"I'm kind of just like an undefined canvas; I'm always looking for something new to do, something new to learn."