
Cognition Quotes

There are 5239 quotes

"Our ability to anchor our thoughts in the past, present, or future seems very adaptive in certain contexts."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In a delightful way-- how deficient our perceptual filters normally are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Those two signals came in at the same time. They may relate to the same object and ah ha, I see you as one unified thing spouting talking."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most powerful nootropic or smart drug is stress."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Memory is all a network of associations. That's how we remember things."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The brain is an adaptive device. It will respond to what you give it. It is not a device that is fixed. In fact, the essence of the brain, especially the human brain, is to take sensory inputs and to make cognitive sense of those signals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sniffing itself is a powerful modulator of our cognition and our ability to learn."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The unconscious mind is the supercomputer of the mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What makes the human brain so remarkable is that we can orient our thinking to past, present, or future and we can also think about the past and present, the present and the future."
"Mindfulness is an invitation to be aware of what we're thinking."
"It's sort of a small masterpiece that your brain mobilizes all those different processes to make that happen."
"The most resilient parasite is not a bacteria, it's not a virus, it is a thought."
"Your brain is... constantly predicting what's going on in the body and what's going on in the world and making predictions."
"To me, what a meaningful answer to this question is, I would like to understand how the mind works in those terms."
"We are built to understand the world not just in terms of patterns and pixels but in terms of basic kinds of concepts."
"It's not about the information... it's actually the human's mind that is the main piece here."
"We see not with our eyes but with our brains."
"Just being able to differentiate between system one and system two... is the first level of self-awareness."
"Consciousness is not a system of thought. It is what gives rise to all systems of thought."
"Metacognition is defined as cognition about cognition, or knowing about knowing."
"Humans' capacity to encode these very vast numbers of symbolic representations... is a uniquely powerful capacity that has enabled a lot of what we see in the world today."
"Before our minds can make the world that we then live in, the world makes our mind."
"Memory is very distributed. It's not just one particular area. It's actually really distributed."
"Thinking is wonderful, but it can also just observe something else and it can also be used against us."
"A lot of what looks like insight and ingenuity is really just pattern recognition."
"Memory consolidation during sleep is an important cognitive function, enhancing our memory."
"A concentrated mind is capable of greater understanding."
"If you're a brain evolved by unintelligent, unguided processes and all your thoughts are completely dictated by the laws of physics, then why should we trust any of your thoughts?"
"Our minds are trustworthy if they're made in the image of a great mind."
"If it's a new word that you've never seen before, sometimes you try to, like, pronounce it in your mind, you know, and try to hear what that word is."
"So a lot of that information is really distributed across the entire brain."
"The mind and brain can be understood only by seeing them in the broadest possible context, that of the whole of our physical and spiritual existence."
"Intelligence is about many other things. Intelligence is about a lot more. In particular, it's about modeling the world."
"Being wrong feels exactly like being right. You don't, you know, nobody runs around going, 'Oh, I'm wrong but I'm gonna keep believing this.' We all assume that we are correct about a great many things."
"We know that you can affect your cognition, we know that you can affect your skin and inflammation that's occurring on your skin."
"Intelligence is how you process information."
"The brain is trapped in a dark, silent box called your skull."
"The mind is a story processor, not a logic processor."
"Whatever you're having emotion about is what you're thinking about."
"When we think better, when we think differently, we're going to get more out of our life."
"Our linguistic choices affect our cognitive frameworks and vice versa."
"Certainly, machines can think because I believe you're a machine and I'm a machine, and I believe we both think."
"You can't think without a brain. That may sound obvious, but when you get into the details, it's actually quite profound."
"Stories are the operating system of the human mind."
"Our memories are constructive; they're reconstructive. Memory works a bit more like a Wikipedia page: You can go in there and change it, but so can other people."
"It turns out that human memory is incredibly fallible, and there's few of us want to accept that so much of what we remember in life didn't quite happen, or in some cases, happen like we remember it."
"Our ancestors wanted us to know about our power as individuals, our higher cognitive powers."
"Your brain is operating based on what it feels, not what it thinks."
"Trying to remove amyloid from the brain of a person with Alzheimer's disease and to see their cognition come back is sort of like thinking that if you remove all the headstones from a grave, people will come back to life."
"Pattern recognition is most of understanding, and it's super important and super hard."
"We didn't really see significant things associated with cognition and moods and all of the things that we were testing for which, yeah, there could be a variety of explanations for that."
"The brain is a continuous category constructor."
"Kiki Booba...this phenomenon seems to show that the words we use for things are not entirely arbitrary."
"Coco the gorilla...was able to use complex sign combinations, which indicated sophisticated cognition."
"Your subconscious understands complex grammar rules intuitively, organizing thoughts in real time without conscious effort."
"If you were going to try to apply complex language rules consciously, it would take a lot of thought and there's no way you could do it in real time."
"Your sense of what you want to say is initially shaped by your native language, and it takes a while for you to naturally have thoughts in the new language."
"It's one thing to say people should think more critically."
"The mental world, the physical world, and the abstract world are three distinct realms of reality that we are trying to understand." - Professor Roger Penrose
"I'm getting some crazy deja vu. I feel like we've done this before."
"The human relationship with psychedelic plants played a major role in our cognitive and social evolution."
"To be human is to be capable of thinking, and to be capable of thinking is to be capable of learning."
"Caffeine actually increases cognitive function, but caffeine doesn't last forever."
"Mathematics and the ability to understand mathematics is something that is granted to us a priori."
"No one's ever seen the mind. And yet, we operate with images in our mind."
"Perhaps our ability to think abstractly made the difference; we create art for pleasure, we use symbols to communicate information and ideas, we develop rituals that create cohesion and identity within a community."
"I can feel my brain cells rubbing against each other like teenagers at a club, all seven of them."
"That what we perceive, isn't really the data that is literally out there, but it's a construction that our minds make using our imagination. It's not really what is there."
"So, this is an illustration of how your unconscious mind helps you to see things in an environment that will make sense."
"The world is presented in a kaleidoscopic flux of impressions, which has to be organized by our minds, and this means largely by the linguistic systems in our minds."
"Language can facilitate memory and helps us grasp complex concepts like numbers, directions, and understanding the viewpoints of others."
"Every one of us is capable of [distinctively human activities]. Every one of us does these fairly routinely without thinking about them."
"We take for granted the natural part of the human condition to categorize and study our facial expressions."
"I think that brains can develop in different ways, and that is maybe related to one's sex in certain ways."
"One of the most important things to note about our hunter-gatherer ancestors is that they weren't dumb. In fact, on an individual to individual basis, they probably had some cognitive ability superior to our own."
"Anything you're looking at is literally your mind because the phenomena is being filtered through your nervous system."
"You can only consciously think about one or two things at a time. That's it."
"We have indulged too much into the thinking brain."
"When you say something over and over again, it stops sounding right in your head."
"You ever have the feeling like you've forgotten something, and it's right on the tip of your brain?"
"The mark of Genius was the ability to have two contradictory thoughts in your head at the same time."
"I think therefore I am, and I'm thinking, so I gotta be."
"Every place that you talk about something in terms of thinking, if you substitute the word 'feeling,'... feeling is a kind of enhanced cognition."
"Your words are no different than your thoughts, and your thoughts orient you in the world."
"There is a difference between thinking and paying attention and of the two, paying attention is much more important."
"I'm aware that my brain just works in different ways than other people's do."
"Even when a pattern doesn't actually exist, that's just what we do. We're phenomenal at it."
"It's crazy how fast the human brain can process information."
"You're very efficient mentally, very, very, very clear, which has been awesome."
"The mind was created by the same God who created the world and that God created structures of the mind that allow us to know the world around us."
"It makes you talk fast and process thoughts faster."
"Wisdom is not connected to IQ. Wisdom is not a derivative or an inevitable outcome of a high IQ."
"Your mind's job is to construct reality... so that you can be alive and partake in all the features of life."
"The ability to imagine made-up scenarios and argue about them is what distinguishes sentient life."
"The specious present is the duration of a deliberate action, like a handshake, or a quick decision, such as how long you alight on a channel while channel surfing before deciding whether to click on to the next one."
"Patterns are essential not just in science but for our interaction with the world around us."
"It contains all monitor circuits for pre-programming... you can actually pre-program your mind."
"Props to you for being able to change your mind. Healthy brain."
"Creativity is a label for that we've invented to describe a process that happens in our minds, perhaps it happens in other physical systems in the universe, we don't know, but let's say we're sure that it happens in our mind that produces a different kind of information compared to the sort of trivial information that we can find in nature."
"A lack of sleep will impact just about every major physiological system in your body and almost every operation of your mind."
"As long as we can think, feel, and move, we can question, doubt, critique, and follow a cohesive logical way of thinking with emotional empathy and understanding."
"Most of our lives happen in our heads and happen in our hearts."
"Other animals are not idiots. In fact, some of them are so disturbingly smart that it kind of makes us have to rethink what intelligence actually is."
"The stupider a person is, the more likely they are to believe they know everything."
"The phenomenon that I observe is the human brain is very good at pattern recognition."
"The subconscious mind is a pattern recognition machine and a much better one than you could ever hope to be consciously."
"Isn't it insane that one of the byproducts of [consciousness] is that it's given us this capacity to be able to start to grasp at infinities, to be able to push the limits of something, if we were not designed to think about this?"
"The property of ownership, and as you see today, we have good nuts and bolts stories appearing about what actually happens in the brain."
"Memory is the major element in cognition in everything that we call the humanities."
"I am a total visual thinker. I think in photo-realistic pictures. I don't think in words."
"Our brain evolved to take what is meaningless and make it meaningful."
"We all have paradigm shifts at some point in our adult life."
"There's no human reference for an octopus to understand."
"The human brain doesn't remember more than seven digits in its short-term memory. That's why phone numbers are seven digits. What, mine's 10. Well, I mean, area code removed."
"Comparison slots - we have a finite amount of slots in our brain that we can put people in."
"Your power of attention is the greatest, most important valuable thing that you have."
"Ideas have you, modes of being have you, and that recognition means the first level of attention looks something like worship."
"Your brain desires to categorize and process information as fast as it possibly can."
"Is it I who thinks or is something else thinking?"
"A distinction is starting to be drawn between beliefs and reality."
"Men's minds are like waffles... Women's Brains are like a pile of spaghetti noodles."
"The brain is incredibly complicated, we don't 100% understand plenty about the brain."
"Your brain is a grand simulation of reality."
"It's your brain tricking you. Oh, it's a real brain game."
"How did I not see that? Guys, these are so funny."
"Other times something is going to happen, the signal will go up to your brain, you'll think about it and then you'll decide to move."
"If there's no point having a mind if you never change it."
"Your brain is a computer. If you don't use it, you lose it."
"We rely on stories not merely for entertainment, but for explanation, meaning, self-understanding."
"Surprise is when if you can't really think of something that surprises you because obviously if you're thinking of it doesn't surprise you anymore."
"We’re all hardwired to make sense of the world by telling and being told stories."
"The world has quite a few intelligent animals."
"The mind force will come back, and when the mind comes back, it will come with a sense of life, but 'Oh no, I've lost it, I've lost it.' And you may forget that the feeling of lost it is only a feeling and a thought, and not a reality."
"You might find it interesting to notice how your thoughts meander, how one thought leads to another, sometimes in unexpected ways."
"Attention matters because if we can't pay attention, we..."
"This is a representation of how my brain works."
"Coco's IQ was measured at somewhere between 75 and 90, meaning she had the intelligence of an average three-year-old human child."
"The way that you think creates a feeling, the way that you feel creates thinking that matches that."
"Learn from your mistakes but don't create a paradigm through which you filter all your information."
"Language is a vehicle for thought, it's not the thought itself."
"It's called like up here and it's called memory and it's called other things."
"Our brain is not a knowledge machine, it's a best guess machine."
"I'm blessed or cursed depending on how you look at it with having more or less a photographic memory for pretty much anything that I've been a part of."
"The power of intelligence, the power of the mind."
"Artificial intelligence is about thinking, perception, and action."
"Without concepts, there can be no thought, and without analogies, there can be no concepts."
"All of our concepts are formed and applied through analogies."
"Analogies help us understand and predict the world around us."
"Our mental models, formed through analogies, shape our perception and understanding."
"Without concepts there can be no thought... without analogies there can be no concepts."
"We actually get to choose the way we look at things."
"You are thinking man. You're an intelligent man. You are thinking."
"Storytelling is the operating system of the human brain."
"Making distinctions is like carving a groove into a stone."
"We're not just rational minds floating like the cogito."
"You think with your brain, you don't have a choice. Ideas are not floating in air, they are physical."
"We have been formatted with brains to come up with solutions, not just to persist."
"Worldview makes a difference in how you communicate, how we think."
"Being interrupted ruins your ability to think."
"True knowing is clear cognizance, and that's the gift of knowing."
"If you cringe, you win. It means your brain works." - Tyler Zed, Zeducation
"Raccoons are actually highly intelligent, maybe even smarter than you or me."
"Algorithms are so freaking cool because it's what your brain is doing, right? Like, what is your brain doing? It's doing that. That's the true thing."
"People need to make sense, to do sense-making, in ways that are less left brain, less linear, less masculine, and more holistic, more intuitive."
"Engaging with something actively keeps your mind sharp."
"Media is the most powerful tool when it comes to the reformation of our minds."
"Self-relevance is like the glue of cognition how things are relevant to me is how cognition and agency get glued together and work together and become integrated."
"Somewhere in your brain, there is stored a memory of what happened on those two days for you. But it's probably impossible to dig it up."
"This is the human brain at work, unlocking hidden truths within itself."
"The amount of intelligence that they have, the depth of intellect that they have..."
"People are capable of holding more than one thought in their head at the same time."
"Truth often is Stranger Than Fiction but the strangeness comes from the clouds surrounding our minds not from the mystery itself."
"Your brain starts working in a certain way the moment you say 'I do not know'."
"They are not animals as folks are led to believe but a people having reasoning and cognitive thinking."
"What you're feeling right now, your emotions, your cognitions, many of your cognitions are not real. These are not yours."
"It requires a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious."
"Stories are the way that we first begin to make sense of the world around us and to construct the world around us."
"What you think influences your interpretation of your reality."
"Your brain can manifest fears that you know are irrational and yet you are somewhat powerless to really come to grips with."
"Find the story... it's just how human brains are wired."
"Intuition is the immediate knowing or learning of something without the conscious or use of reasoning."
"Your brain runs very fast and it calculates a lot, so work with that."
"I think it's fascinating, human brains doing thinking of stuff."
"Think of what an IQ is, a bell curve distribution."
"Scientists long believed that only vertebrates could demonstrate any form of complex intelligence."
"Emotions are not tools of cognition, and neither's revelation."
"When a mind just gets a certain level of complexity, consciousness emerges."
"Your mind is operating at 80, so fatigue can calm you down."
"Faith arrests the Faculty of the mine and it harnesses the imagination."
"We all know that women are just as equipped as men for cognitive abilities."
"That deep rest state is a place that is beyond the limits of our normal cognition."
"Our brains process reality in the same way: beginning, middle, and end."
"The important takeaway is that you need to establish a prior belief to make sense of new information."
"Your brain has to be hardwired to see patterns"
"How crazy it is that brains can do this so effortlessly?"
"Stories just form the applications in the mind."
"When we imagine something in our mind's eye or mind's ear, we are imagining the real thing happening."
"There's really no such thing as an objective reality because what we see in front of us is filtered through our brain based on our emotional responses."
"These things hinder your mental performance way more than you can imagine."