
Support Quotes

There are 171249 quotes

"The world starts to support you in a way that feels very fluid."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I do believe the universe is on the side of creativity." - Rick Rubin.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Any of us who watch a close friend suffer, it's hard. You want to do anything you can to help them. That's empathy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It is clear to me now that you are hyper realistic about the landscape, but you are also intensely optimistic about the existence of wild ducks and those around them that support them."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Life's just going to continue to spiral if you're not willing to seek mental health professionals in it."
"Society in which we live, if it's more supportive to women going through menopause, can dramatically reduce the effect on our lives."
"The importance of a supportive community shouldn't be underestimated."
"It's okay not to be okay, and to just start talking. Having these conversations can save a life."
"If you have children, speak into them. See them on the other side of their troubles. That's how powerful prayer is."
"A close male best friend... who you can consider kind of like a brother who has your back... that's incredibly valuable."
"Whatever care you need, we will make sure you get it."
"Relationships are the most wealth you can ever have. If you got good relationships, you'll never go without anything."
"Just being willing to be vulnerable and share yourself, you will help that next person, which will then in turn lift others."
"Your support means a lot, and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and remember that you have more power over your health than you've ever been told."
"A leader comes and sits down next to you and says, 'How can I help you?' That's a leader."
"The human body can heal itself in so many ways, including from addiction, but it has to have the right external support structure and the right internal support."
"We lean on the people around us to hold us up, who help support us, help us heal."
"It's really about how do you meet someone where they're at and put yourself as well as you can in their point of view."
"I'm proud of you all. We need to hear that more...be proud of yourselves." - Haley Kiyoko
"True friendship is that, 'Oh, my gosh. I can expand. I can be more than this.'"
"It's a great community, it's like people really helping support one another."
"Ask for help if you need it; there's nothing wrong with asking for help from a professional."
"I'm super glad that he was able to recognize that he needed help with his mental health."
"You're not alone. There is hope, and the time to reach out is now."
"The universe is here to help you, it will help you if you ask."
"Find people that lift you up, that cheer you on."
"Good friendship is when the other person knows your values and helps you stick to them."
"Be a light even in a dark place, to be a light to people that are also lost and also going through it."
"Hey listen, you got yourself through that. I was just there to help distract, but you did that."
"You can quit if you want. I will love you regardless, but I believe in you to get through this."
"All you need, by the way, if you're listening, all you need is that one friend. One friend with a couch to sleep on, one friend with an idea, one friend with a manager friend they can introduce, one friend with one dinner they can take you to. Yes, and that is it."
"The words 'I love you' mean I'm here, you matter, we are important, I'm not going anywhere, I've got your back, and I only want you."
"I believe in you. I believe that you can reach a very high level. I believe you can change your life and... you'll pay that forward."
"Be the support group for others if you're in a really good place in your life right now."
"Life is hard sometimes. You will struggle with depression, you will struggle with money, your friends will be imperfect support systems, but life is still worth it."
"Make friends with people who want the best for you."
"Resilience is developed when we have family, friends, and close people around us to help us in difficult situations."
"Taking care of yourself and asking for help, and time management is key."
"Don't be scared okay, we're here to help you."
"You're okay, don't be scared. I'm going to take you to a warm vehicle."
"Mutual respect, trust, and emotional support are fundamental values in a healthy relationship."
"I don't have to be your favorite cast member on my show for me to still support black excellence."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is just be silent and hug somebody."
"Being in the presence of other people when you're grieving, even if they don't say anything, is important."
"The Michelangelo phenomenon: one person in the relationship sees the absolute potential in the other."
"When I got the cycles that I really needed and the help that I really needed, my life almost immediately just went right on track."
"I'm so grateful that you're allowing me to just talk."
"You're not alone. You're not alone. None of us are alone."
"We're present with each other. We know each other's story. We know what's going on in each other's lives. We're here for you if something sucks and you need a shoulder to cry on or somebody to help you with your work. Like, we care about each other. It's important. We take care of each other like family."
"Sometimes people just want you to listen to them."
"Empathy isn't about fixing, it's the brave choice to be with someone in their darkness."
"Stay connected with friends and family right now. Talk to people. Everyone's on this Ferris wheel right now in some capacity. You're definitely not alone."
"Courage is the ability to act in the face of fear, but to do that we need people we trust... be those people that other people can trust."
"If you take the first step, the universe takes 10 steps towards you."
"Mental health is something we all deal with. It's unfortunate that abuse, trauma, and mental illness are being passed down generationally, but it can be helped; it can be fixed."
"Have a great rest of your night, thank you guys for the incredible support. I love you all."
"We love you guys so much. Thank you so much for supporting this show."
"My husband is perfect for me. He's my biggest supporter. He makes me feel complete."
"The universe has a way of smiling and helping you out if you just write it down and dream big."
"No one can fix you, no one can take your pain away, but I can hold your hand."
"I'm always looking for any opportunity to be able to go in and share hope with people who need hope."
"What could I possibly do with my life after being like a chronic fuck-up for 20 years that could mean more than trying to help someone not go down that same path?"
"Marriage is not something that's 50/50. A partnership works when you can carry their 20, or they can carry your 20."
"At the end of the day, I think we all need someone who believes in us as much or more than we believe in ourselves."
"The willingness to ask for help is a very, very vulnerable statement. Can I help you? Not so much. An act of service, but the act of service really comes from allowing somebody else to serve you."
"The events in Ukraine are excruciatingly heartbreaking, and we're going to do our small part at ARK."
"Please join us in doing your part to help them as well."
"When I see people wandering and becoming children again, that's amazing."
"Having that unconditional love is so important to find in friends."
"No man is an island, and we hope you'll make lots of connections and extend your hand to those in need."
"We promise to do the best job we can as your parents."
"If you have trouble, you can always come to us. If you fall, we'll pick you up and put you back on track."
"When you succeed, we'll be there to congratulate you."
"I wish I was there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry."
"We're all helping each other through this on this wild ride called life."
"You have to rely on other people to help bring you up."
"Everyone's just reaching out showing love and I love it."
"Love keeps her in the air when she ought to fall down."
"The courage to have difficult conversations, the courage to say I don't know, the courage to ask for help."
"We provide space for each other. I'm not your therapist."
"You are an amazing lady. You're a very special person. I'm rooting for you."
"Instead of spreading negativity, let's show genuine love and support to our players."
"Create special, powerful memories and instill yourself with truth so that, when the cosmic wind blows, you're still that foundation for others."
"Don't underestimate your impact...especially with mental illness, if you're doing something and they don't seem to be changing at all, you could actually be what's keeping them afloat."
"Self-care is anything that maintains or improves our well-being, and we need to be well enough to be able to be there for ourselves and the people that we love."
"The universe is like, 'Hey, dream big baby, because like I'm here with you. I want you to dream big.'"
"Hope is a place to heal, relax, be yourself, and be surrounded by those who want to see you blossom and bloom."
"A great relationship is one that both supports and challenges."
"The most motivating force in the world, based on research, is empowerment, encouragement, support, and celebration."
"Watch out for those people because your true friends are going to want to see you shine and they are going to support you in the way that you have supported them in the past."
"It's never a bad thing to ask for support, whatever that support is for you."
"It's okay to reach out and ask for help when that sort of thing happens."
"Cry out, cry out, cry, cry out, and I bet that you'll find an audience of people willing to listen, able to relate, and eager to help."
"Ask for help to carry some of that weight if you're overwhelmed."
"The only thing we can do right now is to pray for each other, of course, to support each other and be kind, but to do the best we can about our own lives."
"If nobody's telling you they love you, I love you."
"I heard like two words from the Lord. He said, 'Stand. Lean. I've got you. I've got this.'"
"Support each other, respect each other, and most importantly communicate with each other."
"He didn't only save our restaurant; he saved our marriage, our family."
"All of us should prepare for parts of being a caregiver in our lives, just to be able to support who we are and who we may be providing care for."
"For so many times that you could have grabbed the spotlight, you chose to be a servant and a support system for me and our three children."
"We need more people... lifting each other up."
"It's about supporting your kid in achieving their goals and helping them form healthy gaming habits."
"You're going to have so much support around you... Whether that means you're going to go into business with a couple of your friends or not, somehow there's this theme that you're either just being so heavily supported by the people that you love, or they're directly involved in it."
"Stay strong and I love you and everyone loves you."
"Stay strong with a goal. You're an angel to us."
"You've been a major inspiration to me and I'm sure billions of other people."
"You inspired me so much. You have been fighting cancer for a long time and nothing's gonna stop you."
"Long-term security to deter future aggression after this war ends is a goal, and we're advancing this goal by providing them the support Ukraine needs now on the battlefield."
"Your Patreon donations literally helped me stay alive."
"I'm a big supporter of the red trunks on the Superman suit."
"Most cases, you just need somebody to listen."
"Fill up your own cup before you can help somebody else."
"When you shine your light, you illuminate the way for other people."
"Your support will help MIT OpenCourseWare continue to offer high quality educational resources for free."
"Political will in the West to support Ukraine, for example, continues to be a massively important issue."
"This person is going to help you have healthy boundaries."
"We are thrilled to support the first lunar landing since the Apollo program ended more than 50 years ago."
"Supporting Ukraine allows us to fight in one of the most direct ways possible against an enemy that we should all stand in opposition to as Americans."
"We should support Ukraine because it's the right thing to do."
"Support for Ukraine is not only strategically important; it is a vital moral necessity."
"Look at each conflict, get an understanding of the facts and find which side you think we should probably morally support."
"I am donating thousands of dollars a year to a resource so people affected by hysterical anti-trans laws can access hormone replacement therapy before the age of 18. I do not give a single [__] what you think. I am doing nothing wrong, nor will I ever back down."
"You've got a friend in me... we're going to tell your story."
"It's not about calling people out, it's about demonstrating the good movement motion and helping each other get better."
"If you are someone who's struggling with suicide, I strongly, strongly, strongly urge you to seek mental health help from a professional."
"I understand that you have a life that you think is not worth living. I would like to help you deal with these objective problems."
"Whether it's against you, or someone you love, or someone you believe in, stand up. Don't sit down on them because they need you."
"I know she would hold me down in those situations and the same way it goes the other way, and that is my job as her husband."
"Thank you to those who are kind and supportive. I see you."
"Deep down, I really want to offer something more comprehensive to help people on a very personal level to change our lives together, being actually in a community of like-minded people."
"You're blessing 500 people, bro. That's love."
"I'm in a dark place, please be patient with me."
"Choose to surround yourself with genuine, caring, and loving people."
"I don't think anybody needs anybody, but I think it's good to have companionship and have help."
"Instead of getting angry with each other, that we would look around and say, 'How can we be the hands and feet of Jesus in this time?'"
"Thanks everyone for watching, you're absolute legends. Take care."
"You have to be an advocate, period. And sometimes it is relentless all the time."
"People naturally root for people like themselves; people root for people that they see themselves in."
"I want you to know your president has your back during Pride month and all the time."
"The fundamental thing that happened, and the greatest calamity, is not that there was no love or support. The greater calamity...is that you lost the connection to your essence."
"I think the family are really nice, like they're all there for each other. It's something that I wish that I did more often with my family."
"We're ultimately there to help provide the things that keep people human, the things that bring them joy, the things that really connect them to one another."
"Support anyone that you can hear individually, whether it's just through a follow or whatever like those are great ways to support people."
"You know what he told me? He read your messages on the last video when you guys were like, 'We love you, Bert,' and it's helping him."
"Every single one of you, who have sent pictures, paintings, photos, and everything along the way, thank you so much, guys. You know I love you."
"This person, your soulmate, is actually going to encourage you to shine on your own and be independent."
"If we can help people with the basics, they can rise up."
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for God will be with you wherever you go."
"I feel really lucky to have her as a friend as well, so it's just very, very nice."
"I hope that these messages help to bring clarity, guidance, and support to you on your journey."
"I really applaud you for doing that, because I think it's something that people don't talk about because there's so much shame around it."
"You can either ask and receive help, or you can isolate and suffer alone."
"Stay strong, stay positive, and [be with someone] who really genuinely [cares for] you."
"Community is very important. You need people to succeed in this journey."
"It's crucial to make our support for the First Amendment crystal clear."
"To encourage is to call to one's side, to console, to strengthen, to put courage in, to inspire, to motivate with courage."
"Kiva is where you can go to lend out to someone who needs a hand."
"The Holy Spirit strengthens, sustains, and supports us."
"Jesus' prayers have not ceased. He's praying for you."
"It made my fellow soldiers feel like they're not alone like there's somebody in this world who loves them, who prays for them, and who's on their side."
"Do not abandon democracy; do not abandon Ukrainians to Putin's butchers."
"I want to thank you for your time, for your support. I hope that this reading has helped raise your vibration or at least confirm what you already know and give you something to look forward to."
"I always tell people, so I think the way you end up with daughters like me and my sister, the best thing they did is they encouraged us with anything we had any interest or aptitude at, often in very unusual ways."
"I give birth to new opportunities with faith and trust, safe in the knowledge that I'm fully supported every step of the way."
"Be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
"She's been unbelievably helpful to me and she's saved my life."
"Sometimes people need more support than just one person can give. That's love, darling."
"She finds light in the darkness; she makes you laugh when you need it most and always has your back."
"Find a community. With the right people in your corner, there's a lot you can achieve."
"Thank you guys for your incredible support today, I love you all so much."
"No matter what, you still have love surrounding you."
"I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you."
"Your mother is your first example of help... when a mother is fulfilling her role, she is helping."
"Birth is not a problem that needs solving. It's a natural process that just needs, you know, guides to help women on the journey."
"You're only as good as the people that believe in you."
"Whenever we've had a challenge, there's another partner that's always ready to step up and help wherever they can."
"The highest form of charity was giving somebody a job."
"Finally, someone's looking out for us in this crazy world."
"I'm thankful for their constant support and embracing me for who I am."
"Family is supposed to be there for you during the highs and lows of your life."
"I'm just so blessed and so happy with so much love, so much support."
"I am so blessed to have friends like you who sharpen me all the time."
"If your parents don't love and accept you for who you are this Christmas, fuck them. I'm your parents now."
"If I can help you build belief, build confidence to the point where nothing can hurt you because you know exactly who you are."
"You're never alone; the universe has your back."
"The neuro association with a high-five is so entrenched it has only ever meant 'I celebrate you, I see you, I got you, keep going, you got this, I'm behind you.'"
"The black woman is our backbone. On blank, you got some men that's, you know, taking care of the woman in the house, but as a whole, our black sisters in America, they're strong."
"Parents have to nurture; they have to support their children."
"Your family, however you define that word, are some of the only people that you can count on no matter what."
"He vowed to help her and took pictures of her, posted her pictures all over social media, and found her real family."
"But first, we'll go grab an ice cream cone and talk about it. What do you say?"
"This is a new person in your life, and they will be stable for you."
"You've been taking care of yourself and everyone around you flawlessly."
"To begin to listen to people who have been saying that and actually taking action for years, and saying, okay, how can we be supportive and be a part of that?"
"If you're going to walk away from that conversation, actually pray for them."
"May be spiritually, financially, emotionally, mentally, whatever kind of growth that you are trying to work on this year, rest assured, I'll be there with you manifesting it."
"We think the stance of monetary policy remains appropriate. Our guidance on the federal funds rate and on asset purchases is providing strong support for the economy."
"I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord."
"Just listen to the support that your team has."