
Positivity Quotes

There are 155121 quotes

"The world starts to support you in a way that feels very fluid."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Curiosity about self, curiosity about life, leads to all the good things."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's a beautiful day to save lives, let's have some fun."
"Eat a couple of sandwiches, take a nap, get up, do some push-ups, get out and move in a different way...move in a positive way."
"This week belongs to everyone here; it's all of us. So go out there, do some good, be nice to people, love on some people, and accomplish your goals."
"Let yourself be vulnerable... Stop with the negativity, start looking at the positives, start looking at how good you are."
"The universe is... bringing you the biggest blessings, all that I want you to do is let go of the negativity."
"For every negative thought that your brain gives you, task it with the task of giving you a positive one or two positive ones."
"I refuse to believe that if I'm a good person and that if I'm working hard, I refuse to believe that this doesn't work out."
"It's a constant mental exercise. I have to kind of like force myself and pull this positivity out of me."
"See the beauty in the world and see the beauty in others, like she did, like all children do."
"I am grateful for my limitless opportunities."
"Shining the light of appreciation on all of my experiences."
"Focus on your blessings, not on your hassles."
"Happily embracing each new day with the spirit of gratitude."
"My body heals quickly and easily; I am perfectly healthy."
"The research is consistent with the idea that... to be able to see the good that exists in yourself, in your community, and in others... gives you the ability to do what matters in your own life with less despair and less hopelessness."
"Sometimes, that dark thought or the heaviness of or weight of the world sometimes kind of taints the light, you know what I mean, and I think that sometimes we forget about the light, but the light is the thing that keeps us going."
"You can't be drowned in negative thoughts and be grateful at the same time."
"The moment you start feeling abundant, you're generating wealth."
"I think when we are grateful and we recognize the things that we are grateful for, no matter how small they are, it allows us and prompts us to be kinder in the world."
"Having gratitude changes your brain and how it's firing and changes your outlook just by having that little practice."
"Gratitude transforms every experience into a blessing."
"Gratitude and positivity are great ways to attract abundance."
"In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, I am now building total financial success and abundance for the highest good of all concerned."
"The quickest way in the world to bring good things into your life is to have gratitude now, not later."
"There is something likeable in everyone, it's your job to find it."
"Happiness wins. Love wins. I'm happy. Shoot me, I'll smile."
"All of us are capable of growth and positive change if we are willing to stay open and curious throughout our lives."
"I actually don't think anyone is permanently ugly."
"I'm always good. I always try to reach out and help people to think for themselves."
"It's like giving your brain a wonderful bubble bath of neurochemicals."
"I'm actually not a fan of positive thinking; I'm a fan of accurate thinking with a positive bias."
"If you look for love in anything, you'll find it."
"We look at ourselves and we think we're pathetic, but I don't think we're pathetic at all. I think we're actually awesome."
"It's a great community, it's like people really helping support one another."
"Shift your focus from all of the negativity and shift your focus on the positivity because that's the only way that you're going to see opportunity in front of you."
"The more positive you stay, the more you push through and think of new ideas, the more you're going to be rewarded."
"Believing in magic again is a wonderful feeling."
"This is a time where you're really wanting to spread more love, share more love with the people you're around."
"This is a time of like a lot of really good energy in the air."
"Any time that we have Sun Trine Jupiter, it is a really positive and expansive time for everyone, and it brings blessings to everyone."
"Stop drinking the poison. Grab the cup that's filled with water and only begin to fill your cup with beautiful water... Stop filling it with toxicity."
"Change is actually really good. Human growth is really good."
"The grateful mind is constantly fixed upon the best; therefore it tends to become the best; it takes the form or character of the best, and will receive the best."
"The more positive you are, the more optimistic you are, the higher your attitude is in terms of positive expectation and joy, the less ill you get."
"Gratitude will turn everything around. That will make you feel good. That will get you off the negative."
"I would just walk down the street and say, 'There's prosperity. I'm breathing in prosperity.'"
"To truly manifest means that you feel good. Feeling good means your energy's free. You're inspired, you are receptive, and therefore attracting towards you what you desire."
"Enjoy life more and start seeing the goodness in life."
"There's positive people and negative people... when you're with a negative person, one of two things is going to happen: the negative person is going to make the positive person negative, or you're going to take the negative person and make them positive."
"My whole life is built around positivity and kindness. I tour the world sharing stories of inspiration and hope."
"If you start by meditating, doing gratitude journaling, by thinking positively, by having hope, by exercising, by getting out into nature, you will feel better."
"Be a light even in a dark place, to be a light to people that are also lost and also going through it."
"Unleash your creativity and open your mind to positive energy."
"As long as you keep this positive mindset, you will reach a good peak."
"You can make a positive difference in your life."
"This good recognition where you guys feel on top of the world, you guys feel inspired, you guys feel really good about it."
"This is something that's going to be quite emotionally fulfilling for you guys as well."
"It was actually the most positive YouTube comment section I've ever seen on YouTube, which is just really, really bizarre because it's something that normally comes with a lot of shame."
"This is the positive good news coming your way: this whole new opportunity."
"Motherhood seems to generally be a positive thing for women's lives, particularly long term."
"If our thoughts are positive, they have a beneficial impact on both our physical and mental well-being."
"This change is actually going to be really positive."
"Gratitude gives you perspective. Perspective allows you to find the light, the love, and the lessons in everything."
"Look for the good wherever we can. Celebrate heroes, encourage children, find ways to disagree respectfully."
"The happy fairy of sunshine brings lots of life-giving energy. She reminds you to shine your light and to reveal anything in the shadows that need to be healed."
"Shine from within. Looks are only skin deep, true beauty shines from within, and it's time for you to shine."
"Start your day reciting a positive affirmation to yourself... It really sets the tone for the rest of your day."
"You can train your brain so... for every thought for every negative thought that your brain gives you, task it with the task of giving you a positive one or two positive ones."
"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves."
"Manifestation during this period is super high."
"What we found is high performers have extraordinarily positive emotions and positive relationships, so it's a complete myth that the top 5%, 10%, 15% somehow are lonely or more divorced than other people. It's just not true. They care about relationships."
"Positivity is the key to attracting what you desire."
"You are truly special; no one ever will be precisely like you."
"I started to look for opportunities. Complaining ain't gonna get me nowhere, but if I start being observant around who can help me, who's doing better, who can I learn from, you'd be surprised what you see that's right around you."
"This is going to be a very positive year for you in terms of starting something new that will be very, very rewarding."
"When you get the Wheel of Fortune, it means that anything you turn your hand to is going to have a positive outcome."
"I appreciate your feedback. I always love your positive, wonderful messages."
"Why you smiling? Because what else am I going to do?"
"My biggest takeaway so far is to just lead with gratitude. I've been saying this phrase over the past couple of months: It's lead with love, live with gratitude."
"Rather than focus on a lot of my negative stuff, I would just find ways to make it productive and focus on how to enrich my life."
"It's okay to do nice things for yourself. It's okay, and you deserve it."
"It's constant work, a constant mission if you're going to try to live for positivity and bring people up."
"I recommend to people to surround themselves with love and ignore the aggression and negativity."
"We bring the joy. We create a positive atmosphere, a positive community. We want that enthusiasm, and that joy, and that positivity because everybody has had the opposite, and we know it sucks."
"The world needs more people out there championing others on; the world needs more of that positive energy."
"You start to derive wisdom from it, literally you're taking negatives and turning them into positives."
"Being around confident people who've got their act together... they'll infect you with their positive energy."
"I often tell people, I'm sick of hearing what you hate, I'm sick of hearing what you're against, I'm sick of hearing what you're complaining about. Tell me what you want, tell me what you're for, tell me your vision of what a great country would be like."
"Alignment is creating positive words, positive thoughts, and positive actions."
"It's going to be a wonderful year, I know it."
"The tendency of human beings is always to grow towards the light, to get out of the cold, yucky, dark, gloomy stuff."
"Don't be sad it's gone, be happy it happened."
"Don't let hate win, you always have to let love win."
"Every relationship, to stay healthy, has to have a ratio of five positive interactions for every negative interaction."
"Positivity is the single thing that has changed my life and made me so much happier."
"This positivity now...it's a different world."
"We've got a top four team already. This club is about positivity."
"For the first time in a long time, I actually feel positive."
"I do feel positive this morning, but I also am very aware that the 'Ten Hag outers' could be back in again very quickly."
"When you're happy, more cool things happen in your life."
"Hope you guys are having an absolutely fantastic day full of positivity and happiness, as always."
"Gratitude drowns out negativity and brings positivity into our lives."
"Negativity starts to recede... it's like ramping up a light, and negativity, like darkness, starts to go."
"May everyone be happy, may everyone be free of disease, may auspiciousness be seen everywhere, may suffering belong to no one. Peace."
"Positivity and offense always wins. Historically, always."
"Love yourself, love others; you are lovable, you are loved, and you are worthy of that love."
"Honestly, when people are nice and there's no beef, I love it."
"Every moment is a gift, that's why you have to live your life doing what you want to do, put love, light, and positivity out there."
"Life is too short, and for sure forgive and forget, and and try to be friends and try to put love out there. It's all about love, light, and positivity for me."
"No one should ever ever shame anyone else for anything, especially not if you're part of this positive movement about loving each other."
"You are the award. We are so special. We are such a beautiful people."
"I’m blessed, and I want you to know that you’re blessed."
"I want to see every single one of us do well in life and succeed."
"I don't want to spread negativity; I want to spread love."
"I disagree with that completely. Operating from a place of positive energy and positive emotion, you're actually going to outperform what you're capable of with negative energy and negative emotion."
"If you're surrounded by people who are more successful than you, instead of envying them, maybe you could interpret it as, 'Hey, this is a great sign because this means more success and more happiness is coming my way now that I'm able to surround myself and attract these people into my life.'"
"Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."
"Don't waste your time hating, fighting, judging, criticizing, blaming others. Negativity or trying to control others is a huge trap."
"Ken describes his sound as feel-good music, stating if you're down, it's going to make you feel good."
"In higher states of vibration, your goals, dreams, and desires materialize in the most harmonious way with everyone involved."
"We're going to be alright. That's the white pill that I want to finish on."
"Foster joy and squash cynicism because as long as we stay cynical and pessimistic, nothing gets done."
"There's a lot of people doing good stuff out there."
"Remember as a believer you are the light of the world, so please continue to shine your light bright so that this darkness cannot spread further."
"There is love, there is belonging, there is goodness, kindness, there are things you can do for other people."
"You're so pure of heart, you're so down to earth, you're so kind, you're so chill, you're such a good energy that it's very hard for people to hate you."
"You are valuable and deserving of good people in your life."
"Despite everything... you always go out things with such a childlike joy."
"Love is pure, love is a beautiful thing, and there's no way real love, whether it be of self or others, can ever be bad."
"Focus on giving your partner the best of you, not the worst of you."
"My biggest thing comes down to how I impact the people around me. I hope I give everybody around me something positive that they can take with them for the rest of their life."
"Choose health, happiness, and positivity, and the whole world responds, developing a wonderful personality."
"Positivity has a more powerful ability to transform reality than negativity."
"I really do think that most reasonable people of good political disposition will see that I'm alright."
"I'm not walking around depressed every day or whatever, you know. I've got amazing friends and family."
"It's crazy how things change, which is good. It's for the better."
"My mission here on social media is to just bring positivity."
"I'm worth it, I'm enough, and I'm gonna get through this because I am in charge of my own happiness."
"Corona has brought so many horrible things, but it brought a lot of good change to your life."
"Reassurance of the golden light: You are a child of the universe and dearly loved."
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Amen."
"Make it so that when people remember you, they smile."
"Light one candle, but that one candle can also light a million other candles."
"Good Vibes only is terrible. Most people that are like all positive type [expletive] are usually more negative."
"Become your own source of positive emotions by going into your pain rather than running away from it."
"I just found a beauty in life, like, 'Dude, this is my one shot at life. Let's make the most of it.'"
"It's probably good to feel your feelings and not just try to be positive 24/7."
"Instead of spreading negativity, let's show genuine love and support to our players."
"Expressing gratitude daily for what you do have going good."
"You're doing great, you're quite literally doing amazing, sweetie."
"You are really wonderful and you can attract so many wonderful things the more you acknowledge all that wonderfulness."
"Kindness and staying positive are at the heart of hopeful, uplifting messages."
"Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them."
"I am full of positive thoughts from the moment I wake up."
"Staying positive no matter what is just natural for me."
"I love to think positively about every situation."
"Happy Saturday! I hope everybody's doing good."
"Everything about the brain is designed for our survival, it's all designed for the positive side."
"You can make negativity and challenges work for you and not against you."
"Something you've wished for is going to start unfolding this week."
"Never apologize for being a blessing to someone."
"Don't be jealous of other people... be supportive of other people."
"It's not an event to have a positive mindset; it's a process."
"This is where I teach you how to reset your mind to become a more positive, more confident, more amazing version of yourself."
"It's really that powerful the shift that you're gonna feel when you learn that you can control and choose what you think about."
"All of the good that you do is going to come back to you in August."
"I can have it all, I can have it all, I can have it all."
"The abundance mentality is that there is more than enough and that you are enough."
"The abundance mindset will say there's more than enough to go around."
"Make a tiny promise to yourself every day... Keeping a promise to yourself will boost your mood and make you feel more in control."
"You deserve to have a positive mindset this year, and to achieve that, you have to be very deliberate about your habits, especially your morning routine."
"I tend to focus on the positive aspects of the human experience like love, beauty, joy."
"You can, at any moment during the day, catch negative beliefs, catch limiting beliefs, catch yourself when you default to the negative things that you've trained yourself to think, and you can switch to a more positive belief."
"When you remind yourself of your reasons to be grateful, you will feel positive."
"Karma is so real, you know what I mean? I feel like the more you tip, the more you get."
"Be good to yourselves, baby. You deserve it."
"What if... we tend to make the most creative worst-case scenarios. What if it did work out?"
"I feel good. I feel optimistic. It's a good day."
"We are our best source of encouragement, and we really have available to ourselves many kind words."
"Optimism is just fun and also optimism is the thing that creates the change."
"You deserve to feel joyful. You can allow joy into your life, regardless of the circumstances you currently find yourself in."
"The world needs more people like you, that is for sure."
"Focus on what you're for, not what you're against."
"You're bubbly, you have this bright bold bubbly personality, people love it."
"Stay positive, the worst is behind you. Look up to the light."
"Don't focus on quitting; focus on adding positive habits."
"Using powerful and positive and inspiring words will also have a positive impact on you."
"You are full of light, inspiration, and creation."
"I'm really happy you're proud of yourself. I wish everybody in the world could be proud of who they are."
"Joy, opportunity, and abundance are on the way to you."
"Let's make a [__] avalanche and try to make the world a slightly better place."
"Let's have the same positive attitude we expect in that locker room at halftime and our fans in the second half. We're back, baby."
"We stand personal growth around these here parts."
"The potential for happiness is really here for you."
"It is possible to live this way, in this heaven on earth state of consciousness."
"We're good at humans committing to things that are positive; it's very motivating for us."
"You're going to feel so good it's like that high tide is coming in and with that high tide, it is bringing all the gifts from in the sea all the treasure is just washing up on shore for you guys."
"Perseverance, positivity, and practice – there are three P's for you."