
Life Improvement Quotes

There are 2202 quotes

"There's a better life out there for you, and you'll be able to taste it in a month."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Science-based tools for everyday life are not just fascinating; they empower us to lead better lives."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Basically everything in life gets better when we're sleeping well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The less attention we commit to instant gratification activities and the more we invest into delayed gratification, the better our life gets."
"If it triggers dopamine in you but doesn't add positively to your life, it doesn't get included."
"Controlling learning to control your nervous system will indeed change everything. Your whole life gets better."
"Building and sticking to good habits is the only way to actually see progress in life."
"Keystone habits are so powerful that once you build them, they end up causing you to adopt a bunch of other good habits in your life without much effort."
"If you grow, everything else in your life grows."
"If you improve everything, everything improves."
"If you want to set your life straight, there's hardly a better way than facing what has bothered you voluntarily."
"The hundreds of thousands of people who've used our technologies now have many of them set their lives on much more productive pathways, and that's a pretty damn good thing to be able to have participated in."
"When you commit to being a creator and not just a consumer, to develop new skills... those help you in other areas of life."
"Most of what we do and say is not essential. When you eliminate the inessential, you get the double benefit of doing the essential things better."
"Live in harmony with your circadian body as much as you can...there's very few areas in your life that won't improve as a consequence."
"When I got the cycles that I really needed and the help that I really needed, my life almost immediately just went right on track."
"The rewards of this work are so incredible that you don't need a lot of result; a little bit of result... will produce a more amazing life than you ever imagined possible."
"When you change your mindset into a more positive and happy, fulfilling life, you will see that flourish externally throughout your physical world."
"While there's no way to guarantee the perfect outcome on your journey, your life will be exponentially better by going on it."
"Life gets so much better in recovery. It's the best life I've ever known."
"I'm ready to do what I need to do to get my life back on track."
"What us adults do is, when we know what we need to do for a better life, we go through the hard period, the sacrifice, to get that better life."
"If you change this pattern and program your brain to default to something that's empowering, your entire life changes."
"Your life will get better...and I don't need a body data monitoring device to tell me that."
"This is a technique that's very, very simple but also incredibly powerful if you can apply it in your life."
"You have access to it inside you, and it's why you are here. It will make your life better, and you will positively influence the lives of others through this."
"Working on your body is the beginning of everything. Your mind starts to work better, you're a better husband, a better father, a better friend, and life is just better."
"Sleep with your phone outside of your bedroom to save your sleep and improve your life."
"It's actually just increased my mental health a lot so that I can then also focus on my music... it's helping every aspect of my life."
"What's the purpose of wellness, is it just to lose weight, or is the purpose of wellness... to make your life a little bit better instead of just your body?"
"The more you discover and integrate your desires, the better your life experience will get."
"Whatever this chaotic ending was...it actually took you to the best place possible."
"The more areas of our lives we can take responsibility for, the more power we have to make changes and thus improve our quality of life."
"You are experiencing positive life changes and personal growth."
"Creating stronger boundaries is the number one way for most women to improve their lives."
"This is the dark tunnel before the incredible rest of the Decades of your life where you get to live in a nice apartment or house because you don't have to worry about all these minimum payments that are just eating you up."
"I think questions are the key to a more interesting life. The more we shape our questions, we can open crazy doors, crazy conversations."
"Remove the things that you don't enjoy... it's all about maximizing those things that you know are going to make your life better."
"Small tweaks to how we go about our day-to-day lives will often end up yielding strong results over the long term."
"The practice of gratitude...was life-changing for me, and it's life-changing for my clients."
"When we think better, when we think differently, we're going to get more out of our life."
"Believe in something that's bigger than you, do the right thing every single day, and your life will improve."
"You gotta raise your [expletive] standards if you want to live an empowered life."
"Reiki changes your life for the better if you're open to the energy and allow it to envelop your body, mind, and spirit."
"You've still got the inadequacies; what you do about it, that's what's going to change things, that's what's going to improve your life."
"The ability to program is going to make your life so much easier."
"My mission is super simple: it's to help you create a better life."
"Therapy can give you tools to approach your life in a very different way."
"Our life gets better in direct proportion to the number of difficult conversations we're willing to have."
"You can have the best relationship you've ever had if you're careful."
"Ideals lead you into a better life; that's the whole point of an ideal."
"Being organized can have a dramatically beneficial effect on your life."
"Therapy can also help you learn positive coping skills, how to set boundaries, and how to live an all-around happier life."
"Let's help people with their lives, not just their health or income."
"Once you become financially literate, your whole life changes."
"You are going to start to see the upswing of life... the beginning of a new beginning coming for you."
"It's a game changer. I just don't think people understand how much better your life will be."
"When you take on the deliberate commitment to change how you think to change it for the better, your life will change."
"A lot of people will be better off if the question of high inflation is not part of their lives."
"If you haven't read my latest book, Balance, if you don't have it in your life, you're missing out. It's changing lives all over the world."
"I'm giving you some of my beautiful blessings to take place in your life."
"When you change the way you think, it's going to change the way you live."
"We want to enable everyone to become more secure and live a richer and more prosperous life."
"We all could just use a little bit more time."
"It transformed my life better than anything... I put meditation up there with learning how to eat healthy and learning how to read."
"I feel like the second we got together is when I fully started to get my life back on track."
"It's scary to follow (guidance) but if you get in the habit of following, pretty soon you realize, okay, if I follow this guidance, my life is gonna get better than I can imagine."
"Life's been so nice, spectacular. Last time I was on here, I didn't have my license, and now I got my license."
"Important things that are quite unexpected can really change your life for the better."
"The Kindle is one of the three things that I say is a genuinely life-changing piece of tech."
"The role of technology is to create devices that make life better. It gives us more leisure time and is supposed to make us happier."
"When you make them changes, you're going to really start seeing your life just in a whole different way that you probably couldn't even imagine like two years ago."
"Life is much better now, drastically from three years ago when I began counseling."
"By following these techniques and starting to implement these in your life, you're going to save money, save time, and really save a lot of your scarce resources."
"Finding a partner... life just gets better and better over time."
"Prioritizing well enough to actually improve your life requires that you follow some sort of prioritization method or a framework and stick to it regularly."
"Over the past decade, it's done amazing things for my life, has done amazing things for the world. I'm definitely grateful for all of that."
"I am struggling less. There is less disorder in my life... it's now like this."
"If a man's going to have purpose in his life, something that he's passionate about, something that he loves, something that's gonna better his life, something that when I wake up in the morning, the first thing is on my mind is this love of mine."
"Sleep has been life-changing. Going to bed early has been life-changing."
"I'm trying my hardest for me. I joined this partnership; both people contribute different things to life to make it better together than it would be separate."
"Every year at the end of the year, you reliably hear people say things like, 'This year went so fast; what did I even do this year? This year has flown by.' And I'd be like, that's a sign that you could do next year even better. Your job is to make your years as memorable, as interesting, as moment-filled as possible."
"One of the best ways that you can use money to buy happiness is by eliminating the things that you find unpalatable."
"Life had never been this good to me, and poverty was long gone."
"My values changed and my morality changed and my character changed and my priorities and my relationships and my worldview and my philosophy and my parenting and our marriage. All these things over time began to change for the good."
"If you are constantly seeking opportunity and taking advantage of opportunity, your life will be so much better and so much happier."
"By changing how you think, how you feel, and how you act, your whole entire life will begin to change."
"Let go of old patterns, let shift and change what needs to change in your life, situations, beliefs, circumstances, relationships, whatever needs to shift and change."
"I'm so happy that you were able to help me out, and I'm so happy that I'll be able to live a life that I always have admired to."
"We should remember that stories are tools we invented to make our life better."
"Capitalism has been credited over the centuries with saving 700 million plus lives."
"Big transitions are ensuing, big inner and unreal actual physical shifts are going down, and when the dust finally settles, you're going to say, 'Oh my God, I cannot believe how my life is becoming.'"
"Your life is going to be so much better through this process."
"Happy surprises that take you by surprise and make your life better."
"It's astonishing how many people have created wonderful lives with an idea that was completely outside anything they'd ever done before."
"If you do the hard things in life, life somehow gets a little bit easier."
"Maybe I lost a fight physically, but to me, I won spiritually and after that, my life was great."
"You are here to make life better for as many beings as you can."
"We create systems to solve problems that lead to better outcomes in all domains of life."
"You can only change your life if you change from the inside out."
"My ability to focus on life has increased incredibly."
"Technology has the power to make everyone's lives better."
"If you make your environment better, you can make your life better, and everybody around you, their life will get better."
"Truth of God is the message that God placed in the Earth not only to reprimand the human family but to fix what is broken in our life."
"Yeah, but now we're making money and making a difference in people's lives."
"Granted, my methods may have been somewhat unorthodox, but I think the end result will be a measurable enhancement to Penny's quality of life."
"We should be able to acknowledge that yeah, losing weight is a very virtuous thing that's going to really improve your quality of life."
"If you get this one, you start to believe that life could be okay."
"If you're in desperate straits, if your life is falling apart, if you're nihilistic and miserable, and maybe you have your bloody reasons because maybe you do, that's still the case that if you step outside yourself and you try to make the lives of other people better, that's the best possible thing that you can do for yourself."
"If you can get out of that toxic feedback loop, that's the beginning of improving your life."
"Spending the 21 minutes a year it takes to follow our procedure is perhaps the single best investment you will ever make in the quality of your life."
"Master those deeper things and it'll unfold in every aspect of your life."
"It's about building a life that's fun, finding a community that you enjoy doing, helping yourself learn about your behaviors and what controls your behaviors and your emotions so that you can start acting in a way that's aligned with your values."
"My report card improved... life was getting better."
"For a lot of homeless people, they probably need a place to stay before they can get the rest of their life together."
"The ability to improve someone's livelihood... and make that significantly better, not just change the materials, but radically rethink it, was an amazing experience."
"Once you get off [the comparison train], you're going to be feeling so much better in your life because you don't have some false illusion that you're chasing."
"I genuinely have just had a better life, a better outlook, I feel so much better every single day, and I want that for all of you."
"Sometimes the smallest changes can make the freaking biggest changes in your life."
"Lifting weights, especially compound lifts... it's gonna change your life."
"It reinforces the message that there's never a point where it's too late to turn back, to reconcile, and to try and make your actions right and your life better."
"I'm proud of all the policies that we have introduced that have been improving people's lives." - Prime Minister
"Every time I hit that upload button, I immediately think of like two or three things I wish I added to the video. Oh yeah."
"Lead to some very positive outcomes in men's lives."
"Once you are on a spiritual path, it gets better."
"Having great sex and having great relationships and having a great romantic relationship will improve every area of your life."
"Providing gender-affirming care reduces gender dysphoria and saves lives."
"These are just things that have worked in my life... if it helps one person then we made a good video."
"That's the reality that you can change your life by how you think."
"Having a really great wife makes life so much better."
"The person who has the healing is not talking about the healing, what they're talking about is how amazing they feel."
"When you change, everything changes around you."
"It may help you function in a more healthy manner in your life and in your healthy relationships."
"Change your circumstances by changing your attitude."
"Feeling good is the unlock to so many other aspects of our lives."
"Deleting my Twitter account has been an enormously positive change in my life."
"Luck is a synchronicity often in your life, so I want to help you open up those synchronicities."
"But I actually mean it. These are cat hacks that can not necessarily save your life, but some of them could save your cat's lives, and they will definitely make your life better."
"No matter how you spin it there's the immutable fact that 1 000 people just had their lives improved for the better."
"How I got here is I had to change my mindset."
"You'll find the missing puzzle piece to your life."
"Ultimately, it turned out for me to be the best thing in the world."
"If I would have been able to play this when I was this age, this would have made life easier for me."
"Ultimately, policies are going to improve your life."
"Imagine what it would be like if you were free from relationship issues, family problems, monetary concerns, and the like."
"If you don't like where you are, you gotta change something."
"Take it from me, somebody who survived it, and know that life gets so much better."
"This is something I think will make everybody's life better."
"Anyone can learn from these people, these are the world's greatest people and you can apply it to your own life."
"It's such a great turnaround for him from what sounded like a pretty miserable situation."
"Everything in my life has just increased since I stopped."
"If life were more like video games it would be better."
"The takeaway here is to intentionally create more of these moments and your life will genuinely get better."
"We're interested in restoring movement and communication, helping improve lives."
"Creating a daily routine, a morning routine, a wellness practice, has been one of the most important things I have done for my life."
"Willingness to move is a good sign that you are willing to make your life better."
"Welcome to Pretty Basic Therapy. Professional. Changing lives."
"You always make my life better... giving me that encouragement, giving me a purpose."
"If you start there I promise you your life will be better and that's the only thing that I started to do in my life that made the biggest effect and the biggest difference in my life."
"It's going to be life-changing, remarkable, the entry and the beginning of a very successful time in your life."
"If you don't make a necessary change, nobody else is going to do it for you."
"If you leave this world better than when you came into it then you actually made a difference."
"What we're talking about is telling the truth, admitting that we're wrong, trying to move forward one step at a time. And people are going, 'Yeah, that's a good idea.' And then they do it and they notice that it makes their life better."
"People have always looked for ways to make life easier."
"If you have more confidence in yourself, there's only one way your life is gonna get, and it's going up."
"Continue to learn. If you can become financially literate and gain knowledge, it changes everything big time."
"I mean like I actually do have clarity in my life today and that's a good thing."
"Do something that's going to improve the quality of your life."
"The best revenge is when your life ends up better than the person that hurts you, and you don't have to do anything."
"It was time for an upgrade; it's definitely been an improvement in quality of life."
"You wake up the next day a new man, you'll be out mowing your lawn and cleaning the gutters and paint your house and it's like a 99% fix."
"Life has gotten really good all of a sudden."
"I actually think having an assistant is the most life-changing thing that I have ever done for my career."
"All you gotta do to fix that life of yours is one thing: make a promise and [__] keep it."
"Under-promise over-deliver. Your life will be a lot better."
"Your pursuit of a better life does not stop."
"When I learned how to re-regulate my brain whenever I needed to then I could start to rehabilitate every part of my life that had been damaged."
"Don't fear getting older, gentlemen. It gets better in life."
"Your life is going to feel so much better, you're going to feel so much more in control."
"I've had a pretty hard life, man. Pretty hard life. But here I am, my life is not as hard as it used to be, and that is a direct result of me getting clean."
"Going from absolute worst to absolute best. And so if your life or whatever part of your life is tracking with Venus, that part is going to improve significantly."
"Unless you're tickety-boo in your life, start looking at where the problems are."
"True Godly wisdom is relevant, it's practical, it improves life."
"Whatever good does come out this time, it's here to help you."
"My worst day sober is better than my best day drinking."
"Being sober is just a much easier, more effective life for me."
"Education is key. It opens the windows of opportunities."
"I have a life beyond my wildest dreams and that is all as a result of my sobriety."
"To change the reality of our experiences and ultimately the reality of our lives, we simply only have to change ourselves."
"We're helping people make better decisions in life."
"You don't live your life so you can be in great shape. You get into great shape so you can improve your life."
"When you get it, you're going to be able to use it to improve your life tomorrow, right? No waiting for anything."
"I tried to pay your loans off, bring your credit score up, change your life, and get you home safe every night."
"Love you guys so much. Share this show with the world to help change everybody else's life as well."
"Life does get better, and I'm a living testament to that."
"Many people's lives are drastically changed for the better because of what religion can offer."
"Good things can happen for you. A lot of the times you could actually really have a better life, but you're not receiving it well."
"Life gets easier the clarity it gets smoother the anxiety reduces it's so worth that initial investment."
"This full moon is about buying solutions to a better life instead of buying excitement which you think is stimulating but it actually doesn't have value."
"It's time to start asking the questions...to determine if something is actually going to add value to your life."