
Health Maintenance Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"DNA repair is part of the process of remaining healthy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"As you get older, exercise becomes more, not less, important for maintaining your health."
"Ensuring a balanced diet with adequate protein, calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 is essential for maintaining health, especially during significant life changes like menopause."
"Health cannot be sacrificed, because it is your health that keeps you there and allows you to stay in the game."
"Sounds terrifying? Well, so is going to the dentist, but you should still do it."
"In order to keep the body in good condition, we gradually have to recognize that it is an instrument, the body is not here for its own sake alone, it is here to serve as an instrument for something else."
"You maintain your good health through a positive attitude, proper nutrition, daily physical activity, and by avoiding harmful substances."
"Taking care of your immune system is for life, it's not just for Covid...Immunity is really entwined with how we age."
"Aging and the immune system, I think this is something where a good diet and trying to keep yourself healthy is going to help your immune system."
"You have it in you; you've just got to give your body the raw materials and the supplies that it needs every single day."
"If we can keep our bodies healthy, have our body fight cancer, have our body stay healthy... That's why we're here."
"We know that when it comes to blood pressure, if it weren't for the outside influences of diet and lifestyle, actually, we could maintain a pretty low and healthy blood pressure throughout our whole lives."
"Keep your weight down, eat the right foods, your genetic material stays young."
"I've been taking really good care of my oral care and so I just want to keep that up."
"It's like a routine check-up for your body and everything."
"The real Crux of all of this is maintaining a healthy balanced lifestyle over time."
"Maintain what you're doing, make sure it's clean for some weeks longer, maybe a few more months, and then you'll see the blood sugar will come down."
"A completely plant-based diet is actually a great way not just to lose weight but to keep it off."
"I'm literally just sitting back, you know, taking care of my body, doing the best I can on my end."
"Thirty minutes of exercise is enough to see improvements and keep you fit and healthy."
"You can do something fairly basic that will maintain where you're at."
"Exercise is still necessary for long-term health."
"Stay on top of your health. Get regular check-ups."
"Don't feel compelled to use more ingredients, especially if your skin is looking healthy and you're not having any problems."
"Recovery is just as important as the workout itself - whether it's stretching, rolling out, or an Epsom salt bath."
"All great athletes have one thing in common: they take care of their bodies."
"That would be the equivalent of saying, you know what, I feel pretty fit right now, I've been working out three, four days a week so because I'm fit now, I don't need to work out anymore."
"Exercise, the right kind of exercise, strength training and your cardiovascular fitness are medicines just like food is medicine."
"Getting enough fuel in the tank is essential for both physical and mental health."
"Most of us really need to pay attention to what it means to have a human body and to take care of it."
"Get enough sleep to avoid negative impacts on your health and weight loss."
"Jane Fonda remains an icon of resilience, determination, and continuous effort in maintaining health and vitality in every stage of life."
"500 milligrams of curcumin c3 complex is more than sufficient to keep c-reactive protein levels homocysteine levels and the overall systemic inflammation as low as possible."
"Skin care and the health of your skin is so important to maintain in your late 20s and Beyond."
"The sustained feeling of energy... keeps me healthy."
"Increase your water intake and bring your calories back down to maintenance level."
"It allows the body to clean itself up so you can stay healthy for the long term."
"Limiting sugar, screen time, vices, sedentary lifestyle, and isolation maintain your hotness."
"If I have the energy I want, if I'm maintaining muscle mass without any effort, if I'm never sick and if I'm not hungry then what's the problem with how I eat?"
"Routine visits to your gynecologist are crucial."
"The brain just like the body requires some intensive work just for maintenance."
"It's a package deal, right? I mean it's holistic medicine right, you have to attend to the fuel that's going into the automobile as well as attend to tuning it up."
"The most important work of the healing system is to keep you in relatively good states of health most of the time, despite all of the forces and pressures that are out there pushing you in the direction of illness."
"Health: your body functions at an optimal level or close to it."
"Stay in the gym, keep your feminine shape together."
"AG1 day 60 update: it makes me feel slightly better 100% of the time."
"If we can keep our biomarkers in line... we will reduce the odds of getting... different diseases."
"Taking care of our body and mitochondria for optimal cell function and longevity."
"Eating more protein crucial for those over 40 to combat muscle wasting and maintain metabolic health."
"You can't control wrinkles on your face but yes you can stay in moderate healthy shape."
"Strengthen up my core and just continue to be healthy and fit."
"Do your yearly physical... there might be something internally causing your hair to either break off, fall out, or not grow."
"Maintain your nitric oxide production and action."
"We are going to mess up sometimes, but it's good to clean your body at least once per year."
"Studies have recently shown that there's often a decline in muscle mass as we age, our vision, and our balance."
"But it's so crucial to making sure your body stays healthy, circulation stays great, your mobility stays great."
"Once I really focused on getting lots of vegetables every single day, I was able to maintain."
"Exercise for 30 minutes daily to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of chronic illness."
"Maximizing the healthy periods of life, maintaining function, that's really what's important to most of us."
"I'm getting older, guys, getting on a bit, so I think I would just like to be looking after myself as best I can."
"There's so much that can be done to maintain your body."
"They will keep you in good health and cut down your cholesterol level at home if you are suffering from cholesterol level and drinking natural tea."
"It's learning that there's a method to take care of yourself and there's a method to kind of stay well."
"Look after your health from day one."
"Regular exercise is so important for maintaining your testosterone levels that it might even be more important than your diet."
"Take care of your blood sugar, take care of your blood vessels, and you will live long."
"Focus on your nutrition, focus on your supplements, focus on your weight training two to three times a week minimum."
"The mobility of the spine is what keeps the plaque from building up."
"Continuing your walking activities is very important."
"Microbiomes help us maintain a healthy state; they can cause disease when they become unbalanced."
"If you do all the right things, take care of your body, sleep well, recover well... you'll be fine."
"The best way to maintain your ideal weight is a combination of a healthy balanced diet and plenty of exercise."
"We've only opened a tiny bit of the door, and this talk was very much about slowing down the path of time by how you look after your body internally."
"People were encouraged to add carbohydrates or fat up to a level that was sustainable forever but still as low as possible."
"The Tibetan medicine plays a very important role in the maintenance of the health."
"It's been a rough year and I am so happy to be at a place where I am able to maintain my level of health."
"The goal is to stay as well as possible and to protect the kidney function you have for as long as possible."
"That relatively small amount makes a big difference in terms of health maintenance and cancer prevention."
"The habits of health is how you're gonna keep the weight off and become the best and get to the best health you've ever been in."
"How can we best maintain our health that also leads us to that good body composition that leanness?"
"If you treat your body right and you don't act like general population, you don't become obese, you don't smoke, you don't eat too much processed foods... your testosterone levels are not going to decline."
"It is much easier to stay healthy than to try to get healthy once you're sick."
"If we look after our health, it helps the body look after us."
"When fitness is a lifestyle, the milestones or the goals are secondary to maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle."
"The more we can stay active into our years, we will have an increase or a leveling out of this activity, this function."