
Lifespan Quotes

There are 440 quotes

"From the time we're born, until the time we die, there's a constant repair of our proteins in our cells."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Light can actually change the genes that the cells of your bodies express. And that is true throughout the lifespan."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The more spikes you have, the faster you die."
"The United States spends more on healthcare then the next 10 top spending countries combined, yet we have the most disease and the shortest lifespan of all industrialized nations."
"So if you imagine this drug slows down aging... But if you start 90% of the way through your life, you might live 1% longer."
"It's not necessarily the length of time we spend here on the planet, but the quality of that time."
"We want to extend health span rather than just lifespan."
"The length of your breath is the length of your life."
"You've got 60 years to put yourself together, and God only knows what you could become."
"Exercise is in a league of its own in terms of its potential on the lifespan axis and the health span side."
"Eating too many ultra-processed foods could shorten your lifespan."
"Eating them too often could be taking years off your life."
"If you make a few changes, you can add seven years to your health span, not just your lifespan."
"Your reality is good enough for about 80 years."
"Lobsters... their lifespan is technically indefinite because if nothing eats them, they can just keep going."
"The shorter you sleep, the shorter your life... You can sleep when you're dead is mortally unwise advice."
"Many animals thrive in captivity; in fact, a study published in Scientific Reports stated that up to 80 percent of mammals live longer in captivity than in the wild. However, orcas aren't so lucky."
"All corals, except for plate corals, will continue to grow until something kills them."
"It's no wonder that during the Middle Ages, most people were lucky to live past their 40th birthday."
"You're left with about 13,000 days into which you have to cram all of the people you'll ever know, all of the love, the joy, the pain, the laughter, and internet memes."
"Only 38% of Voters think Biden will be alive at the end of his second term."
"Life spans were eight hundred nine hundred a thousand years... it's our misunderstanding... we are a fallen race."
"It may be that the decline we see in our bodies from age 50 to 80 maybe that would happen between age a hundred and 150 and 200 for example."
"The concept car... not one element of the vehicle would need to be added or subtracted in its estimated lifespan."
"85 years in a man's life, it's to help assure our very threatened future survival."
"Twenty years is a substantial chunk of your life."
"If you told me I'd die at 50 but I'll be a premier league footballer or live 100 or 1950."
"An Aldabra tortoise...died at 250 years old...age was unconcerned."
"Imagine a world where your lifespan isn't a mystery."
"Most of us have already spent 2/3 of our life before answering those two questions."
"You know if a dog lives for eight years they're going to remember two apples."
"He lived a good long life, you know, 84. I hope I make it to 84, not sure if I'm gonna or not, but goodbye Terrence." - YouTuber
"Jesus was a human... He was divided, but he was expressed as in his thirty-three years on earth as a human being."
"Viral videos have a pretty short lifespan, but those peaks are what make them viral."
"Life quality counts so much more than life years. Health span versus lifespan, absolutely."
"If they live many times longer than the average lifespan, then your claim is supported."
"If you're really morbidly obese, you're not going to make it to old age."
"The lifespan of a fiat currency is only averaged out at about 47 years or so."
"Using that recommended CDC amount of seven to nine hours of sleep, there is a simple fact: firstly across the lifespan which is the shorter your sleep, the shorter your life."
"Your cardiovascular fitness is a predictor of lifespan."
"Modern medicine's limited role in increasing lifespan."
"Assuming that a hard drive has not suffered early death it still remains a piece of precision engineering that will eventually fail."
"It's a living creature, don't flies have a lifespan of 25 years...?"
"What could be more indicative of a failure of American's institutions than its citizenry having less and less time on this earth?"
"God's Son begins his ministry at 30 and dies at 33."
"If you're eating yourself up, if you're constantly aggravated, you're gonna live a shorter period of time."
"Our lifespan is how long we live; biological age is really how long how much aging our bodies have endured."
"He made it to 92. So that's a pretty darn good run."
"You're only alive for so long. If you try to figure everything out by yourself, you're going to be a lifetime fumbler."
"The deeper the breath, the more the life. The shorter the breath, the less the life."
"Don't get a bird. Awful things. They're so loud and they live forever." - Ted
"Life is a temporary issue, isn't it? It only lasts 80, 90 odd years."
"I'd rather live a shorter life that is Happy than a longer life that is miserable."
"Wooden pickaxe after mining three cobblestones: 'My time has come.'"
"He's lived a full life, how old was he? Um, 16, that's very full, very long for a Cavalier sometimes seven, I have no idea, 70 something."
"Non-alcoholic red wine was better than ordinary wine in promoting lifespan."
"Why? Because I was me when I was born, and I would be me when I die, okay?"
"Elephants live a very long time... and some people actually think that the fact that they have really good memory is one of the factors."
"You guys are meant to live at least two lifetimes within this life."
"The high mass stars live their lives faster; they burn their candle at both ends."
"I call these evergreen videos, they have a long lifespan."
"The life span of a person with MS is generally about on the average only a few years shorter than the normal life span of a typical American."
"The big stars have shorter lifetimes, and the small stars have longer lifetimes."
"Sid Godley died in June 1957, aged 67."
"You grow in confidence over your lifespan."
"Could you imagine life being over at 37 and you don't die until 80."
"Human beings don't live too long, it's like every like bugs like trees like certain certain flies at least for only three hours."
"They aren't good forever. You can't just buy them and just fly them forever. Robinson in particular, they are limited to 2,200 flight hours or 12 years on the calendar from manufacture."
"You could potentially father a child until the day you die."
"Buildings are built to be torn down within maybe 10 or 20 years."
"More important than our lifespan is our health span, which is the portion of Our Lives spent without any disease or disability."
"There's a curious thing I point out in the book about bats so bats are about the same size or even some of them are even smaller than mice and yet they live you know a bat has lived for 40 years."
"I don't think anyone has solved the problem of keeping lifespan fixed but keeping the healthy part extending the healthy part usually both of them get extended."
"Their lifespan is a fraction of Earth's people, roughly around 9 months. Because of this, they cycle through leaders at a very rapid pace."
"Higher levels of apob were associated with lower lifespan, heart disease, and stroke."
"I believe so and I think that they might come out of our next series of experiments where even where we have a negative result on lifespan, we will look at healthspan."
"Eating more plant-based proteins from Real Food extends human lifespan."
"The normal lifespan for humans should be between 97 and 107 years old."
"She's got a long way to go as far as her life is."
"How far can we slow aging? I'm gonna guess you're not in the 'we can reverse it' camp but how far can we slow it like can we start seeing the average life expectancy?"
"We all desire to be as well as possible for the span of time we are here."
"Ain't none of them lasting 10 years anymore unless you don't use them."
"You're one of those elves, and you're the type that doesn't want to live that long, huh?"
"It's not that you have to die in six months; you can live longer than that."
"Your eyebrows live for about 4 months. After that, you get new ones."
"Sharks lose their teeth continuously through their life. 10,000 teeth in a lifetime."
"Life that is given to us by the Stars by the Sun can barely sustain itself for a century."
"It has more than doubled the amount of time that you have left on Earth."
"Everyone has a shelf life, whether they're a finely tuned athlete, a surrogate mother, or a lady newsreader. Disc jockeys are no exceptions."
"I think women are so lucky. We have these chapters. We're living much longer fuller lives."
"When you say 24/7 for how long? Typically they're rated for anywhere from three to five years."
"Remember they only live a year and remember they're just coming in to find themselves for me I just I think that's actually so cute."
"There are toxicities with the treatment but on average people can have a longer lifespan and a relatively good health span while on these medications."
"If you think getting old is a bad thing for women, the human female can live three, maybe more, decades beyond her reproductive capacity."
"These parrots, they lived like 60, 70 years dude."
"Lifespan is essentially the length of your life, and a part of longevity is asking the question: can we extend that period of time?"
"The average lifespan of an empire in Earth's history is only about 250 years."
"Remember, if an organism cares a lot for its offspring, they're gonna probably have a longer lifespan."
"Emotional health can improve throughout the lifespan."
"Does rapamycin slow aging, increase lifespan, improve multiple Health span metrics? That's the question we're aiming to answer."
"Health span is the number of years that you're healthy. Lifespan is the number of years you're alive."
"Ten years is really not a lot when you compare it to a whole lifetime."
"This yacht has an aluminum Hull so she has so many years left on her life."
"Old mice all die within a short period of time, young mice don't."
"Nothing causes the lifespan of a person to increase like his Good Deeds."
"Diets high in animal protein shortened lifespan, and diets higher in plant protein lengthened lifespan."
"We quote a 100 Year lifespan for these walls, but there are buildings where it's much longer. I think it's going to be much longer."
"I know rats were bred to be food, so I didn't even think I would even get the full two years with them [natural lifespan], but I got 3 and a half."
"The first person who's going to live to 200 is already alive."
"The life story of a star is too long for astronomers to see more than a tiny snapshot of it."
"NBA players and strippers have the same shelf life. They got the same shot, they got the same shelf life, and the same knee problems every one of them. Okay, so you better get it in while you can."
"The way that you know that your gun is near the end of its lifespan is when it's screaming."
"His lifespan covers properly an entire century, but it really covers two worlds as well because he's an old man in the age of photography, of the train, of everything else, and he was born in a very, very different world politically and socially and economically."
"You live in a health span half your life, and at some point, you cross over into the disease span."
"Thank you, Chat GPT, we finally got something here: The Blue Zones. So, only about 25% of the difference in lifespan between people, based on studies of identical twins, is to do with genetics."
"With proper care, and depending on the size and breed, your dog should live five to about 20 years."
"American men on average will live to 77.1 years, and American women 81.9."
"We know how to increase health span and lifespan."
"The sun was born about 5 billion years ago giving birth not only to itself but to the entire solar system we date earth back to about 4.6 billion years the sun is going to live another 5 billion years so we are exactly midway we're middle-aged."
"Tortoises are extremely long-lived and I know a lot of tortoise breeders actually have their tortoises in their will because these tortoises will outlive humans."
"It is the greatest predictor of lifespan."
"The average lithium battery is designed to do 4,000 cycles."
"Did you know that you're supposedly supposed to swap out your pillows every one to two years?"
"Given that we can rely on the internet, we can look at Pubmed. Do you think that we can't add 50 to the maximum human lifespan over the next 150 for you?"
"At Liger Town, by the time the compound reached the end of its life."
"We're really only here... humans are only really here for like what maybe we get to like 110 if you have a good life."
"Internet sensation got a two to three year lifespan I've been on the internet four years I had to find my way way to the stage where I was going to get stuck on the internet."
"it's observed in the data that the larger a species is the shorter its lifespan is in the fossil record"
"For 13 years the amount of life that he's lived you know."
"When it comes to Gothitelle’s interactions with their Trainers, they are able to see their lifespan and will cry as a result."
"...but if you charge batteries quickly it can reduce the life of the battery."
"So, if you increase the health span of someone, it's not only medical costs because this guy is going to travel and spend money traveling and buy gadgets and buy houses for his kids. You're increasing the value of the person's life."
"Longevity has two components: how do you increase lifespan, meaning how do you delay death, and how do you improve health span?"
"It had its lifespan, and that's great. It had its moment, and not everything's meant to last forever."
"I am really rooting for Maxine. I'm gonna look up what the lifespan of an alligator is."
"This Mission would not consume the remainder of my lifespan and leave me a chance to fight in a conflict that mattered."
"Striving to be big shortens lifespan."
"These trees are all watered and these trees will only live 25 years and then be ripped out and redone again."
"Men die 10 years earlier than women do."
"A child born today is expected to live about 90 years. Children born by the mid-century are expected to live at least 100 years. It's pretty good news."
"Animals overeat by 40 percent, so if we restrict calorie intake in rodents for their lifespan, basically we're just normalizing them."
"To stay awake all night adds a day to your life."
"If there's one thing I hope someone takes away from this book, it's how malleable their lifespan is and how malleable their health span is."
"Its lifespan has been extended by a few more years. If antiX keeps up the great work, it's likely that the hardware will die before the operating system becomes obsolete."
"I think that your lifespan on an install like this is probably between 50 and 75 years."
"Taking a different view, the average electrolytic filter cap used in a guitar amplifier lasts 15 years or so."
"timber rattlesnakes can live to over 50 years old"
"The shortest living animal in the world is the mayfly. It lives for 24 hours."
"Daf-16, FoxO, the transcription factor, is actually a really important regulator of lifespan."
"You can get them to live long by changing other genes."
"All of these genes here and more are needed for the long lifespan of the death 2 mutant."
"So these animals have extremely different lifespans in spite of the fact that they're about the same size and even if they're living in the same place they have very different lifespans."
"Yes, we do hope to live to 200 years and beyond."
"Dogs do not live long enough on this Earth. They are on this Earth for such a short time, and it upsets me even thinking about it."
"So I think it's really important for people to understand that there's a lot we can do throughout our lifespan."
"Every day is as long as a life age on the earth."
"We have the capacity to live to be 120."
"Executive functioning skills can continue to develop through the lifespan."
"Moses was 120 years old when he died."
"...as they were nearing 20 years old, closing in on their reliable service life."
"Corgis can live up to 15 years if they're taken care of right."
"A tiny fly's lifespan is one day, but for you, it's a whole lifetime."
"My wife jokes with me that, you know, I only have like two years left in this game barn."
"Greenland sharks have a very long lifespan - between 250 to 500 years."
"There's absolutely no reason why our remaining lifespan should go down. In other words, why we shouldn't carry on having the same amount of future ahead of us."
"For the first time since recorded time, our lifespan is now starting to decrease instead of increase because of obesity."
"Every time they say that they hate each other, five years are added on to my lifespan I swear."
"Moderate reduction in red meat extends life."
"...once this one is eventually killed off because I'm not sure it's got that many years left."
"...even at 6 plus you got 16 years before it runs out."
"The brain is constantly changing throughout the lifespan."
"'Women are spending about a third, maybe even a little bit more, of their life as post-menopausal women.'"
"If there were scavenging attempts from Greenland sharks on this night, based on how long this species lives for, those individuals that did that would still be alive today."
"'Life expectancy up around 30 years over the past 100 years.'"
"Erikson thought that personality development occurs throughout the lifespan."
"The attachment bond with a primary caregiver was very powerful and continued throughout a person's life."
"Kiwi farms always had an expiration date."
"Music anthems have a lifespan of maybe a month, some might have a summer, just like a thing, but then they die and go to the graveyard and they're resurrected in stadiums and arenas like 20 years later."
"We have that set amount of time that God's giving us."
"Small mutations exist in all plants, perpetuating the life of an annual plant beyond its normal lifespan."
"Your life on earth, you're 70, 80 odd years if you have a good life."
"If your number one priority is lifespan, you probably don't want a Doberman."
"I say just by the time it got to the end of its life, I was kind of like."
"The days of our years are three score years and ten,"
"...these animals have the best potential for their lifespan."
"We all have on average 4,000 weeks to live."
"There exist times long before you were born and times long after you died."
"Begin to reckon his age not by years but by virtues; he lived long enough."
"Lifespan times heart rate doesn't change with size; it's the same for everybody."
"Stop using old, dangerous equipment. Treat gear like it has a usable life."
"They don't only live for two weeks, they live for 15 years."
"It seems strange that hypochondriacs who by definition worry yet have nothing wrong with them should enjoy shorter lifespans than the rest of us."
"The average life of an elephant is 60 years, and a man's is 72."
"Quality of life versus quantity of life."
"Power of attorney is only effective during the lifetime of the person who gave power of attorney."
"Bettas can live five to seven years if they're taken care of properly."
"She's more than double the average lifespan."
"If you're over the age of 30, you are alive before every single dog that is currently on Earth."
"The Sun is about four and a half billion years into its life of approximately 11 billion or 11 1/2 billion years."
"To see the four-dimensional self, I must see every cross-section or moment of your life from birth to death and see them all as coexisting."