
Cellular Health Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"From the time we're born, until the time we die, there's a constant repair of our proteins in our cells."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If your cells stay oxidatively stressed for long periods of time, there can be serious health consequences."
"Health is true beauty, and the only way to address health is not to be at the level of the stuff but to be at the level of the cell."
"Every cell in my body is functioning perfectly to keep me in a positive physical state."
"Emotional regulation is at the center of our potential let's call it, sprouting of healthy brain activity and connections, and also healthy cells throughout the body."
"Every cell of my body vibrates with energy and health."
"Fasting induces autophagy which helps to alleviate cellular senescence... linked with aging."
"Think of autophagy as cellular recycling, making every resource precious."
"Imagine every cell in your body rejuvenated like that."
"Chronic disease occurs when you don't have enough voltage to make new cells."
"When you drink water make sure that you're drinking purified alkaline energized water because that is what your cells or organs bathe in."
"Laughter reprograms the vibration of the cells."
"Hydration keeps your skin like the easiest way to explain it is that when your cells are hydrated they communicate with each other better."
"Heat shock proteins...protect proteins inside of your cells from aggregating and becoming misfolded."
"Exercise-induced lactate increases mitochondrial biogenesis in neurons."
"The thing is to make sure that we promote our cellular health by eating foods that build it up with things that are rich in lecithin, healthy fats, the right types of protein so that we can keep that cellular wall strong and keep the moisture in."
"It's like taking the trillions of cells in your body and cleaning them up, getting rid of the ones that are no longer serving you."
"Taking care of our body and mitochondria for optimal cell function and longevity."
"It's not just what you take, it's what actually gets delivered into the cells."
"Functional medicine is about what's wrong with the mitochondria."
"Anything that disrupts mitochondria is going to end up causing disease."
"If cells have enough healthy mitochondria, they actually will function properly."
"The variation is going to be your training gear for your cells to create the homeostasis in the cells."
"...if your cells are sick, you're sick. And so if you can start to heal your cell, you'll get well. I mean really, it's the key to all Health."
"The best way to prevent and also to treat diseases of aging and even damage like those damaged eyeballs in the mice is to keep cells young so that they know how to function optimally and take care of us."
"Quality control of mitochondria is mandatory for a properly balanced metabolism and to produce energy. Damaged mitochondria can lead to an accumulation of damage associated molecular patterns and various health issues."
"One of the prevailing ideas that I've heard is that NAD depletion is affecting aging within the cell."
"Torine is a potent antioxidant, it protects from mitochondrial dysfunction, modulates energy metabolism within cells, modulates genes to induce longevity, and inhibits cellular stress associated with Alzheimer's."
"Fisetin is a possible senolytic, a natural form that can kill senescent cells."
"Vitamin E protecting the integrity of every cell in your body strengthened the muscle of the heart."
"The herbs are protecting cells and allowing ourselves to recover from stress."
"If you don't generate enough energy, then the cells... you will lose myelin, you'll lose axons, and you'll have premature death of these neurons."
"When we continue to stack damage on top of damage, we are actually harming our mitochondria. These are our powerhouse cells."
"The more you get that greens into you and alkalize your body and feed your cells the better."
"They become much more resistant to all sorts of stresses in the environment but they also live longer."
"Just having cleaner, healthier cells is what you're saying."
"Scientists have come up with drugs that can remove these senescent cells while leaving the rest of the cells of the body intact."
"Urethan A promotes mitophagy and mitogenesis, cleaning up damaged mitochondria and making new ones."
"Restore the natural cellular activity that characterizes the baby skin."
"Cardiolipin is a molecule that primarily exists in the inner mitochondrial membranes."
"We suspect that autophagy, the process of clearing up junk within the cells, is activated and possibly also clearing bad cells."
"It is a positive stress that helps to boost your survival ability for all the cells."
"Methylene blue reduces those reactive oxygen species and therefore has the potential to protect cells against oxidative stress."
"Mitochondrial biogenesis is where the mitochondria replicate or increase in mass."
"More autophagy, more cellular recycling with a 48-hour fast."
"If all the cells maintain homeostasis, then the whole being will be at homeostasis."
"Fasting these long durations also improves the autophagy; it promotes cellular regeneration."
"Glutathione is the main cellular antioxidant, helping us protect against all the damage in our modern world."
"The more we can take care of our mitochondria and our cell membranes with the foods we eat, the better off we're going to be."
"You want tissues that grow like a young person, then you need to do things to get rid of your old cells."
"Autophagy is the process by which our cells get rid of damaged or unwanted parts and recycle them into new fuel or new proteins."
"Calcium prevents the cells in the colon from basically growing incorrectly and turning into polyps and then subsequently turning into cancerous polyp."
"What makes green tea a potential hero in kidney health is its ability to modulate the body's immune response and protect against cellular damage."
"Cells need also a correct balance of water both inside the cell itself as well as outside."
"If you want to get well, you have to heal the cell."
"When we are hydrated, our cells will have more energy, our cells will turn over quickly."
"Our cells will literally help us actually glow from a small micro level."
"...if you're clearing away damaged mitochondria... it causes mitochondrial biogenesis."
"As long as there's space in and around each and every cell, there's ease of transfer of nutrients into the cell as well as an ease of toxins pulled away from the cell."
"It's so good for your cellular structure and system."
"Autophagy during fasting periods is essential for maintaining cellular health and function."
"PQQ is also known to activate certain one and three which are involved in mitochondrial biogenesis."
"The prevention of free radical formation is a critical process necessary for cells to survive."
"This pathway gives us access to improving someone's cellular health and I think that is just so fundamental."
"Giving your cells the power to do what they're supposed to do gives you the power to be who you're supposed to be."